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kanzuredust clouds would probably work for a dyson swarm... reflect light to a single point. much cheaper than deploying solar panels everywhere.05:44
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.05:53
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juri_aparently, i do good things.06:36
kanzurehm i see eric s. raymond on that 2015 hugo awards list06:37
kanzuregah microsoft introduced yet another cad format this time json :\ https://engineering.microsoft.com/2016/03/03/maker-js-cad-modeling-in-pure-javascript/06:38
kanzureoh also interesting to see "rolf nelson" on that hugo awards page. i met him in 2008 when i was being indoctrinated into singinst.06:39
JayDuggerAs "Best New Writers," but for what works?06:40
juri_"girls r dumb"06:41
juri_seriously, the guy has a problem.06:41
JayDuggerAnd wow, "Elitist Book Reviews" sure disappoints.06:41
JayDuggerAny links, so I can judge for myself?06:41
kanzurejuri_: to be fair, there are many people who are dumb, some of them even female :)06:42
juri_kanzure: la la la, i can't hear you over the sound of my agenda. ;)06:43
kanzureelitist book reviews says "Just a couple guys with much better taste in books than you" i was hoping for reviews of elitist books06:44
JayDuggerYup, me too.06:44
JayDuggerOr least book reviews from someone with better taste than that.06:44
JayDuggerJuri_, do you know for what works ESR and Rolf Nelso appeared on the Hugo 2015 ballot?06:45
kanzureesr was probably nominated for the emacs manual as a work of fiction    *ducks*06:45
juri_no, i'm just popping my head in, because my project landed on hackaday.06:46
JayDuggerif you don't know off-hand, searching isn't needed.06:46
* juri_ throws rocks at kanzure. ;)06:46
juri_i actually met one of the emacs manual writers from the 80s. he was in congress, dressed and acting like james madison.06:46
JayDuggerI stopped caring about the Hugos after I read enough of the award-winners to figure out that some years had a bad crop.06:47
kanzureyeah i have been wondeirng what to do about lack of great scifi06:47
JayDuggerReally? Please tell him that two-layer table of contents was a completely stupid idea.06:47
JayDuggerClone Greg Egan.06:47
kanzurewhen i open up some short story and see 800 pages of dialog i just groan. nobody has anything so important to say that they need to take 800 pages.06:47
JayDuggerResurrect Lem and Stapledon.06:48
JayDuggerAnd Burroughs.06:48
JayDuggerBoth of them.06:48
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c0rw1nand not Phil K Dick?06:49
kanzurewell, as usual one solution is to just make money available for good things, but i'm not sure how to make that work either06:49
JayDuggerNo. Not Dick. His non-SF is better than his SF.06:49
kanzurepeople who can write reasonably good scifi are usually employed doing things like actual science or engineering projects06:49
JayDuggerExcept for "A Scanner Darkly," which is only weakly SF.06:49
juri_howabout we actually focus on hplus stuff, and reverse larry niven's aging to the time when he wrote good sci-fi?06:50
kanzurelarry niven is still around?06:50
JayDuggerWell, yes. And they still write interesting SF (Yes, and so is Benford.)06:50
juri_i had to check wikipedia, but yes.06:50
kanzureb. 193806:50
JayDuggerThere's always Arxiv and grant proposals. *ducks*06:51
JayDuggerAnyway, it was encouraging to see translated fiction on the ballot.06:53
kanzureperhaps something with a bunch of ghostwriters and editors working from the same source material. e.g. the star wars franchise over time had a formula for cranking out books with new authors that usually met some quality standard (er, i mean, i'm sure they had variance...)06:53
JayDugger.wik formula fiction06:54
yoleaux"In popular culture, formula fiction is literature in which the storylines and plots have been reused to the extent that the narratives are predictable. It is similar to genre fiction, which identifies a number of specific settings that are frequently reused." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_fiction06:54
kanzure.title http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=3094806:55
yoleauxBuilding the Bowl of Heaven06:55
JayDuggerPfft! What a crap article summary.06:55
kanzureno no i don't mean storylines/plots06:55
JayDuggerAnd the article sucked too, right down to the navbox.06:55
JayDuggerOh, I misunderstood you then.06:56
kanzurenot sure if there's a franchise where the editors were responsible for ensuring worldbuilding integrity/use, besides enforcing some minimum standard of quality06:57
JayDuggerBesides having a series bible? I thought that would be most of them.06:58
JayDugger(Oh, and put Zebrowski and Pellegrino back to writing SF.)06:58
kanzureby worldbuilding i meant non-plotline, sorry.06:59
JayDuggerDo you mean something as informal as the thousand HP Lovecraft homages, pastiches, and now-a-days revisions?06:59
JayDuggerI think Ken Burnside had a project like that, 5-10 years ago...they had a bitbucket repository, IIRC.07:00
c0rw1nkanzure: there's the Warhammer40K books07:00
JayDuggerYeah, that fits too, but I don't think that's what he meant.07:00
kanzurethe larger franchises are usually connected to some central story, rather than smply ensuring an average level of quality that doesn't make you want to rip your eyes out07:01
c0rw1nthey enforce sooome consistency.. and the Heresy series (what i've read of it) doesn't descend into real terribleness imo07:01
c0rw1n( there are really trbl 40K novels outside of that , admitted )07:03
JayDuggerDo you mean a collaborative project like Orion's Arm, but you know, that doesn't collapse?07:05
kanzureshort stories from orion's arm were of suspicious quality most of the time07:07
c0rw1nOoo also : Optimalverse07:07
kanzureif this is ponyfic i am going to kill you07:08
kanzureah shit07:08
Betawolfc0rw1n: even the heresy series has some seriously questionable writing. I noticed I developed different standards for 40k writing than other scifi, where 40k stuff that was at all well-written was a refreshing surprise07:08
kanzureJayDugger: yep probably something with ghostwriters or whatever07:09
c0rw1nBetawolf: admitted, i'm rather easily amused ...07:09
Betawolfc0rw1n: I love the world and concept, hate most of the actual writing.07:10
c0rw1nyeah, most black library authors horribly mishandle 40k... as for writing, um, past "this doesn't bore me" and "wow i like this a lot", i don't really have a quality scale07:13
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JayDuggerI like the horror anthologies from Japan that Kurodahan Press translated, but I haven't read any of their SF releases.07:18
JayDuggerThey have something against ebook releases, licensing, I think.07:19
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heath.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEDrMriKsFM11:17
yoleauxFlyboard® Air Test 1 - YouTube11:17
heath.title http://www.stencyl.com/11:17
yoleauxStencyl: Make iPhone, iPad, Android & Flash Games without code11:17
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maakuI hope the flyboard people are pursuing military contracts. That has huge potential for urban firefight resupply and medical evac11:31
maakucould make them a lot of money11:31
kanzurepfft fire departments don't have money11:32
maakufirefight = guns11:32
maakuammo resupply, or specialist weapon (e.g. anti-tank) delivery11:33
nmz787_ithat is sweet11:39
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nmz787_iuntil it runs out of fuel and you fall11:42
maakunmz787_i: you use refueling goblin gliders, obvs.11:47
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nmz787_ihmm, the Jeol NEOSCOPE is $123,250 with EDS (xray detection)12:12
nmz787_i$79k without it12:12
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archels_"[...] the value in the hammer-nail dichotomy is that you've already got the hammer sitting there, so being able to transform problems into nails becomes valuable even if it's not the optimal solution. You can always optimize it later."14:14
kanzureand then you end up with lots of hammers and nails when all you wanted was lunch14:16
archels_well, so long as they're all convex, you're a go14:32
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