
--- Log opened Fri Dec 18 00:00:40 2015
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rkoshi, is paperbot back online?05:03
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rkosjust wondering if theres anywhere where i could get this article http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1620/abstract ?05:04
Diablo-D3the url that says get pdf?05:05
rkosnah but it requires an account05:05
Diablo-D3government money paid for this research05:05
Diablo-D3this makes me angry05:05
rkosoh its on libgen05:07
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streetyDiablo-D3: how do you know government money paid for that research?05:30
Diablo-D3streety: because its research.05:30
Diablo-D3So much research is "tainted" by tax payer money, they'd have to prove they didn't get government funding somewhere05:30
streetynot all research is government funded05:30
Diablo-D3If even a single penny went in, that research belongs to me05:30
Diablo-D3I dunno, it just drives me up a wall that people think its okay to put research papers behind paywalls05:32
Diablo-D3Its just massively bullshit05:32
streetyI'm all for research being made freely available but the government angle seems like a poor argument05:33
Diablo-D3streety: its one of those things where, in the US, once government funding goes into it, your ability to claim you have true real honest to god rights to ownership of it05:34
Diablo-D3like, if NASA does something? they can't even claim copyright05:35
Diablo-D3because thats 100% made by the government05:35
streetythis article was written in the US, so might 'belong' to all Americans but what about Japanese or Europeans? What if it was written by European or Japanese researchers?05:35
Diablo-D3I want to say EU has similar feelings about this05:36
Diablo-D3Japan? Who knows, probably US funding went into it somewhere05:36
Diablo-D3if you told me the US was funding scientific research in other countries, I wouldn't even question it, I really wouldn't05:36
streetyHopefully everyone worldwide feels that research should be globally available. It doesn't necessarily follow that use of US research dollars means someone in another country should have free access to it. And vice versa05:38
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kanzureanders sandberg lecture on stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1qu3OGGbuM06:48
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archelskanzure: anything new?07:06
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kanzureno idea, my internet connection has been dropping connections like crazy, can't see a thing07:08
archelshow are you not pulling your hair out right now07:08
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kanzurewell i'm replaying new star wars in my head. so there's that.07:13
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kanzurepew pew pew. kaboosh.07:16
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FourFirefenn, why can't the magnetic particles cooling process just be repeated?07:24
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fennfourfire then it's just refrigeration07:52
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AlcyiusI just got informed that I have direct admission to my university's College of Engineering08:10
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kanzureyou owe me 100 pages of typed text for why you are ignoring my advice08:19
AlcyiusWhich advice08:19
kanzurehuh i guess that explains it08:19
kanzureyou can do fine without college08:20
AlcyiusWell yeah, but I'm already 2 years into it, and it's a claim ticket for 20% greater life earnings08:20
AlcyiusAnd the easier it gets, the stupider I look for not doing it08:20
kanzure"20% greater life earnings" this is not how statistics works08:20
AlcyiusMy goal is to get a job working for a startup and hit FI as soon as possible08:21
kanzurestartups don't care about college08:21
AlcyiusFair enough08:21
AlcyiusI'm mostly doing it cuz its free08:22
AlcyiusI have enough scholarships to not pay a penny08:22
kanzurefinancial independence can be achieved much more quickly by earning money immediately instead of waiting08:22
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kanzuretrivial argument in favor of this is to point you towards how compound interest is important (e.g. better to earn a high income as quickly as possible)08:22
kanzurehigh income later in life is less useful because you have less years in that direction.08:23
kanzurejrayhawk: does sympa have better moderation tools for incoming email moderation? like group-based moderating with votes or audit logs or something.08:24
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fennapparently if you get enough scholarships you just get free money, like to put in a bank account08:56
fennsomeone i know is getting like $100k that way08:57
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Alcyiusfenn, yeah, though it's dependent on the school/scholarship09:06
AlcyiusMy uni tried to stop giving "refund" checks09:07
AlcyiusThere was a huge outroar but they still don't refund 100% of the money09:07
AlcyiusWhich is stupid as all hell, cuz its your fucking money09:07
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doclFourFire: the issue with that is its not really "cooling" with magnetic fields so much as temporarily increasing tempetrature.09:29
fenns/temperature/heat capacity/09:29
fennthis is some pretty gnarly stuff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinolinic_acid09:30
Alcyiusthat reminds me09:32
AlcyiusAnyone here read about that person trying to modify tobacco plants to produce sex horomones09:33
AlcyiusAlways fuck that up09:33
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kanzure"After rigorous testing, the new BitFury Chip has demonstrated outstanding computing capabilities. The design target was 40 gigahash per second with power efficiency of 0.06 joules per gigahash. On average, the measured power efficiency of tested engineering samples of the new BitFury Chip ranges from 0.055 joules per gigahash to 0.07 joules per gigahash, thus making the BitFury 16nm ASIC Chip the industry leader in energy efficiency."09:51
kanzurealso, here's some stuff about soft-forks in bitcoin land:09:52
fennalready used up my monthly quota of fucks to give for bitcoin09:52
AlcyiusI don't know why, but something about bitcoin just puts me off09:53
kanzurefenn: the third one is sorta interesting about compatibility. it's not much fuckery there.09:53
kanzureAlcyius: well, money is pretty awful09:53
AlcyiusAlso, it just feels like bitcoin has more problems than traditional fiat currencies09:53
kanzureAlcyius: to be fair, hplusroadmap was also extremely negative about bitcoin. we heard about it one day after it was released to the publish: http://gnusha.org/logs/2009-01-10.log09:54
AlcyiusAt least the USD has the US Government telling people to use it09:54
kanzure*released to the public09:54
kanzurein fact, i have recently decided that it is completely fair to call myself the first bitcoin hater09:54
superkuhI don't understand it. Luckily I don't need to to use it. Regardless of the political infighting of the week re, scaling, blocksize, etc, etc, it's still better than using the credit card system.09:54
Alcyiuslol you particularly called it crap09:54
fennthis was in the context of being sick of hearing about p2p energy currencies from marc fawzi09:55
kanzureyeah to be fair that is a good reason to be angry/upset09:55
Alcyiusfair enough09:55
kanzuresuperkuh: i am curious which aspects you don't understand yet. i have learned much of the art of explaining many of these components.09:55
fennthis growing understanding of the implications of soft vs hard forks has relevance for other distributed software systems as well09:58
Alcyius"Social consequences of all deaths being violent or accidental in nature."09:59
kanzuresatoshi nakamoto originally did not have a strong understanding of consensus forks, because many of the opcodes he originally introduced would make the network self-fork against itself (there was an opcode that checked the version number of the client that was validating the current transaction.............).09:59
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fennalcyius are you physically in school right now?10:08
AlcyiusNo, but I should be writing a paper right now10:08
AlcyiusI'm in my room, debating whether or not to take a shower10:09
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fennelon musk was asked: "What daily habit do you believe has the largest positive impact on your life?"10:11
kanzureit's a natural adult question once you hit the "old and cranky" age10:11
fenni was old and cranky when i was a kid10:11
kanzuretell elon musk, "something about never realizing what other people mean by mental fatigue"10:12
fennmostly i was wondering if people in high school are able to hang out on IRC in class10:12
Alcyiusfenn, I'm only technically in high school though10:13
AlcyiusAll my classes are at the local university10:13
kanzurei was able to do that in some classes (based on ethernet port distance). school wifi was off-limits. and mobile pocket emergency keyboard wasn't invented yet.10:13
AlcyiusEven so, its finals week10:13
kanzurehmm i am still unhappy with lack of papers on positron emission tomography of neuron activity10:15
fennisn't it really slow? like it takes 20 minutes per image10:16
FourFireAt secular solstice meetup now :D10:16
fennA miniature PE tomograph has been constructed that is small enough for a fully conscious and mobile rat to wear on its head while walking around.[21] This RatCAP (Rat Conscious Animal PET) allows animals to be scanned without the confounding effects of anesthesia.10:17
AlcyiusFourFire, are they playing Cthulhu Carols?10:20
nmz787_iAlcyius: I read about the tobacco hormone project10:24
AlcyiusI find it pretty interesting10:25
kanzureis that last link an image of ratcap-derived brain imaging??10:29
doclfenn: it's a change in temperature, hence the deltaT in the equation on the wiki page. not a change in heat capacity, which would be deltaC10:32
doclalthough I guess it does mention change in heat capacity where it is describing it later. hmm.10:33
docl"Adiabatic magnetization: A magnetocaloric substance is placed in an insulated environment. The increasing external magnetic field (+H) causes the magnetic dipoles of the atoms to align, thereby decreasing the material's magnetic entropy and heat capacity. Since overall energy is not lost (yet) and therefore total entropy is not reduced (according to thermodynamic laws), the net result is that the subs10:33
docltance is heated (T + ΔTad)."10:33
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fennno the last image is just a random MRI+PET brain scan10:34
fenni had never seen one before10:34
doclthe change in heat capacity causes the change in temperature10:35
AlcyiusI hate being sick10:35
AlcyiusEven my eyes hurt10:35
fennalcyius take vitamin D10:37
fenn10,000 IU for starters10:37
AlcyiusWish I had any vitamins around the house10:37
nmz787_ibeing sick sucks10:38
kanzureyea death to the pro-sick absolutists10:38
FourFireHey kanzure talked to a guy here, who wondered why there's no bitcoin assassination market for ISIS?10:38
fenn"for ISIS"?10:39
AlcyiusClarify: For members of ISIS, or for their targets?10:39
AlcyiusOr both?10:39
kanzureassassination markets are sort of hard when there's only pseudonymity instead of anonymity in bitcoin transactions10:40
fennmost criminals are not smart enough to use bitcoin10:40
nmz787_ibut surely they have infrastructure and backend support10:40
nmz787_ithose people would likely be the orchestrators10:41
nmz787_ior am I overestimating them?10:41
kanzure"most criminals" are by definition going to be small-timers like pocket thieves or whatever, especially when a large >1% of the population is deemed criminal.10:41
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AlcyiusAlso the definition of criminal is nebulous and dependent on the host society's morals10:42
fenna hired assassin10:43
kanzurewait.. >1% might be wrong. looking.10:43
kanzurei give up. i don't care. jail 'em all.10:44
FourFireAlcyius, to target ISIS structure, to kill them off10:44
kanzurei'm okay with talking about assassination markets but it's wrong to assume that it would only target one group of people...... i don't know where that's coming from.10:46
AlcyiusFourFire, I'd probably have to say that ISIS's chain of command is sketchy at best, and their location would make transport/verification difficult at best10:47
FourFireAlcyius, of course, though I'd prefer if kanzure, who has more in depth knowledge about bitcoin to answer10:48
AlcyiusFair enough10:48
kanzurepretty sure someone got arrested for talking about assasination markets10:48
kanzurejim bell10:48
AlcyiusGOD DAMNIT10:49
AlcyiusWhat is it about Ohio that drives people crazy10:50
AlcyiusHe was born in my hometown10:50
kanzureoh, hm, the government claimed it was about tax evasion10:50
Alcyiusand then harrassment of federal agents10:50
FourFire> there might be people in france who would donate...10:51
fennits like how they charge you overdraft fees because you didn't immediately pay the overdraft fee because there was no money in your bank account10:51
kanzureinstead of plotting the murder of everyone (which, by the way, i hold that planetary destruction is the only legitimate method for doing so), better to focus on voluntary exit from current bullshit by extensive use of self-replicating tech tree libraries.10:53
FourFire> at german festivity, have to ask whether I need to invoke godwin's law.10:53
FourFire> I don't10:53
Alcyiuskanzure, better get that project started before we hit the multi-planetary stage10:53
kanzureif you can blow one planet up then you can blow them all up10:53
fenn"Bell also accepted responsibility for conducting a stinkbomb attack in the Vancouver IRS office"10:54
AlcyiusYes, but by the time your death star gets to the next one10:54
AlcyiusThey might've figured out how to destroy it10:54
kanzureyea i am starting to think this has nothing to do with his assassination market essays :P10:54
AlcyiusUnless you abuse galactic politics to move halfway across the galaxy in half a second10:54
kanzureyou don't need a death star to destroy a planet....10:54
kanzurekids these days, geeze10:54
AlcyiusIt was a joke about a Galactic Civilization II playthrough10:55
fennback in the day we used fusion planet busters10:55
AlcyiusThere was a law passed that when war was declared, enemy units were moved to the closest allied territory10:55
AlcyiusSo he abused that to move his star destroyer to his enemy's home system10:55
AlcyiusIn a single turn10:55
nmz787_iyeah if people had some personal force field, we wouldn't have to worry as much about crazies11:01
nmz787_i/me bullies approaching, activate shield!11:01
kanzurebetter strategy would be to have multiple backups, at worst you would lose a few hours of your experience or something11:02
fennbut what if they move the knife slowly11:02
kanzurekung fu11:02
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Aurelius_Work2I should pick up galciv3 at some point11:03
nmz787_iwell I would assume a force field would also keep air pressure (or the lack thereof) at bay11:06
kanzurer2d2 died11:06
nmz787_iso non-insulating space suit11:06
nmz787_imaybe it would insulate11:07
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nmz787_ihmm, they're giving away tickets at work the day I work from home11:09
kanzuresurpeme leader is played by the lincoln memorial11:10
nmz787_ithat sounds like that monkey/ape movie series11:10
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fennketamine is a powerful NMDA antagonist; its antidepressant activity would make sense if the quinolinic acid theory of depression were true12:07
Diablo-D3tell m more about this quinolinic acid theory12:08
Diablo-D3aaaand having looked it up on wikipedia, I wonder why I never heard of it before12:08
fenn"The prefrontal cortices in the post-mortem brains of patients with major depression and bipolar depression contain increased levels quinolinic acid immunoreactivity compared to the brains of patients never having suffered from depression. ... By inducing increased levels of quinolinic acid in the cerebral spinal fluid with interferon α, researchers have demonstrated that increased quinolinic12:09
fennacid levels correlate with increased depressive symptoms."12:09
fenni just heard of it earlier today thanks to mister jrayhawk12:09
Diablo-D3just look at the contents table, section 5.212:09
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Diablo-D3_huh_, norharmane suppresses production12:10
Diablo-D3aka beta carboline12:10
fenni don't like referring to ketamine as a "vaccine", it's imprecise and misleading12:11
Diablo-D3yeah, thats nautilus12:11
fennyeah i was just reading about harmine12:11
fennapparently tobacco contains harmine12:11
Diablo-D3their url segment shit hardly matches the final headline most of the time12:11
Diablo-D3Ive looked into beta carbolines before12:11
Diablo-D3very interesting shit12:11
Diablo-D3mostly because of tryptoline12:12
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fennwhy tryptoline in particular?12:13
Diablo-D3it plays a role in the dopamine family of weirdness12:14
fennbased on my ten second reading of wikipedia it's just a MAOI and SSRI12:15
Diablo-D3btw, I wonder what happened to 9-m-bc12:18
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nmz787_ihas anyone made a keyboard using full-body gesture detection, something that would end up looking like dance dance revolution except without a pad and using your arms and etc body parts? something that would basically give you a sustainable full-body excercise throughout the work day12:23
fennthere are kinect apps i think12:24
nmz787_ijrayhawk: I think you need to provide input on the best set of muscles to target ^12:24
nmz787_ifenn: did you see the article about impedance tomography for gesture recognition?12:24
fennyes, "tomo" what a lame name12:24
fenni like the idea though, it looks really simple and effective12:24
nmz787_inickjohnson_: was working with chips in that range of AD products12:25
nmz787_iit seems like maybe ankles, thighs, wrists, bicep cuff... and maybe neck would be interesting inputs for an excercise keyboard12:27
nmz787_i(using that tomo tech)12:27
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kanzurethere were some gesture motion user input projects on kickstarter, but they all looked too low-bandwidth for my interests13:03
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nmz787_ikanzure: would you use a full-body keyboard?13:25
nmz787_inot only do you need enough gestures to map to keys... you also need the ideal layout of the gesture-key map13:25
nmz787_iyou don't want the space bar being something like 'look down'13:25
nmz787_i(with your neck, not eyes)13:26
kanzurei would be okay with hand/arm gloves with lots and lots of accelerometers and other sensors.13:31
kanzureperipheral nerve recording would also be nice, i guess. facial twitching could be a good supplement with typing.13:32
nmz787_iI guess I've been worried about body health lately, as I have not been very physically active13:33
nmz787_iother than typing13:33
nmz787_iand it seems like it could be a better answer than a treadmill desk13:34
kanzure-50 degree cryotherapy bath probably has okay muscle maintenance benefits13:34
nmz787_ictrl-alt-delete needs to be a very angry looking gesture13:36
nmz787_imiddle fingers up, with arms raised ?13:36
kanzureincreasing the physical exertion required to complete actions will only cause total action cost to be increased.... user interfaces should aim to be minimally invasive and have minimal energy gradients.13:37
kanzurejust take some steroids or something13:38
nmz787_inot as accessible as impedance tomography parts13:38
nmz787_iI wonder what someone would look like who could full-body type very fast13:39
kanzureprobably would look like someone sitting very still13:39
nmz787_iit wouldn't13:39
nmz787_iit would look crazy13:40
nmz787_iand the person my break a  sweat13:40
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nmz787_itaking 'agile' coding to a new level13:40
nmz787_ithis would be the only way to fight off your space fortress while still at the same time programming sudo make-me-a-sandwich13:41
fennnmz try sitting on a yoga ball instead of a chair13:45
fennalso you could ... exercise13:45
kanzuredevelop an unhealthy appreciation for pacing13:46
fennsnort adderall as part of your morning regimen13:46
kanzurefor exercise ?13:47
fennto induce pacing13:47
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jrayhawkfenn: did you come to any interesting conclusions on reading more into the corticosteroid resistance literature13:59
fenni haven't13:59
fennread anything that is13:59
jrayhawkah, okay14:08
jrayhawkinflammation->intestinal dominance of serotonin utilization/kynurenine diversion to quinolinic acid, corticosteroid resistance, thyroid/hypothalamic downregulation->depression is reasonably neat accounting for the neurochemical changes typically seen14:12
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fenni thought it would be corticosteroid resistance first that leads to inflammation14:13
fennanyway biology is messy14:14
jrayhawklimiting cranial serotonin limits production of melatonin14:14
jrayhawkso, yes, both ways would be valid14:14
fennso sleep deprivation is what leads to stress? (in the way you first phrased it)14:15
jrayhawkprobably the fastest way to do so, yes14:15
jrayhawkat least, from reasonably expected environmental factors14:16
kanzurejoey why have you never tried to fix fenn's sleep issues14:16
jrayhawkfenn is more motivated than i am to investigate them14:16
fenni'm all investigated out14:16
kanzure"he's more motivated" is not a good excuse, actually14:16
jrayhawkand probably equivalently qualified14:16
kanzurequalification is bullshit14:17
jrayhawkin this case "is literate and understand how to use google"14:17
kanzurebut you know about the weirdness in this context right?14:17
jrayhawki don't think so14:18
kanzurei sort of assume all the symptoms are obvious but i suppose nobody really stalks people like i do :p14:18
jrayhawki remember seeing fenn's sleep charts and seeing a lot of drift14:18
kanzurewell, for example, he might not be aware of your non-24 stuff14:18
kanzure"a lot of drift" is sorta understatement?14:18
fennfree running sleep14:19
fennwe prefer the term "differently sleepled"14:19
jrayhawkAFAIK human isolated from light cycles will pretty typically wind up running their cycles a little long14:19
kanzurei would also submit that, the level of data that fenn has collected about this, is so ridiculously huge and the effort he has put into figuring out has been high enough to warrant at least some objection better than "he is more motivated" heh...14:20
jrayhawkfiguring what out14:20
kanzuremaybe i'm not having the conversation i think i'm having14:20
fennwell i'm pretty dysfunctional at 'life'14:21
kanzurethis is not "i'm lazy and haven't figured this out yet"14:21
fenni attribute a lot of it to not being able to make appointments or have regular meetings with people/groups14:21
kanzurei doubt that motivation is the missing ingredient; more likely that fenn is inadvertedly missing some details about biology or something.14:22
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jrayhawkhave you tried basic stuff like taking melatonin on an alarm or manipulating SCN timing by triggering photosensitive ganglia with full-spectrum lighting and/or amber goggles14:23
fennyes and yes14:24
kanzureyeah i had no idea joey was so underinformed on this14:24
jrayhawkwhat were the results14:24
fennas far as i can tell lighting has no effect whatsoever on me14:24
fennmelatonin does actually affect my sleep schedule but it's hard to get it to kick in at the right time so the effects are unpredictable14:24
fennit's worse than unhelpful if you take melatonin to get to sleep and it makes you sleep in 6 hours14:25
fenni was only taking 0.5mg14:25
fennpeople here keep telling me to look at what metamed recommended for yudkowsky (who coincidentally has the same problem) which is to take melatonin in the middle of the day14:26
jrayhawkwhat was the justification for that14:26
fenni don't know14:26
fennbut apparently it worked for him14:26
jrayhawkso the other half of the circadian rhythm is the cortisol cycle, which i haven't looked into much14:27
fenni thought there were like 4 clocks14:27
jrayhawk"adrenal fatigue" is a fascinating field because nobody can agree on what it means or how it works or how to treat what elements of it14:27
jrayhawkbut a failure to produce cortisol is a good way to accidently sleep in six hours14:28
fenni thought i was absorbing the melatonin at the wrong time because i had eaten dinner with a lot of protein14:28
jrayhawksome intestinal receptor competition? i am not familiar with how that works for melatonin.14:29
fennjust gastric emptying14:29
fenni guess i should try to do melatonin experiments again14:30
jrayhawkdoesn't seem like timing should be all that sensitive; the goal is to average a 24 hour cycle, i would assume, not exactly hit it with precision14:30
fennno, it's important to have precise timing with melatonin14:31
fennlook at the phase response curve14:31
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jrayhawkGABA supplementation helps some folks, too, but I have to wonder if that's undesirable BBB permeability variability14:32
fenni hate gaba and all gabaergics14:32
jrayhawkbad reaction?14:35
fenni have no real reason to wake up early in the morning, so it's hard to just stop doing productive interesting stuff and whack my brain with a GABA mallet until i fall unconscious14:35
fennit just makes me feel stupid and tired and sit on the floor and do nothing14:36
jrayhawkyeah, i have the same problem14:36
jrayhawkwell, not with the sitting and doing nothing14:36
fenni used to get anxiety but magnesium supplementation totally stopped that14:37
jrayhawkbut the flipped circadian rhythm making me vastly more mentally active at night14:37
fenni can see how gaba might help people with crippling anxiety14:37
jrayhawksome mammals flip circadian rhythms in response to environmental stressors14:37
fennhaving gone without it for so long, i tend to underestimate the importance of regular face to face social interaction, and just assume that i could accomplish X without it if i had the right intervention, but that may not be true14:41
fennmost people get up and go to work every day and have people with expectations for whether X is done yet or have you made progress on Y (yak shaving leading to X)14:42
kanzurecortisol resistance could be an interesting explanation (or low cortisol production? something cortisol).14:42
kanzureanyway your stress response is basically "hmm i wonder what nist.gov says about the fundamental constants involved in this problem".14:43
fennwell i do tend to overreact to stressful events14:43
kanzure.. not that this is bad. just probably related to cortisol something.14:43
fenninternally at least14:43
fennbetter with magnesium now14:43
fennmuch less devastating recovery period14:44
kanzureanxiety/overreaction is not sufficient explanation. lots of people are extremely anxious in all sorts of interesting ways, without this sort of sleep problem.14:44
fennyeah the sleep problem has been going on for much longer, since puberty probably14:44
kanzureseems unlikely to be environmental stressor. you tend to vary those somewhat often. and you have iterated through a bunch of either diets or supplement sequences.14:46
fenn.wik chiari malformation14:47
yoleaux"Chiari malformation, also known as Arnold–Chiari malformation, is a condition affecting the brain. It consists of a downward displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum (the opening at the base of the skull), sometimes causing non-communicating hydrocephalus as a result of obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) outflow." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiari_malformation14:47
fennit would be easy to exclude this particular hypothesis with an MRI, but those bastards won't let me14:47
kanzurethat's what medical tourism is for, these days.14:48
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kanzurei don't recall how much blood/hormone testing you have done14:49
fennin 2013 the standard blood tests all looked normal. i didn't do any specific tests14:50
fennthyroid and testosterone were included14:51
kanzureapparently, when other people get tired, they have lowered mental faculties. does this hold for you as well?14:53
jrayhawkkanzure: corticosteroid resistance is limited to the immune-suppression effects and not to the gluconeogenesis-inducing effects14:53
fennyes, if all my clocks are synched14:53
fennsynched with each other14:54
nmz787_ican we form an intentional-community IRL?14:58
nmz787_iI am fine if it is not a short-term plan14:58
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kanzurelike somewhere in the desert?14:59
jrayhawkvoting for missle silo14:59
jrayhawkunderground bunkers also accepted14:59
fennwould you settle for a submarine pen15:00
jrayhawkmoisture would be bad for servers, i suspect15:00
kanzurewhy would you have moisture on the inside?15:01
fennbecause of the ocean15:01
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kanzurei'm not following15:01
kanzurehow does nmz787 not know about the desert cult that indoctrinated me?15:02
kanzuredo naps shift your schedule?15:04
fenni don't do naps15:04
nmz787_iwell this is for sale, and is close enough to decent amounts of civilization and ports and such: http://www.themissilebase.com/15:04
nmz787_ijrayhawk:  and I could tour it for $100 plus gas15:05
nmz787_ilooks like it would be about 7 hours drive from here, one way15:07
nmz787_iI thought it was more like 315:07
jrayhawkyeah, the downside is that running fiber out there would probably cost an extra 100k15:08
fennis this in the "dry shitties" tri-cities area?15:08
nmz787_ioh, no, 5:1015:08
nmz787_ithis is in the ice-dam-flood plain15:09
jrayhawkI kind want to tour Hanford sometime15:09
nmz787_iI'm up for that15:09
jrayhawkour nations proudest, most terrifying industrial wasteland15:11
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kanzurefenn: as far as social scheduling is concerned, why not just schedule everything 2-3 weeks out based on predicted schedule.15:13
kanzureoh right, the frequency is all wrong15:13
fennusually people meet for social groups "tuesdays at 6 pm" or something like that15:14
kanzuresure. so in a 7 week period i think you could make at least 1.2 of those.15:14
fennif i'm actually interested i end up making it there 20% of the time15:14
jrayhawki have a lot of scheduling problems, too, but nobody seems to mind15:15
jrayhawki guess they assume unstable schedules come with the territory15:15
kanzureyour sleep is not unstable.15:15
kanzuresure you have a flipped schedule every once in a while.. but at least you're consistent.15:16
jrayhawki mean even stuff like business meetings are usually a vague "i will probably call you sometime in the afternoon to see if i can drop in" because actually hitting times reliably is very hard on me15:16
kanzurewell meetings are dumb anyway15:17
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kanzureso, i think that the problem with the brain uploading approach as described is that the funding needed seems somewhat difficult to acquire due to lack of interim revenue.15:31
kanzurebrain banking could bring in revenue long before brain uploading software stuff is working15:31
kanzurebut brain banking stuff is presumably delayed by neuroscience community buy-in15:32
kanzureperfusion machine and perfusion analytics and related tooling might be an okay temporary revenue source, but VCs would probably only fund that with a prototype receiving pre-orders.15:33
kanzureand VCs are not particularly excited to fund stuff that starts with "okay so we are going to need to operate a corporate lab for 2 years to flesh out the exact details".15:34
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archels.wik transhumance16:00
yoleaux"Transhumance is the seasonal movement of people with their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In montane regions (vertical transhumance), it implies movement between higher pastures in summer and lower valleys in winter. Herders have a permanent home, typically in valleys." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumance16:00
kanzurearchels: electron or even expansion microscopy to count the number of vesicles near a synapse? yes/no16:03
archelselectron, certainly16:04
* archels eyes upwards16:04
kanzureand do you think vesicle counting would be useful for inferring synaptic weight and regulatory network status for a certain neuron/dendrite/etc/16:05
kanzuresee near 17:58 http://gnusha.org/logs/2015-12-16.log16:05
archelswell if even cryogenics has such a hard time taking off, I predict worse for brain banks16:06
kanzuregoal wasn't brain banking, just brain uploading16:06
kanzure"just" :-)16:06
archelswho is this that you're quoting there in the logs?16:06
archelsfully verified? how? by running the simulation and interacting with it?16:07
archelsthe cynic in me predicts dilution of the term verification16:08
kanzurefirst, physical verification by comparing vitrified vs unvitrified samples, second by electrophysiology characterization16:08
archelsshoot, he was here? how did I miss this16:08
kanzurewell, he is not claiming already-successful verification16:08
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archelshis MEng work looks neat16:13
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nmz787_iare vesicle locations important?16:49
nmz787_iaren't they always in flux?16:49
nmz787_ior is that how you'd determine neuronal weights?16:49
nmz787_i(by relative presence of vesicles)16:49
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kanzurenmz787: well it's not just weight that you need to determine but also things like... responses across spectrum of neurotransmitters, neurohormones, etc.19:59
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kanzurespoiler: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSSTdD5WwAEzy2G.jpg20:18
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erasmuslooks like a Cymek Titan21:16
AdrianGwtf u here too21:17
AdrianGi need to come up with a membership-only irc channels. paid by bitcoin.21:17
erasmus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯21:18
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kanzure20:01 <erasmus> can you remove my ban please?21:52
kanzure20:01 <kanzure> why?21:52
kanzure20:01 <erasmus> I don't like knowing it's there.21:52
kanzure20:02 <kanzure> any other reason?21:52
kanzure20:02 <erasmus> nope21:52
AdrianGi have to award points for honesty21:53
* erasmus is watching a movie21:53
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ebowdenWhat did erasmus do to be banned?22:04
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-!- Filosofem [~Jawmare@unaffiliated/jawmare] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:57
-!- andares [~andares@2607:fb90:2c2a:b5d:1c34:9518:88e3:4544] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:59
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-!- andares [~andares@unaffiliated/jacco] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:59
--- Log closed Sat Dec 19 00:00:41 2015

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