
--- Log opened Mon Mar 14 00:00:59 2016
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fennpasky you can substitute centrifugal force for gravity05:21
fennso you get the best of both worlds05:22
fenni bet Neptune Properties is a rival of Poseidon Industrial05:23
paskyyeah i realized that shortly after asking the question and going away from irc :)05:25
fenn"the sword and the helix" is a nice post-earth novel about the implications of genetic engineering and space colonization05:27
fenner, "the helix and the sword"05:27
fennthere are also some industrial processes that are just not feasible on earth, like containerless melting, molecular beam epitaxy05:30
fennlunar glass is rumored to be 100x stronger than normal fiberglass because of its low water content05:30
fennbut the real kicker is the ease with which you can deploy solar collectors05:32
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JayDuggerJohn macLaughlin's The Helix and the Sword, right?06:55
JayDuggerWritten before the Cold War ended, and it shows.06:56
JayDuggerHis other novel, Toolmaker Koan, isn't quite as good, but has a slightly higher concept.06:57
JayDuggerH&S reads as a bit of a Dune pastiche, but without the silly Arrakis=Arabia metaphor and all the half-baked conspiracy theories.06:58
JayDuggerI'm impressed fenn. You count as the third person I've met who has read that book.06:59
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kanzureFourFire: i don't know what you would consider to be "signal" in sleep-typing output07:57
FourFirekanzure, anything that matches what you were trying to find when you decided to initiate the experiment07:58
kanzurei wasn't expecting much at all07:58
FourFirealso, I'm fixing a laser printer now...07:58
kanzurewhole thing sounded colossaly stupid to me07:58
kanzurebut fwiw yes i have continued... most recently, let me look...07:59
kanzure"reveal the underlying onion derivatives of the situation"07:59
kanzure"tje nacli[s are pm tjeor way tale cpver jp;d pm we"07:59
kanzure"the florist had no idea what do o.... but it was hist mistake so he was willing to pay for this or offer it for free."08:00
kanzure"that's why this case is over? i think these weddings are a dead end. but someone should discuss them. have you continued to observe the italian doctor. [...] i brought only one, my friend was like don't ACK me on that. so fine."08:00
kanzure"a deal with amr... or a cron job. anden i had an old cr, okay? i had an old one. went rfrom 0 to 60... yeah but amoun t was not the question."08:00
kanzure"that spider will be all over those eggs like a spider to those eggs"08:01
kanzurestuff like that08:01
FourFiredid you succeed in writing a translator for misaligned typing?08:01
FourFirealso, truncate any key that repeats more than three times to a single char?08:02
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kanzurenope i haven't written anything to fix misalignments08:04
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fennfrank herbert had an interesting idea about towing huge bags of fresh water around behind ships08:25
fenntransport is a lot cheaper than desalination08:25
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maakukanzure: you have far more interesting dreams than me09:15
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archels_anyone have some good CV templates?09:51
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cluckjfind someone whose job you want, and use theirs as a template09:56
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kanzurearchels_: post an ad on craigslist for the job that you want to hire for (e.g. offer employment), ask people to send resumes, then look at all the resumes you receive and copy the best one.09:59
cluckjthat's not very nice10:00
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archels_this one is not so critical, I actually just want to volunteer for a conference so I can get out from paying the registration fee10:50
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cluckjthey need a cv for you to volunteer? I didn't realize working at the registration desk was so competitive11:01
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FourFireWhat advice re: nootropics do people have?13:30
FourFireI've been avoiding even coffee for the duration of my life, but I'm experiencing mental performance deficits and am interested now.13:30
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maakuadvice is to take it slowly an experiment with one at a time13:32
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FourFireok, so I tried a single child dose of methylphenidate, two days in a row and experienced great increased agency, but sufferered *not worth it* side effects for over a month afterwards13:34
maakumicrodosing sometimes alleviates side effects (on my list of things to try is microdosing LSD on my GTD review or architectural design days, when I do my creative work)13:36
paskyif you've been avoiding even coffee et al., i think caffeine could be pretty powerful, at least that was my experience13:36
maakubut by take it slow and simple I meant, e.g. try Theanine + Caffeine13:36
FourFiremaaku, so tea?13:37
pasky(I only started taking caffeine - in the club mate form - about 5 years ago and it was initially wow)13:38
maakuFourFire: if that is your preferred intake methodology. you could play with the mix of theanine/caffeine and intake speed and see what helps with minimal/no side effects13:38
kanzurea friend of mine wants to become the willy wonka of advil manufacturing13:38
kanzureto help him deal with all the ugh in software engineering13:38
pasky(so caffeine + sugar; sugar also works pretty well for me, from the mundane stuff category)13:38
FourFireI'd prefer to avoid sugar due to genetic propensity for diabetes in my family.13:39
kanzureyou should all just take giant piles of adderall13:39
maakukanzure: working on it13:40
kanzureand don't just hob some off your kids or something :P13:40
* maaku lines up psychatrist appointments for my kids13:41
maakuAlso, minimizing exposure to workflow distraction (Slack must die) does more than any drug I've tried.13:42
maaku.title http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/03/01/2016-nootropics-survey-results/13:43
yoleaux2016 Nootropics Survey Results | Slate Star Codex13:43
maaku.title https://www.gwern.net/Nootropics13:43
yoleauxNootropics - Gwern.net13:43
kanzuremaaku: slack has to be managed just like any other communication channel...13:43
kanzuremaaku: reward the slack users when they bring high-signal content to you, and then depart when they are noisy assholes.13:44
paskyI never got the hang of slack, I guess the only way for me is some sort of IRC gateway13:48
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FourFiremaaku, read both of those14:00
maakupasky: slack has absolutely no purpose if you are able to use IRC14:01
kanzureslack has much better onboarding than irc.... easy to suck people in when they only have to click once.14:05
Mori4rtySlack is good. You're missing out.14:07
paskyexcept that they click on some weird herokuapp that sends them an invite and then they need to make an account at your slack14:07
Mori4rtyBut never fear! I am working on open source Slack clone14:08
fenni can't tell if that's supposed to be ironic14:09
fennfourfire i suggest piracetam with your caffeine14:11
fennand go easy on the caffeine, most people have built up huge tolerances14:12
FourFireMori4rty, don't open source slack clones already exist?14:12
Mori4rtynot any good ones.14:12
Mori4rtyand not peer to peer and distributed and good encrypted14:12
FourFireMori4rty, http://www.mattermost.org/ ?14:13
fennsurely wikipedia has a matrix of chat protocols and their features14:13
FourFiresomething tasty is sure to be on this list: http://alternativeto.net/software/slack/?license=opensource14:14
nmz787_i1methamphetamine beats adderall14:21
nmz787_i1CH3 in the house y'all14:21
cluckjFourFire eating sugar doesn't give you diabetes14:23
fennit doesn't?14:23
* FourFire has preferences towards less illegal nootropics14:24
nmz787_i1meth isn't illegal14:24
nmz787_i1just hard to get14:24
nmz787_i1at least in the USA14:24
fennit's only hard to get legally14:24
nmz787_i1I guess it isn't a nootropic though if it requires a prescription?14:24
fennillegally it's easier than seeing a doctor :(14:25
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nmz787_i1yeah but I hope no one in here wants untraceable question-mark powder14:25
nmz787_i1that raman spectrometer kickstarter bailed, so we don't have raman spectrometers in our pockets to test such things... yet14:25
fennwhat happened to sci.o or whatever14:27
nmz787_i1yeah that's the bogus one14:27
fennit was IR spectrometry not raman14:27
nmz787_i1they de-rated their specs to do NIR14:27
nmz787_i1well maybe it wasn't them that started as raman14:28
fennit was never raman14:28
nmz787_i1but some other kickstarter did, and then downgraded to NIR14:28
nmz787_i1"The device greatly resembles another recent crowdfunding project, TellSpec, which raised $386,000 last year. TellSpec originally planned to use Raman spectrometry, but has since switched to near-infrared spectrometry, the same technology SCiO is sporting"14:29
fennyou can use marquis reagent to test questionable powders14:29
nmz787_i1that is a very limited tes14:30
fenni don't know what all these do but surely they're useful for something: https://dancesafe.org/product-category/testing-kits-individual/14:31
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--- Log closed Tue Mar 15 00:00:00 2016

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