
--- Log opened Thu Jan 28 00:00:17 2016
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church00:18
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:25 2015]00:18
[Users ##hplusroadmap]00:18
[ _hanhart ] [ BobaMa ] [ EnabrinTain ] [ jrayhawk ] [ nmz787 ] [ strages ] 00:18
[ _Sol_ ] [ btcdrak ] [ enkiv2 ] [ jron ] [ nnnn20430 ] [ strangewarp] 00:18
[ a7b9d6e6 ] [ Burn_ ] [ esmerelda ] [ juri_ ] [ nsh ] [ streety ] 00:18
[ abetusk ] [ c0rw1n ] [ fenn ] [ justanotheruser] [ pasky ] [ Stskeeps ] 00:18
[ AdrianG ] [ catern ] [ fleshtheworld] [ juul ] [ PatrickRobotham] [ superkuh ] 00:18
[ Alcyius ] [ cluckj ] [ FourFire ] [ kanzure ] [ phm ] [ Taek ] 00:18
[ amiller_ ] [ cpopell6 ] [ gnusha ] [ lkjhfr ] [ pompolic ] [ TeMPOraL ] 00:18
[ andytoshi ] [ crescendo] [ gnusha_ ] [ m0b ] [ poohbear ] [ the8thbit ] 00:18
[ archels_ ] [ Diablo-D3] [ heath ] [ maaku ] [ proofoflogic ] [ thundara_ ] 00:18
[ ArturShaik] [ diginet ] [ helleshin ] [ Madars ] [ Proteus ] [ TMA ] 00:18
[ augur ] [ djat ] [ HEx2 ] [ Madplatypus ] [ rancyd ] [ vikraman ] 00:18
[ Bakkot ] [ docl ] [ Houshalter ] [ mf1008 ] [ redlegion ] [ vivi2 ] 00:18
[ balrog ] [ Douhet ] [ indiebio_ ] [ midnightmagic ] [ rhaps0dy ] [ wrldpc1 ] 00:18
[ berndj ] [ dpk ] [ Jawmare ] [ nanotube ] [ saurik ] [ xentrac ] 00:18
[ bkero ] [ drethelin] [ JayDugger ] [ neurodata ] [ sh ] [ xrr ] 00:18
[ blerp ] [ drewbot ] [ Jenda` ] [ nickjohnson ] [ sivoais ] [ yoleaux ] 00:18
[ blueskin ] [ dustinm ] [ jenelizabeth_] [ night ] [ souljack ] [ yorick ] 00:18
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-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201000:18
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TMAAlcyius: no training but common sense: there is finite amount of fossil fuels that are available. with a given consumption rate there is a point in the future where thy will no longer be available, while the expected availability of humans eager to consume will be undiminished at that time00:55
AlcyiusWe're on the road to transition away anyways. I'm curious if it's even possible to remove CO2 at the rate necessary to counteract global warming00:56
AlcyiusIf we could remove the pollutants(a potential new method can extract CO2 and turn it into methanol), we could use that energy buffer to advance production of alternative energy sources00:57
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xentracYes, it's definitely possible to remove CO₂ at the rate necessary to counteract global warming.01:06
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TMAcurrently there are about 1e17 ounces of CO2 (3e15 kg) in the atmosphere [4.7e14 stone, 4.6e19 grain, 5.9e13 cwt(uk), 6.6 cwt(us), ... the imperial/customary system is crazy], while in the pre-industrial times there were less than 3/4 of that amount.01:25
TMAI have read somewhere that to counteract the global warming (as opposed to merely slowing it down) we would need to reduce CO2 way below 400 ppm01:29
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kanzurepasky: i don't know what you're asking. i have absolutely no evidence that anything on my computer is an implementation of any equivalent information processing in bonobo cortex.07:56
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paskyI guess it's the old issue again; what does "intellectual level of a bonobo" mean when you aren't trying to implement bonobo (which I'd argue is boring and useless)08:11
paskycomputers (as in, say, connectionist AI models, not calculators / databases) can do a lot of much more clever tasks than bonobos do08:12
paskyI have absolutely no evidence that the gaps between that and a bonobo are meaningfully hard08:12
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phmFFS. Computers can own at Go and I can't solve 6 captchas in a row. What is wrong with the world!?08:33
kanzurepasky: "computers can do more clever tasks". they are not clever. the design of the algorithm is clever, but you're falsey attributing this cleverness to the execution of that particular software.08:37
paskythe design of the algorithm is surely clever (we would have came up with them long ago otherwise), but the resulting algorithm is also terribly *simple* and these tasks are very much learned behavior08:40
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pasky(it actually disappointed me; after some reflection on the paper, it appears to me that the main improvement is that google could and did throw gpu-years of computation time at the problem, after getting the basic design right)08:41
kanzure"computers can do a lot more of much more clever tasks" - the tasks are not clever, their design is, but the software itself did not construct that. :)08:41
paskyso how good are bonobos at constructing tasks?08:41
kanzurepasky: ehhhh don't be so disappointed; now that they know something that seems to work, perhaps they will find optimizations or something.  maybe.08:41
kanzurewait, nevermind. disappointment is warranted. i shouldn't stop this :P.08:42
paskynot sure if "they", but everyone else involved has a strong motivation to do that ;) http://computer-go.org/pipermail/computer-go/2016-January/008524.html08:42
kanzurecomputer-go.org ... how ambiguous.08:43
kanzuregolang people should call themselves golang people, not go people.08:43
kanzureand gogame people should be calling themselves gogame people.08:43
atomical_i love golang08:44
paskygo should have picked a different name :P08:45
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kanzure"sincerely, - the department of violent disambiguation"08:45
pasky(the language, that is)08:45
atomical_they should have called it that08:46
kanzurepasky: i would not claim that bonobos are constructing tasks (maybe they are? i don't know.), but i would say that they do have some cognitive abilities that we don't seem yet to know how to implement in computers.08:48
kanzurealthough i will fully admit we probably know many of the necessary primitives.08:48
paskycan you give a concrete example? honestly, i'm not sure about what that could be, i don't know that much about bonobos08:49
kanzurei feel like anything i say is going to be picked apart and reduced to absurd basic machine learning algorithms.08:53
kanzurethere was that video of a bonobo participating in cooperative cooking with a human.08:54
kanzure.title http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.001243808:56
yoleauxPLOS ONE: Differences in the Cognitive Skills of Bonobos and Chimpanzees08:56
kanzurehm this was not a useful paper.09:00
paskyi saw some videos of Kanzi and they look impressive but I don't know how much was learned just by immitation and how much was sort of "deduced/extrapolated"09:01
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kanzurei wonder what the indiebio people are up to.09:49
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phmKanzure: Do you know where Eugen is and what he's doing?10:45
kanzurehe was acquired by springerlink10:53
phm'online delivery platform'? That's not his field...!?10:56
phmBTW: is there a torrent of all 6.4Gb of Springer math books they made available?10:58
kanzurethere's no torrent but they made far more than 6.4 GB available. iirc a friendly got >500 GB.10:59
phmNice. Got a list?10:59
kanzureat the moment there are no safe ways for these people to distribute this kind of data11:00
phmCan you get a list?11:00
kanzuretorrents are not safe11:00
phmwhat do you mean?11:00
kanzurespringerlink was hacked.11:00
phmhaha. shit. I didn't realise!11:01
kanzurewell maybe not hacked. could have been an internal bug.11:01
phmEugen did it..11:01
kanzurepfft i wish11:01
phmWhy not?11:01
kanzurehe keeps refusing11:01
phmSounds like something he would do11:01
phmrefusing what?11:01
kanzureyou are really bad at following conversations11:01
kanzurei am going to stop talking with you11:01
phmIs this chan 'safe'? Or are we already in trouble?11:01
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phmreally. Why don't you kick me for 'trolling' you. hah.11:02
phmjrayhawk: ?11:02
TMAkanzure: is there a way for them to make it available on a tor hidden service?11:03
kanzureTMA: tor is not an efficient way to transfer this much data.11:03
kanzureTMA: also these guys would feel morally bad about abusing the tor network like that.11:04
phmYou really think the feds are gonna come after us for sharing book? Come ON..11:04
phmI mean, I know they murdered Aaron Swartz, but...11:05
phmHe was high profile11:06
TMAkanzure: the only other thing that comes up to mind is distributing it encrypted as "random data from HW random generator for simulations" and delivering the key on a secure channel11:07
phmYou really think we can't outwit the NSA? pffffft11:08
c0rw1n5000G? could upload that to freenet11:12
TMAphm: it is a funny thought experiment to try11:13
phmyeahhhh 'thought experiment' :-)11:14
TMAphm: well, I do not have the data and downloading for personal purposes is legal here11:17
phmWhat data?11:17
TMAany except for software11:18
phmI think legally it's a grey area11:18
TMAnay, it's explicitly in the law [there are limitations though -- but downloading single books shall be fine]11:19
phmIf you say so.11:19
TMAthere is even a scheme for payment for free space on disks/blank cd also for reprographic machines/... to cover this law mandated license11:21
phmI don't care about the law. I'm an anarchist. As long as they don't murder me, I'm happy.11:22
cpopell6phm : I think outsmarting any government agency matters entirely on what part of said government agency you're dealing with11:25
phmThe point is this: If you work for the gov, there is probably something wrong with your brain, so gov people are not going to be as smart as 'us'11:27
cpopell6I disagree 'people who work for the government' is a generalizable class.11:29
phmYeah, well I'm not going to provide any proof.11:30
maakuphm: don't troll11:35
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ11:36
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phmhere we go.11:36
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure11:36
maakui worked for the government for 4 years11:36
maakuone of the best jobs i've ever had11:36
kanzurenasa doesn't count11:36
kanzurebuncha aliens and weirdos11:37
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kanzureDiablo-D3: btw i am gonna kick/mute you sometime soon. just a heads up.13:55
Diablo-D3because I posted a potentially interesting url about genetics in schizophrenics?13:56
kanzurebecause i have been meaning to do this for a few weeks now13:57
kanzureand i am on a streak today13:57
AlcyiusMy psychologist is recommending Cymbalta or Wellbutrin. Anyone have experience with those? I know cymbalta has nasty withdrawl symptoms13:59
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JawmareAlcyius, for?14:03
AlcyiusSSRIs haven't worked, so I'm leaning towards Wellbutrin, especially with the withdrawl affects of Cymbalta14:03
AlcyiusBut Cymbalta might help with my pain at the same time, which would be nice14:04
QuashieI had a lot of nausea on cymbalta14:04
Quashieparticularily while curling14:04
Jawmaretry bot14:05
JawmareMAOI is another possibility14:05
Quashie(in particular, compared to Wellbutrin)14:05
Quashiehowever, and this might have been some side-effect mediated placebo, I felt Cymbalta had a larger effect on my mental state14:06
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kanzurehealth insurance companies should be buying brain uploading research-dividend-related bonds, because of the dramatically lower costs of maintenance for computational systems compared to biological systems.14:14
kanzuregood way for them to reduce their expenses over time14:14
AlcyiusOh yeah so14:17
AlcyiusElio's probably going to go big soon14:17
AlcyiusBig corporate deal coming up14:17
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doclAlcyius: for CO2->methanol to do any good, you need an energy source that isn't fossil fuel.15:19
xentracYou need an energy source that's not fossil fuel in order to do any kind of CO₂ extraction15:20
doclusing solar or nuclear, then sure it is possible.15:20
xentracRight, or geothermal15:20
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fenni find Diablo-D3's contributions to be better than random17:42
erasmusgreat game but you have to be online to play it17:43
erasmusI think they messed up by doing that17:44
erasmushi fenn17:44
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kanzurefenn: i need a stronger defense than that :\17:51
kanzurewould pneumatic tubes work for mass transportation on the ocean?17:53
kanzurelack of mass transportation was one of eric hunting's primary complaints with submersible living17:54
@fennwell it seems a little unfair to single out Diablo-D3 given how bad atomical_ erasmus and Alcyius have been17:54
kanzureshouldn't your argument be "ban them all" then?17:54
@fenni guess17:54
kanzurei'd be happy to kick 'em all.17:54
erasmusyeah really what did I say?17:54
AlcyiusI'm here to listen and learn mostly17:54
erasmusyeah same here so I got his handle confused with a game17:55
erasmusmy bad dogs17:55
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ17:55
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+qqqq erasmus!*@* atomical_!*@* atomical!*@* Diablo-D3!*@*] by kanzure17:55
@kanzurecurious how 4real you are about Alcyius?17:56
AlcyiusI want to contribute but I have a lack of knowledge. I'm trying to learn.17:56
AlcyiusIf I'm not wanted here though I can leave.17:57
AlcyiusOr if I'm breaking rules/being annoying I can change what I bring into the channel17:57
@fenni'm not really sure how to say it. it's not that there are rules to follow, and "try to be interesting" doesn't really work either. but neither does "be interesting"17:59
AlcyiusMore, if you want to kick or quiet, and/or dislike me, can I get an explanation why, and maybe I can correct that behavior18:00
@fennAlcyius: i recognize that you're still young and undereducated and i don't want to hold that against you18:02
@fennalso i hate censorship and banning and all that stuff. it reminds me of yudkowsky18:02
@kanzurei think the non-rule is something like "demonstrate some attempt at an improving state of mental hygiene and trying to make (good) contributions to the group without excessive disruption".18:03
AlcyiusThat's the lesswrong guy right? He banned and censored any mention of Roko's Basilisk iirc18:03
@kanzureas far as i know you haven't actually done any trolling, although i may be forgetting something18:03
Alcyiuskanzure, as far as I know, the closest I've gotten to "trolling" was probably being in a discussion about the ethics and/or politics of stuff, and I've avoided doing that after being told it wasn't really a big subject of discussion in the channel18:04
@fennno, you haven't done any trolling18:05
Alcyiusand I try to bring interesting tech developments as I find them18:05
@kanzurebanned/kicked/muted people for less tho18:05
@kanzureAlcyius: that's actually not good either :)18:05
@kanzurereading the news is the number one way to rot your brain18:05
AlcyiusHow bout18:06
@fenntry reading some science papers or source code or build something18:06
AlcyiusI leave for now, and come back when I have the knowledge/skill to contribute more18:06
@kanzureyea there's lots of interesting source code to read18:07
@fenndon't let school run your life18:07
@kanzurereading papers is probably not that great either, the value per paper is actually surprisingly low for the most part18:08
@fennalso SSRI's don't work 80% of the time18:08
@kanzuremany large segments of science seem to be totally worthless in the presence of good speculation18:08
Alcyiusfenn, that's why I stopped using SSRI's18:08
AlcyiusThey did nasty stuff to me18:08
@kanzure"good speculation" is a tricky thing though. most of its rules aren't written down anywhere.18:08
AlcyiusAlright, I'm gonna head off, spend some more time at the local hackerspace and try to maybe build some more practical knowledge or do some work on some of the proposals, and maybe I'll be back at a later point in time.18:09
@kanzurewe could also give you stuff to read and work on. there's lots of tasks out there.18:09
AlcyiusI mean, I'm probably just going to do something like18:09
-!- Alcyius is now known as Alcyius|Extended18:09
Alcyius|Extendedshit, character limit18:10
-!- Alcyius|Extended is now known as Alcyius|Away18:10
Alcyius|AwayAnd yeah, suggestions would be nice18:10
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Alcyius|AwayJust like, whisper it or something if you'd like, that way my bouncer will keep a record18:12
Alcyius|AwayI'm gonna go for a while though, sorry for being a bother.18:12
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@fennalcyius read "impro" by keith johnstone https://archive.org/details/pdfy-KIkLrSPi_3lzPl5v18:14
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@kanzurei wonder if projectile mass transport is a solution to his concerns18:17
@fennkanzure did you read the evacuated tube transport patent?18:18
@kanzurei think his complaint was that air travel takes too long(?), like boarding a plane, although that sounds kind of stupid now that i think about it- airport transportation delays are entirely because of bad design not because of any particular bottleneck18:18
@kanzurei forget which design was proposed (in mass media?) recently that had people sitting down in their seats and then the entire compartment placed into the transportation device18:19
@fennthat was elon musk riffing on this patent18:19
maakukanzure: hyperloop?18:19
@kanzurewell fenn says yes18:19
@kanzureya obv. replaceable compartments does not require a hyperloop18:19
@kanzureis there any good reason that air transport does not presently use that concept?18:20
maakuit's probably heavy18:20
@fennfedex etc use pie wedge shaped shipping containers to pack into airplanes18:21
@kanzurei mean for people transport18:21
@kanzure"The rest--the big challenge--is dealing with very long lines of transportation/communication and technology that offers very limited solutions for that. For that it doesn't matter what you build or how. There are very few intermediate forms of intercontinental transportation with low minimum operational economies of scale. That's what limits living at sea to either fairly large planned communities, to people who can rough-it it like ...18:22
@kanzure... 'working watermen' (people who own modest yachts and charter them for fishing, private cruises, and packet shipping), or to mostly the richest people in the world--people who can afford personal jets, helicopters, and large ocean-going yachts costing hundreds of millions of dollar. Any form of transportation an individual can't own outright has to be shared with a community, which presents the question of how many people it takes to ...18:22
@kanzure... allow this to exist. This is why I got into things like airships."18:22
@kanzure" It's not that airships are 'greener' transportation. It's that they are the only potential form of intercontinental air transit with an operational economy of scale low enough that a community of hundreds of people can afford it, rather than the hundreds of thousands to millions of people it takes to justify the existence of conventional airliners and the infrastructures supporting them. Other than that, all current tech offers us is ...18:23
@kanzure... crew boats and yachts--which aren't especially comfortable or speedy and are still beyond the reach of most middle-class individuals. Even being relatively near shore leaves you with pretty expensive transportation if it's 'open water'. Even something like this; ( http://barunaraya.com/Photo/item/27_1_3-Photo.jpg ) is a million dollar proposition. I used to tell Seasteaders; "why are you worrying about structures when what you need ...18:23
@kanzure... is a Volantor with a thousand mile range?""18:23
@kanzurehmm yeah i think he overlooked projectile launching of people in the air18:24
@fenndead link?18:24
@kanzureemail was from january 201518:25
@fennsome boat18:26
@kanzure"But can you match it with a convenient affordable means of transportation? Otherwise, it might as well cost as much as a luxury yacht because only people who can afford that will be able to conveniently live on it. The cost of transportation will determine the potential demographic of inhabitants, not the cost of the dwellings."18:26
@kanzurei am not convinced about the necessity of mass transportation like this though. where are you needing to be so quickly ?18:27
@kanzurepeople in the middle of nowhere have long transportation times to hospitals, too18:27
JayDuggerDon't neglect the historical development path in judging the "necessity of mass transportation".18:28
JayDuggerAirplanes were invented before email.18:28
JayDugger"where are you needing to be so quickly ?"18:28
@kanzureperhaps if you needed mass transportation you wouldn't have picked "living in the middle of nowhere" ?18:29
JayDuggerMilitary and high-priority high-value cargo. "hospital" is a subset of the latter.18:29
JayDuggerNo, every place used to be isolated.18:29
@fennthere is probably a case to be made for reusable gliders (aircraft) and ROV thingies that use the thermocline or wave power18:29
JayDuggerCities were isolated from one another, but not internally.18:30
@kanzurecontext is fenn's submersible living structures18:30
JayDuggerThank you. I'll shut up and think before typing.18:30
@kanzureand eric was pointing out that lack of mass transport overshadoows any utility of said structures18:30
@kanzurewasn't asking you to shut up, was just providing context18:30
@fenneh? my "submersible living structure" was a vehicle18:30
JayDuggerI didn't think you were asking, but it was nice of you to say so.18:31
@kanzureya but eric would say "something something necessity of mass transport, economies of scale"18:31
@kanzureare cars considered mass transport ?18:31
maakukanzure: a bus is18:31
@kanzureif you are a kilometer off the coast then it's going to take a while for your submersible bus to get to the coast :p18:32
JayDuggerIntuitively, yes. Very few people afford a car and its associated infrastructure (roads, financing, insurance, auto repair) independently.18:32
JayDuggerThey began as toys for the rich, remember.18:32
@fennit seems easier to say "hey boat, go to XYZ coordinates" than to dock your boat to some public transit system and navigate its own infurating alien system of logistics18:33
@fennat least for "inter-city" transport distances18:33
JayDuggerWhat do you mean by "dock your boat to some public transit system?"18:33
@fennwell if you live in a submersible structure it should be a boat in some minimal sense18:33
JayDuggerBarges and tugboats going up and down rivers come to midn.18:34
JayDuggermind, rather.18:34
@kanzurei think the use case that eric had in mind was "living off the coast and working in the city"18:34
@kanzure(the land city)18:34
@fennit would be easy enough to add a subway stop at treasure island for SF bay dwellers18:36
@kanzurei don't know what actual quality that "mass transport" is supposed to embody here-- if you had 200k structures off the coast and most were coming to shore in the morning/night for the daily commute, is that mass transport?18:36
JayDuggerWhy would you live off the coast and work in the city?18:37
@kanzurewhy would you live on land at all?18:37
JayDuggerRegulatory arbitrage?18:37
@fennbecause The Rent is Too Damn High (tm)18:37
JayDuggerUm, have you ever lived at sea?18:37
@fennno of course not18:37
JayDuggerI have. Ex-Navy.18:37
@kanzuresubmarine living seems pretty different from ocean surface operations18:37
JayDuggerJust a little, yes.18:38
@kanzureplease continue18:38
JayDuggerAnd military service differs from merchant marine service differs from passenger cruises.18:38
maakufenn: /r/vandweller18:38
maakuit's easier, and cheaper18:38
@fennit's also illegal18:39
maakuit's illegal to live in a van?18:39
JayDuggerVery much so. If the van breaks you can stand up on the ground.18:39
@fennin san francisco it is18:39
JayDuggerIn urban CA, probably.18:39
@kanzureand large communities are going to get harassed anyway18:39
JayDuggerVan dwelling means a mechanical break down doesn't expose you to the risk of drowning.18:40
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@fennseasteading is sure to get harrassed/bullied by vested interests, but there's no existing low-status associations like there is with van living18:40
@fennso political stuff might be easier18:41
JayDuggerSeasteading is a marvelous idea that completely ignores the military vulnerability of the communities.18:41
maakuinteresting, didn't realize people actually got caught up in sleeping-in-the-car laws18:41
maakuyou see so many van dwellers here in the south bay, no one really cares18:41
@kanzureyour concern is military vulnerability, not how all of the seasteading habitats have been poorly designed?18:41
JayDuggerDon't you have bored cops who'd rather bust homeless poor than worry about people who might shoot back where you lived, maaku?18:41
JayDuggerNot quite, marine engineering can be solved by throwing money and expertise at it.18:42
maakuJayDugger: van dwellers around here aren't poor18:42
@kanzurewhat happened to "mechanical failures" a second ago18:42
maakuyou see them parked outside of places like Cisco, Google, and even in high COL neighborhoods18:43
JayDuggerYou asked about what concerns me about seasteading, not the inherent (and solvable) dangers of life at sea.18:43
@fenni don't understand how a mobile fleet of submarines is more vulnerable than a bunch of houses made out of styrofoam18:44
JayDuggerFair enough, maaku. I won't talk more about police other than to say my experience with them leads me to assume the worst of them.18:44
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JayDuggerMilitarily or in the sense of poor seaworthiness?18:44
maakuJayDugger: it's regional. most places van dwellers are automatically suspect, probably even for good reason18:45
@kanzure"where's your mortgage, citizen?"18:45
maakuhere in silicon valley there's a subculture of engineers that just don't see the value in throwing $35k a year at rent18:45
@kanzureoops i mean s/citizen/communist18:45
JayDuggerFenn, in general, or do you ask about my concerns with the idea?18:46
JayDuggerI am having trouble tracking the conversation, sorry.18:46
@kanzureJayDugger: military vulnerability of submersible communities.18:46
@fennJayDugger: i was more concerned about the opposite, that submarines would be banned for personal use because they are too hard to blow up if the government wants to18:46
@fennJayDugger: so i'm finding it hard to wrap my mind around the idea of them being "too vulnerable"18:47
@kanzurei suspect that the government would stay away as long as you had lots of popularized youtube-friendly video content, and as long as you went out far enough18:47
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@kanzureand then you just have to contend with the regular kind of assholes18:47
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JayDuggerOkay, let me state my concerns with seasteading. They have no way to defend against any modern Navy and so make their claims of sovereignty stick.18:47
@fennmicronations in general are vulnerable to large states18:47
@kanzurethey don't reeaaallly need to defend as long as they can escape18:48
@kanzureand if they are being pursued they will get caught, yes...18:48
JayDuggerYes, and seasteading especially so since they depend on infrastructure more high-tech than dirt farming.18:48
@fennthere are a variety of motivations for seasteading, some of which involve sovereignty18:48
JayDuggerLook up the range of a cruise missile, kanzure. Then bear in mind the fastest ships on the seas are atom-powered aircraft carriers (racing boats aside).18:49
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JayDuggerSovereignty will be very hard to make stick without a suicide nuke on a dead man switch below the waterline.18:50
JayDuggerThat's my concern about seasteading.18:50
JayDuggerRegulatory or financial arbitrage doesn't convince me.18:50
JayDuggerAlso, I dislike living at sea.18:50
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JayDuggerMoving for COL or better work, I've done. I can imagine that happening, but I don't expect to live to see it.18:51
JayDugger(Didn't expect to live to see smart contracts, either, for the record.)18:51
@fenngoogle already built a gigantic barge18:51
JayDuggerYes. The marine engineering parts of seasteading are solved problems. I don't think those are deal-breakers.18:52
JayDuggerPerhaps financially, but I don't know enough to say, even in a case-by-case basis. That could sure be made to work for resource extraction at times.18:54
JayDuggerAs for submarines, well...they have a long supply tail that leads back to land. A civilian boat probably won't have a militarily useful design. (Yes, I know about the coke boats. Those are explicitly criminal and borderline military-grade.)18:56
@fennthey're not really "military grade" aside from being submarines at all18:57
JayDuggerA government with any sense, even intermittently, will shut down the sale of fuel and parts to a boat owner and wait for the sub to fail.18:57
@kanzuresubmarine failure seems like a design problem. everything should be trivially serviceable.18:57
JayDuggerMilitary grade in the sense of designed to avoid detection by militaries. Poor word choice on my part.18:57
@kanzure*should be made to be18:57
JayDuggerOperating costs for subs can probably be found in the DoD budget, if you care to look. Easy to fix doesn't mean long MTBF.18:58
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@kanzurei think research vessels are probably closer approximations?18:59
JayDuggerTo the idea of living undersea?18:59
@fenni think the main objection to submarine living is that it's cramped, expensive, and there's nowhere to go18:59
@fennsorta like space travel without the glamor18:59
JayDuggerThose are all certainly true. Port visits made the high point of time at sea.19:00
@kanzurehow was the satellite uplink?19:00
@fennmilitary satellite isn't a good comparison19:01
JayDuggerWe didn't have that when I was in.19:01
JayDuggerI hear it is much, much better now, even on ships as small as frigates, at least in USN.19:01
@kanzurebut how did you watch kim jong un make threats over youtube if you didn't have satellite uplink.....?19:01
@fennthe GEO satellite coverage is relatively poor compared to land areas19:02
JayDuggerBy watching the missiles go over head.19:02
JayDuggerWhen his Dad was in charge, but mostly we ignored him.19:02
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JayDuggerAnd communications still sucks for the sub fleet. Wasn't on a sub, don't know any submariners.19:04
JayDuggerKind of a quiet, clannish, bunch.19:04
@kanzureokay well i have seen nothing that leads me to believe that large-scale mass transport is mandatory for any of that.19:06
JayDuggerYeah, that whole bit wandered pretty far off-topic, and so much for my "I'll shut up."19:08
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* fenn sleeps19:10
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MacktheYoungerAnybody alive?19:22
MacktheYoungerHeya. Glad to find a biohacking channel. You hear about the stuff people are doing recently with transdermal implants? Finding out how to get the skin to bond to it using hydroxyapatite and such?19:26
@kanzurei think i have shooed out all the body modification people, they tend to hang out elsewhere.19:26
@kanzurebut maybe there's a straggler or two19:27
@kanzureyou might get lucky19:27
MacktheYoungerFingers crossed. What do you mostly focus on, then, if not body mods? More mental stuff?19:28
streetyonly attempt I've seen at summarizing the channel is at http://diyhpl.us/wiki/hplusroadmap/19:29
MacktheYoungerHey, thanks. Pretty cool list. I can always get behind space habitats and diybio19:31
-!- irseeyou [~irseeyou@c-67-168-101-20.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:32
JayDuggerWelcome, MacktheYounger.19:48
JayDuggerDallas Maker Space recently had a writeup on the subject. You can find them at #dallasmakerspace or https://talk.dallasmakerspace.org/19:50
streetythere is also ##biohack19:50
MacktheYoungerThanks. I'll definitely look into that.19:51
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JayDuggerYou might find the logs useful.19:53
MacktheYoungerI'll be sure to look through them, thanks for the headsup19:55
JayDuggerYou're welcome.19:55
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@kanzurefenn: so i was looking over that patent and a name caught my eye while i was scrolling through the page, then it vanished, and i thought the name was impossible to see there. nope, it's really there... "david dalrymple".22:47
not_unoriginalisn't vacuum transport like a 19th century concept22:50
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