
--- Log opened Wed Nov 04 00:00:15 2015
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kanzureyeah i doubt that libgen is going to comply with that04:18
kanzure"To clarify, I did not mean opencascade by "crazy russian kernel" , I meant the russian geometric kernel"04:22
kanzure"Whoops, I think I actually meant C3D."04:22
kanzurethat was via Nancy Ouyang <nancy.ouyang@gmail.com>04:23
abetuskkanzure, this is off some google group or mailing list?04:25
kanzuresome bullshit private "journal club", i don't know man, people are awful04:26
abetuskhow did you get access to it?04:26
kanzurei typed up this rant about why video is a terrible way to communicate, and she put me in the group anyway04:31
abetuskso you're attending and transcribing portions here?04:37
-!- FourFire [~FourFire@] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:38
kanzurethe quote was from an email04:39
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abetuskto you personally or to the group?  Not public...04:39
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kanzuregroup, but in reply to me apparently- http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/cad/cad-discuss-mit.edu.hangout.001.txt04:41
kanzureis this important ?04:41
kanzurei feel like i'm being interrogated for having tolerated someone using video. i mean yeah they are awful people, but what do you want ?04:41
abetuskI'm interested in 3d cad software/modelling.  Nancy is involved in the open hardware community.  I would like to know what's going on in the group but I don't want to join a video chat to find out04:41
abetuskkanzure, sorry, I didn't mean it that way.  I was just trying to get more information04:42
kanzureoh i see04:42
kanzurethat's all i know04:43
abetuskok, thanks.  Sorry for the interrogation04:43
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kanzurenah i didn't understand; you should have just lead with the more explicit ask.04:49
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kanzurezooko stuff http://www.wired.com/2015/11/zerocoin-startup-revives-the-dream-of-truly-anonymous-money/06:14
JayDuggerGood, good.06:36
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JayDuggerMy god, when did WIRED start using a highlighter to indicate hyperlinks?06:55
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poppingtonicwow. cool I've been reading about zk-SNARKS for a few months now.07:43
kanzurehttp://karthaus.nl/rdp/ "The Ramer-Douglas–Peucker algorithm is an algorithm for reducing the number of points in a curve that is approximated by a series of points. It does so by "thinking" of a line between the first and last point in a set of points that form the curve. It checks which point in between is farthest away from this line. If the point (and as follows, all other in-between points) is closer than a given distance ...07:49
kanzure... 'epsilon', it removes all these in-between points. If on the other hand this 'outlier point' is farther away from our imaginary line than epsilon, the curve is split in two parts: ..."07:49
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mnpckxxwjshnvdde] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]07:53
-!- nmz787_i [~ntmccork@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]07:58
kanzure"I'm referring to recent work by George Church lab that shows by editing 62 genes in pigs via CRISPR/Cas9, could lead to organs that can be transplanted in humans without rejection/problems. My question is: since the organs transplanted will be young, if we transplant a significant amount of vital organs (kidney, liver, thymus, lungs, heart, spleen, etc.) of course except the brain, can we create the rejuvenation effects resulted from ...08:00
kanzure... heterochronic parabiosis or similar approaches? If you think this could lead to above mentioned rejuvenation results, what would be the minimum (critical) list of organs that must be transplanted? This is just an idea, and indeed theoretically can be via brute force - of course a more elegant one will be to rejuvenate those organs from inside of the body without the need of surgery, but still I wanted to ask your opinion."08:00
kanzure"Although pig organs were once considered to be a strong potential alternative to human organs for transplants, research had stalled, partly due to the the infectious porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV) that is found in all pig DNA and can still produce infectious virions. When it comes into contact with human cells in either a lab dish or an animal host, the virus infects them. It's these infectious residual traces of PERV DNA, which ...08:05
kanzure... exist in multiple locations in the pig genome, that geneticist George Church's team successfully removed from 62 sites in a porcine epithelial kidney cell. The edited cells were up to 1,000 times less able to infect human kidney cells with PERV. Church, who has founded a private company called eGenesis to further develop the technique, told the National Academy of Sciences that his group had successfully created pig embryos with ...08:05
kanzure... inactive PERV sequences. The team hopes to have PERV-free embryos ready to implant in 2016, allowing them to create retrovirus-free cloned pigs. ..."08:05
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r167-56-12-197.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has quit [Quit: Leaving]08:45
JayDuggerJohn Sundman, huh? SF writer and tech writer for Sun, and I've not heard of him.08:45
JayDuggerfrom http://johnsundman.com/2015/11/synthetic-biology-legend-george-church-i-talk-about-science-and-civilization/, via http://arep.med.harvard.edu/gmc/news.html08:45
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kanzure"This single order is equivalent to 10% of total DNA synthesis capacity worldwide" :-/10:35
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-!- QuadIngi is now known as FourFire10:57
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kanzurecpf1 is in the news again. hm.11:38
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nmz787_iso I figured I would check the midwest for EEs needing work, before looking overseas... first guy I found has an analog-to-digital background for high-speed imagers, pretty cool! Now to see if he's affordable.11:52
-!- Pompolic [~Pompolic@5403054A.catv.pool.telekom.hu] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:53
nmz787_ineed to get moving on: https://witneyman.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/all-my-circuits.jpg11:54
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kanzure"Facilitation of memory encoding in primate hippocampus by a neuroprosthesis that promotes task-specific neural firing"12:47
-!- FourFire [~FourFire@cm-] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:57
kanzurere: cpf1, i think this was it http://www.wired.com/2015/09/war-genome-editing-just-got-lot-interesting/13:07
FourFirekanzure, Singrana and I are investigating tDCS device candidates13:11
FourFirewill report back with whatever we discover13:11
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archelsFourFire: what are you looking to do with tDCS?13:47
FourFirearchels, "Overclock your brain today!"13:47
FourFireI'm looking to see what nootropic effects it can have towards mathematical ability and concentration13:48
archelsah, fair enough13:48
chris_99are there any positive results from trials for this?13:48
FourFireThere was a paper, I've lost it, trying to get Singrana to dig it up for me13:49
kanzure"there was a paper, but i lost it, don't remember the title, or any of the authors, or any of the details, but i think this was covered. also hey what kind of food is around here anyway, what's for dinner?" -- hplusroadmap13:50
jrayhawkresponsibly removing contagious animal retroviruses from treatments? pffft13:51
jrayhawkthat's not how we practice medicine in this country13:51
kanzuredamn straight13:51
jrayhawksomehow we just need to claim that porcine organ transplants are a vaccine and then no one will be allowed to question when we infect the overwhelming majority of the U.S.13:52
FourFireI'm sorry for adding noise to this channel, I'm often focusing on improving my ability to contribute to the goals.13:52
kanzurethis is going to cause a lot of headaches when the anti-vaxxers meet the anti-pork people13:52
kanzureFourFire: you're not adding noise13:53
FourFirekanzure, does this lesswrong post have any merit: http://lesswrong.com/lw/lqd/an_alarming_fact_about_the_antiaging_community/13:54
kanzureFourFire: "i don't remember any of the details, where's the food?" is a common trope from a lot of entertainment media13:54
jrayhawkare porcine organ transplants halal and kosher13:54
kanzureFourFire: yep, not many people freeze their sperm, stem cells, blood or anything else of any relevance, and yes they should be doing those things13:55
kanzureor eggs for that matter. not many people freezing their eggs.13:56
nmz787_i.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhl_yJ2aM0U13:56
yoleauxRaw cream Breve challenge, pt 1 (bitcoin breve) - YouTube13:56
FourFireI took some time and speculated that some fertility clinics might offer a service to store nonzygote/gamete cells13:56
kanzureevery woman who is interested in trying a "career" should also be freezing her eggs- because of various biological clock reasons that, apparently, most women are not entirely aware about13:56
nmz787_ikanzure: do we have a list of freezer+extractions services?13:57
FourFireperhaps cryo orgs would be interested in selling it as a side business?13:57
kanzurewell, last looked the blood banking industry is really underdeveloped for non-donating blood storage13:57
kanzurenmz787_i: for human biological tissue? no i don't think so. we could make one though.13:57
FourFireI'm really not up to date with my Cryo options, but now I'm considering sampling one of each multipotent stem cell type, and have them stored for later use13:57
FourFirebut blood isn't frozen is it?13:58
FourFireI thought it was just refrigerated13:58
kanzureFourFire: yeah, i think cryonics services should be more publically available for anyone that wants to store stuff that can actually be thawed, such as eggs, sperm, stem cells, etc. but iirc other companies might be offering this already.13:58
jrayhawkis the 'challenge' to get the cream out of the bottle13:58
kanzureyou can freeze blood, sure13:58
maakucryo storage is insanely expensive13:59
maakui looked at it for umbilical cord storage, way outside of any reasonable cost13:59
kanzureoriginally non-donative blood banking sparked lots of "outrage" because people claimed that it would distract from hospital-related blood donation -_- so the guy who started that industry got a huge amount of hatemail13:59
FourFiremaaku, what project was that for?13:59
kanzuremaaku: iirc you're not supposed to store the whole cord though?13:59
maakuFourFire: two of them, aged 2 and 414:00
kanzureFourFire: it's pretty well known that everyone should be storing umbilical cord stem cells for all sorts of fun reasons14:00
maakukanzure: that's why i was surprised about the cost14:00
kanzuremaaku: cheaper to store it yourself at those costs btw14:00
FourFire"pretty well known" I really need to get into the track of papers and whatever else it is you read Kanzure14:00
kanzureFourFire: hplusroadmap backlogs14:01
FourFireconsidering starting Rosalind in the near future14:01
maakuFourFire: the hopital asks you14:01
kanzuremaaku: storing it yourself is cheaper but you would have probably still contracted out the initial extraction14:01
maakuso it's at least that well known14:01
kanzureoh the hospital was kind enough to ask you! fascinating.14:01
maakukanzure: it's messed up though, because you have to have arranged something already, they can't do it on the spot14:02
maakuit's a 'did you make arrangements?' question14:02
kanzurenow we just need the dentists to start asking "where should we put your wisdom teeth" and we'll be in business14:02
FourFireI gtg, working on project "actually getting 8 hours sleep" see if it improves my mental capabilities14:02
kanzurebut yeah, i agree with a claim like "anti-aging people are sorta dull and haven't been banking their redundant organs or cellular matter", that seems very likely to me.14:03
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kanzurebut i wouldn't be so disillusioned as the poster calls himself... i mean yeah people miss obvious stuff all the time, but if anything that just means that there's a lot of low-hanging fruit to exploit. which is a good thing, not a bad thing.14:03
kanzurejrayhawk: yeah i have no idea if porcine organ transplants are kosher. we should definitely look that one up.14:04
kanzurewe could also start encouraging people to freeze their miscarriages. those aren't always completely dead, right?14:06
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maakuFourFire: umbilical cord blood can treat leukaemia, blood and bone marrow disorders, side effects of chemotherapy in cancer treatment, and immune deficiencies14:07
kanzurei wonder if any of the fetal stem cells that everyone was complaining about were from miscarriages. that would be hilarious twist.14:07
maakuif you're parents had the foresight to bank your umbilical cord blood, that's like automatic +5 protection against those problems ... if you can afford the storage fees14:08
kanzuremaaku: would be sorta trivial to put together open-source hardware setup for self-storage of umbilical cord matter. but the preparatory procedure would need some work.14:09
kanzureliquid nitrogen isn't that expensive, etc.14:09
kanzurebut would need to be bought regularly14:09
kanzurewell, nevermind, don't need much extra hardware other than dewar or something.14:10
kanzuremaybe some sensors14:10
nmz787_ijrayhawk: that was the first challenge, I usually mix cream+milk before steaming, but sometimes do cream alone (breve)... but I am not sure it would work for this cream.14:10
kanzurethis is a very strange lesswrong thread verging on something useful14:13
kanzurephil goetz is in that thread complaining about doctors stopping him from freezing stuff (he has personally communicated these stories to me before, really sucky stuff happened)14:15
-!- augur [~augur@c-73-46-94-9.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]14:30
justanotheruserIs there a lexusnexus or westlaw dump somewhere?14:34
kanzurenot to my knowledge14:36
kanzuretorrentfreak would have mentoined if anything like that happened, so maybe go query google about site:torrentfreak.com lexusnexus14:36
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glutamatergicI've heard this board praised in multiple corners of the internet recently so I came to check it out, but so far I haven't seen too much activity. Could someone give a quick (partial) summary of regulars' recent projects?15:25
kanzureglutamatergic: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/hplusroadmap and http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transhumanism15:33
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kuudeshmmm. that umbilical cord banking sounds interesting. so one would freeze it? is this already common somewhere?16:17
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nmz787_ikanzure: specifically I was asking about egg freezing, but I guess general freezer+prep/extraction+service list would be good, eggs could just be a category/tag16:26
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kanzurenmz787_i: for egg storage i think there's some upfront hormone therapy requirements?16:52
kanzureand probably multiple visits to doctors or something16:53
kanzurekuudes: you don't freeze the cord itself16:53
kuudesbut the blood in it?16:54
kuudeswell we are getting general bio banks into finland now, so people's tissue samples are stored for future healthcare or research use16:55
kanzureblood and stem cells16:56
kanzuremostly you want the stem cells16:56
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c0rw1nkuudes: hey there are things that gather your stem cells from your teeth, if you misplaced your umbilical cord17:13
kuudessounds interesting?17:13
c0rw1nkanzure: any idea how worth it those are?17:13
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kanzureyes stem cells are a good thing to keep17:37
kanzurekuudes: you've been making finland sound pretty great lately :-)17:38
kuudesare there general private cryogenic services in US or other places?17:40
kuudesI know you can store sex cells here privately, but I am not aware of other cells17:40
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fennPERV strikes again! putting a hotdog in your bacon every time http://cdn.phys.org/newman/csz/news/800/2015/4-researchersm.png18:36
* fenn checks to make sure it's not april fool's day18:38
fenni thought the articles would be about major histocompatibility complex and immune rejection of transplanted organs, not some silly virus18:41
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kanzurensh stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52nVGkCJJg819:07
yoleauxChannel 4 News - Investigatory Powers Bill - Lauri Love - YouTube19:08
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fenndoes finland have a secret arctic mountain cryo-bank where they keep all the frozen cells19:33
kanzureyes actually19:33
kanzure.wik svalbard global seed vault19:33
yoleaux"The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Norwegian: Svalbard globale frøhvelv) is a secure seed bank on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near Longyearbyen in the remote Arctic Svalbard archipelago, about 1,300 kilometres (810 mi) from the North Pole. Conservationist Cary Fowler, in association with the Consultative Group on International  …" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_global_seed_vault19:33
kanzureno wait, that's not finnish19:34
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kanzurewhat! how did we lose glutamatergic. bah.19:35
fennthey had no patience to begin with19:41
kanzureanyone have an update on kosher pig organ transplants19:42
fennif pages of discussion about tDCS, xenotransplantation, DIY cryo storage of stem cells isn't enough, then they didn't belong19:42
fenn"Because in Jewish law, organ donation raises such difficult questions, it has traditionally been met with some skepticism.19:43
fenndo organ transplants really work? be skeptical!19:43
fenn"the primary issue that prevents organ donation from the dead amongst Jews, in many cases, is the definition of death, simply because to take a life-sustaining organ from a person who was still alive would be murder."  doesn't seem to apply to pigs19:45
jrayhawknsh: pretty impressive; did they give you a teleprompter?19:46
fennyou can see his talking points written in marker on his hand19:46
jrayhawkbut he didn't look down at his hand while talking19:46
fennalso i wonder if the level of discourse in UK news is always this high, never seen anything like that on USA news19:46
jrayhawkIIRC this show surprise-hitpiece-interviewed craig venter19:47
fennkidnapped by ninja journalists?19:48
jrayhawkthey probably just sensationalize whichever way they think the wind is blowing19:48
kanzureswhack arranged some notes for him http://piratepad.nl/IP-Bill-points19:52
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fennwikipedia just says "Medical science has not reached the point of being able to use artificial organs or animal organs" but this is totally not true, and pig heart valves have been used for decades now, so surely some rabbi or other has written about it19:53
kanzurequick, someone get the xenotransplantation rabbi on the phone!19:53
kanzure.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1061873119:53
yoleauxPig organs for transplantation into humans: a Jewish view. - PubMed - NCBI19:53
kanzure"Although Jewish law forbids Jews to raise or eat pigs, no such prohibition exists for the use of pigs to cure human illness or to save human lives by xenotransplantation"19:54
fennso, only wild pig organs are allowed? or someone else has to do the pig raising?19:54
fennlike the guy who presses the elevator button on sabbath19:55
kanzureso eating them is bad, but when their pig parts get integrated into your body through some means other than the normal digestive process, that's totes okay. hehe.19:55
fennhttp://www.foodandwine.com/fwx/food/world-s-oldest-woman-still-eats-bacon-every-day-115-years-old   obvs the bacon saved her from certain death19:56
kanzure"my method is to look up what 110 year olds have been doing every day all their life, and i put all of that good stuff into a blender and chug it every morning" - ray kurzweil 219:57
fennis that an actual quote from the future19:57
kanzure100% genuine19:58
fenni'm impressed you actually found a definitive scholarly answer as to whether xenotransplantation was kosher19:58
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