
--- Log opened Sun Jan 24 00:00:13 2016
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archels_"I believe that all digitized information past and present will be inevitably become known & public post facto."01:28
archels_"> This would be the end of freedom. I'll go into the reasons if needed, but the discussion has happened a few times before. Suffice to say, if you're not allowed to have privacy, then you're not allowed to be free."01:31
pompolicwhat about perfect forward secrecy encryption though01:42
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chris_99https://github.com/dcunited001/mri-scans is cool, just loaded them into Slicer to play with03:40
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kishwhat's the etymology of the channel name here05:12
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lkjhfrkish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanity%2B05:23
AdrianGpeople are trying to upgrade themselves here, kish05:27
kishwhat about hp05:27
kishhuman plus road map05:27
kishthere was a movie with depp05:28
AdrianGthey stuffed  him into a computer05:31
AdrianGand he went bonkers05:31
lkjhfr.wik transhumanism05:38
yoleaux"Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international and intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and creating widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism05:38
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FourFireI didn't realize this existed: http://imgur.com/gallery/NfeUe05:54
lkjhfrwould transhumanism be of any use to a person who already is bonkers then?05:54
FourFire(survuval after being frozen solid)05:54
FourFirelkjhfr, so long as you aren't information-theretically dead, then there is still hope.05:54
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FourFireif cryonically induced damage can be reversed, then likely any mental illness can be cured or circumvented or altered in structure so as to make a whole person again05:55
FourFireeven structural brain damage could be resolved depending on the locations and severity, by replacing the missing/damaged parts with generic neuron structures05:56
kanzurea little brain damage isn't the end of the world05:58
FourFirekish, that movie was freaking retarded and did most of the concepts involved a disservice.05:58
kanzure"CRISPR controversy reveals how badly journals handle conflicts of interest" http://www.statnews.com/2016/01/21/crispr-conflicts-of-interest/06:01
lkjhfrwould transhumanism help hollywood screenwriters write scripts that would make sense and be at least a little meaningful instead of them resorting to making their characters bonkers?06:02
kanzurehaha you really think they have trouble writing other kinds of scripts?06:11
lkjhfryes. i always thought that there must be something seriously wrong with a person if they write a script like that06:15
paskythis CRISPR controversy reminds me a bit of the deep learning controversy http://people.idsia.ch/~juergen/deep-learning-conspiracy.html06:20
FourFirelkjhfr, a story requires a conflict06:21
FourFireit seems to be difficult for hollywood to produce movies where the coolest part of the movie isn't Also the conflict06:22
FourFireit should be possible to make decent science fiction movies where the transhumanist aspect isn't also the conflict aspect, such as "Her" (which I don't personally think was a very great movie)06:23
FourFireMoon http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1182345/ was sort of like that.06:24
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lkjhfri've seen many movies without conflicts, which are mostly pleasant to watch06:25
lkjhfrand interesting too06:25
lkjhfrand i've seen one person refer to movies as 'watching simulator'06:25
lkjhfrwatching something doesn't require the thing to be dramatic06:25
lkjhfralso, going bonkers is not a conflict, its a tragedy. and if that person is then attacked by other people, it's tragedy squared. it's not conflict.06:32
lkjhfrand then, if someone makes a movie which presents such events, then it's basicallt tragedy cubed. because it is a tragedy in itself.06:35
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TMAlkjhfr: "pleasant" is not the most sought after quality from the marketing point of view. "shocking" is the most sought after ;; the film competes for the $$$/eyeballs/attention, unless you have other sound factors getting those, you pimp up the "shocking" part to gain the attention06:53
kanzureperhaps instead of worrying about hollywood you could instead write the story for the hplusroadmap manga06:54
kanzurewhich is lacking story at the moment :P06:56
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fenn.wik manga08:08
yoleaux"Manga (漫画, Manga?) are comics created in Japan, or by creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. They have a long and complex pre-history in earlier Japanese art." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga08:08
lkjhfrwouldn't drawing be an even bigger problem than writing the story?08:14
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FourFirelkjhfr, tragedy cubed... because someone made a bad movie?08:35
FourFireisn't a tragedy a conflict of interest which doesn't get resolved, or gets resolved in a way which triggers your mirror neurons?08:36
lkjhfri don't have mirror neurons ];>08:39
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lkjhfri do have some holographic film though08:57
lkjhfri also have a plant that's completely covered in powdery mildew09:07
lkjhfrit only looks like a plant, it's not a plant anymore.09:07
-!- |node [uid125132@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wlrgmjjkzlusodqb] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:12
FourFirehmm, watching some of Stefan Molyneux' youtube channel09:13
FourFireis he a strong liberitarian (or whatever his political tag thing is) or a strawman of the the same?09:13
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FourFiresending an inquisitive message to bioviva, anyone here have contact with them?12:45
FourFireMessage is about their gene therapy publicity stunt.12:46
kanzurewhy are you sending this?12:49
FourFireI have some questions, why should i not?12:49
kanzurebecause i didn't know you had questions?12:50
kanzurein absence of knowledge about you having questions then it would make sense to ask why send12:50
FourFireoh, do you have relevant knowledge of bioviva's actual treatment?12:50
kanzuresome kind of adenovirus.12:51
kanzureit's in the logs12:51
FourFirewhat % of cells are realistically being altered?12:51
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FourFirehmm ok information isn't the only motivation for sending this message, andthe logs will not contain the answers to all my questions.12:53
yashgarothAAV, and it's impossible to have a good idea what percent of cells are being transduced without an autopsy12:54
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FourFiresent the message, I wonder what their response will be13:07
FourFireI hope they actually are transhumanists...13:07
FourFirenow, to bug John kheir asking why I can't buy a liquid oxygen syringe for my backpack yet...13:08
doclLiz is definitely transhumanist, based on her talks. not sure about the people she works with.13:14
docl.tit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87OUb8TBwX013:15
FourFiredocl, Yes I get that impression13:15
FourFireI've seen talks13:15
yoleauxLiz Parrish speaks at People Unlimited on transcending the aging paradigm with gene therapy - YouTube13:15
FourFireAnd i sent John Kheir a slightly passie aggressive message asking why I can't buy his oxygen-lipid gel product yet.13:34
-!- Gurkenglas [~Gurkengla@dslb-188-103-077-131.188.103.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:43
AdrianGsupposedly she's undergone her own gene therapy?13:46
xentrachard core13:54
AdrianGso its just telomerase and follistatin-something.13:57
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yoleauxTelomerase gene therapy in adult and old mice delays aging and increases longevity without increasing cancer. - PubMed - NCBI14:11
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kanzurewhy do you guys act all surprise. read the logs.14:16
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AdrianGhard to keep current with everything.14:20
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kanzurethat's pretty false14:23
kanzuredid you even try?14:23
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andytoshiheh, i get 800 emails a day with various rss news items, git commits, etc, and i still miss a lot of stuff14:39
andytoshieven things that i'm pretty sure i subvocalized when they showed up on my screen14:40
kanzurei used to read the wikipedia and twitter firehose. for fun.14:44
andytoshidoes anyone have experiene with the mifare desfire ev1 nfc chip?14:57
andytoshithis is what vancouver's transit system uses for their "compass cards". they contain a bunch of personal info 3des-encrypted, and i wonder what the protocol looks like14:58
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doclhttps://github.com/benbeezy/dollo interesting redesign of the reprap. most of the mechanical features are printable plastic.15:09
doclpics here http://3dprint.com/63229/dollo-3d-printer-prints-itself/15:10
xentrac18 hours and <1kg plstic is a big improvement over Snappy15:13
xentracbut I think Snappy has a much lower vitamin BoM cost15:14
xentracDollo looks janky as hell though15:15
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Jenda`DiabloD3: Ad. "sad-light" - friend of mine built one; the LEDs linked there cost 0.014 $/lm, you can get 20W 1250lm fluorescent lamp for less than $4 (0.003 $/lm). He had something like 20 of them for 25 klm output.15:21
xentracalso the cited inverse square law is not valid for spatially extended sources of light, only for point sources15:22
xentracI was thinking that maye something like a phone booth with a mirrored inner surface would be ideal for fluorescent tube illumination15:22
Jenda`he had it on a 1x2 meter frame, mounted above the bed15:23
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DiabloD3Jenda`: well the problem is, T5 efficiency is surprisingly high15:29
DiabloD3and easier to get already assembled mounts with good reflectors15:30
DiabloD3like, good triphosphor T5s can reach like 15% efficiency15:30
DiabloD3those cheap LEDs? not usefully higher.15:31
chris_99did you see the HMI lights mentioned in http://meaningness.com/metablog/sad-light-lumens15:36
Jenda`yes, that's the link he posted15:38
doclxentrac: I wonder if someone could adapt the $3 motors from this thing to the dollo http://reprap.org/wiki/ToyREP15:38
DiabloD3chris_99: HMI arent as fficient AND15:39
DiabloD3they blow the fuck up15:39
DiabloD3all the time15:39
chris_99as efficient as florescent tubes?15:39
DiabloD3holywood loves the fuck out of HMI, that isnt the first time Ive heard of them15:40
chris_99according to wiki they have the same/similar efficiency15:41
DiabloD3they're a very specific brand of metal halide lamp15:41
DiabloD3they CAN be up to 17%15:41
DiabloD3that specific brand isnt15:41
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xentracis dude's concern for HMI toxicity well-founded?15:44
DiabloD3xentrac: it blows up15:48
DiabloD3they blow the fuck up15:48
DiabloD3its like, a staple of holywood stories15:48
DiabloD3like, remember the scene from indiana jones and the face melting nazis where15:48
DiabloD3the lights blow up and the camera shorts out?15:48
xentracokay, but explosions are a matter for Lexan, I think15:49
xentracI mean we're not talking about an RPG here15:49
xentracbut toxicity could be a bigger deal15:49
DiabloD3speilberg told a story on a dvd extra I think15:49
xentracI'd think iodine would be relatively innocuous15:49
DiabloD3where they understated how some of those lights blow up15:50
DiabloD3xentrac: well, a) you need massive cooling for the lamp15:50
DiabloD3and b) their housings are actually well built15:50
DiabloD3so, lets go back about efficiency15:53
DiabloD315% or less15:53
DiabloD3for massive cost per lumen/watt15:53
DiabloD3or literally walking into your local pot shot15:53
DiabloD3get a 4 foot enclosure with 8 lamps15:53
DiabloD3a good one with good reflectors and a good converter15:53
DiabloD3and then get some good set of triphosphor T5 lamps15:54
DiabloD3like thats pretty average pricing15:56
DiabloD3put the blue one in that 16 lamp enclosure? thats 76k lumens15:58
DiabloD3and those style of enclosures focus the light from the back of the bulb around to the front really well16:00
DiabloD3his shitty little reflector isnt as good, and isnt as focused16:00
DiabloD3so given that, this is 2.5 times more raw output, and like 3-3.5ish times more output that gets to you16:01
DiabloD3well, 3 times ish, Im giving is shitty reflector not enough credit16:02
DiabloD3lets try the 6 lamp one, lets say, sure, about the same real world output16:05
DiabloD3$225 + $72 = $29716:06
DiabloD3he paid over $400 to build his shit16:06
DiabloD3$368 for the 8 lamp one, for 38k.16:07
DiabloD3or about 13%.16:08
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DiabloD3and btw, you can mount them facing you instead of hanging from the cieling16:11
DiabloD3people have built simple rigs that are just PVC pipes for like house water16:12
DiabloD3just buy some T joints and some pipes in the right shape16:12
DiabloD3and just hang it off them16:12
DiabloD3xentrac: what I dont understand is16:14
DiabloD3why he didnt just do that16:14
xentracbeats me. maybe misapplication of the inverse square law16:15
DiabloD3well like16:15
DiabloD3already mass produced for multiple bulbs16:15
DiabloD3has nice well focused reflectors for this (nice angle for sitting infront of it but not just blasted straight at you 100%)16:15
DiabloD3the bulbs are cheap and easy to get a lot16:16
DiabloD3and btw, re: bulb brands, the quantum badboy HOs are good bulbs, but they arent the only ones16:17
DiabloD3they just need to be T5 HOs, not normals (do they even make normal ones anymore?) or VHO/XHO16:17
DiabloD3VHO exists, more output per bulb, more watts per bulb16:17
DiabloD3but the bulbs fail faster, the enclosures cost more per lumen, and efficiency goes down16:18
DiabloD3theres no real market for them16:18
DiabloD3like, in plant growing, if you're not getting enough light to the plants, lower your lights16:19
DiabloD3or use more bulbs16:19
DiabloD3spending more per bulb, per enclosure, getting less life, and spending more on power doesnt really work16:20
DiabloD3also, T5s survive pretty high temps16:20
DiabloD3LEDs aren't even sure if they like room temp16:20
DiabloD3xentrac: btw, what WOULD be interesting with the bulbs he has16:21
DiabloD3they're just circuit boards16:21
DiabloD3nothing really magic there16:22
DiabloD3so they could be unrolled but be left plugged into the ballast base16:22
DiabloD3this making his whole design so much simpler16:22
DiabloD3and he could throw a much larger much more powerful fan behind them16:22
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DiabloD3(they have an internal fan)16:23
DiabloD3(it aint that great of one, but its a standard like 40mm fan or w/e)16:24
DiabloD3(maybe smaller)16:25
xentracthey're not just circuit boards; they're primarily plumbing for coolant, I think16:25
DiabloD3xentrac: well16:25
DiabloD3they're circuit boards designed for that16:25
DiabloD3but its like 10 circuit boards16:25
DiabloD3plus another on the top to cap it16:25
DiabloD3they use just normal shit to plug into the ballast16:25
xentracthat's like saying that a car is a stereo system designed to roll around, ignoring the engine16:26
DiabloD3taking them apart is trivial16:26
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DiabloD3xentrac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJNsK4BNSDs16:29
DiabloD3xentrac: disassembly of the smaller version of it16:30
DiabloD3the bigger one the dude from the article used has the fan, this one lacks it but retains the vent holes internally16:30
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erasmusbe nice if he could have plugged it in for us17:07
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DiabloD3erasmus: that bright?17:16
DiabloD3you'd just see a bright bulb-shaped blob17:16
DiabloD3its just a gigantic heatsink with a shitload of copper heatpipes17:22
DiabloD3with a box around it17:23
DiabloD3is that a fucking standard cpu heatsink?17:25
DiabloD3it looks like it17:25
DiabloD3it still looks like half the size of the one in my workstation though17:26
AdrianGkanzure: this Liz Parrish person sounds very sketchy.17:29
AdrianGsomebody on reddit said it was Steorn-level suspicious, and it seems that way.17:30
AdrianGdoes she have any history in biotech at all..?17:30
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DiabloD3whos this liz chick?18:17
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AdrianGceo of bioviv19:11
AdrianGbioviva. she's a nobody.19:11
-!- jdqx_ [~jdqx@2602:306:cc94:1950:a5a4:9285:1c6e:b594] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:11
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DiabloD3I wish I was trolling, but... biowhovia?19:13
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AdrianGidk. like i said, shes a nobody.19:13
-!- c0rw1n is now known as c0rw|zZz19:18
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kanzureoops nevermind. not much content.19:25
kanzureit was from the nectome people.19:25
erasmuswho the hell wants to live forever?19:37
AdrianGerasmus: you may have to exit this chat.19:38
erasmusAdrianG I want you to die.19:39
erasmusso I can take your brain and put it into a preservation canister19:39
erasmusand keep it on my shelf and talk to it all day.19:39
AdrianGi am going to live forever, erasmus, so that i can totally piss you off by not dying.19:39
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lqdeafyzyjigkaio] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]19:39
erasmusI'll feed you a daily supply of fresh meth.19:40
erasmuskanzure is that the point of this channel? Do you also wish to live forever?19:41
erasmusI just wish to enjoy my time here and not get cancer.19:41
-!- erasmus [~erasmus@unaffiliated/erasmus] has quit [Quit: Namaste]20:04
kanzurewhat part of nectome did you not understand? please read the logs.20:11
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-!- wrldpc1 [~ben@p276100-ipngn200702kyoto.kyoto.ocn.ne.jp] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:37
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jrayhawkthis channel is about the scrappy and adorable biological resistance front against the inevitable computronium takeover21:33
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maakujrayhawk: i thought this channel was for engineering the computronium takeover23:38
-!- pompolic [~A@unaffiliated/pompolic] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:38
jrayhawkperhaps you meant to join a singularitarian channel instead of a transhumanist channel?23:40
jrayhawki am not really sure what i am doing here, either, TBH23:40
maakutranshuman implies posthuman23:40
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-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-achknhhpdqogaoar] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:47
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--- Log closed Mon Jan 25 00:00:14 2016

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