
--- Log opened Tue Dec 15 00:00:37 2015
Alcyiusexams exhaust me00:05
-!- Mr_Milja [~Mr_Milja@unaffiliated/mr-milja/x-4843638] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:07
Jawmareshit.. got some of my result back00:09
Jawmare2.0, 2.700:09
Jawmarenot a good start00:09
-!- midnightmagic [~midnightm@unaffiliated/midnightmagic] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]00:09
AlcyiusOn a 4.0 scale?00:09
Jawmareorganic chem and lab course00:10
AlcyiusOchem always sucks though00:10
Jawmareorganic III00:10
AlcyiusEven the profs and assistants don't like teaching it00:10
Jawmarenot a required course, I took it because the lecturer was good00:10
JawmareI never miss a class00:11
AlcyiusI ended up switching my major after I could no longer drop Calc 200:11
Jawmarefor organic and quantum00:11
AlcyiusBut got really really sick00:11
AlcyiusSo I'm hoping to pass with a D00:11
Alcyiusso I don't have to pay for it00:11
Jawmare2.0 for organic.. fuck why did I even take it00:11
Diablo-D3Im pretty sure00:12
Diablo-D3Math isn't organic.00:12
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AlcyiusI'd hope not00:15
AlcyiusWhere's that smbc about how all logic are just machines and break down over time00:16
JawmareAlcyius, what major are you in?00:16
AlcyiusComputer Science00:17
Jawmareand you want to switch into?00:17
AlcyiusNo I was Computer Engineering00:17
Jawmarestay in CE00:17
AlcyiusBut I switched over because I can't handle the higher math00:17
Jawmareyou are throwing about 20k00:17
AlcyiusAt least, not right now00:17
Jawmareper year00:17
Jawmarejust because you can't handle the math00:17
AlcyiusJawmare, actually, 000:17
AlcyiusIn increased potential earnings00:18
AlcyiusYeah you're right00:18
Jawmarethe secret to engineering math is00:18
JawmareDo past exams00:18
AlcyiusI'm going to start calculus over again after I have my depression handled though00:18
AlcyiusThat's my big issue00:18
AlcyiusThat and my chronic illness00:18
Jawmarespend a tons of time to do exercises00:18
AlcyiusI mean logically I know that, I just have severe motivation issues00:23
JawmareI am running out of motivation too00:23
AlcyiusI had a brief period of self-hatred fueled motivation about 4 months ago00:24
JawmareI switched out of engineering and I am regreting about that00:24
AlcyiusBut I've slowly been falling into the same habits since00:24
AlcyiusI need to schedule another appointment with my therapist and maybe try another antidepressant00:25
AlcyiusThe dangers of progress for the sake of progress00:30
Diablo-D3this makes my brain hurt00:38
Diablo-D3make it stop00:38
-!- Gurkenglas [~Gurkengla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]00:38
Alcyiusalso, here's an interesting one http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20131122.png00:41
Alcyius"If time travel is possible, then where are all the time travelers?" Sadly, this question goes unanswered until the 2153 global orgy00:52
Diablo-D3there are no time travelers because of multiverse theory00:52
Diablo-D3we're not in the branch that contains people from the future00:53
AlcyiusOr we are, but there's only ever one time traveler00:53
AlcyiusSo it'd be kinda hard to notice00:53
Diablo-D3well, if so00:53
Diablo-D3that means they destroyed the future00:53
Diablo-D3by coming to the past00:53
Diablo-D3and we're all fucking boned00:54
AlcyiusWell, they might've only destroyed their future, and we're the offshoot timeline00:54
Diablo-D3yes, but what if its a self-stable fork00:54
Diablo-D3so we always destroy ourselves, but send a guy back00:54
AlcyiusThat's a possibility00:55
AlcyiusThere's also the Oscillating Timelines00:55
AlcyiusI.E., someone goes back and creates one fork, and in that fork, someone goes back and creates the original timeline00:55
Diablo-D3I like to call those circles.00:55
AlcyiusAdd steps in the chain as needed00:55
Diablo-D3the hilarious thing is00:56
Diablo-D3they don't actually explicitly say multiverse theory is true00:56
AlcyiusOr there's the Hartler idea00:57
AlcyiusBasically, everything bad in our timeline is the result of people trying to change it00:57
AlcyiusBut that's a bit too preachy for my tastes00:58
Diablo-D3yeah, but how do you define bad?00:58
Diablo-D3I mean, I find that entire concept hilarious and most likely true00:58
Diablo-D3I subscribe to the "God is a dick with a heart of dicks" viewpoint.00:58
Diablo-D3The world getting worse due to interference from time travels sounds perfectly logical to me00:58
AlcyiusThe idea it gave was that in Timeline A, there was Hartler, who came to power in Weimar Germany and stabilized their currency by pegging it to the USD, causing the Depression to last another 15 years00:59
AlcyiusA time traveler went back in time and killed Hartler, and as a result, we now have Hitler00:59
Diablo-D3so... they murdered him00:59
Diablo-D3thats like00:59
Diablo-D3so what happens when they went back to kill hitler?00:59
AlcyiusThe reason you can't kill Hitler00:59
AlcyiusIs because something worse happens00:59
Diablo-D3Okay, small question00:59
Diablo-D3and anyone is allowed to answer this one00:59
Diablo-D3what do you call it when you feel like you went to bed in one timeline, and awoke in another01:00
AlcyiusThe answer is Q=1301:00
Diablo-D3things are slightly different, but you can't quite put your finger on it01:00
AlcyiusDiablo-D3, some people call it Dimensional Jumping, other people call it the Berenstein effect01:00
Diablo-D3its like dejavuish sorta01:00
Diablo-D3so it actually has a name?01:00
AlcyiusSome people say its a brain malfunction01:00
AlcyiusOn whether you're actually in another timeline01:00
Diablo-D3Ive been asking people randomly for years when conversations like this crop up01:01
Diablo-D3no one ever gives an answer, only that they know what I mean01:01
AlcyiusThe proper name is the Mandela Effect01:01
AlcyiusNamed after an epidemic of people who thought Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 70s01:01
AlcyiusIt was officially discovered when he died a few years back01:01
Diablo-D3Yeah but that happens all the time01:02
Diablo-D3"wait, wasnt he already dead?"01:02
AlcyiusBut this was an epidemic01:02
AlcyiusIt's officially called The Berenstain Bears01:03
* Diablo-D3 just fucking twitches01:03
AlcyiusBut a large group of people, me included, remember it as The Berenstein Bears01:03
AlcyiusSo the question is01:03
Diablo-D3Yes, how the fuck did that happen01:03
AlcyiusAre our brains misfiring, or did a large group of people wake up one morning in an alternate reality where everything was the same except that one E was instead an A01:03
Diablo-D3Theres other shit though01:04
Diablo-D3like, why the fuck is my memory of the 80s01:04
Diablo-D3so much more awesome01:04
Diablo-D3than it was01:04
AlcyiusI mean01:04
AlcyiusEveryone's memory of the past is better than it was01:04
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AlcyiusIdealized Past01:04
Diablo-D3Yeah, but theres like bits and pieces of stuff I can't quite remember01:04
Diablo-D3its almost there, but not01:04
Diablo-D3and I go to try to find it, and I never can01:04
AlcyiusWell that's how the brain works iirc, you don't remember events themselves, you remember your memories of them01:05
Diablo-D3Yeah, but its weird as fuck01:05
Diablo-D3Because if memories are that lossy and vague, how the hell do humans even function01:05
AlcyiusI mean01:06
AlcyiusIt could be worse01:06
Diablo-D3Yet, we're having this conversation01:06
AlcyiusImagine being immortal with the same brain function we have right now01:06
AlcyiusEvery 200-300 years, you start forgetting everything01:06
Diablo-D3That wouldn't even be the worst thing01:06
Diablo-D3The problem is01:06
Diablo-D3our brains fail01:06
AlcyiusI mean yeah, but ideally you want a better way to store your memories01:06
Diablo-D3so we literally Forget.01:06
Diablo-D3with a capital F.01:06
Diablo-D3And it starts happening in your mid to late 40s01:07
Alcyiusand yet we put people on the moon and perform nuclear fusion01:07
Diablo-D3Like, you know how we bitch about stories not being internally consistent?01:08
Diablo-D3Reality isn't internally consistent01:08
Diablo-D3And I find that statement very very odd, and I'm the one that wrote it01:08
AlcyiusReality is internally consistent01:08
AlcyiusOur perception of it is not01:08
AlcyiusThis is almost exactly the conversation I had with my philosophy professor a month ago01:09
Diablo-D3Yeah, but if we cannot perceive reality, then what is reality but what we think it is?01:09
AlcyiusThings happen. We're an emergent property of reality. Since we're just a part of the machine, we can't really perfectly perceive it01:09
Diablo-D3Because I'm well aware how much wetware is dedicated to trying to make a coherent view of the outside world and how bad it is01:09
AlcyiusThat's shown by the concept of ineffability01:09
Diablo-D3Well, thats another problem01:09
Diablo-D3what the hell *is* the universe01:09
AlcyiusIf we COULD perfectly perceive reality, then ideas would move fluidly regardless of the language01:10
Diablo-D3Like, that whole OH LOL ITS A HOLOGRAM bullshit?01:10
Diablo-D3That'd actually solve a rather large number of issues01:10
AlcyiusSo would it just being a simulation01:10
Diablo-D3It being a simulation explains so much shit01:11
AlcyiusLike uncertainty and quantum mechanics01:11
Diablo-D3Like lossy representations until we go start looking at them01:11
Diablo-D3and its like LOD enhancement, but for universes01:11
Diablo-D3And just all sorts of other weird un-sciencey things01:12
Diablo-D3like people thinking there is more to us than what is scientifically here01:12
AlcyiusI'm actually dealing with a similar problem01:13
Alcyius"You" is only a construct composed of the various systems of your body interacting with each other, many of them in open contention01:13
Diablo-D3Like, wtf is a soul, why do all religions have a concept of it, and why is it a higher order representation of self, always?01:13
AlcyiusDiablo-D3, that's actually easy to answer, the idea of a soul as a higher order self makes sense from where religions formed01:14
AlcyiusAka, short brutish worlds01:14
Diablo-D3Yeah, but all religions?01:14
AlcyiusIt's a survival mechanism01:14
Alcyiuswell, there's the possibility that all modern religions are derived from a prime religion01:15
Diablo-D3Yeah, but if that was true01:15
AlcyiusLike written langauge, recent research shows that it was only invented from scratch about 3 times01:15
Diablo-D3then its likely all languages come from an original language01:15
Diablo-D3which I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that01:15
Diablo-D3Alcyius: but its like, new age religions have pushed the soul into some sort of... souls wear the human existence like a hand wears a glove01:17
Alcyiusalso, a LOT of religions are derived from Plato's World of Being idea01:17
AlcyiusBuddhism doesn't really have the concept of a soul, mostly cuz of the idea that everything's in flux and there's no persistent "I" or "You"01:18
Diablo-D3well, buddhism is probably the correct answer if any of this is true01:18
Diablo-D3you're you for as long as you're alive01:18
AlcyiusBut they don't deny that immaterial things exist01:18
AlcyiusThey just say that they aren't constant01:18
Diablo-D3Which they probably aren't constant01:19
AlcyiusTo be honest, the idea of a soul is probably so persistent because of how are mind is structured01:19
Diablo-D3but then you get into really weird shit, like jewish mysticism that says all human souls descend from the original soul of the pre-mortal Adam01:19
AlcyiusOur brain works REALLY hard to give the illusion of a single, constant Self01:20
AlcyiusWhen we're not a single, constant Self01:20
Diablo-D3and that eventually we'll run out of fragments of Adam's soul, and then no more people will be born01:20
AlcyiusWe have dozens of different parts of our brain, some of which are in open contention, and then the rest of our body influencing our perception of self through the production of chemical and competition for attention from the brain01:20
Diablo-D3And then01:21
Diablo-D3The new age concept of "your subconscious is your body"01:21
Diablo-D3Which isn't false in that sense01:21
AlcyiusRemove any one thing and you start losing who you are01:21
AlcyiusWhich is really01:21
AlcyiusLike, if we're going to move to computers01:21
AlcyiusAre we going to physics simulate our entire body?01:21
AlcyiusOr are we going to do that long enough to extrapolate thought patterns and such that make us who we are?01:22
Diablo-D3Its because of how your brain builds a model of your body, and part of the wetware that makes your subconscious work is also part of the wetware that operates your body for you01:22
Diablo-D3well, look at GITS01:22
AlcyiusAnd if we just predict what we're going to think, are we even there?01:22
Diablo-D3there are cyberbrains that have no organic material left01:23
AlcyiusI mean, at the point we get there, there's probably going to be a constant virtual party/orgy and I'll stop asking those questions but01:23
Diablo-D3and its all emulated in software01:23
AlcyiusFor now its interesting to ponder01:23
Diablo-D3see, thats another problem01:23
Diablo-D3theres that thought experiment that states, if we had a button to trigger feeling good01:23
Diablo-D3we'd just hold it down all day01:23
Diablo-D3and just starve to death and die01:23
Diablo-D3well the thing is01:24
Diablo-D3no, we generally won't01:24
Diablo-D3some of us might, but they probably have a badly calibrated dopamine response or we01:25
AlcyiusEnter the defense mechanism01:25
AlcyiusHumans aren't objectively happy01:25
AlcyiusWe're happy in comparison to other people01:25
Diablo-D3We're happy in comparison to the contrast of experiences01:25
AlcyiusHere's the experiment01:25
Diablo-D3"There is no light without shadow"01:25
AlcyiusI am given $10001:26
Diablo-D3The problem is, for a lot of us, the universe loves to hold down the "feel like shit" trigger01:26
AlcyiusI have to offer you an amount between $1 and $9901:26
AlcyiusIf you accept my offer, we both get the money, if you reject it, neither of us gets any01:26
AlcyiusObjectively, you should be happy with even $101:26
Diablo-D3So the logical thing is to always offer $99 and always accept the offer01:26
AlcyiusBut subjectively, unless I offer you an equal or greater amount of money to what I'm getting, you'll reject it01:26
AlcyiusBecause you're only happy when you're doing as well or better than other people01:27
Diablo-D3Yeah, but thats not entirely true01:27
Diablo-D3Because theres an entire subset of thought that happens in the inner universe that is disconnected from materialism01:27
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AlcyiusWe're hardwired to challenge ourselves, mostly as a way of advertising our fitness as mates01:29
Diablo-D3Thats just a very very very fucking clever thing01:32
Diablo-D3Its one of the few legit things the "intelligent design" weirdos use, and Im okay with them using it01:32
AlcyiusI mean, it's TRUE, it's just not intelligent01:32
Diablo-D3You just have to sit back and just admire the cleverness of that01:32
Alcyiusespecially because of how crappy our reproduction is01:33
AlcyiusBut I digress01:33
Diablo-D3Yeah, and I'm kind of glad how crappy it is01:33
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Diablo-D3Though makes you wonder, how the hell did our species survive long enough to get here?01:34
AlcyiusThough that might answer it01:34
Diablo-D3I dunno, I've actually been writing somewhat weird fiction lately01:35
Diablo-D3Taking all the parts I don't like, and gluing them together into one story01:35
Diablo-D3I'm pretty sure if I ever finish it, clean it up, and publish it01:35
Diablo-D3I'd be the richest author to ever live01:35
Diablo-D3The fact of that is the only reason why I don't release it01:36
AlcyiusPublish it, donate the proceeds to research in areas you like01:36
Diablo-D3Yeah, but then I just end up buying Mars01:36
Diablo-D3like, the whole planet01:36
Diablo-D3and just move there01:36
Diablo-D3and never come back01:36
AlcyiusI mean, the real estate's pretty cheap there01:37
AlcyiusBut the commute is terrible01:37
Diablo-D3But yeah, its like01:37
Diablo-D3everything I ever hated about scifi01:37
Diablo-D3crammed into one novel01:38
AlcyiusI mean you'll either be rich or no one will buy it01:38
Diablo-D3or both01:38
AlcyiusIt's the Ancestor proposition01:38
AlcyiusYou'll either become the ancestor to all living things or none of them, given enough time01:38
Diablo-D3So, the story is about a dude01:38
Diablo-D3That is bill gates rich01:39
Diablo-D3But is basically fed up with how fucking stupid a lot of shit is01:39
Diablo-D3So he just purchases space exploration01:39
AlcyiusThat reminds me of Donald Trump saying that we need to talk to Gates so we can close up the internet01:39
Diablo-D3yeah, and trump flubbed that so bad, he should have said al gore01:40
Diablo-D3then it would have been funny01:40
AlcyiusHe also said that we have 6 million people over 112 getting social security01:40
AlcyiusWhich, while TECHNICALLY true, it isn't really because they're just on the record as being dead01:40
Diablo-D3but yeah, so01:40
Diablo-D3this dude, ends up being like "we just invented a FTL test vehicle, and we're doing human trials, and I'm doing it"01:41
Diablo-D3And everyone is like "no, you're not doing it, you have too many responsibilites yadda yadda yadda"01:41
Diablo-D3And he does it01:41
Diablo-D3And the vehicle fails01:41
AlcyiusThis sounds a lot like Big Hero 601:42
Diablo-D3Ive never seen it, but I heard it was good01:42
Diablo-D3and I thought it was about some kid that made a giant white robot?01:42
Diablo-D3that hugs people01:42
Diablo-D3(yes, seriously, thats pretty much all I know about it)01:43
Alcyiusgo watch it01:43
Diablo-D3I will when it finally gets on netflix01:43
Diablo-D3its disney, so it'll make it there01:43
AlcyiusI mean, you could just go to pirate bay01:43
Diablo-D3meh, too much effort01:43
Diablo-D3and why should I be forced to pirate things, I pay for netflix01:43
AlcyiusThe only reason copyright has any place after all is because innovation needs profit motivation in a capitalist society01:44
Diablo-D3I literally pay them to do the "pirating" for me01:44
Diablo-D3it was fun and interesting and ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH when I was a kid01:44
Diablo-D3as an adult, Im just too damned lazy01:44
AlcyiusI mean, I pirate as a necessity01:44
AlcyiusI'm broke as fuck01:44
Alcyiusand I'll end up buying it EVENTUALLY01:44
Diablo-D3so anyhow01:45
Diablo-D3the vehicle fails01:45
Diablo-D3instead of dropping out of wtfspace at mars, where hes supposed to dock with some superhuge science research vessel that is basically a catcher's mitt of sorts01:45
Diablo-D3he just keeps going01:45
Diablo-D3and going01:45
Diablo-D3and going01:45
Alcyiusand then he dies alone in the void of space?01:46
Diablo-D3the power reactor ftl engine whatever the hell01:46
Diablo-D3is falling apart01:46
Diablo-D3and hes slowly being irradiated01:46
Diablo-D3and even if they do get him back, he's going to be rather cooked.01:46
Diablo-D3so, eventually, the reactor powering the engine fails, he drops out of wtfspace01:47
Diablo-D3and right before he dies, he sees something that should not be: a rather goddamned massive space fleet of ships that sure as hell aren't his01:48
Diablo-D3and they were waiting for him01:48
AlcyiusOh did humanity get to the point where they just went to where he would be01:48
AlcyiusDo they invade earth?01:48
Diablo-D3I actually toyed around with your idea for a bit01:48
Diablo-D3tried to put him in a slow warp01:48
Diablo-D3and then made an entire religion around him01:48
AlcyiusI'd suggest going both routes01:49
Diablo-D3and then eventually catch up with him and hes like a God01:49
AlcyiusThey're humans, but advanced to the point where they're completely alien01:49
Diablo-D3well, I went the other direction01:49
Diablo-D3humans dont exist01:49
Alcyiusthey died out?01:49
Diablo-D3or rather, its the most optimal form of life01:49
Diablo-D3and it tends to pop up everywhere for no apparent reason until after the half way point of the book01:49
Diablo-D3spoiler: the universe was created by "God", and the universe self-seeds itself to produce very specific forms of life01:50
Diablo-D3No one understands how or why, because that is literally impossible01:50
Diablo-D3And I'm not kidding, all planets are extremely earth like01:52
Diablo-D3a lot of species are extremely familiar, just not quiiiite the same01:52
Diablo-D3and humans from different planets are somehow genetically compatible; also, everything uses genetics01:53
Diablo-D3(and I wasnt kidding, all the stuff Ive ever hated, all crammed into one novel)01:53
Diablo-D3and captain dumbass that died flying the ftl sled into the great beyond?01:54
Diablo-D3He doesn't get to die quite yet.01:54
Diablo-D3That would be too easy.01:54
Diablo-D3No, comes to find out, hes effectively Real Jesus.01:55
Diablo-D3Every time they discover a new planet, the first guy they always encounter is a reincarnation of the same guy01:55
Diablo-D3and he always ends up dying01:55
Diablo-D3and being brought back01:55
Diablo-D3and when they do, he starts remembering past lives01:55
Diablo-D3and _that_ is the religion of the rest of the universe.01:56
Diablo-D3well, the rest of however big this shit goes01:56
Diablo-D3But they only ever encounter him periodically01:56
Diablo-D3Since finding inhabited worlds are rare01:57
Diablo-D3The church has nuns.01:57
Diablo-D3The nuns? All clones of the same woman.01:57
Diablo-D3An artificial project of sorts to keep track of this guy over the hundreds of thousands or whatever years they've known about him01:58
Diablo-D3Every fleet has a "church", every church has one of the clones awake and operating at any given time.01:58
Diablo-D3She has no official rank in the fleet, yet anything she says is done01:59
Diablo-D3(thus setting up political drama if I so wish to further bury this novel in stupdity)01:59
Diablo-D3The fun part is, the clones all form part of a collective, piggy backing on whatever allows the dude to do his thing02:00
Diablo-D3to keep getting reincarnated or w/e02:00
Diablo-D3So, killing one of the sisters isn't a useful strategy, and they collectively know everything every other sister knows or has known02:00
Diablo-D3And it isn't limited to the speed of light02:01
Diablo-D3Because whatever makes it function is outside of the universe and accessible from all points inside of the universe02:01
Diablo-D3And that entire project? Was started by the dude in a previous reincarnation02:01
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Diablo-D3And they've never been able to replicate how it works02:02
Diablo-D3Alcyius: I wasnt kidding when I said02:02
Diablo-D3it was bad02:02
Diablo-D3Every time I find an idea I hate, it goes in02:03
Diablo-D3The thing is, he's not super human, not in any useful sense02:03
Diablo-D3He's not smarter, or faster, or anything02:03
Diablo-D3He just keeps being reincarnated, but the time between reincarnations is pretty long02:04
Diablo-D3And theres no evidence anyone else is reincarnated, just him02:04
Diablo-D3And certain things keep working the same way02:05
Diablo-D3Like, how computers are designed02:05
Diablo-D3Are always designed pretty similarly02:05
Diablo-D3And religions are all pretty compatible02:05
Diablo-D3And how food works, pretty similar02:05
Diablo-D3And language as well02:05
AlcyiusPlot twist: he's the only actual living thing, he's inside a simulation and everything is similar to cut down on world generation costs02:06
Diablo-D3well, this is what I was considering02:06
Diablo-D3but I was going to expand that to the fact he's basically God02:06
Diablo-D3and the simulation just keeps leaking through bits of his real world02:06
Diablo-D3So, like, you know how in our world, theres been more than one Jesus figure?02:07
Diablo-D3like, Mithras and so forth?02:08
Diablo-D3Its all him02:08
Diablo-D3He keeps being reincarnated as figures like that02:08
Diablo-D3Teaching the same things over and over again02:08
Diablo-D3Shaping society the same way over and over02:08
Diablo-D3And when he finally dies the last time on that plant, when that planet joins all the others02:08
Diablo-D3he just vanishes for awhile being Jesus on another planet02:09
Diablo-D3or at least, isn't reincarnated as a jesus figure on that planet ever again02:10
Diablo-D3the story opens up with him giving a speech to all of Earth02:12
Diablo-D3after having returned with the space fleet that picked him up02:12
Diablo-D3not telling anyone that hes still alive, being a sucker for "the big reveal", as he puts it02:12
Diablo-D3assassination attempt happens about three sentences in02:13
Diablo-D3fails because he just catches the bullet... not because hes super human, but because hes wearing a rather impressive suit of armor and it basically reacted before he was even aware of the problem02:13
AlcyiusAU where Ahab captured Moby Dick and had sex with it instead of killing it02:14
Diablo-D3what the hell man02:14
AlcyiusI mean, we're on the topic of bad ideas :P02:14
Diablo-D3well, like, the whole thing of adam and eve?02:14
Diablo-D3completely true02:14
AlcyiusYour novel sounds like something I'd never read, if only because it makes me cringe too much02:14
Diablo-D3adam, jesus, all the characters, same guy02:15
Diablo-D3the sister collective? all clones of one of the eve's02:15
Diablo-D3and she never actually dies and is reincarnated02:15
Diablo-D3and shes aware of who she is, and was ordered, by him, never to reveal it to him02:15
Diablo-D3and basically runs this massive empire of planets in the background02:16
Diablo-D3she just makes sure it continues existing, and literally doesn't care about anything that doesn't happen over hundreds or thousands of years02:16
Diablo-D3Alcyius: but yeah02:16
Diablo-D3thats the point02:16
Diablo-D3its supposed to be very very bad02:16
Diablo-D3Im literally terrified of ever letting anyone read it02:17
Diablo-D3because if that escapes somehow on to the internet02:17
Diablo-D3it will cause the end of human society02:17
Diablo-D3you'll have people saying they think its the best writing ever, because they're idiots02:17
Diablo-D3(see twilight and 50 shades fans)02:17
AlcyiusDiablo-D3, if a single novel could end the world02:18
Diablo-D3and then the rest of us that aren't mentally disabled.02:18
AlcyiusScientologists would literally be in charge02:18
AlcyiusInstead of mostly in charge02:18
Diablo-D3btw, the assassin?02:18
Diablo-D3works for the vatican.02:18
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Diablo-D3Alcyius: so, it gets even better02:20
Diablo-D3he has to do his thing, but he cant stay alive for too long02:21
Diablo-D3the fleet can keep him alive almost indefinitely if they needed to02:21
Diablo-D3but the longer hes alive once he'd "woken up", the more he starts remembering02:21
AlcyiusI can feel my brain cells dying02:22
Diablo-D3I know, isnt it wonderful?02:23
AlcyiusI could get a better experience from heroin02:23
Diablo-D3But yeah, its basically, if he remembers everything02:23
Diablo-D3he'll wake up, for real02:23
Diablo-D3I have no clue what'll happen if that happens02:23
Diablo-D3because I didnt write that far02:23
Diablo-D3but the only rightful thing is, if the dreamer awakens, the dream vanishes02:24
Diablo-D3and the universe literally exists to keep him asleep02:24
Diablo-D3but yeah, I dont even know why Im writing it02:26
Diablo-D3its horrrrrrible02:26
Diablo-D3its literally the worst fiction ever02:26
Diablo-D3its so hamfisted its baaaaaad02:26
AlcyiusSince most devils are actually angels fallen from Heaven, they don't really have a good sense of how to torture.02:30
Alcyius"My banana split doesn't have enough whipped cream."02:30
Diablo-D3Alcyius: oh btw02:30
Diablo-D3I considered giving him a devil02:30
Diablo-D3The Master of sorts02:30
Diablo-D3that exists just to throw a wrench into the works02:31
Diablo-D3but that is just _too_ easy02:31
Diablo-D3that fruit is too low hanging02:31
Alcyius"Oh my god, you both look exactly the same, I don't know who to shoot!"02:34
Alcyius(Silently, we both wondered who the hell she was)02:34
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Alcyius"NASA is confused to announce that we've found life on Mars, but its just Elon Musk, somehow."04:15
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AlcyiusHm. Odd06:02
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chris_99Does anyone here do computer vision per chance, i'm trying to find an idiots guide to triangulation of 2D points from N-views, opencv's cv2.triangulatePoints seems to only take two camera poses06:04
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@fennmaaku> in other words, something like 40% of global GDP ... gone ... and replace with math on computers, redirecting that money elsewhere, and remove the parasitic financial structure that transfers wealth from the productive to the establishment07:27
@fennmaaku could you expand on how you see this happening in the present and future?07:27
xentraciirc he was talking about Economics 2.0; I'm also interested to hear if he has a more detailed vision07:28
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kanzure.title https://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6266/1332.full07:43
yoleauxHuman-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction07:43
@fennthat was from a few days ago07:47
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JayDuggerAlso on Gitixiv, IIRC07:54
poppingtonicThat paper is really good. I've been studying their group's (MIT probabilistic computing project) progress since last year. I'm following up on their code later this evening.07:54
@fennJayDugger: gitixiv?07:56
JayDuggerI don't know enough Matlab to follow it, but the section on hardware requirements impressed me.07:56
poppingtonic.title http://gitxiv.com/07:56
@fennmeteor bullshit07:57
JayDuggerYeah, a website / mailing list for CompSci papers from arxiv with source on Github.07:57
JayDuggerThat's the one in question.07:58
@fennwell i'm not going to be using gitxiv because it's completely devoid of any content without running lots of javascript07:58
JayDuggerHang on, cat is chasing the mouse cursor on screen.07:58
JayDuggerI think you can sign up for a mailing list version of their feed.07:59
poppingtonicarxiv is the only xiv07:59
JayDuggerBest SF on-line, you bet.07:59
poppingtonicAnd use it to create a non-js version of gitxiv.08:00
AlcyiusAnyone here know of any writing done on the role of infrastructure in Transhumanism08:03
AlcyiusLike arcologies and stuff08:04
xentracif not, it seems like a rather glaring lack; infrastructure is the key enabling feature of modern life, much more than education or exercise08:07
@fenni liked the book "ventus" by karl schroeder08:08
@fennalso buckminster fuller and walt disney wrote a lot about infrastructure and futristic societies08:09
@fennfuller's books can be a task to decipher08:10
@fennthe dymaxion stuff from the 1930s is the most approachable though08:10
AlcyiusWasn't EPCOT supposed to be an evolving planned community showcasing futuristic infrastructure?08:11
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@fennthere's also orion's arm, which has a list of fictional megastructures and societies http://www.orionsarm.com/page/30108:11
@fennEPCOT was supposed to be an actual city, not a museum exhibit08:12
JayDuggerFuller's pre-transhumanist, though a definite influence. I read most of his stuff in high school.08:12
@fennafter disney died the managers scaled back the vision considerably08:12
JayDuggerPaolo Soleri (sp?), who coined "arcology," if you can find his books.08:13
AlcyiusJayDugger, I wish I had the time to read stuff08:13
JayDuggerTry a college library.08:13
AlcyiusI'm in an Early College high school08:13
AlcyiusSo lots of free education, little time08:13
JayDuggerIf you're near Portland, OR, try Reed College.08:13
JayDuggerTheir library has copies.08:13
JayDuggerIf not, try inter-library loan.08:13
AlcyiusMy university's library has or can get copies, and I'd be surprised if I couldn't find an online copy08:13
JayDuggerI'd be surprised if you could.08:14
JayDuggerI've looked.08:14
jcluckwhich titles are you looking for?08:14
AlcyiusJayDugger, I have some friends with access to a private torrent site that focuses on books and has digital copies of some rarer books08:14
JayDuggerFuller's complete papers are held by Stanford, including his chronofile (what we'd call a lifelog now)08:14
JayDuggerAh...well...perhaps you can.08:14
JayDuggerI stand corrected.08:15
JayDuggerYou might also find Dandrige Cole's work useful.08:15
JayDuggerThat's also hard to find, but again your university library can probably get copies.08:16
JayDuggerHis stuff predates "transhumanism," but is pretty openly so.08:16
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@fenni also recommend the manga "blame!" which is about having too much infrastructure08:16
Alcyiusfenn, is that the one with like, the solar system sized city?08:16
AlcyiusI've heard good stuff about it08:17
AlcyiusHad forgotten the name though08:17
JayDuggerYes, And if you can't make sense of it, try Knights of Sidonia, aka "Hodgson's The Night Land on a generation starship."08:17
AlcyiusIsn't that the one Netflix made?08:17
AlcyiusI've also heard good things about that, but my ex didn't want to watch it and I just kinda never had the time to since bringing it up08:17
@fennsidonia actually is a prequel to blame, their ship is where toha heavy industries came from08:18
JayDuggerMan, fenn, there was another anime I was going to ask if you'd seen, but it escapes me ATM.08:18
AlcyiusAs much as I love investment in infrastructure08:19
AlcyiusThe work on the gas lines on my street has been ongoing for over a month08:19
AlcyiusAnd is shaking the attic08:19
kanzuresidonia was sorta boring08:19
@fennyeah it was his attempt to be mainstream and formulaic08:19
@fennsuccess :(08:19
kanzuretheir reveals were weak though.08:19
JayDuggerEasy, the man's got bills to pay.08:20
kanzureyou think the story has built up to some awesome reveal but instead it's just more formulaic garbage following the already established story08:20
JayDuggerThere are worse ways to sell out than to write something with a plot.08:20
JayDuggerBut yeah, it did weaken as it went along.08:20
AlcyiusAre there any works without a plot?08:20
@fennthe original aeon flux animated shorts08:20
AlcyiusI mean, plot kinda happens whenever you have connected events08:20
AlcyiusI mean, the shorts themselves had plots didn't they?08:21
@fennwell, sort of08:21
AlcyiusThere wasn't an overarching one08:21
JayDuggerBlame! had a rather vague plot.08:21
Alcyiusalso, I need to finish watching the Metropolis anime movie08:21
kanzurealso there's the hplusroadmap manga08:21
@fennthat feeling you get sometimes that you're living in a science fiction story, it's real!08:22
kanzureit's true.08:22
JayDuggerI skipped my anti-senility pills today, and so am missing that joke.08:22
kanzurebut yeah, i think an hplusroadmap manga should happen, although i will readily admit i don't have much of that project figured out at the moment.....08:22
AlcyiusI need to watch Texhnolyze08:23
Alcyiusthanks for reminding me08:23
@fennno, you don't. texhnolyze is totally skippable08:23
@fennspolier: they turn all the humans into unfeeling robots08:23
@fennthe end08:23
AlcyiusI fail to see how this is a bad thing /s08:23
AlcyiusAlso, if anyone was looking for non-standard prosthetics08:24
JayDuggerSeen "Now and Then, Here and There"?08:24
AlcyiusHaven't even heard of it08:25
@fennme either08:25
JayDuggerWell shit.08:25
kanzurehplusroadmap manga suffers from a lack of plot at the moment. but the world building beats mostly everything.08:25
AlcyiusAlso, what are your thoughts on Psycho Pass08:26
JayDuggerThat's no help for a review--but kanzure's pitch is awesome.08:26
kanzuremaybe it should be a manga novelization of nsh's alleged federal reserve hacking08:27
cluckjI'd probably read that08:27
@fennand NASA, can't forget that08:27
JayDuggerI think my niece watched that.08:27
kanzureah yes, nasa too, indeed08:27
AlcyiusAlso, thoughts on Dresden Coak?08:27
JayDuggerNot a fan, but dislike most webcomics.08:27
kanzurethe manga could be about "science liberation front". that could be fun.08:28
@fenndresden codak is somewhat unique in having a positively portrayed cyborg character08:28
@fennit's kinda rambly but that's okay08:29
AlcyiusI just love the whole "I want to cut off my entire body and replace it with a better one"08:29
@fennthat's not how it happened though, she was hit with a giant laser beam08:29
kanzurewell if you enjoy shit that panders to you, Alcyius would enjoy anything by charlie stross08:29
@fennwhich burned off half her body and part of her brain08:29
AlcyiusI mean yeah, but she had been planning it for a while at that point08:29
@fennbut what kind of example would that set for the children? :P08:30
kanzurei guess the manga would have to be hard scifi only08:30
@fennit's bad enough with lepht's idiocy08:30
kanzureno "monks knocking sense into people by punching just right"08:31
kanzuremaybe elon musk stuff.08:32
JayDuggerUmm...example set by Stross...how about "steal ideas from better writers?"08:36
@fennsteal ideas from usenet and old mailing lists08:36
JayDuggerIn fairness to Stross, also worked for Rowling and Orson Scott Card.08:37
kanzurei get v. disappointed with typical stereotypes unfortunately08:37
JayDuggerI was thinking Moorcock, Lovecraft, Zellazny, Leighton, and Fleming in Stross's case.08:37
kanzurelike sure we could do an "fbi special agent in the weapons of mass destruction division" teams up with "unruly biohacker" but then i feel bad about myself08:37
Alcyiuskanzure, do it as a set of "in the life" stories about near-future transhumanists08:37
JayDuggerIsn't that Vinge's "Rainbows End?"08:38
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kanzureAlcyius: "some people make some nootropics, keep to themselves, and then achieve their goals on their own terms" is not much of a story08:39
JayDuggerNonsense, that's Microcosmic God.08:39
JayDuggerAlso Odd John.08:40
AlcyiusCould go "Glimpses in the Life" of an unnamed figure who makes a major advance08:40
AlcyiusAlways have their face obscured08:40
AlcyiusThat could be interesting08:40
AlcyiusMain character that you never really see08:40
AlcyiusYou only see the results of their actions08:40
kanzuresatoshi? ok08:41
Alcyiusthe bitcoin guy?08:41
AlcyiusThat could actually be interesting08:41
Alcyius6 chapter manga about them08:41
AlcyiusAlways facing away08:41
AlcyiusOr their face is obscured08:41
kanzureunfortunately that would eliminate the possibility of the character being an ai, and i'm not sure i would want to do that.08:42
AlcyiusI mean08:42
@fennobjection disqualified for lameness08:42
AlcyiusSame concept, but with the hypothetical, near future creator of the first AI08:42
Alcyius6 chapters, Childhood, College, Breakthrough, Disappearance, Results, "Death"08:43
@fennthere are too many books already, why would you want to write another one?08:43
kanzurebecause most of them are boring and make me frustrated?08:44
kanzuregood scifi is compressed idea transfer and syncing08:44
Alcyiuson that note08:44
AlcyiusMass Effect is surprisingly hard sci fi08:44
@fennit has good industrial design, the physics is consistent08:45
@fennbut the story is kinda bland08:46
AlcyiusI liked that the explanation for all the "dungeons" being the same in 1 was that they were all prefabs08:46
AlcyiusI dislike that I'd have to pay more than I got the 3 games for the DLC08:48
@fenni'd like to see a mass effect game from the point of view of the geth08:49
AlcyiusCan the SynthesisEnding!Geth still move bodies?08:52
AlcyiusAlso, look at Grey Goo08:53
Alcyiusthe game08:53
xentracfenn: I don't think of fuller and disney as transhumanists, although as JayDugger says, Fuller clearly is an inspiration to transhumanism08:54
xentractransmetropolitan touches on a lot of transhumanism themes, but the infrastructure in it is just scenery as far as I can tell08:57
@fennwell it's hard to discern a difference between "optimistic futurists" and "transhumanists"08:57
xentracbut it's fiction also08:57
@fenntoo much grunge for my taste08:58
Aurelius_Work2it's not amazing, but warframe is a mix of hard scifi and, well, magic08:58
@fenn'he and his "filthy assistants" strive to keep their world from turning more dystopian than it already is'08:58
Aurelius_Work2it's very 40k in that way08:58
xentracI haven't read everything Fuller wrote, but I haven't come across anything where he's talking about enhancing human biology internally, or uploading, or even Engelbartian mental augmentation really08:59
Aurelius_Work2every other enemy in warframe is augmented, and the player character is a posthuman lifeform09:00
xentracthere seems to be a pretty deep split between (nonfiction) futurists who explore personal apotheosis and those that explore infrastructure, which is pretty strange when you think about it09:00
AlcyiusAurelius_Work2, I tried playing Warframe, but I just didn't09:01
AlcyiusIt was eh09:01
@fennAurelius_Work2: yeah i see what you mean 40k-like, reminds me of eldar vs imperium09:01
Aurelius_Work2eh, it's a very specific type of game09:01
Aurelius_Work2it's gotten better though09:01
AlcyiusI was trying to play it stealth09:01
AlcyiusAnd the stealth in it was09:01
AlcyiusVery meh09:01
Aurelius_Work2fenn : and the Corpus as Tau09:01
AlcyiusAnd I didn't like all the microtransactions09:01
Aurelius_Work2Alcyius : stealth has gotten much better, microtransactions are mostly cosmetic/convenience, but it will always be a game about maxing out your murderhobo ness09:01
AlcyiusI might reinstall it09:02
AlcyiusIt was really poorly optimized when I played it too09:02
Aurelius_Work2yeah, I came back to it for the first time in two years09:02
AlcyiusThough I have a GTX980 instead of a GTX560m now09:02
Aurelius_Work2last week09:02
Aurelius_Work2I had gotten bored09:02
Alcyiusanyone play GW2?09:04
Aurelius_Work2I used to, but my issues with that game are...endless09:04
Aurelius_Work2(with Arenanet in general)09:04
AlcyiusI have a lot of friends in the game09:04
AlcyiusAnd I enjoy my asura engineer way too much09:04
Aurelius_Work2I have like 600 hours in the game, don't get me wrong--it was just from the first 8 months after launch09:05
AlcyiusI have09:05
Alcyius1600 hours09:05
AlcyiusBut I bought the collector's edition09:06
AlcyiusPlayed for 50 hours09:06
AlcyiusThen came back to it 2 years later09:06
AlcyiusIt was a lot better09:06
Aurelius_Work2I'm amused you dislike Warframe's microtransactions but mind Arenanet's less09:08
Alcyius95% of arenanet's are purely cosmetic09:08
AlcyiusWhen I first played Warframe, a lot of "classes" and weapons were bought09:09
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.09:09
Aurelius_Work2you can buy classes and weapons for convenience, or play the game to get them09:09
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AlcyiusI forgot how much I loved Hellboy09:16
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nmz787_iAlcyius: I had to drop calc 2 a few times, and didnt end up passing until i took it alone, as my only course that semester/quarter09:28
nmz787_iI guess 'term' is the more generic term09:28
Alcyiusnmz787_i, that was my experience in Calc 109:28
AlcyiusI had to retake it over the summer09:28
AlcyiusI shouldn't have taken this in a regular semester tbh09:30
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nmz787_iand I thinkthe averages in my organic classes were around the C grade level09:34
nmz787_iexcept for the upper level classes that had more application in them09:35
AlcyiusI'm just hoping I get a 56.1%09:35
AlcyiusEnough to pass with a D-09:35
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AlcyiusOne of my favorite bands is Ayreon, and its a shame, the music is so good, but I hate that it's so anti-technology10:05
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nmz787_imeaning they don't  record themselves, and only perform acapella?10:10
Alcyiusnmz787_i, no, ayreaon is a prog rock project by a single guy10:10
AlcyiusThe music is really good10:10
AlcyiusBut the albums tell an overarching story of a race who destroyed their emotions by becoming dependent on machines10:11
AlcyiusWho created mankind, then tried to warn them of their imminent destruction due to their overreliance on technology10:11
AlcyiusAll in all leaves a really bad taste in my mouth10:11
AlcyiusOne of my other favorite bands is Van Canto, which is metal a cappella, but their music isn't preachy so10:12
kanzureayreon master of darkness is one of the first few songs i remember finding on my own10:16
AlcyiusI've listened to the entire discography10:18
AlcyiusGod Kroenen is creepy10:33
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FourFireAlcyius, remember, if you aren't trying to say something, use needlessly long, complicated sounding words: http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=229512:59
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kanzurere: brain uploading. modularization of the brain can be increased by selection for loss-of-function lesion sites (e.g. select for greater loss of function of some component or behavior when always cutting at a specific location, and select against non-loss). next you also need to select for lower connectivity between modules, and also that the connections htemselves between modules are pushed to the surface of the brain for easy ...14:06
kanzure... debugging at both input and output.14:06
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nmz787_i1kanzure: just in time for the holidays, even with a paint job to go with the season http://www.go-dove.com/en/auction/view?id=996614314:20
yoleauxKuka KR 360-2 Industrial Material Handling Robot, 6-Axis, Floor Type, Load 360 Kg, Range 2826 MM, Weight 2385 Kg includi | GoIndustry DoveBid14:20
nmz787_i1(located somewhere around my neighborhood)14:20
@fennwhat do you ask robo-santa for christmas14:30
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erasmusopenbci ganglion board with bioera and a larger 3D printer to make a helmet for dry sensors.14:39
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kanzureexpecting the visual appearance of the brain to program a computer to behave like that brain, is probably not a good expectation re: actual physical brain scanning.14:45
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bjonnherasmus: what about the openeeg things?14:47
erasmusI want ICA and LORETA in WinEEG14:47
erasmusbut I think I'd need a Mitsar amp14:48
bjonnhthat's too advanced for me14:49
erasmusonly reason I want the OpenBCI board is that it's $9914:50
erasmusor it will be14:50
bjonnhyeah but I'm worried about the quality of signals14:50
bjonnhseparation between channels and so on14:51
erasmuswell Bioera wouldn't support it if it wasn't tested.14:52
erasmushow exciting to be able to train on a $99 AMP14:53
erasmusbut we still have to wait like 6 months14:53
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erasmusjustanotheruser I want to join politics for the debate tonight.15:30
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1073685715:31
yoleauxShow HN: Recreate NASA's Apollo Space Beeps (Quindar Tones) with Web Audio | Hacker News15:31
justanotherusererasmus: /msg alis list politics15:31
bjonnherasmus: debate?15:33
erasmusyeah last GOP debate of the year.15:33
erasmuswill prolly start around 7EST15:33
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bjonnhthey should give them RPGs and an open field15:33
erasmusjustanotheruser has ops in #politics15:33
erasmusbut he can't get over his butthurt.15:34
kanzurethis is off-topic15:34
erasmussorry kanzure15:34
fennalso i banned you, why/how are you back?15:34
bjonnhcan we list bans?15:35
justanotheruserbjonnh: /quote mode ##hplusroadmap +b15:36
fennin irssi you just type /ban and it shows a list15:36
bjonnhjustanotheruser: yeah I just found that on freenode help, thanks15:36
bjonnhfenn: oh weechat does the same15:36
fennanyway obviously the username changed but it's skirting the spirit of the ban :P15:37
kanzureother approach for brain uploading is to randomly eliminate different ways for the brain to vary (remove number of neurotransmitters, receptors, etc) while maintaining existing functionality, such that the number of weird things to analyze goes down15:41
fennsomehow i doubt your attempts to evolve a simpler organism will succeed15:43
fennevolution always takes the side way out15:43
kanzurewhat do you mean, complexity is going to get magically pushed into some other unmeasured direction?15:43
kanzurecaught you agreeing with magic, you lose15:44
kanzure.. or something. is that how this works?15:44
fennmumble mumble complexity emergence15:44
fenni'm not one of those santa fe institute people so i don't know all the lingo15:44
kanzurei think a stronger argument for you to make would be something like, "selecting for simplicity is going to give poor behavior results", which is much easier to agree with than "some other complexity is going to happen to replace the one you were looking at".15:45
kanzurehowever, brains have not been selecting for complexity or simplicity (especially from a human analysis perspective), so it would make sense for there to be room to cull certain aspects without impacting behavior completely.15:45
kanzure*brains have not been selected for15:45
fennwell i'm not certain at all that brain complexity is required for complex behavior15:46
fennbut i've never seen evolution produce a simple expected outcome15:47
kanzurewhat i really want is to use octopus chromatophores to report on signalling between different modules in octopus brain matter. but this is not going to happen.15:48
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fennyou could use transparent zebrafish larvae and luminescent/fluorescent reporter proteins15:48
fennthat's already been done15:49
kanzureyeah most of what i am thinking about re: brain uploading is more like.. something like cat, dog or chimp brain.15:49
fenndo we have NIR modulating proteins?15:49
kanzurethere was an infrared gfp i think15:50
fenn.title http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v7/n10/full/nmeth.1501.html15:50
yoleauxNear-infrared fluorescent proteins : Nature Methods : Nature Publishing Group15:50
kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v29/n8/full/nbt.1918.html15:50
yoleauxBright and stable near-infrared fluorescent protein for in vivo imaging : Nature Biotechnology : Nature Publishing Group15:50
kanzureoh they are different15:50
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doclAlcyius: You might be able to meet your calculus course requirements by passing AP Calculus BC with high enough marks. (You need a score of 4+ to get all three classes worth according to my local community college website.)15:51
kanzurewe really need some flat-headed flat-brained animals15:51
fennkitten in a bottle15:52
kanzuredocl: don't encourage people to go to college, what's wrong with you15:52
fennkanzure if the alternative is high school it makes sense to skip straight to college15:52
kanzuredon't let parents bully you into high school vs college15:52
kanzurejrayhawk turned out to be a perfectly fine gun nut15:53
jrayhawki am unable to personally recreate the scene from Tremors, ergo i am not adequate15:53
kanzurewhy a bottle?15:53
fenn.g kitten in a bottle15:54
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kanzurehmm i am not sure if this is helpful15:54
fenn"By physically constraining the growth of a developing living thing, it can be directed to take the shape of the vessel that constrains it. Both foot-binding and head-binding were practiced in the Far East, for the purpose of miniaturizing the feet and shaping the head into attractive shapes."15:55
fennthere was a tribe of native american that thought flattened skulls were attractive...15:56
kanzurewell, okay, how about this: select for brains that are able to survive flattening. you would first need to select the ones that would survive outside of a skull in reasonable conditions, like blood supply and such.15:56
fennhow flat are we talking about?15:56
kanzureoh, but then you need to get behavior input/outputs to check that it is still working.15:56
kanzurei don't know, <1 cm thickness15:56
fennprobably doable15:56
kanzurei think <1 cm thickness would be way easier to analyze15:57
kanzure3d things are less probe-friendly15:57
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kanzuresorta unfortunate that these are just methods that lead to even more studying at the end, instead of leading to an uploaded functional brain thing16:00
fennthose hydrocephaly brains are pretty thin, even though the total volume is about the same16:02
kanzurei think the jury is still out on whether those are imaging artifacts... we need to see more neuroimaging studies of that. and more autopsies and dissections.16:02
kanzureit's interesting though that hydrocephaly should be easy to force (add a drip line)16:04
fennkevin warwick had a bottle of rat neural tissue culture controlling a wheeled robot, i'm not sure if it ever accomplished anything resembling intelligence. but you could hypothetically construct a set of intelligence tests for various kinds of brain-in-a-vat setups16:05
kanzureyep sure... but my "data center of brain-slices-in-vat" plan suffered from questions regarding how to get all the brain matter split up like that16:06
fennit's much easier to pretend that an animal moving around and eating cheese has a fully-functioning brain, but then you're limited to phenotypes that eat cheese and run around mazes16:06
kanzureso, hook up mouse and cat brains to optical character recognition tasks?16:07
fennyeah i guess16:07
fennimages of soviet missile silos16:07
fenni feel like there are a lot of cognitive functions that a brain performs, and we can't even enumerate them16:09
fennvisual object recognition is a well studied one16:09
kanzurewell, smooshing/flattening a brain (and selecting for brain survival from this), then splitting it up into multiple dishes based on regions or something, yeah i guess that would give enough to analyze what each component is doing16:10
kanzureplus selection for electrode biocompatibility. and ability to survive being split up into lots of dishes... bleh.16:10
fennbut if you're selecting brains-in-a-vat for simplicity you might just be discarding all the important stuff because it's not being measured because you don't know to measure it in the first place16:10
kanzurewell you would have to observe actual specimens running around with the simplified brains16:11
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Alcyiusdocl, that is not an option16:15
AlcyiusMy high school's math class stops at precalc16:15
AlcyiusThen you move to the uni's math classes16:15
AlcyiusOur courseload is integrated with the university16:16
AlcyiusLike post-secondary+16:16
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doclAny other high schools in the area that offer AP testing?16:18
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doclIt's an annual thing that they tend to do in the spring. Homeschoolers do it too, it's one of those things like Driver's Ed. You don't have to do the high school's prep course if you study it for yourself.16:20
kanzureinstead of spending all that time studying, better to spend it developing actual skills16:21
doclIsn't calculus an actual skill?16:21
fennnot a useful one16:21
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Alcyiusdocl, yeah, but if I leave the Early College High School, I'm barred from post-secondary stuff in the city16:21
fennit was more useful before we had automatic computers16:21
AlcyiusA money thing16:22
AlcyiusMy main issue is having to pay $500 if I fail the class16:22
AlcyiusAs opposed to the $0 I'd pay next year, when it would've been covered by scholarships16:22
doclfenn: Funny that, calculus was one of the requirements to get a computer science degree when I was going to college.16:23
fenni'm not at all surprised16:23
Alcyiuscalc I is a req for comp sci here16:23
fennorganic chemistry was a requirement to get a biology degree. but biological chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry are different worlds...16:23
AlcyiusHave to go all the way to Differential Equations for an engineering degree16:23
kanzureenrollment has nothing to do with your ability to learn calculus or organic chemistry or any other topic.16:24
* docl wasn't familiar with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_college_high_school16:24
doclNot sure you'd have to leave the ECHS to take a test at another school. It's just a test, right?16:25
AlcyiusWe take History 9 and 10, English 9, 10, 11, math up through honors precalc, and 2 years of science at the high school level16:25
AlcyiusAnd the rest of our time is spent doing college classes to (ideally) graduate with an associate's degree16:26
kanzureso much wasted time. geeze.16:28
fennbut it's certifiably wasted time16:29
fennso you can prove to a potential employer you are capable of wasting time in a specific way if someone tells you to16:29
fenndocl did you go to ucsb?16:30
doclfenn: I went to tvcc in oregon16:31
kanzuredo you know the oregon folks in here?16:31
kanzurewe have portland and eugene people16:31
doclI don't think I've met any of them in person. I'm in salem now.16:32
kanzurewe should fix this16:32
fennheh here we go again16:33
fennherding cats16:33
kanzuredocl: you should meet nmz78716:33
kanzuredocl: you might even be able to mooch off of him for the holidays16:33
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fennAlcyius most math is really easy, just poorly explained. so you have to dig around until you find an explanation you understand, and then practice until the knowledge is burned into your memory (spaced repetition can help with this)16:39
fennbut there's no reason to ever spend _years_ studying a particular line of math16:39
doclkanzure: might be fun to hang out with him sometime. I keep intending to show up at the portland lesswrong meetups, but I always seem to feel more motivated to stay home than drive an hour to meet with random people.16:39
kanzurenmz787 is way better than lesswrong people16:40
kanzureeven if they all morphed together and combined16:40
kanzureoh i guess wei dai would be in there. and a few others. hm.16:40
kanzurebut still.16:40
doclfenn: have you seen this site? http://betterexplained.com/16:40
fennfwiw most early lesswrongers have left16:40
kanzurelesswrong is simply not optimized for the production of high-ability transhumanists.16:41
fennno docl i haven't tried to learn any math in a long time16:41
fennhmm maybe that's not true nevermind16:41
fennit's mostly the jargon and hieroglyphics i have trouble with now16:41
doclI mostly learn math by trying to solve hypothetical engineering challenges.16:42
kanzurei was very upset when i learned how simple the explanation was for sinusoids and other trigonometric properties. i was also upset about the poor explanations that everyone had previously given me. what a waste of everyone's time.16:42
doclThe hieroglyphics tend to stump me too.16:42
fennit's the assumption that you know what they mean that stumps me16:42
fennand no central hieroglyphics dictionary, like "what does S stand for"16:42
fennin engineering people label their fucking variables16:43
fennnot so in math an physics16:43
doclhmm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematical_symbols might be worth spending a bit of time memorizing.16:44
fennthose are not the symbols i have trouble with16:45
kanzureit's a power law distribution thingy of symbol appearance, not surprising to see a list like that omitting the weird stuff16:46
fennit's arbitrarily chosen greek or roman letters in various fonts and styles that have a common meaning16:46
fenni wanted to say "an understood meaning" but understood by who?16:46
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doclhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_physics_notations maybe? actually there's probably a whole huge wiki walk to do there.16:48
fennthis is also relevant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_letters_used_in_mathematics,_science,_and_engineering16:48
kanzure(adam back would be on this list...)16:49
kanzureholy namespace collision batman16:50
fenni didn't find these pages last time i looked for them16:50
kanzurethis would be a good use for a moratorium16:51
doclkids these days have it so easy, am I right?16:51
fennwe should convene an international summit of concerned polymaths16:51
fennto call for a moratorium on the use of single letters to represent abstract concepts and quantities16:52
doclyeah, namespace collision is a serious problem.16:52
doclmaybe require everything be two or more letters (english letters, no unicode) with an underscore between them?16:53
kanzure... no.16:53
kanzuretwo letters is not enough.16:53
fennhow about just words that represent the concept you are trying to communicate? is that so hard?16:53
kanzurei would settle for an appendix on every paper, and snobbishly abandoning anyone who foregoes inclusion of a definition of every symbol.16:54
fenncall the footnote police to take them away to the gulags16:55
kanzureyeah now this would be a good use of state surveillance16:55
doclisn't that what we pay peer reviewed journals for? I mean, what other people pay them for.16:57
fennyeah people who pay taxes16:58
fennactually no, peer review is done out of the goodness of the hearts of academics, and a desire not to incur the wrath of the editor16:59
fennand probably some other unsavory motivations i'm not aware of16:59
kanzureokay, what about selection for brains that can tolerate growth from neural tube stage and onward, in the presence of an invasive microelectrode array forest. would that be enough?16:59
fennthere are style guidelines and some journals actually enforce them16:59
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kanzureoh right, the skull grows around the brain during the growth stages. so you can't really just place it next to a 3d microelectrode scaffold and expect to get growth.17:00
doclwhat's the open source equivalent of peer reviewed journals? wikiversity?17:00
fennwhy not just work on making microelectrode arrays that don't kill all the nerve cells?17:00
kanzurefenn: because that's only useful for the surface of the brain really.17:01
kanzuredocl: there are some open-source journal platforms if that's what you're asking...17:01
fenndocl there has been a lot of backlash against transparent peer review for some reason17:01
Alcyiusat least one group of republicans want scientific funding to be tied to congressional debate17:02
kanzureyou will gain nothing from watching that debate17:02
AlcyiusI mean they haven't passed that bill yet17:02
fennsee what a shitstorm PubPeer has created just by existing...17:03
fennyou'd think academics would be a little more immune to criticism than the average person, having undergone so much of it. but they're extremely sensitive to publicly available criticism because it affects hiring decisions and funding and so on17:04
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kanzureand criticism is very cheap to create, and costly to defend against.17:05
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fennthere have been various attempts at creating "arugment maps" or "belief networks" or whatever, that could maybe in some ideal universe make it less costly to defend against unwarranted criticism17:06
fenni don't see much effort to change coming out of academia though17:07
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doclmaybe there needs to be a proof of credibility algorithm associated to make sure the criticism is valid, kind of like proof of work in cryptocurrencies?17:13
fennlike pagerank?17:13
fennor whuffie17:13
fennis "credibility" objective or observer-dependent?17:13
fennthere was a proposal to require e-money "stamps" on email. if the recipient decided your email was spam, the stamps would be charged to your account, otherwise the email was free17:15
fennyou could stake your reputation on some piece of anonymous criticism; if the criticism were dreadfully flawed or nonsensical your identity would be revealed17:16
fennbut who gets to decide whether the criticism is valid?17:16
doclseem hard to divorce credibility from observer, but maybe there could be a way that works by building a network of experts and letting them decide, with performance of past criticisms tracked. it would all be relative and competitive.17:17
fennthis all sounds highly political and much worse than the existing impact factor by citation network system17:18
fenntoo many words in that sentence heh17:18
fenn"impact factor" is a metric assigned to journals, and your personal score is determined by the H-index, which takes into account the impact factor of journals you have published in, and the journals that papers citing yours have published in17:20
fennit's strictly additive so a bunch of low quality papers citing yours can't drag it down17:20
fennyou can easily game the system by publishing a bunch of crap papers in low impact journals citing your own17:21
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fennoops that was a totally wrong description of h-index17:26
kanzurecheap criticism can be made by anyone with any motivation- even if they don't really want to positively contribute. this is why moderators exist.17:28
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fenni'd rather people do research instead of playing politics games17:29
Jawmarefenn, you have no idea what departmental politics are17:32
JawmareIT is even worse than normal office politics17:32
fennmy parents were university professors17:32
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Jawmareyou put together 20-30 profs with ego the size of the moon17:33
fenn"Academic politics are so bitter because the stakes are so low."17:33
kanzureboth of your parents?17:33
AlcyiusHey whichever one of you guys is working on a synthetic skin, hurry it up, I'm kinda sick of ripping my own apart17:33
kanzureAlcyius: try super glue17:34
Alcyiuskanzure, doesn't work for severe eczema17:34
fenntry supplemental magnesium17:34
AlcyiusNow that's something I haven't heard before17:34
AlcyiusI'll try that17:34
fennmagnesium citrate or glycinate17:34
Alcyiusanything else to deal with absorption?17:35
fennyou can apply magnesium chloride solution to the skin (anywhere, not just where your eczema is)17:36
fennit burns if you have a break in the skin though17:37
fennyou can overdose on magnesium glycinate though, there's no problems with absorption, just the extra expense17:38
fennwith magnesium citrate you can do 300-400mg/day before diarrhea becomes a problem17:38
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AlcyiusI mean17:39
AlcyiusI'm already dealing with that, because my health isn't in the best shape at the moment17:39
fennalbion makes a variety of amino acid chelates for animal feed supplementation, and they also do supplements for humans :D17:40
AlcyiusFirst I need to get on an antidepressant17:41
fennssri's usually don't work17:42
AlcyiusI've had...poor reactions to them17:42
AlcyiusGonna try a different one17:42
kanzureor school is a terrible environment for a person17:42
Alcyiuskanzure, I mean yes17:42
AlcyiusBut, I do indeed have depression only tangentially related to school17:42
kanzurehow would you know? you're in school.17:42
AlcyiusMore lingering trauma and excessive familial expectations17:42
AlcyiusBecause it gets worse when I'm not17:43
kanzuresummer doesn't count17:43
fenndo you have panic attacks?17:43
AlcyiusI did before I started seeing a therapist17:43
AlcyiusA proper one17:43
AlcyiusNot a religious nutjob17:43
fennmagnesium also helps with panic attacks and anxiety17:44
fennit's an NMDA antagonist and reduces the gain on your adrenaline response17:44
bjonnhfenn: do you have a reference for that?17:46
fennwell anyway if you want to experience temporary effects of elevated blood magnesium levels take an epsom salt bath17:47
fennbjonnh: for which?17:47
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fennbjonnh: a lot of my info comes from "the magnesium factor" by mildred seelig17:47
bjonnhMg, and NMDA antagonist and "the gain on adrenaline response"17:48
fennthat was my paraphrasing17:48
bjonnhI think that's bullshit17:49
bjonnhMg is used by most Ca channels17:50
bjonnhbut eating it will not change anything17:50
bjonnhexcept if you are missing some eventually, but by the time it plays with your channels, you will clearly have worse problems17:50
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Alcyiusbut will it help my skin17:52
AlcyiusIf my skin isn't falling apart, I'd be a bit happier17:52
AlcyiusI'd rather have a new set, but that's a way off17:53
bjonnhdid you do a ionogram?17:53
bjonnhnot ionogram17:53
bjonnhyes ionogram17:53
Alcyiusbjonnh, the only dermatologist in my area stopped taking my insurance17:53
bjonnhany blood lab can do that17:54
AlcyiusI mean, we know what the cause is17:54
AlcyiusExcept for one area that's a bit weird17:54
AlcyiusThe rest is moderate to severe eczema with a moderate compulsion and bad reaction to any sort of pressure17:54
Alcyiusso creams and ointments are out17:55
bjonnhyou mean psychological cause?17:55
bjonnhwhat is your diet like?17:55
Alcyiuspoor, but that's typical of a college student17:56
bjonnhwell that's already something you can probably work on17:56
AlcyiusAnd it'd happen even without the compulsion part, I literally rip my skin apart in my sleep17:56
bjonnhbut it implies to do some efforts17:56
bjonnhlike cooking17:56
bjonnh(and yes cooking can be rather quick, 10-30 min a day is enough to have a proper diet)17:57
bjonnhand from a psychological POV, spending time taking care of yourself may help too17:57
bjonnhI've seen radical changes in students I worked with that decided to take care of their diet17:58
Alcyiusbjonnh, the skin thing is a lifelong issue that's remained mostly constant in spite of other factors17:58
AlcyiusAnd I do cook as time and energy permits17:59
AlcyiusI need to get a decent chair in the kitchen though, I can't stand for long periods of time anymore17:59
bjonnhso that part is good for you, you already have the habit and time to cook17:59
bjonnhso now working on the nutritional aspect may help17:59
bjonnhskin issues are often rduced with correct lipid intake18:00
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fennbiochemistry is complicated and i don't have all the relevant details cached, but note: "Adrenaline or noradrenaline are receptor ligands to either α1, α2 or β-adrenergic receptors. α1 couples to Gq, which results in increased intracellular Ca2+ and subsequent smooth muscle contraction."18:01
bjonnhby correct I mean equilibrated and in a normal amount.18:01
bjonnhfenn: of course but everything is linked to everything in a body18:01
bjonnhbut if your magnesium levels are ok, it make no real sense to take more magnesium18:02
fennwhen you have higher extracellular magnesium concentrations, the mg2+ ions bunch up around the calcium channel and reduce the influx of ca2+18:02
fennthe thing is 90% of americans are deficient in magnesium18:02
AlcyiusI'm sorry to seem a bit rude, cuz you are offering better advice than "try this ointment"18:02
AlcyiusBut you do realize I'm talking about a life-long chronic condition right?18:02
AlcyiusJust making sure18:03
bjonnhthe idea is not to cure it18:03
AlcyiusBut manage the symptoms18:03
bjonnhfenn: 90%… wow18:03
fennit's not surprising, it's really hard to get even the minium RDA from your diet18:04
fennskin issues often improve with fish oil supplementation, but it sounds like you have a psychological problem and this is just a manifestation of your stress response18:06
Alcyiusfenn, I mean, it's not just psychological18:08
fennchronic stress can cause inflammation and physiological changes18:08
AlcyiusThere's a psychological component that's been there since early childhood18:08
AlcyiusAnd yeah stress is definitely an issue18:08
AlcyiusBut there's also just chronic dry skin that responds poorly to treatment18:08
AlcyiusBecause the only real treatments cause the inflammation and itchiness to begin with18:08
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fennhuh i wonder where i picked up the idea "chronic stress causes inflammation"18:16
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bjonnhbecause it may18:19
fenni'm not seeing anything corroborating this though18:20
fennonly vaguely related things like "irritable bowel syndrome" or "autoimmune conditions"18:20
bjonnhwell inflammation may be related to autoimmune things18:20
AlcyiusUnrelated but18:21
bjonnhand immune system is linked to brain18:21
bjonnhwhy not18:21
AlcyiusDamn they did a really good job at making the joker unsettling in Arkham Knight18:21
bjonnhAlcyius: no diabetes?18:22
fenn"Cohen argued that prolonged stress alters the effectiveness of cortisol to regulate the inflammatory response because it decreases tissue sensitivity to the hormone. Specifically, immune cells become insensitive to cortisol's regulatory effect. In turn, runaway inflammation is thought to promote the development and progression of many diseases."18:22
Alcyiusbjonnh, no, but I do have something wrong with both of my legs, and my doctor's first guess from how they're moving and family history is early onset arthritis18:22
AlcyiusCould be psoriatic arthritis18:23
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fennthis is one of those "blob of data points with a line drawn through it" papers18:25
fennso it's a subtle effect18:27
bjonnhmaybe :p18:28
bjonnhor none or a bad student18:29
fennthey were studying healthy college students though, not people with chronic disease18:29
fenn.title http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2247437118:29
yoleauxChronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance, inflammation, and disease risk. - PubMed - NCBI18:29
bjonnhhealthy college students18:30
fenn 276 healthy adult volunteers18:30
fennthe typical subject demographic of psychology department experiments18:31
fenni don't blame them, it's hard to get research subjects18:31
bjonnhwell probability of bs increases18:31
bjonnhI know18:32
bjonnhbut there is this thing in research where it is better to make 4 crappy studies a year instead of a good one…18:33
bjonnhfor many diverse reasons18:33
bjonnhwhich researches don't always control directly18:33
fennyes that was the previous topic18:33
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fenn2012-04-12.log:00:54 < jrayhawk> http://chriskresser.com/rhr-chronic-stress-cortisol-resistance-and-modern-disease goddamn this is an interesting podcast18:39
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Alcyiusmy bro just made dinner19:00
AlcyiusPork chops, loaded baked potatoes, and green beans19:00
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kanzureAlcyius: regarding arkham knight.... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl2Ae8IzmEusR43OL9HNcKQ20:33
kanzurebetter link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgO7JBj821uHS8JrkAzGPLevc9Ky_D6qz20:34
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kanzurewhat happened to those studies about offspring maze solving ability20:56
FourFireAnything I should check out in Leipzig?21:18
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JawmareFourFire, LEGIDA22:00
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