
--- Log opened Fri Apr 22 00:00:54 2016
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nmz787_ixentrac_: are you in South America?00:44
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streetydrethelin: Their product seems to be at http://www.elysiumhealth.com/basis My initial impression is that the marketing is heavy and light on facts. For example, knowing the quantities of the active ingredients should be easier than it is. Based on that I was expecting their prices to be some multiple of competitors for the same compounds but that doesn't appear to be the case.05:03
streetyfor example http://www.lifeextension.com/Vitamins-Supplements/item02031/Optimized-Resveratrol-with-Nicotinamide-Riboside#panelSupplements would work out to be roughly the same price05:03
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caternJayDugger: with the belt clip, the camera of the phone is facing outward from my waist06:41
caterni could use that to record, too!06:41
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kanzurerecent sleeptyping results show a character called "spider monk" because monks at a monastery over a few hundred years selected for smart spiders in a spider breeding program07:02
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JayDuggerMornng, catern. I am happy to hear of your success. Remember to find a good way to catalog all the recordings you accumulate.07:40
JayDuggerSpider monk, spider monk. Does what ever a monk can do. Proofs a book, any size. Catches typos, just like flies. Look out! Here comes the spider monk.07:42
kanzureyou forgot about his vow of silence07:44
JayDuggerThat would be in the second or third verse, right after the bit about Gregorian chant.07:45
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JayDuggerAnd illuminated inks for hemolymph.07:58
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maakukanzure: zappos (which amazon bought) found their optimal inventory management was custom built wheeled robots...08:25
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kanzurewait, leary was signed up for alcor and cryocare?08:42
JayDuggerNo, he ended up cremated and shot into space in 1997 with Rodenberry and O'Neill by Celestia.08:57
JayDuggerI vaguely remember some dispute about cryonics versus cremation, but the details aren't in memory.08:58
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kanzurelooks like he was signed up at one point. weird.09:46
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caternhow fucking useless09:50
kanzure"no, no. it's the thought that counts."09:51
caterni asked these people http://kaptureaudio.com/ if their thing could handle recording 24/709:51
caternand they said "well that's not what we're trying to do!!"09:51
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caternlol there's this I guess http://www.pimall.com/nais/recordwatch.html09:53
caternthis stuff09:53
caternprobability that it's garbage: high09:54
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maakucatern: I'll send them an email as well10:05
maakumaybe if they get more than one inquiry about this they might be more helpful...10:05
caternactually, it looks like there are a lot of products dedicated to this purpose10:05
maakuthere's a fucking huge opportunity here10:05
kanzurehm a wristband..10:06
maakuincidentally someone mentioned the cocktail party problem in the scrollback. solution is to put one on each wrist10:06
maakuideally i'd have a smartwatch on one wrist, and a high quality mic (kapture?) on the other10:07
kanzureer, my expectation was that the solution would be putting microphones in each ceiling tile10:07
maakukanzure: for a conference, yes, but I'm talking about a mobile record-everything-everywhere-i-go solution10:08
caterni don't know anything about audio capture10:09
maakui want something looking like a IRC chat log - date, time, nick (voice identification), text (transcribed), and a little play button to hear the original audio10:09
caternis it possible to reconstruct a high-quality audio stream from the the two recording wristbands10:09
caternis there some off-the-shelf software I can use do that10:11
caterni literally don't know10:11
maakucatern: sure, that's essentially what high quality microphones do internally. they have multiple mics for noise cancellation and dopler isolation10:11
maakuthere's plenty of software.10:11
caternso you assert, but do you know of a specific example?10:12
maakubut what'd be unique and require something custom is that the mics (your wrists) would be in presumed constant motion, both absolutely and relative to each other10:12
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maakucatern: because it's literally an entry-level DSP problem, e.g. something that's assigned as homework for a signal processing 101 class10:14
kanzurenah just throw in some accelerometers and uh.. something..10:14
caternmaaku: oh, ok10:14
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maakucatern: as to the question "which software should I use", idk10:14
caternyeah, i get it now10:15
maakukanzure: good point the accelerometer (which is already in the smartphone anyway) should make the problem easier10:15
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caternbut you don't have an accelerometer in these voice recording watches I assume10:16
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maakusure but when one is available it is one more piece of data to constrain the problem10:18
maakui don't think it's strictly necessary, but it should help reduce noise10:18
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maakudoing this properly is actually a really interesting machine learning problem10:19
maakui can't emphasize enough how much I want this though .. like seriously i'm going to drop all my other tinkering until I have this10:19
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caternthat is similar to how i feel. but before I couldn't think of decent hardware for this10:21
caternbut the belt-clip-phone would work great10:22
maakuI have a personal problem that while I'm highly organized at work with a system to keep track of commitments, it's hard to keep that up at home.. I'd love to be able to quickly review the conversation with my wife to remember what I promised to do, or pull up the chat I had with the teacher or school counselor10:22
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caternif someone has a smartwatch on their wrist (good quality), and a smartphone in their pocket (poor quality), i wonder if you could use both of them with enough DSP magic and get a clear enough signal out to feed into machine learning10:33
caternso you could maybe do this without any special hardware/behavior changes10:34
caternoh! and phones have multiple microphones, too10:35
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maakucatern: sent10:43
maakuhopefully I can get a better response from them10:44
maakucatern: that's the idea .. the larger the separation in space, the better10:45
maakusound moves about 7mm/sample at 44.1kHz10:46
maakuso a wristband and pocket phone should be 10's of cm apart, which would be enough to do doppler isolation which not only separates voice samples, but also eliminates background noise10:47
maakuthat'd probably do more to improve quality than any kind of reconstruction combining the sources10:47
kanzure35106 conversations, 182424 tags, 33600 unique tags10:49
maakuso I was imagining sampling both sound feeds on the phone, doing doppler analysis to separate sources and drop line noise, then uploading the separate, compressed feeds for further processing10:49
maakuthe biggest optimization is just detecting when nothing interesting is going on, because otherwise you have 500MB/day of audio ;)10:50
catern500MB a day = 182.5GB a year10:52
caternpractically nothing10:52
maakucatern: not nothing when you're pushing it through you 4G LTE metered plan ;)10:53
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maakualthough if you can wait for wifi connectivity i suppose it's a non-issue10:53
caternsure, that's why you only push it out on wifi10:53
cluckjcheck on the legality of it too before you start recording everyone :)10:54
caterneveryone has the right to perfect memory, cluckj10:54
caternare you a transhumanist or not huh!?! :)10:54
cluckjwell...practically yes, philosophically no10:55
drethelinthat's a big problem with vidoe surveillance too10:59
drethelinYou want sensitivity high enough to get small but important things recorded10:59
drethelinbut not so high you have to sort through gigs of video to find anything10:59
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kanzurelongest tags:11:05
kanzure"dna synthesis as shortcut for molecular manufacturing without figuring out tooltips"11:05
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kanzure"Singularity Institute for Making 'Optimization' a Less Ominous Prospect"11:05
kanzureSingularity Institute for Ominously-Characterized 'Optimization'11:05
kanzure"slower-decaying radioisotope tagged neurotransmitter precursors"11:05
kanzure"trip out from the lsd released each time i crack my knuckles"11:06
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kanzure"likely consequence of the general quality thereof"11:06
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kanzurementioned 196 cities11:12
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kanzurementioned 2518 people.... yikes.11:14
nmz787_iwho what where?11:17
kanzurejust looking over some analytics data from my "write down all conversations ever" file11:19
drethelinyou should start giving the conversations points11:20
drethelinin a scoring system11:20
drethelinso you can relive the best ones11:20
kanzurewell one of the intended purposes was to do tag recommendation, e.g. which things to speak about with which people, such as in the event of neglecting to mention to maaku something $dangerously_important11:22
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maakuI'd be curious to hear what pasky thinks he can extract from analysis of recorded conversations11:51
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paskytext or audio?12:11
paskyhmm i'll talk later12:11
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maakupasky: both12:19
maakubase input would be audio, but with supervised transcription would be assumed12:19
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nmz787_ipfft, every day is earth day, except when you're extra-terrestrial13:26
chris_99nmz787_i, am i right in thinking as the order increases in the diffraction grating formulae, the amplitude gets dimmer?13:29
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nmz787_iyeah I think so... since they're like harmnoics or something13:50
nmz787_ii know some spectrometers collect multiple orders and add/average them to increase SnR13:50
chris_99ta, see i was confused, how you'd end up with both 100nm @ 9th order, and 900nm @ 1st order, in the same position13:53
chris_99how you'd distinguish between them13:53
chris_99but i guess the 900nm would just have the highest amplitude13:54
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nmz787_iwell I think if they overlapped then you're screwed14:05
chris_99but say 100nm @ 9th order, and 900nm @ 1st order:  arcsin((1 * 900e-9) / 2e-6))  and arcsin((9 * 100e-9) / 2e-6)) both give the same radians, so theoretically i guess they could end up in the same position14:07
maakucatern: kapture response was useless. no plans for API, no desire to support our use case14:09
maakuhere's some examples of their audio quality at least:14:09
maakuhttp://kapturelive.com/klip/553cf203e13b4c3b03dae6e3 (inside a vehicle)14:09
maakuhttp://kapturelive.com/klip/559c5884e13b4c0c446fef02 (pretty cute)14:09
maakuhttp://kapturelive.com/klip/55cbf255e13b4c026227f25d (funny)14:09
nmz787_ichris_99: yeah they definitely can end up like that, I'm just saying you would have to have a good reason to /want/ them to overlap... separating the signal strength of each individual frequency would probably involve some assumptions about your signal source or something14:11
maakucatern: he did point me at this though : http://sasquatchbioacoustic.blogspot.com/2016/01/long-duration-recorder-ldr-based-on.html14:11
xentrac_nmz787_i: yes, I'm in Buenos Aires!14:11
chris_99nmz787_i, oh i don't want them to overlap, i'm just confused what happens when they do14:11
nmz787_iit would just be like shining a red and a purple laser on the same spot14:12
nmz787_icolors would mix apparently to our eyes14:12
chris_99mmm, theres not much you can do then i guess if they do14:13
chris_99so you could get incorrect results i guess14:13
nmz787_ireseparate would be possible14:21
nmz787_ixentrac_: ever been to Columbia?14:22
xentrac_no, when my then-wife and I were trying to figure out where to live, we figured Colombia was too scary for our families to want to visit14:30
chris_99http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/lhc-data-at-your-fingertips that's really cool14:47
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caternmaaku: disappointing. but that is cool. (and amusing that the useful information is coming from a blog about sasquatch bioacoustics)14:50
maakucatern: I think I'm getting ahead of myself. step 1 is just to setup a background 'record everything' app14:51
maakustandard in-ear bluetooth can be used instead of a fancy watch or whatnot14:51
caternoho, interesting14:51
caternof course in-ear bluetooth should work14:52
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maakuit's meant to pick up the person wearing it though, not the environment14:53
maakuso we'll see...14:53
paskymaaku: never worked with raw audio up to now, not sure what's hard and what's easy15:04
maakupasky: i guess i was asking at a higher level .. what kind of interesting augmented-human projects you could do with such info15:05
maakue.g. identifying people by voice, automatically picking out commitments (making task entries) and appointments (making calendar entries)15:06
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paskymight change over the summer, i'm looking for a student intern that'd try to train a text-to-speech deep network on harry potter ebooks + audiobooks to learn stephen fry's voice, but with a chance to also change the tone of the voice based on what's going on, dialogue etc., i have some good reasons that there is some space for a breakthrough...15:08
paskymaaku: hmm, well, i'm better at coming up ideas to augment computers than humans :/15:08
paskybecause my own life is really boring15:08
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xentrac_nmz787_i: what's your interest in Colombia?15:48
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nmz787_ixentrac_: heading there next month for a wedding15:49
nmz787_igot a cheap cell phone and cheap laptop in case of robberies... but actually thinking I probably don't need a laptop for 5 days15:50
nmz787_iwas thinking I might leave the laptop with some child-in-need15:50
nmz787_isome me-as-a-kid type kid... but I have no idea how to find someone like that15:50
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xentrac_I found them in Venezuela at a free software conference15:57
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nmz787_iI feel like Google Translate with the offline spanish pack might really come in handy15:58
nmz787_ior make me look like a douche15:58
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archels_there are offline packs for Google Translate??16:02
nmz787_ifor a few larger langs16:03
nmz787_iI think spanish, maybe arabic16:04
archels_any idea how complete the coverage is of a pack?16:05
nmz787_iI can only hope all the words I might need to have a effective, if not nice, conversation!16:15
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fenni wonder if you could get around wiretapping laws by doing the speech-to-text on the phone and throwing away the audio data16:57
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fennhmm it may be illegal in california to save your emails without informing all parties to the email17:12
fennso i'd want to have a fixed array of microphones with raw uncompressed recording of each one, then dump all that data each night for offline processing, where you do source separation and noise reduction, then compress each source individually along with metadata about its location and amplitude17:14
fennthis can then be reconstructed as a 3d audio scene which you can fly around in or simply follow the original path of the microphone array17:15
fenni think having a non-fixed baseline like one microphone on each wrist is just making things difficult for yourself17:16
fennon the other hand it does give you a little bit more parallax to triangulate relatively constant noise sources, because you are moving around more and thus providing more information about the noise17:17
maakufenn: that's where I'm headed, except I don't expect the array to be fixed (e.g. wristbands, phone in pocket that sometimes gets taken out; relative positions will change)17:50
maakubut it seems like recording the audio to the phone only doing detection of dead sound (no voices), and bulk uploading when you get wifi is best17:51
maakufenn: the goal (for me) is to capture conversations throughout my life, not just in a conference setting17:51
maakuso fixed mic arrays isn't really practical17:51
maakuI emailed kaptureaudio again to see if I can get a datasheet/low level API just for my own personal use17:54
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nmz787_imaaku: fenn: fixed arrays that can move around (phone, other  widgets with >1 mic soldered down) seem like a good thing19:03
nmz787_i.title http://onesolver.com/19:04
nmz787_i"OneSolver is a online platform for solving STEM problems (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). The framework can quickly create rich, interactive calculators, with very little underlying code. Solutions are optimized for search engines, but feel free to browse them manually through the Design menu. Our features page contains the latest details about additions to the platform. Please report software bugs via issue tickets. If you want19:04
nmz787_ito be notified about major releases or are interested in becoming and contributor join our members list."19:04
nmz787_ifenn: I got a zeolite dehumidifier... any chance you think I could tweak it to get water in the desert with it?19:06
nmz787_i(or just in summer here, I guess)19:06
nmz787_ieven with electricity to power it for starters19:06
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fennby "fixed array" i just mean multiple microphones on a single device19:22
fennlike a phone with 16 microphones or whatever19:23
maakufenn: I think there is significant benefit to be had from having large separations between the mics to do doppler separation19:23
fenni don't know what doppler separation is; but yes a larger baseline is better19:24
maakusound moves about 7mm per sample at sea level for 44.1kHz19:24
maakufenn: cocktail party problem19:24
fennis doppler separation similar to how those gunshot detection algorithms work? simple trilateration?19:25
maakuI've heard it called doppler separation, althoug I'm not really sure why19:25
fennthe wikipedia article is about attention and biological stuff19:26
maakuoh sorry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_separation19:26
fennso are you saying doppler separation = source separation?19:27
maakuyes i've heard both terms19:27
maakuthere's many ways to do it. e.g. you can use the fact that sound arrives at different times at different positions, or that sound drops off at 1/r^2, or echo delays indoors19:28
fenni'm seeing a paper about monitoring train bearings by "doppler separation" but this is a special case where the different train cars have different relative velocities wrt the microphone19:29
fennso each bearing will have an individual frequency shift19:29
fenni keep trying to learn how kalman filters work but it never seems to stick19:31
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kanzure"PanSTARRS' imaging survey will make 2 PB available online"19:55
kanzure"You [can] buy a 180TB 4U backblaze storage pod assembled for about $10,500. For $21,000 you can buy two and have 60TB to spare. $8,500/ $17,000 if you want to DIY."19:56
kanzure( http://www.backuppods.com/ )19:56
xentrac_fenn: I have the impression that kalman filters are actually a straightforward application of Bayes' theorem20:45
xentrac_under the assumption that the probability distribution of the thing you're trying to determine is a multidimensional Gaussian20:46
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xentrac_apparently if both your prior and the conditional probability you're using to update it are Gaussians then the posterior probability is also a multidimensional Gaussian?20:48
xentrac_or maybe it isn't and you just pretend that it is, I don't remember20:48
xentrac_but I think that's enough of the idea to derive Kalman filtering from20:49
xentrac_I think that Kalman filtering may not be a great fit for audio source localization though20:50
xentrac_but maybe that was a potentially unrelated comment20:51
xentrac_nmz787_i: I am sure that you can use a zeolite dehumidifier to get water in the desert20:52
xentrac_I mean you have to use hot air to get the water out of the zeolite, and hot air will keep getting water out of the zeolite until it's saturated20:56
xentrac_which is to say that its dewpoint is the temperature of the hot air20:58
nmz787_iyeah I use it in my garage now21:00
nmz787_iit works pretty good, constant dehumidification across temperatures, though the data they provide stops around 90F21:01
nmz787_i(it works great at i.e. 0C where a refrigerant based wouldn't be able to)21:01
nmz787_i(or at least not very well)21:02
xentrac_yeah, I think you can make frost refrigeratively, but I'm sure the process slows quite a bit as the frost begins to insulate your refrigerant coils21:12
xentrac_I mean I'm quite sure you can; I've done it21:12
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maakukanzure: or you can build the same thing for around $2k21:17
xentrac_I haven't measured its performance though!21:17
kanzuremaaku: how are you getting 180 TB for $2k?21:18
maakukanzure: I'm pretty sure "fully assembled" does not include drives21:20
kanzurelanguage owe21:22
xentrac_there's some in-depth discussion ofOpenCASCADE at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1153343521:22
xentrac_also of FreeCAD21:22
nmz787meh, seems like genehacker replied right the top, what kanzure will just tell you soon enough21:32
nmz787that it crashes and isn't reliable, and then try brlcad21:32
kanzuregene-h in that thread is a regular of these parts21:33
kanzureglad to hear they tried opencascade after i left their group but bummed that everything sucks21:33
xentrac_also the freecad release notes paeg mentions that they now have an alpha CAM module that can export G-code for "a variety of CNC machines"21:44
xentrac_SolveSpace also shows up in the comment thread on HN21:46
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nmz787xentrac_: have you seen flatcam?22:04
nmz787I was trying to use that to export from gerbers to g-code for my little laser etcher22:04
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nmz787_ithis is somewhat interesting http://optalysys.com/technology/watch-videos/22:09
abetusknmz787, nmz787_i, you need a gerber to gcode exporter?22:18
nmz787_iabetusk: yeah, i wanna try etching some boards22:34
nmz787_iabetusk: does meowcad have that?22:35
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