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FourFire> people who are concerned about "friendliness" are concerned about an always-overwhelmingly-powerful adversary and then wondering "wait maybe there's an equally powerful anti-adversary to overpower my by-definition-overwhelming adversary." which doesn't compute at all.05:20
FourFireI have a slightly different perspective which doesn't sound as stupid05:21
FourFireIf, at the time self improving AGI software problem has been solved enough for it to drag itself the rest of the way, and one is given resources to play with, hunam level intelligence is no longer a hardware problem as well as a software problem,05:23
FourFirethen being made/running first is a substantial advantage05:23
FourFireif, General Intelligences do tend to gravitate towards the behavioural attractor of getting control over the most power*resources05:24
FourFireThen, given those two premises, it is quite important to Humanity (or independent, (non optimized towards aquire resources, elminate competition) intelligences in general) to make a defensive AGI before any AGI which is not defensive of unoptimized intelligences takes over the local resource pool (whether that be just the biosphere, whole of earth, our solar system or even the galaxy)05:27
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FourFire>  I don't think you actually care about friendliness. You care about autonomous super-robots wiping out humanity. So don't make autonomous super-robots.05:49
FourFiremaaku, yeah, just force everyone to never do something which they might stand to benefit substantially economically, especially large companies05:49
FourFire> <maaku> And don't give me any bull about super AIs convincing meat robots to do random shit05:50
FourFireWhy not, if a task is broken up into small enough pieces, anything can be done without acertaining the purpose of it's constuent parts, and all you need to make to happen is money05:51
FourFire> <maaku> FourFire first time?05:53
FourFireNah, like tenth, or third, getting that drunk.05:54
FourFiresocial pressure sucks, but hopefully I got something out of it, scoring bro points with my collegues, sunk cost fallacy...05:54
FourFirekanzure, about AGI and "always-overwhelmingly-powerful", I just needs to be overpowering to then current day human descendent intelligences, there's plenty of room for variable levels of general ability above the limits of enhanced biological humans05:58
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maakuFourFire: there are so many assumptions wrapped up in that. assuming low variance hard takeoffs, assuming rigit goal sets, assuming AI has access to effectors, etc.10:01
maakuFourFire: there is absolutely no economic justification for putting an AGI in a robot body10:02
maakuI've asked repeatedly to many people in the MIRI sphere why they keep asserting this. It makes no sense.10:02
maakuCompanies _don't_ want to cede decision making over to error-prone proto-AGIs. In fact they are very strongly incentivised against doing so. (And I challenge you to find a big organization doing AI research that would even consider doing so.)10:04
maaku> <FourFire> Why not, if a task is broken up into small enough pieces, anything can be done without acertaining the purpose of it's constuent parts, and all you need to make to happen is money10:04
maakuJust keep the thing inside an organization with protocols, rules, training, and oversight.  This is a redicuously solved problem.10:05
maakuIf you care about such things. I don't.10:05
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maaku(New resolution: stop engaging with MIRI/FLI folk with the hope that you'd convince them to do something useful with their lives.)10:06
maakuHrm. Well I did convince kaj sotala to seek (and get) funding for concept formation research. I guess that was a win.10:07
FourFireI'm not convinced, se: social engineering hacks, but then my not being convinced presumes that an AGI with faculties required to do social engineering (the goals/motivation are assumed due to it existing in a company which stands to benefit from automating $taskset) will be created for other purposes within a company10:08
FourFirestill, assuming that your protocols argument holds, you are still relying on a company being competent enough to not suffer from any systemic information warfare failure and not failing economically, so that, say a AGI system isn't sold off at some point in a liquidation of assets10:09
maakuFourFire: don't put people with decision authority in a position to talk to the thing, and shut the thing down to investigate if it starts advocating for unexpected things10:09
maakuBut I'm glad you recognize that social engineering is not a natural outcome, but requires actual training in deception...10:10
FourFiremaaku, back to my claim that any task can be broke up10:10
FourFireit doesn't matter, if the thing can talk to interns then you're screwed10:10
maakuFourFire: so don't let it talk to interns10:10
maakuPhysical security is a thing.10:10
maakuYou know, badges. Security guards with guns. Locked rooms. Buildings within buildings. This is a solved problem.10:11
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FourFireinformation security of the kind I presume is required to contain a not explicitly safe AI sounds implausible in a company that is intending to profit from researching general AI and selling it as a product10:12
FourFireit's not a problem of incompetent humans getting through to the AI, it's a problem of the AI getting through to incompetent humans10:13
maakuFourFire: my summary position is that this AGI exitential threat scenario requires a chain of reasoning with about 10 things that have to go wrong, in series. Put basic checks against each one and there's no reason we can't proceed at full steam. Laws of probability ensure that 10 failures to be acceptably unlikely.10:13
maakuFourFire: show me a convincing business plan for selling AGI as a service.10:14
FourFireand hell, fully competent humans if given the wrong information, can make it go wrong too, the thing just needs to be capable of corrupting any line of information flow in order to cause issues, again, if it isn't specifically designed to be human safe10:14
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maakuFourFire: and I'll show you a much more profitable business plan for selling the _outputs_ of AGI only and keeping the AGI close at hand.10:14
FourFireSure, and that company needs to have hella good information security10:15
FourFirebeter than I anticipated being possible in an organization run by human beings10:15
maakuFourFire: I've worked for the government. It is possible to do infosec right.10:15
FourFiremaybe an organization run by dumb automation, and owned by some humans... but then you need technicians to maintain and it's still fraught, inforsec wise10:15
FourFiremaaku, really, didn't prevent the snowden incident...10:16
maakuEh, this is an uninteresting conversation. If the superintelligence tiles the universe with computronium, mission fucking accomplished.10:16
FourFireFair enough I'm staying away from AI research besides, trying to make my DNA project happen10:17
maakuI've only engaged in existential risk debate because I've seen so many smart people get lured into that honeytrap and do nothing important with their lives. :\10:19
shBeats doing something destructive with their lives.10:19
shAnd the 'nothing important' thing has yet to be shown.10:20
maakush: if they haven't done anything important yet, they've got a low prior for ever doing anything important10:21
shNot what I meant.10:21
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maakuFourFire: what do you intend to use the DNA project for?10:25
maakuAlso I assume you are aware of the DNA-printing project other people here are working on10:25
FourFiremaaku, prove (or disprove) the feasibility of a tool that turns protein design into a "throw a tonne of computation at it" problem using genetic algorithms to grade genes according to how the proteins they synthesize into perform.10:27
FourFireif it works, I'll maybe evolve human histones from scratch within six years, and an intelligently designed DNA repair mechanism within thirty years.10:28
FourFireoh yeah and if it works I'm open sourcing it and thorwing it at any synthetic bio person who shows the faintest interest in the subject.10:28
FourFireIt would be great if something I can do can reduce indefinite lifespan research time by some small percentage10:29
maakuSounds like an AI problem actually. But anyway what you're going to run into is that protein performance is not a graded landscape10:29
maakuSo you vary a gene. Does the variation get you closer or further to a solution? How you answer that question is key10:30
FourFireSure, then I just need to impliment algorithms for designspace search that other people I know are working on, that's not my concern right now.10:31
FourFireconcern right now is individually learnng and making the components for the initial genetic algorithm and tying them together with what I call, a "bucket of scripts".10:32
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maakuI think I may be under emphasizing the difficulty of this problem, which I think is AGI complete. That's why I work on AGI. But I say this not to discourage you.10:57
maakuHopefully by the time you hit that problem I'll have a more general heuristic finder to guide your searches.10:58
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paskyAGI-complete implies that humans are good at that, but are they? i don't think they are actually11:07
paskyit might just be intrinsically hard to do11:07
paskyor maybe you mean AGI-complete in that then the AGI will design and build new physical equipment to do that with real proteins instead of in silico ;)11:08
c0rw1nif the AGI is that smart it'll do it in the most efficient way it finds, whicheither of simulation or empirically, or even some mix of both11:11
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maakupasky humans are shitty AGIs11:15
maaku*general intelligences11:16
c0rw1n^ also that yes11:17
c0rw1nmaybe we simply don't have enough memory or ability to compute over large enough datasets or whatever to call the limitations of our kludgy wetware11:18
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maakupasky a better statement is that AGI complete means that humans are able to do it. Says nothing about whether humans are good (that implies architecture)11:32
maakuI  personally think humans are a horrible thinking architecture to emulate11:33
FourFiremaaku, I understand that the problem I've chosen for myself might well be impossible to resolve at various stages, but I'm pursuing it until I can acertain that myself,11:34
FourFirealso I'm Not going to go into AGI research because I think it's an attractor of "nerdy white dudes" and frankly, I'm not the sharpest lightbulb in the forest, so there's little point in my competing to find "the one AGI algorithm" blah blah, I'd prefer to do less impactful but still useful work on the side, which won't fall through if all current AGI research does.11:36
maakuYou misunderstand me. I think you're doing the right thing. Keep at it.11:37
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maakuI think you will trip, and when you do ask for help here instead of giving up.11:38
FourFireThat's why I'm here11:38
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maakuI AGI company I will eventually form will be chiefly concerned with solving problems like that.11:42
maakuBut of your friend has a heuristic that doesn't require general intelligence, that's quite a breakthrough.11:43
FourFirehe's got several, for specific kinds of design spaces11:45
FourFirethe main advantage is that he has them now, as opposed to in 15 years11:45
FourFirewhen your AGI, if it actually is an AGI will instantly learn them as soon as it is given the task to do so.11:46
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paskybtw (an early pre-peer review version) of my paper... written in a 16-hour marathon on friday ;) http://pasky.or.cz/sps.pdf (deep learning on sentences)11:48
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maakuAGI isn't magic .. Replace "instantly" with "months of supercomputer time"12:59
justanotheruserIs there a company I can send CAD files to that will machine parts for me?13:02
justanotheruserfor low volume13:03
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esmereldaIs it possible to determine what regions of DNA chromatin will bind to?15:00
esmereldaOr rather, regions that will generally always be exposed, even without methyl/acylation?15:00
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FourFiremaaku, but currently finding these patterns takes only weeks, collecting simulation data and getting a human to look over it manually15:04
FourFirewhen it is formatted in the right way15:04
FourFirethe sole benefit of me working on my approach is that I'm working on my goal directly, and that i get some years head start, maybe15:05
FourFireif AGI stuff works and doesn't instantly game over, then great, my work isn't needed.15:05
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maakuFourFire I was assuming you meant the time it takes to train a grad student to do that19:03
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maakupasky I look forward to reading it20:49
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justanotheruserfreecad is great software, I'm really liking it21:55
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FourFirejustanotheruser, it's got loads of functionality but it's interface leaves much to be desired23:16
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