
--- Log opened Tue Oct 27 00:00:08 2015
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kanzurestreety: for context, this was something lkke a million mice03:09
streetyat the moment I'm not seeing how this system of pipes and valves would be anything other than a massive over-complication. How do you route the cleaning to each pvc tube cage? A million mice is certainly a lot so the processes you would need will be different to a conventional animal housing facility but I think there is a simpler approach that what you are contemplating.04:35
streetyTo house a million mice you probably need something less than 200 people, that's going to be the upper limit on the savings you could make with automation04:36
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JayDuggerGood morning. To house a million mice you need a million cats. Or one-tenth as many very hungry cats.06:45
kanzure200 people * $10/hour * 8 hours/day = $16k/day. this is equivalent to feeding cost of 5.8 million mice years.06:50
kanzurewait, i mean, a year of... er.06:51
kanzurea full year of employment at $16k/day could have otherwise paid for 5.8 million mice years for that year06:52
kanzurewait, this sounds wrong. mouse feed is not $1/day. it's supposed to be much less.06:53
JayDugger$1 per how many mice per day?06:58
kanzure$1/mouse-food-day. but real cost is probably half or less.07:01
JayDuggerDo lab mice have expensive diets? They can have expensive pedigrees.07:03
JayDuggerPerhaps that $1/mouse-food-day makes sense.07:04
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fennlabdiet 5001 rodent chow $40 for a 50lb bag08:19
fenn"contains high concentrations of methylmercury and a mixture of inorganic and organic arsenic compounds at a concentration 36 times the EPA-recommended level for drinking water"  great08:23
fenn"In an ongoing longevity study involving 2,400 mice, measured feeding is ~9% of total costs"  apparently measuring the amount of food eaten is expensive08:25
-!- jenelizabeth [~jenelizab@cpc76802-brmb10-2-0-cust399.1-3.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]08:31
kanzureyeah things i have seen say about 3-4 grams/mouse day08:31
fennwikipedia says 150g food per kg body weight so for a 25g mouse (a large mouse) 4g of food per day, or $2.57 per mouse year08:31
kanzureoh geeze i'm way off08:32
kanzureprolly cheaper to buy/mix food too08:33
kanzurei mean, cheaper than buying bagged branded crap08:33
fenni doubt it08:33
fennquora estimates the traditional cost to keep mice at "It's roughly a dollar a mouse a day. Perhaps half that if you don't need special caging.08:35
fennDivide by grad student stipend for the ratio.08:35
fennwhich is not encouraging as to the state of automation08:35
kanzureafaik none of this is typically automated08:36
fenn"When it comes to the price of mice, you pay more for defects. A mouse with arthritis runs close to $200; two pairs of epileptic mice can cost 10 times that."08:38
fennwow i'm in the wrong business08:38
kanzurejax labs has somewhat of a monopoly08:38
kanzurebecause researchers want to ensure they get the same strain08:38
kanzurekung fury's time hacking scene is the greatest hacking scene of all time08:40
fennwell this is a creative solution http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/73427243/Waikato-family-deliberately-stunts-disabled-daughters-growth08:56
poppingtonicomg how did i not know about kung fury08:59
-!- Aurelius_Work2 [~cpopell@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:04
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEkrWRHCDQU09:16
yoleauxHACKERMAN'S HACKING TUTORIALS - How To Hack Time - YouTube09:16
-!- nmz787_i [~ntmccork@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:30
nmz787_iugh, I hate waking up09:36
nmz787_iwhen are we curing sleep?09:36
nmz787_iactually i hate going to sleep and waking up09:36
nmz787_iI only recently realized I only 'like' waking up when I go to bed feeling so crappy (meaning it is super late), it is /relatively/ better feeling when I wake up09:37
fennmaybe you should take melatonin and/or modafinil09:38
kanzureprobably easier to get lucid dreaming plus exoskeleton, rather than not sleeping at all09:38
fennbecause sleep-fucking the mailman is better when you have superhuman strength09:39
kanzureare you a dog?09:39
fennwhen i dream09:39
fennmaybe i'm just a werewolf09:39
fennit would explain a lot09:40
nmz787_iis your mailman hot?09:40
fennit was just an example situation09:40
kanzurei am usually at 100% when i wake up09:41
kanzureother than needing a few moments for eye adjustment09:41
nmz787_iI usually feel like I could puke09:41
nmz787_isince I was a kid09:41
nmz787_imornings have always sucked ass09:41
kanzuredo you use an alarm?09:41
fenni noticed modafinil continues to work the next day so it's easier and faster to wake up09:42
nmz787_iyeah, but even if I sleep through it (which is usual, the alarm is more for my partner to wake up)09:42
nmz787_ialso getting to sleep is always way more drawn out than I want... like a good 15-90 minutes of just laying in bed09:42
kanzureone thing i've noticed is that i have fairly consistent mornings especially when i wake up for twenty or thirty minutes half-way through09:42
fennnausea is common symptom of low blood sugar or low blood pressure09:42
kanzurealthough i do notice i had a typo this morning ("lkke"), oops09:43
nmz787_iand sometimes I say fuck it and just get back up after an hour of waiting doing seemingly nothing (yeah yeah, my brain immune garbage pump is probably starting up)09:43
nmz787_iI've tried melatonin, it seemed inneffective, though I last tried it maybe 10 years ago09:43
nmz787_ibenzodiazapenes work reliably, but I never thought it would be healthy to take a consistent regime including them09:44
nmz787_ii feel like modafinil would affect my sleep, but I guess I don't really remember that being the case the few times I've tried it09:45
kanzureever gone to sleep study lab?09:45
kanzuresame question for fenn actually09:45
nmz787_ii do remember reading that it usually doesn't mess with sleep, at least as compared to amphetamines09:45
kanzurefwiw my sleep does not seem impaired by large quantities of amphetamine09:45
kanzurefenn: you should uh.. consider that.09:45
nmz787_ihmm, I think when I was a kid they might have monitored me at night once, but I feel like they only listened to me, maybe for breathing issues?09:45
nmz787_ikanzure: I actually stopped taking amphetamines in large part because I felt they were still too active at night (even if i'd taken them 12+ hours prior) and sleep was causing troubles with waking up and thus school, so I stopped taking them09:46
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nmz787_ibut who knows, since I still can't get to sleep 10 years later o09:47
paskyi typically need ~1-2 *hours* to wake up :( no matter what sleep phase i wake up at, with redshift the night before, experimented a lot09:47
kanzurenmz787_i: my results with amphetamine seem to be an outlier, so whatever09:47
nmz787_imaybe they warped my brain since they started shoving the pills down my throat at like, age 609:47
kanzurei sleep just fine on adderall. even naps.09:47
kanzurewell, naps make me feel terrible, but i'm capable of getting into a nap.09:48
maakuanyone here tried polyphasic sleep?09:48
kanzureof course09:49
kanzureeveryone tries that at some point09:49
nmz787_iI don't think I ever really tried it09:50
nmz787_iI guess I always must have internally scoffed 'how the hell will I get to sleep 10 times /more/ than I already do, when that already can take a long-ass time?'09:51
maakui haven't had a living situation that would let me try it09:51
maakubut i'm curious to see if it worked for anyone else, or if it's another instance of someone trolling on the internet09:52
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Aurelius_Work2I didn't bother trying polyphasic09:54
kanzuremaaku: didn't have useful results for me. but i wasn't trying to find the important variables, either.10:00
fennbiphasic (siesta/witching hour) is much more likely to work10:01
kanzurethis claims that knockout mice cost $100k/strain to generate, http://www.nih.gov/science/models/mouse/deltagenlexicon/NatureMedicine1105.pdf10:01
kanzurebut scienceexchange is selling 'em for like <$350010:01
kanzure(new strains, even)10:01
kanzurethis article claims that some mouse knockout facilities demand royalties on downstream products or discoveries resulting from using their purpose-specific/knockout mouse strain. hah.10:02
fennhow about "NO"10:03
maakufenn: biphasic is the natural state of human beings. quite a bit of knowledge about that10:03
fenneveryone i know who has tried the uberman sleep schedule said it didn't work10:04
fenni have occasionally done an "eversion" where instead of rotation completely around 24 hours i shifted by 12 hours by increasing siesta sleep and decreasing normal sleep10:08
fenni haven't looked at the long term patterns around that move though10:08
kanzurewhat you really need is a 10 hour "cryotherapy" nap10:10
fenntoo soon10:12
nmz787_ithere must be some way to have severly reduced mental capacity while staying awake and also getting the brain-cleanup stuff to happen10:25
nmz787_iI could, for example, clean up code stylings that don't conform to PEP8... not hard, but can be tedious10:26
maakunmz787_i: it's called sleepwalking10:26
nmz787_imore like sleep de-linting10:27
maakunmz787_i: no, i mean there is a clinical state of being active but mentally impaired while your brain de-toxes itself10:28
maakuit's called sleepwalking, and there are drugs to induce it10:28
nmz787_ihmm, what drugs?10:28
maakupeople do all sorts of things while 'sleepwalking'10:28
maaku(often things they regret later)10:28
nmz787_i/me damn, I never should have wrote that code while sleepwalking10:29
maakumore like damn, I shouldn't have had questionable sex while sleepwlaking10:29
nmz787_ino results for "induced sleepwalking for profit"10:31
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nmz787_ihmm, I'm not sure how to search for positive sleepwalking data/experiences.10:35
nmz787_i'sleepwalking for utility' etc, comes up with totally non-relevant links10:35
nmz787_iunless that means that there is no utility in sleepwalking10:36
nmz787_ior none that has heretofore been discovered10:36
kanzuretry "sleepwalking violence"10:36
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kanzureor sleep eating10:38
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fenn.wik dion mcgregor10:40
yoleaux"Dion McGregor (1922–1994) was an American songwriter known for talking in his sleep. An LP of his dream diatribes – The Dream World Of Dion McGregor (He Talks In His Sleep) – was released to minor acclaim by Decca Records in 1964." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dion_McGregor10:40
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X5av3mF1Hw10:40
yoleauxDion McGregor: The Mustard Battle - YouTube10:40
fennhmm i don't have that one10:41
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxc1ZoG9MIo10:43
yoleauxDion McGregor: The Operation - YouTube10:43
fennthey're not all so straightforward and logical10:44
kanzurenot sure i want transcripts of my dreams10:55
kanzurebut i'll be sure to hold on to a keyboard one of these nights10:56
kanzurenot sure how to stop myself from exiting vim though10:57
nmz787_ineed a burner device for the night11:03
nmz787_isomething that doesn't know your passwords and such11:03
kanzuredream bryan might be an even better hacker than wakeful bryan, so i dunno if that would stop me11:05
nmz787_ihuh, this is neat https://github.com/mame/quine-relay11:11
nmz787_i.wik quine(Computing)11:13
yoleaux"A quine is a non-empty computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output. The standard terms for these programs in the computability theory and computer science literature are "self-replicating programs", "self-reproducing programs", and "self-copying programs"." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)11:13
CaptHindsightkanzure: is this really something new to this industry?  http://datacenterfrontier.com/immersion-cooling-bitcoin/11:13
nmz787_i"Such an empty program, submitted as "the world's smallest self reproducing program", once won the "worst abuse of the rules" prize in the International Obfuscated C Code Contest."11:13
nmz787_iheheh http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2014/12/hollywood-technodrama.html11:23
yoleauxFrom the Canyon Edge: Hollywood Technodrama -- There's an App for that!11:24
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kanzureCaptHindsight: nah, not new, but lots of the big mining operations moved to where geothermal energy made cooling more convenient and easy...11:42
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:10
nmz787_ihi chris_9912:12
chris_99hey nmz787_i, how goes?12:12
nmz787_ialright, found out yesterday OSHpark12:13
nmz787_iOSHPark's fab didn't silkscreen my PCBs, so I am getting double12:14
nmz787_isince the non-silk screened are electrically correct12:14
chris_99heh cool, what's the PCB for12:14
nmz787_iphotodiode with a MOSFET and some amplifiers... for xray detection eventually (hopefully)12:16
chris_99neat :)12:17
chris_99i think i've decided i'm gonna try and implement the logic for the clock generation for the ADC+CCD, in an FPGA, so i'm gonna try and learn VHDL or Verilog12:18
nmz787_iyou gonna try for a delta sigma ADC too?12:19
nmz787_iidk how fast the system clock needs to be for that to get high enough rates12:20
nmz787_ichris_99: have you heard of myhdl... it is a Python library that also features python to VHDL or verilog12:20
chris_99nope i haven't, i'd like to learn a hardware definition language though i think12:21
nmz787_ithere is a #myhdl room, and the guy cfelton even showed me some automagic-ification scripts to interact with the vendor compier tools, so I basically did nothing to get an LED to blink12:21
nmz787_ichris_99: the thing is, Python is just as suitable as the other languages12:21
nmz787_ithe library just adds the appropriate decorators for HDL12:22
chris_99hmm, but python is really designed to be run on a processor12:22
nmz787_iwell HDL is also12:22
nmz787_ineither are directly suitable for FPGA netlist synthesis12:22
nmz787_iand not all HDL is synthesizable in general12:22
nmz787_ia lot of HDL is just there so you can write a simulator for your hardware side of things12:23
chris_99i'm not sure what you mean, VHDL etc, are designed to enable synthesis to FPGA etc.12:25
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nmz787_ithat was the intent originally, but then programmers forgot how to use other languages (or were EEs and were never taught other languages) so they extended those HDLs to include non-synthesizable code/techniques... specifically to enable test-benches12:31
chris_99oh gotcha12:32
nmz787_ifast forward 20-30 years and some FPGA programmer realized he could just add HDL features to python using decorators, and then wrote the simulator for the test-bench side of things, along with the Python to VHDL or Verilog converters12:32
nmz787_iso you can write most stuff in Python, test it, simulate it... convert to VHDL or Verilog, add other VHDL/verilog, test simulate more if you like, or go straight to FPGA synthess12:33
nmz787_ithey already had test code for my DE0-nano... so it was an easy experiment for me to try it out12:35
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nmz787_ithis was the automagifier that enabled the myhdl to also kickoff FPGA synthesis https://github.com/cfelton/rhea12:36
chris_99that was one fpga board i've looked at which looks pretty good12:36
nmz787_ioh, huh, he seems to have removed the purely blinky LED example, but added some more complex (including the sdram example that was developed via a GSOC project)12:37
chris_99i was looking at http://www.wvshare.com/product/CoreEP4CE6.htm but i'm gonna try writing the code first using Quartus to check it would fit12:39
nmz787_ichris_99: I think the main thing to look for in any FPGA board is probably a high purity oscillator12:41
nmz787_iI'm not familiar enough with PLLs to know how much they can drift and such... I assume jitter is low, but I'm not sure about it, and then yeah drift can be another issue12:42
chris_99hmm you wouldn't need something like an OCXO though right, as that would seem a bit overkill12:42
nmz787_iI was studying high purity clock generation a few years ago, but didn't get too invested in it12:43
nmz787_iI remember seeing oscillators in the ppb range for purity12:43
nmz787_iwhile most are in the ppm12:43
nmz787_i'cheap crystals'12:43
nmz787_ichris_99: there's also the zynq12:44
nmz787_iI think someone arduino-ized it12:44
chris_99yeah i've heard of them12:44
chris_99im assuming they're not cheap12:44
nmz787_ior I at least saw it on hackaday a few times recently12:44
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nmz787_ichris_99: this is something to watch out for in the future, says $55 (when it is released) https://www.crowdsupply.com/krtkl/snickerdoodle12:55
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nmz787_i$99 http://www.myirtech.com/list.asp?id=50213:05
nmz787_ihuh, and that has 96 LVDS pairs...13:05
chris_99doesn't the parallella13:05
chris_99have a zynq13:05
chris_99apparently it does13:06
nmz787_iah, that last one has at most 10% of the FPGA gates as the snickerdoodle13:07
nmz787_i(i think)13:07
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1045989413:07
yoleauxFDA Inspectors Call Theranos Blood Vial ‘Uncleared Medical Device’ | Hacker News13:07
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lake_looking for rcommendable sites selling Piracetam and have found sites but am wanting quality.any suggestions?13:29
nmz787_i'The Librarian of Congress has granted security researchers and others the right to inspect and modify the software in their cars and other vehicles, despite protests from vehicle manufacturers. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed the request for software access as part of the complex, triennial rulemaking process that determines exemptions from Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).'13:29
kanzurelake_: maybe http://www.coinrx.com/13:31
kanzurehm nevermind, they are dead13:31
lake_yep dead'13:31
nmz787_ikanzure: what is the easiest way to send someone bitcoin?13:31
nmz787_i(this week)13:31
nmz787_i(easiest way this week)13:32
kanzurea bitcoin transaction13:32
nmz787_iI mean practically to do that13:32
kanzureopen up your bitcoin client, make a bitcoin transaction and send the transaction to the bitcoin network13:32
nmz787_iCan I send them with a credit card?13:32
nmz787_iok, but what I am asking is what is the easiest way?13:33
nmz787_iI don't have a bitcoin client13:33
nmz787_iI don't know what exists13:33
kanzuredo you have any bitcoin?13:33
nmz787_iyou gave me 1 like 2 years ago13:33
nmz787_ibut I just have it written on some paper, or no, in a text file13:33
kanzureyou'll have to use a wallet like electrum, mycelium, coinbase.com, etc.13:33
nmz787_iand I have no idea how to split it and send just a small chunk13:34
kanzureyou can use coinbase.com to buy bitcoin using a credit card after you upload your passport and sign a blood oath13:34
kanzureyou want to use a wallet's "sweep" function to transfer it to a new address that the wallet controls13:34
nmz787_iI wonder if paypal likes me again13:34
nmz787_iand if they do bitcoin13:34
kanzureor you can manually construct a bitcoin transaction (just make sure to send the remainder/change back to yourself, otherwise you will lose money)13:34
kanzurepaypal does not transfer bitcoin at the moment13:34
kanzureelectrum works reasonably well13:35
kanzurecoinbase.com for a paypal-like experience13:35
nmz787_ihmm, electrum is a download thing?13:35
nmz787_iwhat about android apps?13:36
nmz787_ido those exist in any secure fashion?13:36
nmz787_ioh, I see some app called mycelium13:37
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lake_https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2012/04/how-to-buy-bitcoins-anonymously-in-the-us-instantly/   this might help, will look for others13:45
kanzurethere's generally no way to get instant bitcoin because of credit card chargeback risk (there's no chargebacks on the bitcoin network, so nobody is willing to risk that when selling you bitcoin)13:45
kanzurewhich makes purse.io even more strange13:47
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kanzurenmz787_i: coinbase.com is a web wallet and you can send by just typing an email address, then they do onboarding/signup for that new user. but web wallet has different security implications. degraded security in many cases.14:08
nmz787_isomeone told me to just use android bitcoin wallet and blockchain.info14:10
kanzuredon't use blockchain.info; their site displays wrong data, they frequently get things wrong, etc.14:11
kanzureandroid bitcoin wallet i'm not sure about, you'll have to snoop around on the interwebs to check that one out14:11
nmz787_ianyone here use this ? https://mosh.mit.edu/14:32
nmz787_ifenn: maybe? ^14:32
kanzuregmaxwell and maaku swear by mosh, but i seem to do pretty well with just ssh + tmux14:33
nmz787_isomeone is mentioning this in relation to mosh14:34
nmz787_i"Note that mosh-client receives an AES session key as an environment variable. If you are porting Mosh to a new operating system, please make sure that a running process's environment variables are not readable by other users."14:34
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maakunever used mosh, but heard good things about it15:14
maakui'm a dinosoar, i still use screen not tmux15:14
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fenn mosh looks pretty useful16:32
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kanzurelinks from #lesswrong logs http://hvgrx.net/lwlinkscount.txt17:58
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caternM-x sort-numeric-fields19:28
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nmz787_ikanzure: did you see this ? http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.013765220:03
yoleauxPLOS ONE: AQUA Cloning: A Versatile and Simple Enzyme-Free Cloning Approach20:03
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