
--- Log opened Tue Jan 19 00:00:09 2016
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TMAxentrac: I have had a strap-on pretied tie, I think there were some events I wore it, but I do not remember the details; did you?01:51
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fenni've tried noopept but didn't notice very much from it, definitely not anything sleep related02:18
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archelsfenn: what dose?04:02
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archels"Of course the Game of Life is too simple to contain conscious observers"04:29
archelsit's Turing-complete, is it not?04:29
Diablo-D3I dont think anyone wants to simulate a GoL that big04:30
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archelswell, someone built a simple computer inside it, so hypothetically we could use it as a platform for mind uploading =)04:44
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fenn5 milligram ish04:53
fennmaybe 20, i forget04:53
fenni checked my logs, 10-20 and up to 30 mg04:55
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poppingtonicThere's a gap between "can do it in principle" and "would definitely want to do it".05:06
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.05:14
archelsfenn: it didn't do as much for me as stimulants, but definitely a noticeable effect. more fluid thinking05:25
archelsactually I didn't take any in the past 4-5 months, so must've not made the cut anyhow05:25
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chris_99just saw http://opentrons.com/ on HN05:54
chris_99how much are commercial equivalents out of interest, as that says 3k05:54
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kanzurearchels: perhaps the lie in the quote is that "conscious observers" exist at all :)06:21
JayDuggerfenn, have you tried intermittent fasting?06:26
atomical_chris_99: can I use that kit for gene doping?06:34
chris_99heh no idea06:35
kanzurei think that for scientific honesty we need to try the opposite of intermittent fasting, that is, constant-rate glucose line drip into the veins06:43
JayDuggerSeems reasonable. I'll expect fat rats in the animal model.06:45
lkjhfrkanzure, i've seen on bbc a program where people supposedly did that06:46
lkjhfrbut bbc is ridiculous06:46
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kanzureyea you can't trust them, three out of two of their doctor who stories are doctored06:51
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archelskanzure: haha, good point07:02
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atomical_intermittent fasting sounds like a diet fad07:13
CautiousNarwhalI disagree because its pretty healthy for you.07:15
CautiousNarwhalFads are usually not that greaat for you but have few benefits07:15
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atomical_I experience increased mental fogginess and stress.07:25
atomical_I'll stick with my high carb diet.07:26
JayDuggeratomical, did you try IF? how long did you persist?07:26
CautiousNarwhalDifferent genetics matter. The things you eat while IF matter too. Ive been doing it for a year and trust me there were times were i increased my mental foginess but now that im on a paleo diet and IF i feel a lot better07:28
CautiousNarwhalMaybe your mental foginess is because of the high carbs and not the IF07:29
JayDuggerThose are good points, CautiousNarwhal. I wondered if atomical had gotten past the first two months, which I found difficult.07:29
CautiousNarwhalOh my me, those were the worse. Now i find myself just wanting to fast for longer periods. I fast 18 and have an eating window of 6 hours. I want to do 24 hr fast but its too difficult07:32
atomical_Okinawans have a high carbohydrate diet and they have a high life expectancy.07:32
JayDuggerDid you suffer temperature swings in those first few months?07:32
JayDuggerSo they do, so they do. I can change my diet, but I can't change my ethnicity.07:33
CautiousNarwhalRight thats what i meam genetics.07:34
atomical_How can you possibly know if that's the reason behind their longevity?07:34
JayDuggerWhich nicely leads back to the gene doping question about the indiegogo kit.07:34
CautiousNarwhalLongetivity isnt the same as mental sharpness.07:35
CautiousNarwhalJayDugger which kit?07:35
atomical_Mental sharpness is subjective07:35
atomical_Those idiots over at #nootropics are experiencing placebo effect07:36
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kanzurescienceexchange sent me some spam today: they are doing amazon gift cards ($50 value) for custom organic synthesis projects08:32
kanzure.... and these custom organic synthesis projects seem to be >$1k each.08:32
kanzurevery confusing.08:32
atomical_that's for the worker that convinces their boss to use them08:33
JayDuggerCautiousNarwhal, see link from chris9908:44
CautiousNarwhalWow that looks comprehensive08:48
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atomical_I also found this, http://www.glowgene.com/09:07
atomical_there needs to be a project for animals09:07
atomical_yeast is boring09:07
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xentrachow about yogurt?09:22
kanzurethere are already animal genetic engineering projects.09:25
kanzureand same for yogurt- a few people on the diybio mailing list have done this.09:25
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atomical_animal genetic engineering products for the hacker at home?09:31
xentracthey've actually made green fluorescent yogurt?09:35
xentracor they've just tried?09:35
atomical_put the yeast in the yogurt :-P09:42
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cluckjI'm not sure those microbes get along?09:44
xentracyeah, you don't really want yeast in your yogurt09:45
atomical_are gene guns still used?09:48
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nmz787_i1atomical_: sure are10:09
nmz787_i1xentrac: got something modelled for my microfluidics last night, and realized more succintly the point you mentioned about g-code (usually) having some manufacturing modifications aside from describing the geometry boundaries10:17
xentracnmz787_i1: cool!  enlighten me10:18
nmz787_i1basically if I want to create square channels vs parabolic... the same laser will be used, so the difference will need to be at least that the sqaure channels get more overall dose (since the beam power drops off from the center, we need to dose the area more so the edges get as exposed as the center)10:19
nmz787_i1but if I was using some other type of machinery implement... the g-code might be much different10:19
xentracthat makes sense!10:28
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nmz787_i1I really wish I had a clone of myself, so I could give them interesting work10:43
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nmz787_i1what spurred this article title? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2016/01/19/r-i-p-bitcoin-its-time-to-move-on/11:43
nmz787_i1rather, is it anything substantial?11:44
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xentracMike Hearn's whiny ragequit11:45
xentracI mean it tells you that in the first graf11:45
xentracwtf, are there migrant workers from Mexico in Venezuela?  Like, what, maybe three of them?11:46
xentracgoing from Mexico to Venezuela to work as a migrant worker would be an outstandingly stupid idea11:46
xentracVivek is so clueless11:46
xentracwithout endorsing the Ada Initiative, I point to this page: http://adainitiative.org/2015/02/24/the-ada-initiative-does-not-support-vivek-wadhwas-women-in-technology-research/11:49
xentracnow, Valerie could hypothetically be lying when she wrote, "At no time did Aurora consent to be listed as an “ambassador” for the book"11:50
xentracbut Vivek also misspelled her name11:50
xentrac(as you can see in the screenshot, but I also saw it on the page at the time)11:50
kanzurenmz787_i1: yea there was a ragequit the other day11:55
kanzurenmz787_i1: here's some follow-up,11:55
xentracin this article he is promoting "of the innovations behind the technology that underlies Bitcoin, the blockchain" but simultaneously describes it as one of Bitcoin's "failures": "From Bitcoin’s failures, we have learnt how digital communities shouldn’t operate.  ...  And we have seen the wastage in a mining system that consumed gigawatt–hours of electricity and spawned giant server farms in China solely to crunch numbers to “mine” B11:55
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xentracthis leads me to believe that Vivek is as clueless about blockchains as he is about women in technology11:56
xentrackanzure: is there anything that isn't in /r/Bitcoin?11:56
xentrackanzure: because regardless of the merits of Hearn's arguments, /r/Bitcoin is moderated by theymos, who will ban you from the subreddit if you "promote" Bitcoin XT11:57
kanzurehahahaha you don't really believe that do you?11:58
xentracwe can probably add to the list https://medium.com/@jgarzik/bitcoin-is-being-hot-wired-for-settlement-a5beb1df223a and https://medium.com/@bramcohen/whiny-ragequitting-cab164b1e8811:58
kanzuretheymos and i were talking about this recently, and i told him that he's the fucking worst at banning- and he mentioned that's because he isn't banning that shit11:58
xentracyes, I do11:58
kanzureyou can verify theymos' claims for yourself, search "site:reddit.com/r/bitcoin XT"11:59
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kanzurejust because there's a lynch mob saying "censorship about XT" doesn't mean there is censorship about XT11:59
kanzurethat's not how reality works11:59
xentraceverything I see from that search appears to be anti-XT12:00
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kanzurethat's not censorship about XT.12:00
kanzurealso, jgarzik's article is sort of muddled and confused--- bitcoin "settlement" is somewhat unique and doesn't look like traditional settlement systems12:00
kanzurefor example, target2 real-time gross settlement system, is actually under the hood just like any other payment processor, the architecture is precisely the same12:01
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kanzureand the same cannot be said for bitcoin-- so "hot-wired for settlement" (in the traditional sense) is sort of wrong... but this can be forgiven because he's presumably talking about "a thing which is not traditional payment processors"... so yeah bitcoin is something different and is continuing to be different. this should not be surprising and it's weird that jgarzik/gavinandresen would bother to write that up.12:02
xentracmy bookmark entry for it12:02
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xentrachttps://medium.com/@jgarzik/bitcoin-is-being-hot-wired-for-settlement-a5beb1df223a Jeff Garzik and Gavin Andresen explain why they think the block size limit in #Bitcoin is going to force it to become a settlement instrument for large transactions, like gold, instead of an everyday currency.12:02
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xentracI don't see why what would be a problem but whatever12:02
kanzureboth jgarzik and gavinandresen seem to not understand zero-conf lightning transactions (which are just bitcoin transactions under the hood)12:03
kanzureso even if most transactions that get into the blockchain are high-value-only, this does not prevent low-value payment channel infrastructure like http://lightning.network/ and https://github.com/LightningNetwork/lnd12:03
xentrachttps://medium.com/@tradertimm/hearn-big-bank-bitcoin-bully-c61531c082e#.81q0ryma5 is particularly interesting12:03
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kanzurexentrac: a friend of mine recently wrote this up, i think you'll like it, let me know https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pl1EUstbkza5Ig7CdaxyGxGXA1jSbdApcizU_rag2eI/edit?pli=112:05
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xentrachow do I copy and paste that document so I can read it later?12:06
kanzurexentrac: http://0bin.net/paste/0keuUBoTXdhY6-Me#MCLsuNerKuKL133p97RLE6G3c6H96saidNV+2i+Gx3G12:08
xentracoh, File->Download12:09
xentracit's interesting that Hearn worked for QinetiQ12:10
kanzuremaybe i should have mentioned that sooner12:12
kanzuretook a lot of digging to find that12:12
kanzureuntil i realized it was public on his google+ profile -_-12:12
xentracI used to work for a US military research company too12:14
xentracin the previous millennium12:15
kanzuredata plumbing?12:15
xentrachyperspectral image analysis software12:15
xentracI sucked12:15
kanzuresounds like data plumbing12:15
xentracdepends on how specifically you mean "data plumbing"12:16
kanzureunix pipes12:16
xentracI was not implementing unix pipes :)12:17
xentrackanzure: I think this quote from the /r/Bitcoin sidebar confirms the accusations of censorship: "Promotion of client software which attempts to alter the Bitcoin protocol without overwhelming consensus is not permitted."12:22
kanzurecensorship requires actual censorship!12:23
kanzurenot just spineless policy12:24
kanzurespineless- unimplemented- policy12:24
kanzurebtw, see https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/40tje8/proposal_for_fixing_rbitcoin_moderation_policy/cywzwme12:25
kanzuresee also http://lesswrong.com/lw/c1/wellkept_gardens_die_by_pacifism/12:28
kanzureas for my own views of moderation, see https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3xcshp/bip202_by_jeff_garzik_block_size_increase_to_2mb/cy4jk8e (which is something that pasky (from in here) replied to)12:29
xentracI don't know, I think https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/3ghx03/important_rbitcoin_is_being_censored_by_utheymos/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3gjrvy/could_we_have_a_sticky_on_the_new_rules_their/ctyuk19 are pretty conclusive12:30
xentracso on one hand it does seem plausible that Mike is acting with ill intent, and was all along12:34
kanzureis that really censorship? or is he simply moderating? if other people have been able to learn about that patch through his subreddit, then could it really be said that he is censoring it...?12:34
xentracbut it does seem like there's a policy of censorship on /r/Bitcoin and that that policy is being followed12:34
kanzurei think that mike's intentions (whether ill or otherwise) are unrelated to whether bitcoin subreddit moderation is too weighted in some directions12:34
xentracwhich means that /r/Bitcoin is not a good source of information on all sides of the discussion as to what Mike's intentions are12:35
kanzureso why is "this post was removed" evidence of censorship, but "search the subreddit for XT and you'll see it" not evidence of non-censorship?12:35
xentracbecause of what I found when I did that search12:35
kanzurebtw, the subreddit is a good source for mike's intentions. he has continued to argue for his intentions- everyone knows his arguments.12:36
kanzurexentrac: that's not a good answer. you need something like "standards for reasoning about whether censorship is happening are xyz, and this violates [whatever aspect] of xyz"12:37
xentracI searched the subreddit for XT and what I saw was weak evidence for censorship rather than against it12:38
xentracsince a substantial, very noisy group of people are in favor of XT and go around making arguments for it, I would have expected those arguments to come up in that search and also on /r/Bitcoin's front page, but in fact I don't12:39
kanzureyour frontpage expectations are sort of weird12:39
xentracthis suggests that they are being censored12:39
kanzureyou mean right now? you would expect something XT on the frontpage? why12:39
xentracit's not very strong evidence12:40
xentracit's kind of a hot topic at the moment12:40
kanzureactually no- it missed its deadline, all of the xt contributors moved to another implementation or something12:40
kanzurebut uh, as for your other thing,12:40
xentracanyway, so there's a declared censorship policy in place, there are people all over the place claiming that it's being enforced, and when I look directly, it looks like it's being enforced12:41
kanzure"i found a thing and it was weak evidence for censorship" ... meh. posts get removed all the time. censorship requires completely preventing and blocking a flow of information entirely. not just moderation to prefer othe rtopics as primary discussion.....12:41
kanzureyeah but if you look with search- you can trivially see that the topics are often talked about12:41
kanzureand theymos even admits that he's not banning all discussion of those topics12:41
xentracso even if I believe you that theymos thinks he ought to be doing a better job at his censorship, that doesn't mean he isn't doing it at all12:42
kanzureso if you trust his moderation policy is true, then why would you also not trust his statement that he is not banning all discussion of them?12:42
kanzurehe doesn't think he should be doing a better job12:42
xentrac"not banning all discussion" is not the same as "not censoring at all"12:42
kanzure*i* think he should be better at banning/censoring, but he doesn't want to12:42
kanzurewhat is your definition of censorship :)12:42
xentracI mean obviously he wasn't prohibiting people from criticizing XT12:43
xentrac.wik censorship12:43
yoleaux"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship12:43
xentracso I think you're being kind of dishonest in this discussion, so I am not going to continue it12:44
xentracthanks for the links!12:44
kanzureso convenient for you12:44
kanzureyour accusations of censorship are not based on physical reality and you are a terrible person12:44
kanzureif anything you should say theymos is using editorial control or something, but to say he is successfully or intentionally censoring is absolutely false.12:45
kanzure*also* even if he was censoring, it's morally wrong of you to paint that community as not knowing about mike's actual objections and concerns. they have been thoroughly bombarded with lal of his objections for more than a year now, they are thoroughly aware of them.12:46
kanzure*all of his objections12:46
paskykanzure: I think the shitstorm shows that at least, you guys suck really bad at politics and PR12:47
kanzurepasky: i don't think it's right to lump me into that, but yeah i would have to agree that bitcoin core doesn't engage in those activities12:47
kanzureand i would also say that bitcoin core probably should :-)12:48
xentrackanzure: given that you have descended from simple dishonesty into personal abuse, I am shunning you for three months12:48
xentracalso, it is false to imply that I am "paint[ing] that community as not knowing about mike's actual objections and concerns," whether due to simple miscommunication or intentional dishonesty12:49
kanzurethen what do you call this: 12:35 < xentrac> which means that /r/Bitcoin is not a good source of information on all sides of the discussion as to what Mike's intentions are12:50
kanzurehis blog posts, which were repeatedly posted to the subreddit and thoroughly discussed (but i wouldn't expect you to know this), were not really XT-specific (which i would expect you to know this)12:51
kanzureanyway, you call it "personal abuse" and "censorship", and i call it moderation-- we can't just reject evidence and replace it with lynch mob sentiment, no matter how much abuse it might cause you or anyone else.12:52
pasky(my not-completely-technically-informed opinion is that bitcoin should just bump the blockchain size to 2M and be done with this while it works on the quiet, more proper solutions; it may not be technically optimal, but it shouldn't be technically a total disaster aiui, and it would make lots of people happy, and if you are running a currency/service you ought to make its users happy and do reasonable compromises on technical purity; that's ...12:53
pasky... what I meant by politics)12:53
kanzurepasky: did you by any chance read the bitcoin core capacity increases roadmap?12:53
paskyI did, and I understand how segwit will help12:54
paskybut it's hard to explain12:55
paskyit's not politics and it seems it'll take quite a few more months to go through with it (right?)12:55
kanzureoh, well, the simple explanation is "move the authorization data into another area and make more room for transactions in the regular blocks"12:55
kanzureactually no it's speeding along very quickly12:55
kanzurethey are working on a blog post announcement at the moment for its current status (well into the testing stage, 4 bips done, implementation done, etc.)12:56
paskybut people don't want to make room for transactions anymore; they want larger blocks - because sunshine and unicorns12:56
kanzurewell, anyway, i agree with you about communication/marketing-- the technical details aren't going to make the upset people happy.12:56
paskykanzure: oh okay, that's awesome; then maybe it's not so bad a problem12:56
kanzureno amount of technical details will make angry mobs feel better, that's not how things work, so i 100% agree wit hyou12:56
kanzure*with you12:56
kanzurepasky: and i would say lack of communications expertise is an extremely large, primary source of all of the angry mobbery12:57
paskyI agree, and I do think it sucks it works that way12:59
kanzurethere's no internal structure in bitcoin core for delegating tasks like that12:59
kanzurei was really surprised when i learned this12:59
paskyI love https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoinobituaries/12:59
kanzureit's really just programmers volunteering their time to write code, there's literally nothing else12:59
kanzure(besides testing, documentation, code review, etc.)12:59
paskywell there was the bitcoin foundation with its COO and event managers, right? :)13:00
kanzurethey were not doing bitcoin core stuff13:00
kanzureit was unrelated13:00
paskyhmm i see13:00
kanzurethey hired gavinandresen, which i guess is somewhat related? but they were doing that to pay him so that he would have time to..... write code.13:00
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FourFireARGH, this really shouldn't be this hard!13:13
FourFireI just freaking want a linux to run other linuxes on, on new hardware, which doesn't freaking bug out or crash13:14
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FourFireso problem: need tty in order to do sudo stuff with root user, because apparently sudo doesn't exist for nonroot users on debian, then it crashes because I have the vehement temerity to use skylake processors on what is suppsoed to be the most stable linus distribution13:17
* FourFire flails arms in frautration13:17
pompolicthat seems suspect13:17
pompolic"sudo doesn't exist for nonroot users on debian"13:18
paskyin debian, you give root a password13:20
pasky(and possibly configure sudo)13:20
kanzureuse visudo13:22
FourFireI downloaded Zoltan Istvan's book... so far it makes me embarassed to be an transhumanist, but then I'm hardly the target audience13:29
FourFireI still kind of wished he hadn't dumbed everything down quite as much13:29
kanzureyour story doesn't make sense... back up for a sec. why would you download his book?13:29
maakuFourFire: heh, welcome to the first stages of going mainstream13:33
jrayhawkadduser $user sudo13:34
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FourFirejrayhawk thanks, that's what i went into tty to do13:36
FourFirejrayhawk, any suggestion on how to login to root without tty?13:36
FourFireOk, fixed it, now to see whether I can now install teamviewer13:40
FourFire..and now it won't boot, I need to sleep.13:44
kanzureteamviewer is terribly insecure13:44
kanzureyou should probably do one of the simple ubuntu one-click installations13:44
kanzureor a livecd13:44
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nmz787_i1FourFire: uh oh, I was just looking at skylake setups last night, thinking about buying13:49
jrayhawkand if you're having trouble with hardware, you should probably grab a linux-image from sid or experimental13:49
jrayhawkI don't know what "login to root without a tty" means13:49
maakuFourFire: please don't run team viewer13:49
maakuunless you don't mind your system being part of someone's botnet and all your data stolen13:49
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nmz787_i1maaku: what would you recommend as an alternative for managing your mostly-non-computer-expert father's computer from time to time?13:51
nmz787_i1could that be why his core2duo was so slow?13:51
maakunmz787_i1: install an openssh server on it13:51
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jrayhawkTunnelling past NAT is sortof a pain unless you can rely on ipv613:53
kanzureprobably chromecast for the dad13:54
kanzureuh... i mean chromebook.13:54
nmz787_i1maaku: impossible to do remotely, my dad would probably collapse with frustration and anger13:54
maakujrayhawk: tor hidden services13:55
nmz787_i1kanzure: nah that'd be too unfamiliar13:55
jrayhawknmz787_i1: You can tunnel desktop interaction protocols over SSH, just letting SSH deal with authentication and encryption.13:55
kanzuretrace mayer interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpvcLp7JiSU&t=5m13:58
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1093414914:32
yoleauxThe heroes criticise 'Heroes of CRISPR' article | Hacker News14:32
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nmz787_i1jrayhawk: unfortunately the only sort of support that would work for my dad is something that is as close to 1-click as possible15:45
nmz787_i1so anything with SSH is pretty much in the "anger him" zone15:45
jrayhawkYou can make that a shortcut on the desktop pretty easily.15:46
jrayhawk"Tunnel to and open a port on a system nmz787 has access to"15:46
jrayhawkusing a passwordless ssh key15:46
nmz787_i1hehe, ""#CRISPRFacts: CRISPR is so powerful it can edit its own history.""15:47
chris_99can't you send a shellscript? not sure exactly what you're trying to do though15:48
jrayhawkIf you're on Windows, Putty also has an extensive range of command line options for stuff like port forwarding.15:49
jrayhawkOr if he is, rather.15:49
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kanzurethe real trick is to install all the good malware first, so you know what's on there15:55
kanzurethen the malware authors will defend your computer from other malware15:55
kanzureand then you have an easily used backdoor15:56
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nmz787_i1well if teamviewer is/has malware and botnet doors, my dad's computer already has them... so uninstalling now will likely do little to help his current situation16:16
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nmz787_i1"Self-photosensitization of nonphotosynthetic bacteria for solar-to-chemical production"16:40
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atomicalhi |node17:09
atomicalhow are you?17:11
atomicalhow are you |node ?17:11
|nodeim ok17:11
atomicalwhat did you do today |node ?17:15
|nodenot too much17:15
nmz787_i1which one of you is a bot?17:17
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|nodei'm not a bot17:30
kanzurehe's the bot.17:45
cluckjbeep boop17:45
kanzurecluckj: on a more jovial note, i am confused as to how we are going to be representing bb8 beeps and bloops in text.17:48
cluckjthat had never occurred to me as a problem, but now it has become my most serious problem.17:49
kanzurecluckj: how's the postdoc life?17:56
cluckjkanzure, pretty boring, I'm looking for jobs :\18:00
atomicalwhat are you building? some star wars nerd shit?18:01
kanzureyou're asking that because he said "beep boop"....?18:02
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atomicali don't know why i ask anything18:09
atomicali know i'm pissed that the #random channel at work is exclusively star wars bullshit18:09
justanotheruserbeep boop18:09
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXU67_cE3ss18:11
yoleauxKerbal Space Program - Mun Mission Using Only SRB's - YouTube18:11
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fennlosing xentrac due to drama surrounding a bitcoin sub-reddit was unfortunate and unnecessary19:04
cluckjreddit ruins lives19:04
fennespecially since it doesn't even seem to be drama belonging to anyone here19:05
fennjust ambient drama somewhere out there in the world19:05
cluckjragequit irc?19:07
fennlooks like xentrac has some kind of personal anti-emotional-abuse pre-commitment policy, i guess19:08
cluckjI feel that19:14
maakuFriends don't let friends Reddit19:16
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eudoxiapersonally i never trusted xentrac very much, anyone who voluntarily lives in argentina is probably a crazy person19:29
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kanzurewe didn't lose xentrac, he's just ignoring me19:37
kanzurei wouldn't call it anti-emotional abuse, i think he just up-values other people's claims of oppression or censorship or whatever, it's the typical sjw thing to do you know19:38
kanzure(hopefully his other beliefs in that particular department will better hlep you to predict his other opinions)19:38
vicarioni would like to express agreement with all of the above, and ask a totally off topic question - is there anywhere on irc a person can get advice on optics?19:41
kanzurewell we had an irc bot in the planning stages that directed all of our chatter to the edmundoptics online support chat but i don't think we ever turned that on19:42
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vicarionso this edumndoptics online chat would be a possibility19:45
kanzurewell they have online chat on their site, for customer support reasons19:45
kanzureirc bot was just an irc2support gateway bridge19:45
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vicarionwell, their chat link is still there19:48
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vicarion'Is this military or defense related? *19:48
vicarionYesNo' <-- always a promising sign when they ask you that19:48
cluckjdamn, that reminds me of going to the edmund scientific store as a kid19:53
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nmz787vicarion: yeah I've used their chat, was very helpful20:11
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yoleauxUHF microwave gun - YouTube21:46
nmz787"no neighbors were hurt" (because they got bombed recently by Russia I assume)21:46
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nmz787why isn't there more roadmapping going on in here?22:04
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yoleauxInstead of Computer Code, ‘Plant Hackers’ Tinker With Genetics - WSJ22:20
nmz787"Mr. Evans, of Taxa, is also the founder of a company that raised $484,000 on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter for its glowing plant in 2013, but hasn’t delivered yet. He said delivery of glowing plant seeds to backers will start this year."22:21
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FourFiremaaku, I can always reinstall later and the data on my hosting OS is irrlevant anyway22:48
FourFiremaaku, ok, giving up on fixing remote today, any suggestions on what to use instead?22:53
maakunmz787: great question23:07
maakuFourFire: instead of what?23:08
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maakufor that sort of stuff I usually use VNC routed over ssh port forwarding23:29
maakubut really I do what I need to using the command line and a regular ssh bash session23:29
maakuinteresting data: https://twitter.com/iamkoby/status/68952161161197158823:29
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