
--- Log opened Tue Jan 12 00:00:02 2016
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poppingtonic.title http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.140253811106:18
yoleauxSingle-residue insertion switches the quaternary structure and exciton states of cryptophyte light-harvesting proteins06:18
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kanzure"An approach to generating human organs is to grow them inside pigs or sheep" http://www.technologyreview.com/news/545106/human-animal-chimeras-are-gestating-on-us-research-farms/07:18
kanzure"Last September, in a reversal of earlier policy, the National Institutes of Health announced it would not support studies involving such “human-animal chimeras” until it had reviewed the scientific and social implications more closely. The agency, in a statement, said it was worried about the chance that animals’ “cognitive state” could be altered if they ended up with human brain cells."07:18
kanzure"researchers in 2014 decided to begin impregnating farm animals with human-animal embryos, says Pablo Ross, a veterinarian and developmental biologist at the University of California, Davis, where some of the animals are being housed. Ross says at Davis he has transferred about six sets of pig-human embryos into sows in collaboration with the Salk Institute and established another eight or 10 pregnancies of sheep-human embryos with ...07:20
kanzure... Nakauchi. Another three dozen pig transfers have taken place outside the U.S., he says."07:20
kanzure"Lift NIH restrictions on chimera research" http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6261/640.1 (closed access)07:21
rhaps0dy"the animal's cognitive state could be altered if they ended up with human brain cells"07:27
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Diablo-D3[10:11:02] <nmz787_i> probably the eMMC is just a pcie card07:52
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Diablo-D3nmz787: MMC is the base standard for SD cards07:53
Diablo-D3nmz787: literally, in there, theres an SD card07:53
Diablo-D3the problem is, its hard to find SD cards that also speak MMC correctly at the speeds you want07:54
Diablo-D3or have the right pin-out07:54
Diablo-D3nmz787: they also don't even have to be slow or small07:56
Diablo-D3nmz787: though most boards now just perm attach the card, there isn't even a socket07:57
Diablo-D3so you can't replace them07:57
Diablo-D3nmz787: what you're probably going to see, though, is m.2 eventually adopted for these devices08:03
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maakuI have an HP stream 11 which is similar08:49
maakuWorks quite well actually as a netbook08:50
maakuWorks well under Linux except the WiFi card which has shit drivers08:52
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maakuPerformance of emmc is the same as an SD card, as expected09:07
maakuBut for a good quality card like the HP stream has, that's still 50MB/s, like a low end ssd. Better than spinning metal.09:08
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xentracDiablo-D3: what's m.2?  I don't know how to google it09:59
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xentracmaaku: my netbook has a single-core 32-bit 1.6GHz Atom, so the quad-core 1.3GHz would be a significant improvement10:00
xentracalso 1024×600 and probably a worse GPU10:02
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pompoliceee pc?10:11
chris_99xentrac, http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/02/understanding-m-2-the-interface-that-will-speed-up-your-next-ssd/10:13
xentracpompolic: talking about 03:08 < nmz787_i> friggin quad-core Intel Atom laptop for $169 (only 2GB RAM and 1355x768 11" display, with 32GB eMMC) but dang... friggin economies of scale10:16
xentrac03:10 < nmz787_i> this is the link i have http://www.frys.com/product/8673430?site=72premail01111610:17
xentracchris_99: thank yoU!10:17
chris_99one of my friends just bought a pci-e ssd which supports it apparently10:17
maakuxentrac: bigger improvement is out of order execution10:21
maakuwhat is in the hp stream is not an atom -- it's a 64-bit out of order CPU10:21
maakuxentrac: http://www.frys.com/product/8320217?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG10:23
maaku(again, make sure the wifi on linux won't be an issue. works fine in windows..)10:24
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Diablo-D3[12:59:10] <xentrac> Diablo-D3: what's m.2?  I don't know how to google it10:40
Diablo-D3xentrac: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.210:40
Diablo-D3xentrac: socket that has pci-e x4, usb 3.0, and sata 6g on the same connector10:40
Diablo-D3xentrac: some mobos only support pci-e x4 and don't wire the others10:41
Diablo-D3xentrac: well, x2 or x410:41
Diablo-D3(wasting m.2 on just sata or x2 is a fucking waste, m.2 ssds of the same series as their 2.5" have a price penalty)10:41
Diablo-D3xentrac: there are standardized widths and lengths, the smallest m.2 size would go great in 7" tablets10:42
Diablo-D3xentrac: and the new iphones with the pci-e ssds for flash basically "do this" except its just merged right into the mainboard and theres no connectors (because none of that shit would ever fucking fit)10:43
Diablo-D3xentrac: pci-e 3.0 x4 m.2 ssds on boards that support it can peak at like 2GB/sec (or 4x sata 6g)10:43
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xentracmaaku: thank you!11:17
xentracDiablo-D3: thank yoU!11:17
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Diablo-D3and btw, e that celeron11:22
Diablo-D3[01:23:26] <maaku> xentrac: http://www.frys.com/product/8320217?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG11:22
Diablo-D3if thats what it is11:22
Diablo-D3its a baytrail-m, a member of the silvermont family11:23
Diablo-D322nm, ivy bridge-era gpu, an atomfied haswell cpu core11:24
Diablo-D3[01:21:45] <maaku> what is in the hp stream is not an atom -- it's a 64-bit out of order CPU11:25
Diablo-D3so to properly answer that11:25
Diablo-D3you have to define what an atom is11:25
Diablo-D3if you mean the old almost-a-486 p6-esque atoms that were pure shit _only_, its not an atom11:25
Diablo-D3if you define atom as anything that intel has called an atom, it "is"11:25
Diablo-D3celeron has been split into two families, the bigger atoms, and the sub-i3 shit11:26
Diablo-D3silvermont (baytrail, avoton, rangeley) are what I call "new atoms"11:26
nmz787_iDiablo-D3: my point was that there probably isn't something that says or looks like an "SD Card" inside the laptop... either there is one or two chips, controller and memory (or the controller is embedded in this package)... and these are either soldered onto the motherboard or they're on a mini-pcie card that can be popped off and replaced with some other card11:27
Diablo-D3nmz787: yeah, theres probably no actual card in there, its just electronically there11:28
Diablo-D3nmz787: depends on the device, a lot of really cheap $50-100 ultra-generic 7" tablets strangely _do_ have the card in there11:28
Diablo-D3Im not sure why11:28
Diablo-D3you wont know until you crack it open11:28
nmz787_iyou gotta think about where this laptop is coming from, how its supply chain could possibly function (either downscaling on number of connectors, or using piles of now-cheap stock of mini-pcie connectors and some eMMC boards, etc)11:28
nmz787_isame reason I can surmise for how we get 64GB USB2.0 thumb drives for like $10-15 lately11:29
Diablo-D3a lot of them are rather scary inside11:29
Diablo-D3very low grade mmc or sd cards plugged into an adapter11:29
Diablo-D3and just hot glued together11:30
nmz787_isure memory is getting cheaper... but otherwise there's just some pile of 2.0 controllers that people are all moving away from, so the suppliers are selling them cheap11:30
Diablo-D3Im not even kidding, I have seen this shit11:30
nmz787_iwell whatever works, at least hot glue is user-replaceable11:30
Diablo-D3you get maybe a couple writes out of it before the entire thing starts failing11:30
nmz787_iif they're not selling it as shock proof or milspec, or even childproof, then that seems OK11:31
nmz787_iah, well that's no good11:31
Diablo-D3but the problem is, its 64GB11:31
Diablo-D3can you imagine writing 64GB at usb 2.0 speeds?11:31
Diablo-D3it'd take you all day11:31
Diablo-D3but yeah, back to the low end device shit11:32
Diablo-D3Im all for $100 7" tablets that run full scale windows11:32
Diablo-D3the problem is they dont have enough ram, and their disk io is shit11:32
Diablo-D3most of them only have 1GB of ram and 32gb of very slow emmc11:32
Diablo-D3they are thick as a brick, and use a pretty shitty (but still vaguely multitouch) 1024x800 or w/e lcd11:33
nmz787_iyeah the laptop I posted had at least 2GB11:33
nmz787_ibut I agree, the 1GB is pretty awful11:34
Diablo-D31gb is awful no matter what you do11:34
Diablo-D3arm with android? its bad11:34
Diablo-D3x86 with windows? its bad11:34
Diablo-D3fun fact: I have an original generation kindle fire11:34
nmz787_iI have a $60 tablet with either a 2 or 4 core, running windows 8 or 8.1... and I stopped using it for a media center because it hung up with higher res vids11:34
Diablo-D3the same thing as all these cheap 7" tablets11:34
Diablo-D3dual core, 512mb of ram, 8gb of flash11:35
Diablo-D3no microphone or camera11:35
Diablo-D3or bluetooth11:35
Diablo-D3just wifi and a non-otg usb11:35
Diablo-D3_its so bad_11:35
Diablo-D3but yeah, airmont is the replacement for silvermont, its an atomfied broadwell, 14nm, the surface 3 uses one11:36
Diablo-D3cpu wise, intel hit their stride for tiny devices11:36
Diablo-D3we now have enough cpu power for general use without being retardedly slow11:36
Diablo-D3whats murdering performance now is the lack of ram (100% of it is eaten by apps, you maaay be digging into swap, which that in of itself is making everything far worse)11:37
Diablo-D3and the fact your disk io just doesnt exist11:37
Diablo-D3merely saying its slow is not fully illustrating the issue at hand11:37
Diablo-D3its a massive understatement11:37
Diablo-D3if they could get a surface 3-esque device, without the pen, without the keyboard, without any of that magical goodness11:39
Diablo-D3as a 7" tablet11:40
Diablo-D332gb disk (which leaves you about 16ish left give or take)11:40
Diablo-D3and 2gb of ram11:41
Diablo-D3for $20011:41
Diablo-D3I'd buy it11:41
Diablo-D3without question11:41
Diablo-D3and I'd just rdp into my workstation all the time with it11:42
Diablo-D3well, not all the time all the time, but whenever I have to do anything sufficiently big11:42
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Diablo-D3like, just running a web browser, an email client, etc, can be done locally without pestering my desktop11:45
xentracnmz787_i: hot glue is way more shockproof than many of the alternatives12:02
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nmz787_iyeah I was thinking if you really needed 2TB then just get a slim USB3 hdd12:05
xentracyeah, possibly12:05
nmz787_iyou could probably 3D print some case that incorporates it with batteries or something12:06
nmz787_ilike a docking station or battery  extender12:06
chris_99you might be interested in this nmz787_i http://uk.farnell.com/cypress-semiconductor/cyusb3kit-003/dev-board-cyusb301x-usb-controller/dp/2448471 i'm thinking of getting one to attach an 80Msps ADC to the PC12:06
nmz787_ithough that is a lot of work12:06
nmz787_ichris_99: no luck with DMAing the ADC out to USB?12:06
nmz787_ichris_99: you should check the progress of the daisho project12:07
kanzure.g "page fault liberation army"12:07
chris_99i'm thinking i wouldn't get 80Msps out via usb 2 anyway, so i figure the FX3 is better better12:07
chris_99*better bet12:07
nmz787_ichris_99: well you could likely do on the fly compression with those 3 cores12:07
chris_99the fx3 is usb3 though, and i also found some example code12:08
nmz787_iidk though12:08
nmz787_iprice isn't too bad, but what about a fast adc?12:08
nmz787_ijust gonna send it from the lpc?12:08
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chris_9916 bit, 80Msps12:08
chris_99i'm gonna attach that to the FX312:08
chris_99when i have some cash12:09
nmz787_iyeah that is the big downside IMO compared to the LPC437012:09
nmz787_ibut I've also heard some stuff on noise of that on-chip ADC12:09
chris_99ah, it's a shame the LPC4370 isn't usb3 heh12:10
nmz787_i(the cash is the downside)12:10
nmz787_ichris_99: what about using the SPIflash interface to dump to sd card?12:10
Diablo-D3[03:05:28] <nmz787_i> yeah I was thinking if you really needed 2TB then just get a slim USB3 hdd12:10
nmz787_istill not fast enough?12:11
Diablo-D3the irony is when I needed an external 2TB, I just built one12:11
xentracchris_99: is the ADC for a 40MHz oscilloscope or is this an SDR kind of application?12:11
Diablo-D32TB 3.5" 5400rpm, the last of the samsung drives before they went to seagate, in a USB3 metal enclosure12:11
nmz787_ixentrac: harmonic emanations from keyboards12:11
nmz787_iso kinda SDR12:11
chris_99nmz787_i, hmm not sure tbh.  xentrac kind of, i want to do power analysis of things like a keyboard, laser printer, and this way i can just dump directly to PC for processing12:12
xentracoh, for tempest attacks?12:12
Diablo-D3someday 2TB 2.5" or ssd will exist and be cheap enough I can just throw that in a 2.5" enclosure instead12:12
nmz787_ichris_99: for not too much more you could just get the new rigol 4 channel 50 MHz scope, which has ethernet... but maybe not gigabit, idk12:12
chris_99i've got the rigol scope, the memory is tiny though12:13
chris_991052e i have12:13
nmz787_ibut that's only 8 bits12:13
nmz787_inah the new one has mega memory12:13
nmz787_i20Mpoints I think12:13
chris_99which one is that12:13
nmz787_iwith the hack/upgrade12:13
nmz787_i  -      Ability to train new team members and provide training to product customers12:13
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nmz787_iI guess the LAN is slow, as they only refer to it as LAN anywhere12:16
chris_99yeah you won't get continuous output12:16
chris_99from that12:16
chris_99just the ability to dump the long memory i guess12:16
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xentracwhat frequency band are the signals in?12:22
chris_99the ps/2 keyboard one is very low around 16kHz (the clock rate of ps/2)12:22
kanzure16 kilo samples/sec? that's not even enough for typing.12:23
xentracso even a professional audio sound card would work12:23
xentrackanzure: it's enough for humans to type at, just not posthuman AIs like you12:24
chris_9916khz is the ps/2 clock rate12:26
nmz787_ibut you don't emanate a lot of signal, right, and that's why you need all the higher harmonics to increase SnR?12:29
chris_99they actually filtered for the signal at around 16kHz, rather than a higher harmonic12:31
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chris_99check this paper for laser printers that's pretty awesome - www.wil.waw.pl/art_prac/emission_security_of_laser_printers.pdf12:32
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xentracnmz787_i: even 48kHz, the third harmonic, is within the capability of 96ksps pro audio sound cards12:38
chris_99yeah maybe it'd be a good plan to start out with a soundcard12:38
nmz787_iI just guessed there was a reason, since they used a hifi o-scope and some SATA data dumping to get all the raw data12:39
nmz787_imaybe that was because they were doing more than just ps/2?12:39
chris_99wait which paper do you mean nmz787_i, the blackhat one used an mcu @ 1Msps at some point12:40
xentrac96ksps pro audio sound cards might have an analog front-end filter to attenuate 48kHz down into near nothingness though12:40
nmz787_iidk, one from the first link you sent a few days ago12:41
nmz787_iI only looked at one paper though12:41
chris_99thats a different one i think nmz787_i, that was the one where they recieved the RF12:41
chris_99this one is tapping the earth of a PC12:41
xentracchris_99: this laser emissions paper has made me realize that for many years I was wrong when I thought that I understood how xerography worked12:46
xentracor maybe I'm wrong now12:46
xentracI thought the toner stuck to the parts of the drum that were *not* illuminated!12:46
chris_99heh, i'm not sure which way round that is12:47
Diablo-D3xentrac: uh, I thought it was the thingy zapped the parts that were meant to be black?12:48
Diablo-D3Im not sure what that thing is called12:48
Diablo-D3all I know is it gets very hot and smells like burning death12:48
Diablo-D3chris_99: is it a normal laser though?12:49
chris_99apparently it's a laser diode12:49
chris_99not sure what wavelength12:49
xentracit's a pretty normal laser12:50
Diablo-D3I mean, like, almost my entire life HP has made the ubiquitous LaserJet12:50
xentracI'm sure the ones in the 1970s weren't laser diodes12:50
Diablo-D3but when I looked through the manuals, it had a word for the unit that I guess has the laser in it12:50
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Diablo-D3but yeah, I always thought it was something involving extreme static charges, the laser paints the drum to add the charge to make the toner stick12:53
Diablo-D3then you wipe the toner off on the paper, then bake the paper12:53
chris_99there are static charges12:53
chris_99the laser just effects them12:53
Diablo-D3The laser beam neutralizes (or reverses) the charge on the black parts of the image, leaving a static electric negative image on the photoreceptor surface to lift the toner particles.12:55
Diablo-D3so yeah, it seems to paint it to make the toner stick, not paint it to make it not stick12:55
chris_99it'd be cool if they had a tiny van de graff generater in12:55
Diablo-D3I find it amazing that process even works12:56
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chris_99very clever12:57
Diablo-D3Like, in a controlled condition, sure12:57
Diablo-D3but like, up here in Maine, its frequent that we get very dry air indoors12:57
Diablo-D3like, if you're not careful, ~15% humidity happens12:57
Diablo-D3and you start zapping the shit out of everything12:57
xentracDiablo-D3: so the paper is wrong12:57
Diablo-D3xentrac: well, maybe it depends on the tech12:58
Diablo-D3xentrac: wikipedia says it resets the drum with a negative charge, and then the laser paints a positive one where the negatively charged toner sticks to it12:58
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Diablo-D3xentrac: what if you reset it with positive charge and then paint negative on it12:59
Diablo-D3or reset negative charge, paint positive, but your toner is positive12:59
Diablo-D3I assume any of these can be true12:59
xentracwell, what you paint is actually neutralization12:59
Diablo-D3well yeah13:00
Diablo-D3its neutralization in the sense the toner either sticks or doesn't stick13:00
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Diablo-D3no/wrong charge13:00
Diablo-D3xentrac: but you know what I mean13:01
Diablo-D3the paper might not be wrong, just describing somebody else's patents13:01
Diablo-D3because I know everything involving laser printers is patented up the wazoo13:01
xentracI think most of the crucial patents expired in the 1990s13:01
Diablo-D3yeah, but look at like color stuff13:02
Diablo-D3they're still developing that tech13:02
Diablo-D3I imagine all sorts of weird shit goes on there13:02
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nmz787_i.wik photoelectric effect13:18
yoleaux"The photoelectric effect is the observation that many metals emit electrons when light shines upon them. Electrons emitted in this manner can be called photoelectrons. The phenomenon is commonly studied in electronic physics, as well as in fields of chemistry, such as quantum chemistry or electrochemistry." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelectric_effect13:18
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AdrianGDiablo-D3: we are most likely to discover some diamond-based room-temp superconductors than metallic hydrogen.19:28
AdrianGDiablo-D3: and then there is joe eck. idk what to even think. ever seen this? http://www.superconductors.org/author.htm19:30
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yoleauxFinancing a cure for cancer - Newsroom21:00
juri_is there a cure for stupid yet?21:04
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heathjuri_: i think stupid will always be around21:18
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