
--- Log opened Thu Jan 21 00:00:10 2016
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FourFirekanzure, what is the maximum Transactions per second of the current implimentation of the bitcoin network, what is the limiting factor, and how far away is a technical increase/fix ?01:00
-!- irseeyou [~irseeyou@c-67-168-101-20.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:16
nmz787howdy irseeyou01:17
irseeyounmz787: Do much with Chem at all?01:17
nmz787day to day, not much, but in general studying and goals, yes01:18
nmz787day to day I program stuff in Python about electrical engineering01:18
nmz787but at night, I play with making micro and nanofluidics01:18
nmz787with aim to assemble DNA01:19
irseeyouCan you do a SEM image through glass, or is that not possible?01:19
nmz787nah, it's all surface01:20
irseeyouI was going to say it would be neat to take an image of nanocopper during catalysis of some sort01:20
nmz787you pull a vacuum between the emitting electrode and the sample is your opposite electrode.. and you sort of have a not-so-sparky lightning bolt01:20
nmz787since there is no ionization of gas01:20
nmz787well there is eSEM01:21
nmz787which is low-vacuum01:21
nmz787and they can watch some chemistry happen as long as it doesn't boil off into the beam chamber (much)01:21
irseeyouhmm thats really cool.01:21
nmz787irseeyou: http://www.2spi.com/item/12130-ab/01:22
yoleauxWet Cell II Liquid Probe System for SEM/EDS,EPMA and TOF-SIMS : 12130-AB : SPI Supplies01:22
irseeyouEverything fun is so expensive :D01:23
nmz787when the electron beam hits, they absorb/bounce off/re-emit... and you can get energy-loss spectra... also photons emit because electrons are crashing through orbitals01:23
nmz787so you can get xray spectra01:24
nmz787irseeyou: well, engineering it all yourself costs lifetimes01:24
nmz787but you can definitely pick and choose your battles01:25
nmz787or get hired by someone who can afford all these nice things ;)01:25
nmz787the hackerspaces can be very powerful allies01:26
irseeyouI tried to get in at a SEM manf. they wanted a QA guy01:26
nmz787NION or something?01:26
nmz787(just based on the IRC joining server name thing, it seems you're in washington)01:27
irseeyouyep yep nion01:28
irseeyouI managed to score a contact at a medical place instead though but that ended just recently01:28
nmz787are in you college?01:30
irseeyounmz787: nah01:30
nmz787was gonna say you should have good resources there01:31
irseeyouI'm pretty much just going to try to start my own business I have some neat ideas of stuff to do with a tormach01:31
nmz787with science stuff?01:32
nmz787like building equipment?01:32
irseeyouMicro pumps, water blocks, engines, hydraulic rams, reaction blocks, and custom scientific stuff01:32
irseeyouI can sell a lot of the expensive stuff for far cheaper than is available online making it available to hobbyists and researchers01:33
nmz787are you a chemE already then?01:33
nmz787ever work with super/sub critical CO2?01:33
irseeyouI have a mix of education MechE/ChemE/and EE01:33
irseeyouI have not..very interesting stuff though01:33
nmz787yeah for sure01:33
irseeyouI heard its being used to extract pot here lately01:33
nmz787are you a welder?01:33
nmz787no butane/petroleum remnant01:34
nmz787but that is it's utility in many areas01:34
nmz787including dry cleaning clothes01:34
irseeyounmz787: I can stick weld, better at MIG...and I thought about getting a TIG so I can make a pressure swing adsorption system01:34
nmz787and also critical-point drying of biological specimens for electron microscopy... and for making aerogel01:35
irseeyouI saw Ben's aerogel experiment...thats on my bucket list to make01:35
nmz787I think stainless is needed/preferred for most vacuum systems01:35
nmz787because it doesn't oxidize and rust, which adsorbs moisture, which looks like a virtual leak (the moisture takes a while to boil off in vacuum)01:35
nmz787as in every time you open and close the chamber01:36
irseeyouI have some vacuum stuff but ive hardly used it01:36
irseeyouI wanted to try thermal vapor depostition01:36
nmz787i'm trying to do some lithography lately using this mini blue laser CNC01:37
nmz787but am really slow01:37
irseeyounmz787: chemical or laser lithography stuff?01:37
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nmz787irseeyou: coating a glass slide with photoresist, activating with a laser CNC01:38
irseeyouoh cool!01:38
nmz787then you still have to develop it afterward to finalize01:38
irseeyouWhat kinda size can you get with that?01:38
nmz787I bet around 100 microns to start, maybe better but probably not much since I don't have a good focusing mechanism01:39
nmz787the goal is to prove the concept, then move to a bluray writer laser head01:39
nmz787which should get sub-micron01:39
irseeyouvery impressive01:40
nmz787and with defocus should also be able to achieve larger feature sizes01:40
irseeyouWhats your goal for lithography?01:40
nmz787to make micro reactors01:40
irseeyouno freakin way01:40
nmz787so called microfluidics01:40
irseeyouI was reading about micro reactors a few months ago01:41
irseeyouI love how they scale...the potential to ship out something to a 3rd world country to make their own fertizers from thin air is quite neat01:41
irseeyouThey scale really good01:41
nmz787yeah there are all sorts of things you can do01:42
nmz787especially with advanced materials01:42
nmz787or really fine engineering/machining01:42
nmz787I also sometimes have access to a Focused Ion Beam01:43
nmz787.wik focused ion beam01:43
yoleaux"Focused ion beam, also known as FIB, is a technique used particularly in the semiconductor industry, materials science and increasingly in the biological field for site-specific analysis, deposition, and ablation of materials. A FIB setup is a scientific instrument that resembles a scanning electron microscope (SEM)." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focused_ion_beam01:43
irseeyounmz787: You're in a university I take it?01:43
nmz787nah I am a software engineer these days01:44
nmz787I went to school for biotechnology but leaned more toward technology01:44
irseeyougood area for biotech too01:44
irseeyoulots of companies up here01:44
nmz787the semiconductor stuff is generally more interesting to me actually01:45
nmz787just because of, like you said, scaling01:45
nmz787most biotech people are not that well equipped to talk to such kinds of engineers01:46
irseeyouYou know Jeri Ellesworth right?01:46
nmz787just from online01:46
nmz787I mean I've seen her stuff01:46
irseeyouyeah you heard her story about designing her first IC at the company? lol she had no idea what she was doing and almost got sued for it01:46
nmz787is that the one she went on to do a kickstarter for?01:47
irseeyouWell...she had every idea of what she was doing...just no experience01:47
nmz787or was that way before that ?01:47
irseeyounmz787: No she made this gaming thing...and commited to have the IC fab'd and hoped and prayed it would work lol01:47
irseeyoushe tells the story in one of her vids its really funny and inspiring01:48
-!- Gurkenglas [~Gurkengla@dslb-188-103-077-131.188.103.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:48
nmz787oh, idk, not familiar with that01:49
nmz787I remember her kickstarter, and her etching something with HydroFluoric acid in her house01:49
irseeyouWhat are your 2016 goals for what you're up to?01:49
irseeyouWorking on any IC's or something?01:49
nmz787I haven't really thought of chunking it out like that01:50
nmz787but now that you mention it01:50
nmz787I guess I want to actually make a microfluidic device this year, some how, that does at least something stupid01:50
irseeyouIf you think I can be of any help let me know. I'm pretty good at CAD/Autodesk Inventor. I can whip you up schematics or something if it helps.01:51
irseeyouI'd love to take part in a microreactor01:52
nmz787would you like to work on that hackaday project I linked to?01:53
nmz787I could send you a board at least, and maybe some chips01:53
nmz787the files are done in kicad01:53
irseeyouWhat in particular is there you need done for that guy?01:53
nmz787just debugged electrically I think, I messed up a footprint for an LDO (dumb mistake) and then realized that part is obsolete01:54
nmz787I never wrote the ADC part of the firmware01:54
irseeyouI don't think I'd be much help on that to be honest01:54
nmz787I only ask since you mentioned spectrometers before01:55
nmz787have you ever played with BRLCAD?01:55
irseeyouNever heard of it /google01:55
irseeyouhmm i've never had good luck with the open source cad stuff01:56
nmz787well it was mainly developed by the military01:56
nmz787so it is bullet-tested, you might say01:56
nmz787this is what I've found to be my most comfortable way of interacting with the tool https://github.com/nmz787/python-brlcad-tcl/tree/master/examples01:57
irseeyounmz787: https://i.imgur.com/GRCdHjr.png - Roots pump I built01:57
nmz787specifically this one is a pretty decent example https://github.com/nmz787/python-brlcad-tcl/blob/master/examples/motor_28BYJ_48__example.py01:57
nmz787output here https://github.com/nmz787/python-brlcad-tcl/blob/master/examples/output/motor_28BYJ_48__example.stl01:58
nmz787(one form of its output)01:58
nmz787irseeyou: pump looks nice01:59
nmz787now do you think you can build it?02:00
irseeyounmz787: as in machine it?02:00
nmz787is it a fluid or gas or vacuum pump?02:00
irseeyouyeah goes straight to G-Code02:00
irseeyouthat one will just be a fluid pump02:00
nmz787how about tolerances?02:01
irseeyouTormach is good to 0.0005" IIRC02:01
nmz787huh, sounds pretty good02:02
nmz787let me know when you're running jobs ;)02:02
nmz787all these little things need supported by larger things usually02:03
irseeyouIt's going to be a while before I can get a tormach in, but I hope to have one this year02:03
nmz787well I need to go sleep now02:03
irseeyouHave a good one. I'll catch you on here again sometime.02:04
nmz787yeah, stick around... lots of people in here with usually something good to contribute02:04
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archels_.title http://murgen.echopen.org/04:11
yoleauxthe Murgen project – A small electronic fork from echOpen04:11
archels_kanzure: ^04:11
chris_99there doesn't seem to be any info on what transducer they're using etc.?04:14
archels_yeah, wasn't aware there were other open hardware efforts underway to get this done though04:16
archels_don't think these came up before here, anyway04:16
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chris_99there is quite a lot of stuff on what it's forked from though - http://echopen.org/index.php?title=Category:Transducer04:18
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streetydid you see the article on super resolution ultrasound?05:08
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chris_99https://github.com/echopen/hardware/tree/master/electronics/murgen%201.0%20beta has some more info too. The microchip IC they're using looks really interesting - HV736005:10
chris_99what's that streety?05:10
streetyusing microbubbles to image at a resolution higher than the ultrasound wavelength05:13
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atomicaloh he left06:22
atomicali had something unimportant to say to him06:22
archels_.tell atomical greetings06:22
yoleauxarchels_: I'll pass your message to atomical.06:22
archels_now say something06:22
yoleaux14:22Z <archels_> atomical: greetings06:22
atomical.tell |node hey, what's up?06:23
yoleauxatomical: I'll pass your message to |node.06:23
atomical.tell kanzure hi06:23
yoleauxatomical: I'll pass your message to kanzure.06:23
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kanzureFourFire: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-December/011865.html06:40
yoleaux14:23Z <atomical> kanzure: hi06:40
kanzurebot abuse is a felony06:42
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JayDuggerEvocative, if vague.07:12
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atomicalkanzure: are you willing to amend the charge to a petty offense?07:29
atomicali just had that happen with a speeding ticket07:29
kanzureis this bribery?07:29
atomicaljust the way the world works07:31
atomical|node: hey buddy07:32
yoleaux14:23Z <atomical> |node: hey, what's up?07:33
kanzure^things that have been on my mind07:36
JayDuggerRIT. Makes sense.07:39
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nmz787_i1JayDugger: what about Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)?12:30
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drethelinhow's the biotech guys14:03
kanzureapparently human bodies require food and i am going to get lunch so there's that14:06
archels_just drink your Soylent and continue working14:08
drethelinjust put soylent in an IV and save even more time14:09
kanzureyou mean i'm not supposed to put anabolic steroid injections through my forehead veins?14:12
kanzurehacker steroids14:20
juri_meth. just use meth.14:21
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cpopell6I know someone who did meth when he was without adderall for a few months14:58
Diablo-D3Im not even sure if that was a bad idea14:59
cpopell6well, he's pretty educated on biochemistry as far as fitness and such goes15:00
cpopell6and self experiments a shit ton15:00
AdrianGwas it gwern15:00
cpopell6https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/3zm37j/an_answer_to_could_methcokeetc_be_used_as_a/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/3zm37j/an_answer_to_could_methcokeetc_be_used_as_a/, he mentions transhumanism in the second bit15:01
Diablo-D3you know15:02
Diablo-D3I was going to say, oh, hey, theres an r/steroids15:02
Diablo-D3but its reddit15:02
Diablo-D3theres an /r/everything15:02
Diablo-D3literally and figuratively15:03
cpopell6there's a bunch of private steroid forums where they do, as far as I can tell, citizen science15:03
cpopell6I don't do roids so I've never been invited15:03
Diablo-D3I dunno15:04
Diablo-D3Im considering it15:04
cpopell6tbh kanzure would probably get along with this guy15:04
Diablo-D3its like "oh your dick might shrink"15:04
Diablo-D3my dicks big enough that that maaay be a point in my favor.15:05
cpopell6said person is experimenting with hormones, I think, for dick growth15:05
abetusktop shelf conversation folks15:08
cpopell6I mean, he's discussing self experimentation with research chemicals. He just happens to be a hedonist.15:08
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heathhaven't watched it yet https://vimeo.com/145702525 Super Science Friends - Episode 1: The Phantom Premise16:14
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kanzurewhere did parahsailin go?20:23
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justanotherusermaybe they're meeting up with tronaldrump21:30
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kanzurebut this one wasn't imaginary22:48
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fennsucked into the google machine22:52
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--- Log closed Fri Jan 22 00:00:11 2016

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