
--- Log opened Mon Nov 02 00:00:13 2015
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jrayhawkdoes "lisp and its descendants" include "every functional language"02:35
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poppingtonicjrayhawk: ^ check out this programming language influence network04:00
poppingtonicSelect the language paradigm "Functional programming"04:00
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poppingtonicI don't think, say, ML  or Haskell are true descendants of lisp. Such a language would be considered "part of the family", in that it implements all of the functions listed here http://www.paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html04:02
poppingtonicCheck the postscript document in the URL list at bottom04:03
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archels02/13:43:30 < Lambda_Aurigae> we have one customer with a copier inside a biological lab cleanroom.05:09
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archelsjeah, that seems like a good idea05:09
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kanzureno notes, just that chat log i posted06:08
kanzurescienceexchange is claiming $1.2k/genome (30x coverage)06:14
kanzure"Thinking positively: The genetics of high intelligence" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016028961400167606:19
kanzure"High intelligence is a good candidate for “positive genetics” — going beyond the negative effects of DNA sequence variation on disease and disorders to consider the positive end of the distribution of genetic effects."06:19
kanzurebah "positive genetics" is only mentioned in the abstract? nonsense06:19
kanzure"Does Monitoring Goal Progress Promote Goal Attainment? A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence." http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/87431/06:21
kanzure"accelerated dna alignment using an fpga" http://www.nextplatform.com/2015/10/29/the-next-sequence-for-fpgas-is-in-genomics/06:44
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church07:30
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:25 2015]07:30
[Users ##hplusroadmap]07:30
[ abetusk ] [ BobaMa ] [ Filosofem ] [ kuudes ] [ proofoflogic] [ tallakahath] 07:30
[ adlai ] [ btcdrak ] [ FourFire ] [ m0b ] [ rancyd ] [ TeMPOraL ] 07:30
[ altersid ] [ Burninate ] [ gnusha ] [ maaku ] [ redlegion ] [ thundara ] 07:30
[ amiller ] [ c0rw1n ] [ gnusha_ ] [ mf1008 ] [ ryankarason ] [ TMA ] 07:30
[ andytoshi ] [ catern ] [ heath ] [ mgin ] [ sandeepkr ] [ Viper168 ] 07:30
[ archels ] [ chris_99 ] [ helleshin ] [ midnightmagic ] [ saurik ] [ vivi3 ] 07:30
[ ArturShaik ] [ Daeken ] [ HEx1 ] [ nickjohnson ] [ seanph_ ] [ xrr ] 07:30
[ augur ] [ Douhet ] [ iDavid ] [ nmz787 ] [ sivoais ] [ yoleaux ] 07:30
[ Aurelius_Home] [ dpk ] [ indiebio ] [ nsh ] [ souljack ] [ yorick ] 07:30
[ Aurelius_Work] [ drethelin ] [ jaboja ] [ p4nd4_ ] [ strages ] [ zuul ] 07:30
[ Bakkot ] [ drewbot ] [ JayDugger ] [ ParahSailin ] [ streety ] 07:30
[ balrog ] [ dustinm ] [ Josh|NH4H ] [ pasky ] [ Stskeeps ] 07:30
[ berndj ] [ EnabrinTain] [ jrayhawk ] [ PatrickRobotham] [ superkuh ] 07:30
[ bkero ] [ eudoxia ] [ justanotheruser] [ poohbear ] [ superXenoJen] 07:30
[ blueskin ] [ fenn ] [ kanzure ] [ poppingtonic ] [ Taek ] 07:30
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-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201007:30
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kanzuredna molecular ticker tape for single-spike resolution recording should be joined with something that extrudes the dna straight out of the cell and into a micro patch clamp instrument.08:25
kanzureyou could have two pores embedded in cell membrane wth a dna molecule that gets threaded through the first pore and out through the second nanopore. internal machinery of the cell can then be evolvable compartment based on its impact on the dna molecule (such as changing the sequence or reading the sequence or w/e). this is alternative to evolving just individual enzymes that grab on to dna molecule, like polymerases or whatever.08:30
kanzuresent this idea over to https://groups.google.com/d/msg/enzymaticsynthesis/ROQjr5Fx8CQ/C0ixGnEyEQAJ08:42
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kanzure"deterministic debugging with rr" http://fitzgeraldnick.com/weblog/64/09:44
kanzuremore debugging like rr https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1049298609:49
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kanzure"my first law of todo lists is that my todo list expands to fill the capacity of the available hard drive"10:24
kanzure"my second law of todo lists is that if you don't watch out, they consume all of your time in management costs"10:24
kanzure"my third law of todo lists is that it's very hard to both write down a task quickly and at the same time writing in sufficient detail such that when you come to the task again in the future that you know both what it's about and how to do it"10:24
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FourFirekanzure, awesome proposal10:44
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kanzure"I think the first question one has to ask here is what’s the difference between heterochronic parabiosis vs. plasma injections twice/week?  I would think there would be a big difference – for starters, heterochronic parabiosis is a 24/7 process. Note that this paper in Nature, www.nature.com/news/ageing-research-blood-to-blood-1.16762,  said “Older partners lived for four to five months longer than controls, suggesting for the ...11:37
kanzure... first time that circulation of young blood might affect longevity”. Another question to ask is, intended or not, millions of older patients have received young plasma over the last 70 years.  Some elderly patients would have surely noticed that the plasma injections were making them feel pretty good, wouldn’t you agree? Kind of like those heart patients “discovering” Viagra. Also note that as per my paper, the dosing window ...11:37
kanzure... of GDF11 is very tight.  Too little and it does nothing.  Too much, you get side effects and probably cross binding with activin type 2 receptors.  What are the odds of getting the GDF11 levels right with plasma infusions?"11:37
kanzure"I would suggest a key factor here is that plasma does not contain stem cells that enter the bloodstream and migrate to organs and tissues as required. An animal that is joined would benefit from such stem cell availability whilst simply injecting plasma does not. I am not convinced that plasma alone can rejuvenate fully and the recent Wagers work showing the Thymus is regenerated by young stem cells joining the organ to guide its ...11:38
kanzure... regeneration and not parabiosis does little to convince me otherwise. I am very much in the Conboy camp in that I believe Stem cell dysfunction is a major cause of aging and that its reversal (either by engrafting new stem cells, rejuvenating residents Stem cells or both) is going to prove decisive in increasing longevity. It is of course not the full answer to the aging puzzle and indeed circulating factors are important but I think ...11:38
kanzure... without stem cells in the plasma and resident stem cells mobilized we will not see the same levels of rejuvenation."11:38
kanzure"I have seen a couple elders show palpable vitality increases after a transfusion, but one rarely knows the donor's age, nor to what degree the positive response is due to less esoteric factors, like simple addition of more circulating blood."11:38
Aurelius_WorkI'm curious what Peter Rothman is undergoing11:41
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Aurelius_Workkanzure : I'm frustrated with everyone trying to make vr gloves or whatever that don't take into account any sort of even simple mechanical feedback12:02
Aurelius_Workkanzure : even a flexible cord that had hard 'mechanical' stops for a strong feel would be better than some of this dumb shit12:02
kanzure"Communication patterns for embedded system design" http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~bruyninc/ecs/20150325-Communication-nup.pdf12:09
kanzureAurelius_Work: show me a vr glove that has lots of hand sensors. need this for typing reasons.12:11
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Aurelius_Workkanzure : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/asdffilms/gest-work-with-your-hands?ref=producthunt12:19
kanzure"extremely low latency (40-60 ms), which means higher accuracy and more recognized gestures. We packed 15 discrete sensors into each hand"12:22
kanzure40-60 ms is too slow fo rme12:22
kanzure*for me12:22
kanzurethat's only 16 characters per second at most, i think?12:22
kanzurewait, er...12:23
kanzureperhaps that means i have to hold a gesture for at least 60 ms?12:23
Aurelius_Workno, I think it means there's a 40-60ms delay between initiating action and it showing up on screen?12:24
kanzureand why aren't they monitoring each joint/flexion12:24
Aurelius_Workregardless, their demo gave me minimal hope12:24
Aurelius_Workbecause it's all very clearly low precision movements12:24
kanzureand why aren't they monitoring wrist extension rotation etc12:24
kanzuredunno what's responsible for forearm movement but i'm gonna guess shoulder stuff12:25
kanzurebut could be tracked by elbow accelerometers12:25
Aurelius_Workcouldn't you take one of those new materials that tracks how bent it is?12:26
kanzurea mirror?12:27
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-betsioobafxxbpue] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:34
Aurelius_Worknah, impedance based I think12:53
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nmz787_ithis maybe? https://www.adafruit.com/products/136113:20
yoleauxPressure-Sensitive Conductive Sheet (Velostat/Linqstat) ID: 1361 - $3.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits13:20
chris_99could use fibre optics13:21
chris_99like in vr gloves13:21
nmz787_ilike this? https://www.sparkfun.com/products/1271213:21
yoleauxFiber Optic Fabric - Black (40x75 cm) - COM-12712 - SparkFun Electronics13:21
nmz787_i.title culmination of my weekend at home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAGDeKLid8A13:24
yoleauxnmz787_i: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.13:24
yoleauxArduino, neopixel LED strip, neomatrix LED panel - YouTube13:24
chris_99cool :)13:30
chris_99i need to dig out my led strips, although someone 2 stopped working13:30
kanzurecss fontface trick to get password attribute values https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1049202813:53
maaku.title http://kajsotala.fi/2015/10/maverick-nannies-and-danger-theses/13:54
yoleauxMaverick Nannies and Danger Theses | Kaj Sotala13:54
kanzure"However, after some extended discussions in the AI Safety Facebook group, I finally understood " what13:59
kanzure"To achieve safety it is not sufficient to point out a plausible sounding scenario in which everything turns out to be ok."14:03
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kanzure"the lack of uptake&activity of stem cells at old age might to a large extent come from the "SAPS" senescent cell poisoning of regenerative activity of stem cells might play a large role: it is not obvious that injecting stem cells in aged individuals would do much, unless if we use some senolytic method (irradiations, Quercetin+Dasatinib, other technique?) or force the stem cells to act (gel as noted by Steve, or perhaps making ...14:09
kanzure... "super-active stem cells" through some other technique?) Of course, that is very theoretical, the best is to test..."14:09
-!- Madplatypus [uid19957@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-cadtmbynddpgbndl] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:11
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-!- Filosofem is now known as Jawmare14:35
kanzure"Both ComEA and EC are required for DNA transport into the cytosol, but while ComEC is not required for binding, ComEA is partially required. ComFA resembles PriA of E. coli, an ATP-driven DNA translocase with homology to DNA/RNA helicases. It has Walker A- and B-type ATP-binding consensus motifs that are essential for normal rates of transport and transformation. Loss of ComFA results in a 1000x decrease in transformation, suggesting ...14:47
kanzure... that it is not absolutely essential. The ComEA-EC-FA complex thus probably drives single-stranded DNA through the ComEC channel in a process energized by ComFA-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis. The energy source for transport has not been rigorously established, but the rate of transport is about 200 nucleotides/sec. A role for the pmf has been established both in B. subtilis and in H. influenzae (Dubnau, 1999)."14:47
kanzuremost polymerases have been battletested for at least a few trillion years by now14:52
kanzuresignificant underestimate, actually14:55
jrayhawkhttp://www.pnas.org/content/111/14/E1354/F9.expansion.html structural hydraulic shocks in bones15:01
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kanzurewhat was the objection to my idea of inserting giant springs and shock absorbers into skydiver's bones? something about unecessary risk? bah15:08
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jrayhawki occasionally wonder if carbon fiber springs are just outright superior to feet16:02
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nmz787_iwell couldn't you also just make some bouncy-ball-bubble for skydiving?16:10
nmz787_i/me worlds largest super-ball contains man16:10
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kanzurehi Pompolic16:31
nmz787_ihi Pompolic, what brings you here?16:41
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PompolicWell, I have some interest in biohacking/transhumanism. I recently registered on freenode and was recommended this channel16:42
kanzurePompolic: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/hplusroadmap16:43
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PompolicReading that wiki now, thanks. Am I where I shouldn't be? I.e., is this a private/semi-private channel?16:50
kanzurenot private16:50
PompolicI see16:56
maakukanzure: yeah the fact that MIRI technical conversations happen in facebook groups tells something ... exactly what I'm not sure16:56
maakuI've been watching kaj sotala though, and he's coming around to reasonable, level-headed thought16:57
maakustill too obsessed with AI safety, but at least he's approaching from a pragmatic let's-actually-try-to-build-something-and-see approach17:00
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kanzure"Yes the main guy is Andy Lo at MIT.  He created a model to sell collatoralized Biomedical R&D bonds to pensions, institutions, the public, etc to establish a 30 Billion $ megafund for cancer.  It could be done for any kind of technology you wanted to fund over 15-25 years though.  So you could pick various diseases or health challenges and make a mega fund.  Probably do it for other engineering challenges too."19:24
-!- TheoryCat [TheoryCat@unaffiliated/wye-naught/x-8734122] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:24
nmz787.title http://www.nationalparkstraveler.com/2015/10/death-valley-storm-recovery-numbers19:30
yoleauxDeath Valley National Park19:30
nmz787and also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOxBbxHnRAI&feature=youtu.be19:32
yoleauxPaddling the mighty Amargosa River - YouTube19:32
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superkuhYay. They've removed the captchas on sci-hub.20:09
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fennthe "plutocracy proposal" is the sort of thing i had imagined andrew hessel was doing21:08
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