
--- Log opened Thu Oct 29 00:00:10 2015
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kanzure"3% isn't shocking to me, in fact a number of studies of IV med administration have error rates narrowly on either side of 50% and serious error rates in the double digits. This report suggests that you're safer in surgery than elsewhere in the hospita"05:23
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streetyhalf of all IV meds are erroneously administered? what is considered to be an error in this situation?06:11
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CaptHindsightthey hire people that are willing to work for the least amount of pay06:34
CaptHindsightso they end up with nurses that barely passed the test06:34
kanzureand what about all that illegible handwriting, huh huh06:35
CaptHindsightIV meds, dialysis etc anywhere they have to be competent enough to read and press a few buttons06:36
CaptHindsightthey don't care, they don't even want to be there06:36
kanzuredialysis machines cost too much too06:36
CaptHindsightwhen the system is for-profit and run by a bunch of sociopaths what other outcome is expected?06:38
kanzuresociopaths really aren't that bad06:39
kanzureyou'll have to find another boogeyman, move along06:39
CaptHindsightlets talk in a few decades06:40
kanzurewont you be dead? :-)06:40
JayDuggerWow. I think set a new record for hitting ignore.06:41
kanzuretwo weeks?06:41
CaptHindsightkanzure: lets see how far you get06:41
kanzurewell played06:41
JayDuggerNo, that's the  theme of the conversationI just had with my boss.06:41
JayDuggerTwo lines. As in sat down at the terminal, read two lines of the log, and hit ignore.06:42
Aurelius_Workman, I prefer sociopaths I know are looking out for their own good (because you can incentivize sufficiently smart ones) to people who I know want to choose what's best for me against my will.06:42
CaptHindsightgood luck with that06:43
CaptHindsightthe problem is that they aren't looking out for themselves, unless by lookout you mean short term profit06:44
kanzureyou really think that's a byproduct of sociopathy?06:44
Aurelius_Workyeah, that's more the emergent product of a system with unfortunate interactions06:44
CaptHindsightwe'd have to define sociopathy first06:45
kanzure.wik sociopathy06:45
yoleaux"Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/), also known as—though sometimes distinguished from—sociopathy (/soʊsiˈɒpəθi/), is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociopathy06:45
Aurelius_Workand -apparently- (take this with a massive, massive grain of salt), 4% of CEOs are psychopaths vs 1% of genpop, so06:45
JayDuggerLet's rationalize envy, by all means.06:48
JayDuggerI doubt that statistic very much.06:49
CaptHindsightI bet it's 50.2% accurate06:49
Aurelius_Workhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20422644 apparently sourced from this--but again, skepticism suggested06:51
yoleauxCorporate psychopathy: Talking the walk. - PubMed - NCBI06:51
Aurelius_Work(not exactly a subject I care that much about)06:52
CaptHindsightwe need more corporate poetry06:53
CaptHindsightwell really the arts in general06:53
JayDuggerFair enough. The abstract didn't encourage me to reconsider my doubts.06:53
kuudespsychopathy has a confusor, where terms are unclear06:59
kuudesand there seems to be at least 1 mainstream school in psychlogy which defines psychopathy so that it is so strongly connected to low iq that it is really hard to connect it to success in corporations06:59
kuudesthere is also a relatively strong (layman?) school which purports the concept that leaders are psychopaths07:00
kuudesI think there may likely be a term mixup or something07:00
kuudesperhaps narcissism or something would be a better term?07:00
kuudesit seems really unlikely that there would be many iq <85 corporate leaders07:01
kuudesthis is somewhat similar to autism spectrum diseases, where there is folk psychology connection between very high iq and aspergers, even though this likely is false07:02
kuudesand may come up from the term confusion that "high iq" as a specific term in autism research is a term which means "iq > 85"07:02
kuudesso yeah, aspergers are "high iq autists", but that does not mean they have iq > 130, but iq > 8507:03
kuudesthen again, there is also the possibility that US and many other countries differ in these cases as well - it seems US has deeper amount of low iq performance than europe maybe, even though high iq prevalence may be same (or sometimes maybe even higher). but these are hard to say, as we still lack much of population level statistics on the matter07:05
CaptHindsightwhat percentage of psychologists think that they are studying science?07:08
justanotheruserprobably most the research psychologists07:10
kanzuresleeptypes.txt from yesterday has lots of "okay! we are ready arent' we. okay the first official meeting of new anime club is starting right now. we would all like to welcome our first new member, this guy. say hi to this guy. he comes from okinawa province and likes noodles. and he ha that super cute bb8 robot so that's pretty cool."07:10
kanzurebut wikipedia says there's no such thing as okinawa province07:11
CaptHindsightprovince, prefecture why argue over words?07:12
kanzureyeah okinawa does seem to exist, weird07:14
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JayDuggerwearable Hand tracking kickstarter, 40-60 ms latency seems high to me.07:33
kanzurei think my keyboard sometimes gets my keypresses at an 11-16 ms interval07:36
kanzurei think we need like 3-4 accelerometers per finger, then some touch/force sensors, and then some wrist flicking sensors and arm movement sensors.07:36
kanzurelots of degrees of freedom to abuse07:37
kanzurewait what's the claim for the origin of that latency?07:38
JayDuggerFrom their kickstarter page.08:01
JayDuggerMy 20 minute latency originates in my wife calling me.08:02
kanzureno i mean it's the data processing lag?08:47
kanzureor finger movement lag? can't be finger movement lag.08:47
-!- Houshalter [~Houshalte@oh-71-50-56-224.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:58
JayDuggerI misunderstood your question. I don't know the answer.09:07
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kanzure"Yes, some Deaf do sign in their sleep. My wife and I have both caught each other doing it. Very difficult to make any sense out of it though. (So, I reckon our secrets are safe.) Yes, sleep signing can and does occur in people who have learned ASL later in life."09:10
kuudesisn't it an anime trope for a person to be from okinawa (less urban, outsider) and eat (much) (noodles)?09:34
kanzurei wouldn't know09:35
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kanzurewiley.com sent out some spammy email today titled "Respecting your privacy" but really it's just promotional material for their retrosynthetic analysis software platform thingy (simbiosys)12:43
kanzurehow about if you cared about privacy you'd take my name out of your margins12:43
kanzuregoogle analytics now recommends their analytics-users install an http proxy so that ad blockers don't as-easily cause analytics-users to lose out on data https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1047357512:45
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:46
FourFireIQ 130 is pretty damn high13:01
FourFirewouldn't IQ >110 already be high IQ by GenPop standards?13:01
kanzurekuudes must be a member of the cult of iq worship13:03
kuudeswell, yeah, but the point is that there is folk misunderstanding that "high iq" -> aspergers which is false13:04
kuudessame for similar "high iq" -> negative thing X13:05
kuudesand then again http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2436765 etc13:07
kanzurei appreciate that you did not deny the iq worship claim13:07
kuudes"Are CEOs Born Leaders? Lessons from Traits of a Million Individuals"13:07
kuudes"CEOs have higher cognitive and non-cognitive ability scores and are taller than typical members of the population."13:07
kuudesI am not sure if I disagree or not with you kanzure, but I believe you in general have well founded opinions on many topics13:08
kanzurethere's a strong history of bias towards iq from the lesswrong direction, easier if i don't have to dig up evidence hehe13:09
kanzurenot sure what the focus is re: CEOs, why not COOs or CLOs or CTOs.13:09
kuudeswell ceos are easier to avail because they are just register drivers13:09
kuudeskeloharju and others have more papers on where they just cross link nordic military iq tests and population registry13:10
kuudeshttp://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/juhani.linnainmaa/IQandParticipation_JF2011.pdf is a major paper where they cross link some 6-7 population registry sources13:11
kuudesto get iq for each side of stock trade in helsinki stock exchange trades for some 10 years or so13:11
kanzurefor every stock trade?13:11
kanzureor, er, what?13:11
kuudesas there is conscription at that time in finland, so all male iq is known because otherwise you go to prisonj13:12
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kanzureiq or prison, tough choice for me13:12
kuudesand all stock trades are tracked by social security id to either person's own iq or their brother's or fathers iq13:12
kuudesand to their portfolio stats and tax stats and location stats etc13:13
kuudesand those are really not any samples but the whole population and tax registry13:13
kuudesthat is the most invasive population level study I have ever seen13:13
kuudeseven PIAAC falls short of that13:14
kuudesno voluntarism required - all data comes from mandatory sources13:14
kuudeshttp://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/juhani.linnainmaa/grinblatt-keloharju-linnainmaa_jfe2012_advance.pdf and http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/groups/finance/20130516%20IQFundChoice%20SSRN.pdf are from the same source iirc13:16
kuudesone finding was that around < iq 115 people make suboptimal choices and sort of in general cannot really be considered as rational investors. such is problematic, if 5/6 of population cannot really participate to stock markets or expected to so13:17
kanzurei'm pretty sure it would be impossible to prove that high iq correlates with being incapable of irrationality13:19
kanzureunless you have weak definitions of incapable i guess13:20
maakukuudes: you do know that iq merely tests your ability to take an iq test?13:20
kuudescan you rephrase that with lesser amount of multiple-negatives, kanzure?13:20
kuudesmaaku, you are welcome to go to an iq test and get max scores there...13:21
maakukuudes: you do know that people do exactly that?13:21
kuudesno, I do not know. do you?13:21
kanzureoften there's just a handful of variations you have to know for iq test taking, like the "shifting" methods and the "acceleration" methods13:23
maakuyes, it's basically the same as getting perfects on the SAT/ACT13:23
maakuentirely possible with sufficient effort13:23
kanzurere: without the multiple negatives.... "high iq does not prevent irrationality".13:24
kanzurewait, without13:24
kanzure"high iq does not ensure rationality"13:24
maakuyou know what sorts of questions are asked, what's being looked for, and you build yourself an internal expert system for categorizing questions and appropriate strategies for each13:25
kanzureand hten there's the somewhat more trivial visual rotation questions13:25
maakuthis is how, e.g., my friend who coaches students for the SAT is able to sit down for the test every single year and get a perfect score13:25
kuudeskanzure, I agree, that we currently don't yet have enough high iqs that the dysrationalities such as Kahnemann mentions could be clearly overcome13:26
FourFirekanzure, your statement and "ratiomality requires [higher than X] IQ are not mutually exclusive13:26
maakuFourFire: answer us what IQ is actually measuring and we can talk about that statement13:26
kuudesthe data seems to suggest that at least those tests that I have seen on rationality, could be overcome around iq 145 or higher, but prevalence of those iqs is currently still rather rare13:26
FourFirebut by IQ I usually mean G, except you can't really measure G13:26
kuudesmaaku, clearly there are many people who would like to get perfect score on SAT but don't seem to manage to13:27
FourFireunless anyone here knows of a better way to measure General intelligence than correlating from IQ?13:27
kuudesor do you claim that all people who don't score max SAT are just too lazy? :-o13:27
maakukuudes: you're missing the point -- what you do to get a perfect SAT is a systematic. it's a time consuming process, yes, but anyone can do it13:27
FourFire> laziness is an inherent personality trait13:27
FourFiremaaku, except those who can't13:28
kuudesI know only some 1/3 get in to medicine in my locale, and many people pay large amounts in prep school and try multiple years but don't get in13:28
kuudesmaaku, I disagree.13:28
kuudesthere are many people who cannot do basic addition13:28
maakuFourFire: unless you are being pedantic about genuine intellectual disabilities, you're asserting that without data13:28
kuudesand I have met people who cannot ever throw a ball13:28
FourFiremaaku, anecdata, my own.13:29
kuudesclearly those people have non-overcomeable problems re those tasks13:29
kuudesand it is not just that they are too lazy to learn13:29
kanzurerather bleak outlook on things; i think it would be easier and more useful to conclude that they probably have lousy teahers.13:29
kanzure*lousy teachers13:29
maakukuudes: you're conflating "someone can't do X now" with "someone is inherently incapable of doing X"13:29
FourFiremaaku, oh, if I use a charitable definition of "genuine intellectual disabilities" in order to save time, then you automatically exclude a bunch of the population for free13:29
kuudesI have taught people.13:29
kanzuremaaku: i have never benefited from knowing about iq13:30
FourFirewhat about those people you exclude13:30
kuudesbut yeah. this conversation likely does not bring much fruit to either party13:30
maakukanzure: that's the simple truth13:30
FourFiremaaku, not to mention that there are multiple areas you can have capability in (though G appears to be a general multiplier of capability in most/all areas)13:30
kuudesyou are too invested in your opinion that iq is zilch, and I am too invested into my opinion that iq is an useful measure.13:30
kuudesI am pessimistic of the usefulness of continuing this conversation to either of us, or the audience.13:31
maakuFourFire: G is nonsense, but I lack the stamina to debate this13:31
FourFiremaaku, "genuine intellectual disabilities" seems like a nonsensical term to me13:31
kuudespiaac is a main study on general aptitude, you may want to look into it. http://skills.oecd.org/OECD_Skills_Outlook_2013.pdf13:32
kanzurekuudes: what is pessimistic about not having found any utility about iq?13:32
FourFiremaaku, would you prefer to discuss "agency" or is that term nonsensical to you as well?13:32
kanzurekuudes: the utility of this conversation to you, the potential utility at least, is that you might be convinced that there are other more productive ways to investigate the human brain13:32
kuudeskanzure, what should we expect to gain with this dicussion?13:32
maakuFourFire: I would prefer people not think their limitations are inherent. as soon as you go down that road you case is helpless13:32
kanzurejust said13:33
kuudesI do not hold such true that holding that the general findings to psychometry false would be necessary to learn of human mind13:34
FourFiremaaku, my issue with what I think you are proposing is that you're basically saying "anyone can do [x intellectual feat] just so long as their agency is artificially inflated with the appropriate amount of conscientiousness/self-discipline/attention-span/work-ethic13:34
maaku"my IQ test score is 102. welp, guess I'm not a genius" OR "my IQ is 143, so shut up" <-- neither is useful, so what's the point?13:34
kuudesbut but.13:34
FourFiremy point is that some people cannot at present, and might never get enhancements to either or all of those qualities13:35
kuudesmm. indeed. I am off. it seems I am hungry and eating would be more utile for me.13:35
kuudesthank you, have a nice day! :)13:35
kanzurekuudes: there's a great deal we can do with neurosciene without thinking about iq, such as the development of microelectrode arrays, deep brain stimulation, remote brain stimulation, optogenetics, molecular tickertape recording at single-spike resolution (a recent favorite), voltage sensors for mri reporting, ultrasound contrast agents, genetic knockout, gene therapy, etc. etc.13:35
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FourFiremaaku, I am sympathetic to that viewpoint, but I'm as of yet undecided as to whether it is intellectually honest to delude myself into believing it.13:35
kanzuremost "intellectual feats" can be broken up into other sets of tasks, sort of like mapreduce13:36
maakuFourFire: given that there is zero, ZERO neurological evidence for IQ, g-factor, etc., I would say it is intellectually dishonest to believe in it, but whatevs13:36
kanzureyou can "believe" in whatever you want, but when you have to actually implement technology or build things or do things, i have no idea what the knowledge about iq is going to provide to you... it certainly doesn't tell you where to poke, which genes to poke, etc.13:37
kanzure"these 1200 genes are somewhat related but we have no idea" isn't really that helpful13:38
kanzureFourFire: would it surprise you to learn that my iq is 105?13:39
kanzurewell, that's not really fair i guess, that was random web test, and not the previous psychologist-conducted test result. but still.13:39
kanzuremaaku: what's the typical evolutionary pressure for modularity? we should just apply that to mouse brain and take whatever we can get out of that. instead of giant hunk of mass that has no discernable modules. i want blob of neurons that very clearly does working memory, and blob of neurons that very clearly does vision, with physical separation and stuff.13:42
fennthanks for the papers kuudes, i am interested in this topic and this is some amazing data13:43
kanzureyeah the papers were good13:44
kanzuredidn't know anyone did iq/stocks studies13:44
fennG is a statistical property, so it's not surprising that there is no neurological evidence for G itself13:44
kanzureright i thought that some of these were only applicable over large populations or something13:44
kanzure"applicable" for some meaning of "applicable"13:44
fenni mean G is "the thing that correlates best with all of these different tests of non-learned ability"13:45
fennand nobody has been able to come up with any tests of ability that don't also correlate with G13:45
fennfrankly i'm surprised this is a contentious point in here13:48
kanzurewhich point?13:49
fennthat IQ is an important thing to study13:49
fennit's the best performance test we have so far13:49
kanzurethe differences between iq 40 individuals and iq 90 individuals are really trivial in the scheme of things13:50
fennhow else are you supposed to measure progress though13:50
kanzuredepends on the goal- for example, monkey cognitive ability can be a very useful agi goal13:50
kanzurehuman brain matter and monkey brain matter is pretty similar13:51
fenni think IQ only applies to humans13:51
kanzureperformance tests don't seem likely to help with figuring out any of the interesting questions we have at the moment13:51
kanzures/questions/problems or goals13:51
kanzure"what is memory and how does it work and wtf?" and "working memory, wtf?" and "vision, wtf?"13:52
kanzurei should lay off on talking about vision; we actually have that one nailed down pretty well.13:52
fennyeah cross vision off the AI list13:52
kanzurewell, i mean neuroscience of vision at least13:52
fenn(things that are no longer considered AI)13:52
kanzureor at least, i mean, good theories that seem useful about the visual cortices13:53
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kanzurealthough you could, fairly, consider semantic object identification to be part of vision or something- like, being able to talk about what you see and identifying objects, which iirc is not a vision system function itself, but in any event if you were to include that then it's still a bunch of open problems in neuroscience13:54
kanzurewe have neural emulations of components of the vision system but not all of it13:54
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kanzurenot sure what the limitation of those recursive neural vector2word2vec things are.13:55
-!- QuadIngi is now known as FourFire13:55
fennhave you seen andrej karpathy's deep learning stuff that does scene descriptions?13:55
kanzureno. what is the format of a scene description?13:55
FourFirekanzure, no, it would not surprise me that your "IQ" as determined from a random web test was 10513:55
FourFiremy own sourced equally, is 103, or 10813:56
fennhttp://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2014/11/a-picture-is-worth-thousand-coherent.html Automatically captioned: “Two pizzas sitting on top of a stove top oven”13:56
FourFire(and a third which claimed 93)13:56
FourFireThe sum of capability, which I call Agency is much more important13:56
FourFireG is just a multiplier13:57
kanzurefenn: not sure why english output like that.13:57
fennbecause that's what they programmed it to do13:57
fenn"This kind of system could eventually help visually impaired people understand pictures, provide alternate text for images in parts of the world where mobile connections are slow, and make it easier for everyone to search on Google for images."13:57
kanzurei would rather something like, "okay here is the processed result, now query against it for typical questions like 'what is the scene', or 'what time of day is it'" instead of generating a summarizing sentence. but begger's can't be chosers. whatevs.13:58
kanzurethe natural language aspect seems unrelated and weird13:58
fennit uses two co-trained RNN's to both analyze the image and generate natural language13:59
fennpresumably these were both well worked out problems and the paper was just how to glue them together13:59
FourFirekanzure, Your agency, I rate as the highest of any trnashumanist I've yet met14:00
kanzurewhat's its iq >:314:00
FourFireso there's that14:00
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fennneed i bring up the perl IQ test taker software again14:00
kanzureyes actually14:02
kanzureseems like reasonable thing to bring up14:02
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fennum, well too bad14:04
fennthis is the perl iq test taker software: http://users.dsic.upv.es/~jorallo/iq/iq.html14:05
kanzurehopefully "highest agency transhumanist" is not "highest ageny human", because i would be v. disappointed14:07
fennthe paper "a computer program capable of passing iq tests" was mentioned at the same time http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
fennpersonally i think these chatbot things are a complete waste of time14:08
kanzureis that how you really feel about me14:09
fenni would be more interested in the iq score of a RNN trained on image/scene analysis14:09
kanzureoops wait where's gradstudentbot14:09
fenni mean stuff like the loebner prize and other turing test stuff14:10
fennthe fact that you can write a program that generates iq tests, and then write a program that solves the same iq tests, is not impressive at all14:11
kanzure.wik viterbi algorithm14:11
yoleaux"The Viterbi algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the most likely sequence of hidden states – called the Viterbi path – that results in a sequence of observed events, especially in the context of Markov information sources and hidden Markov models." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viterbi_algorithm14:11
kanzurexentrac suggests viterbi algorithm for keyboard typing misalignment fixup14:11
kanzure14:12 <+ucb> kanzure: is this for sleep typing? see how keyloggers do. There's some code out there where you can input roughly "positions" in a keyboard (by pressing keys) and it'll align them based on dictionaries for instance.14:13
fennyeah but what are they called14:13
kanzure14:13 <+ucb> sorry, not keyloggers14:13
kanzure14:13 <+kanzure> what are they called14:13
kanzure14:13 <+ucb> say you've gleaned at somebody typing a password14:13
kanzure14:13 <+ucb> and you remember roughly the spots on the keyboard14:14
kanzure14:14 <+kanzure> i just use my memory of a keyboard for that14:14
kanzure14:14 <+ucb> these things will generate a list of potential words based on these spots14:14
kanzuredoesn't know name14:15
FourFire"<maaku> FourFire: given that there is zero, ZERO neurological evidence for IQ, g-factor, etc., I would say it is intellectually dishonest to believe in it, but whatevs" do you mean to imply that there is no difference in cognitive ability between people besides "genuine intellectual disabilities"?14:19
FourFirebecause, sure, I share the transhumanist goal that everyone should be maximally enhanced14:19
FourFirebut that definition of disability is... slippery14:19
kanzureFourFire: there was someone in here that wanted forceful uploadng of everyone. "should be maximally enhanced" is difficult phrasing :-).14:19
maakuFourFire: sorry, I find this topic uninteresting and I'm sorry I engaged. I hope you can find more productive things to do than think about IQ and who has it.14:19
kanzure"smudge attacks"14:22
fennis that like a smear attack14:23
FourFire"<kanzure> hopefully "highest agency transhumanist" is not "highest ageny human", because i would be v. disappointed" of course not.14:25
kanzurewonder if anyone has tried to do als hand gesture capture during sleep14:25
FourFiretranhumanism as a movement has been terribly disappointing in reaching it's goals14:25
kanzureer not als, the other one14:25
FourFiremuch much more success has been reached by mass murderers who acquire significant political power14:26
FourFireand I'm not sure most of them even coordinate14:26
kanzureyes that one14:27
fennhard to do ASL with lou gehrig's disease :P14:27
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kanzureanother one http://www.ijicic.org/ijicic-10-09032.pdf14:29
kanzure"Password cracking based on special keyboard patterns" http://www.ijicic.org/ijicic-10-09032.pdf14:29
kanzurekey coordinates and keyboard euclid distance looks about right...14:30
fennhmmm euclid distance is the magic keyword14:31
fenni was calling it "typo distance" and lo and behold someone has written the program in the meanwhile: https://github.com/wsong/Typo-Distance14:32
kanzurehey that typogenerator looks like fun14:32
fennoh nm this only outputs a distance between two words and nothing else14:33
kanzureright, well, just generate typos from the input text, then pick the "typo" that is in the dictionary14:33
fenni don't think that would work because you'd have to randomly make letters_per_word typos of the same type in a row14:34
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kanzurewell maybe just do coordinate shifts and translations based on whether key is on right/left half of keyboard, pick whatever results happen to be in the dictionary14:36
kanzurea partially-interactive tool might be more useful because once you know the offset it seems to stick for the remainder of the sentence or something14:36
fennyeah and the "ciphertext" has a ton of typos anyway14:37
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kanzureer, i looked up sign language during sleep but not emg + throat during sleep?14:57
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kanzure"Dreamed Speech and Speech Muscle Activity" http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-8986.1986.tb00620.x/abstract14:59
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kanzure"When phasic discharges occurred in speech muscles during either Stage REM or Stage 2, recall of speech in dreams was prevalent, while such recall was not observed when discharges occurred in nonspeech muscles. Moreover, recall of speech in dreams was rarely observed when no muscle phasic discharges occurred. These results suggest that speech in dreams may be accompanied by phasic discharges of speech muscles."14:59
-!- MegaJoule is now known as zuul14:59
kanzuremegajuul sounds like a great nick14:59
kanzureabout 10% of children are sleeptalkers http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rubens_Reimao/publication/265058956_Prevalence_of_sleep-talking_in_childhood/links/53fdd1f00cf2364ccc0914c9.pdf15:04
kanzuredoesn't look like anyone has looked at sleep and subvocalization -_-15:05
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kanzureoh, why does the wikipedia article claim that subvocalization is only associated with reading? is that true15:08
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kanzure"obviously they aren't talking, they are sleeping and you can't hear anything"15:13
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kanzure.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3953855/17:07
yoleauxThe total burden of rare, non-synonymous exome genetic variants is not associated with childhood or late-life cognitive ability17:07
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kanzure.title http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hast.493/abstract17:17
yoleauxThe Trustworthiness Deficit in Postgenomic Research on Human Intelligence - Richardson - 2015 - Hastings Center Report - Wiley Online Library17:17
kanzure"Adhesive force of a single gecko foot-hair"17:34
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kanzure.wik scansor17:36
yoleaux"Ectenessa scansor is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Gounelle in 1909." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ectenessa_scansor17:36
kanzurewrong scansor..17:36
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kanzuregreetings TheoryCat18:02
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fennwhat does "The total burden of rare, non-synonymous exome genetic variants" mean?18:15
fenni guess they are talking about gene knockouts, in genes which are apparently unrelated to cognitive performance18:18
fennit would be surprising if gene knockouts had no effect on cognitive performance18:18
fenn"the enemy cannot press a button if he has no hand"18:19
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fenn.title http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/003811016090004618:35
yoleauxThe scansor, a new multi-aperture rectangular-loop ferrite device18:35
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kanzureno it was the one about geckos18:51
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kanzure.title http://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2013-February/002189.html21:02
yoleaux[Bitcoin-development] Fidelity-bonded ledgers21:02
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