
--- Log opened Sat Apr 23 00:00:55 2016
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JayDuggermaaku, catern04:17
JayDuggerUseless outside USA.04:18
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kanzuremaaku: minor nit about "It is not trust in Canonical itself that is the problem, but the constant threat of coercion it puts on both the organization and the people that compromise it."07:25
kanzuremaaku: s/compromise/comprise/07:25
kanzurecompromise (in the security sense) is topical but i think you are more worried about threat of coercion against anyone comprising that group, rather than simply the threat of coercion against attackers :)07:26
kanzure"Ancient heritage of water ice in the solar system" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.7398.pdf07:29
cluckjit's missing a large source of water ice in the solar system: http://www.ritasice.com/07:36
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kanzure"High-precision secure computation of satellite collision probabilities" http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/319 http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/319.pdf08:18
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maakuJayDugger: i posted a link to that above08:35
maakukanzure: gah, edit window has expired08:37
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abetusknmz787_i, when exporting, it gives a gcode file for isolation milling.  Wait, why do you need to produce gcode for etching boards?08:58
abetuskanyway, no need to use MeowCAD if you have the Gerbers.  You can use pcb2gcode I think (https://sourceforge.net/projects/pcb2gcode/) or the tool that I made which MeowCAD uses to produce the isolation paths called gbl2ngc (https://github.com/abetusk/gbl2ngc)09:02
abetuskbut if you're etching, all you need to do is print on a transparency to expose the photoresist09:03
JayDuggermaaku, I thought it looked familiar. How soon I forgot its source.09:18
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streetyhow much of a challenge is it to figure out the orbit of all satellites?09:59
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dwefewinwhat do you mean by figure out?10:19
dwefewinmost satellites have known and tracked orbits10:20
dwefewinit's more a matter of collating the info10:20
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dwefewinI would expect this to have some amount of error, and probably not include most military satellites10:24
streetyI was referring to the link posted by kanzure in which secure computation was suggested as a solution to satellite operators apparently keeping their satellite trajectories secret10:25
streetyI was wondering just how secret they can be10:25
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chris_99good question, this says https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misty_%28satellite%29 'Misty is reported to have optical and radar stealth characteristics'10:28
chris_99Vantablack sounds interesting10:29
streetymilitary satellites make sense as being difficult to track10:31
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xentrac_nmz787: actually I hadn't seen FlatCAM, thanks!11:13
xentrac_nmz787: I'm dubious of the statement "PCB milling is the fastest, cleanest, high-performance and economical PCB prototyping process today"11:14
xentrac_it seems to me like at some circuit complexity, toner transfer is going to be cheaper and faster11:15
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abetusketching involves lots of nasty chemicals.  Personally, I think laser vaporization methods are the best way to go but getting a laser to do that seems difficult11:31
chris_99that doesn't look cheap though11:33
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xentrac_(a) etching *can* involve nasty chemicals, but copper oxide is a reasonable alternative to them; (b) even if it were true, that would justify "fastest, cleanest, high[est]-performance, *OR* [most] economical", not "and"11:33
xentrac_I mean, sure, that would make it cleanest, but it still wouldn't keep toner transfer from being cheaper and faster in high-complexity cases11:34
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abetuskisolation routing is fast, clean, high-performance (as much as etching) and econimical.  Assuming the laser could get cheap enough, then even more so with lasers11:36
xentrac_by "routing" you mean cutting the copper with a router, as in the woodworking tool?11:37
chris_99can't do vias though abetusk11:37
xentrac_(also, the typical "nasty" chemical is just ferric chloride, which is not really in the same ballpark as e.g. sodium cyanide)11:37
abetuskyeah, vias are a problem.  You can do metal 'plugs' but yes, it's a hack11:37
abetuskferric chloride is nasty enough that I don't want to mess around with it on a day to day basis11:37
xentrac_that's perfectly understandable and reasonable, and why many people have switched to air-regenerated copper chloride11:38
xentrac_uh, copper oxide11:38
* xentrac_ checks11:38
abetuskcupric chloride?11:39
xentrac_yes, copper chloride (which cycles between cupric and cuprous chloride during the process)11:40
xentrac_it's still not nontoxic but it's safer than, say, bleach11:41
xentrac_it seems to me that anything that involves a single cutting tool moving around your workpiece removing one spot of metal at a time is going to be slower than etching in the limit of high circuit complexity11:42
xentrac_because twice as many wires means twice as many things to cut around, but doesn't slow down etching11:43
abetuskIsolation routing only routes the necessary parts that need to be isolated.  No need to take off whole portions of copper if there isn't a need to.  Also, plated through hole still requires an extra step11:44
xentrac_where exactly does that crossover happen?  I'd think pretty early on11:44
abetuskWe're talking low batch prototyping.  So, at a minimum, you're talking single or double sided boards11:45
abetuskHow big if a board do you trust to do the toner transfer method with?  You're right that it'll get slower the more surface area but it seems like it's of minimal concern.  Speed for either is on the order of minutes, maybe even on the order of an hour11:47
abetuskoh right, lpkf has a solution for the plated through hole...you put saran wrap over the board, drill a hole through, squigy whatever proprietary thing they have, take off the saran wrap then bake it11:49
abetuskor something like that.  So it's a 'plug' but you squigee it in and bake it instead of flattening a piece of metal at either end11:49
abetuskagain, meant for rapid prototyping, not mass manufacture.  Either method is sure to have unacceptable errors for mass production11:50
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maakustreety: spy satellites are the issue. they try *very* hard to have unknown trajectories, using optical and radar stealth12:04
maakuthey also carry quite a bit of fuel to change their orbits to get new passover times whenever the enemy figures out when they're overhead12:05
maakuthis would let two adversaries make sure their spy sattelites don't collide, without revealing their trajectories12:05
streetyyeah, presumably the issue is not so much commercial operators but multiple governments with spy satellites12:06
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kanzure"Far more interesting is why a chihuahua with a walnut-sized brain is just as smart as an irish wolfhound that has a brain that masses about as much as a whole chihuahua"13:23
kanzureer, i was told this was not true though... hrm.13:23
hylleddinIf they're anything like russian wolfhounds they should be one of the smarter breeds (though not necessarily the most trainable)13:24
kanzure"In March 2016, the same tests were taken again by SpectraCell revealed that her telomeres had lengthened from 6.71kb to 7.33kb"13:36
kanzure"Earlier this month BioViva became a portfolio company of Deep Knowledge Life Sciences (DKLS), a London-based investment fund"13:37
kanzureyashgaroth: sup13:37
yashgarothyeah she had some tests done, not that I trust telomere length assays; more interested in pre- and post-exposure levels of AAV-neutalizing antibodies, but we'll see13:38
kanzurewhy the urge to post on her site saying "20 years younger"? i thought you fixed her desire to bullshit..13:39
kanzurescientific communication can be very open to this, but not if she's going around saying "20 YEARS YOUTH POTION"13:40
yashgarothI don't know if she writes the press releases, but yeah...whatever gets them millions of dollars13:41
yashgarothI assume the "20 years" figure is from the testing lab, and at least they say it's just white blood cells13:41
yashgarothah yes it's written by some dude from one of the "foundations"13:43
maakukanzure what does smart mean here? Maybe the Chihuahua has less sensory perception13:48
kanzurei don't know, maybe i am remembering random bullshit told to me by dog people (who each have their own biases and preferences for favorite breeds)13:49
kanzuretiny brains == less scanning13:50
maakuAlso neuron size is different between organisms13:58
maakuHard to compare apples to apples.13:58
kanzureehh. dogs are dogs.14:03
streetyreminds me of http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocketscience/2011/11/30/how-fairy-wasps-cope-with-being-smaller-than-amoebas/14:12
kanzurehow about "amoebas are lazy overbearing space eaters and they don't have good reasons to be so large"?14:13
streetythinking more of dogs are dogs versus wasps are wasps. Significant variation is possible.14:14
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kanzureover the past 10-20k years? perhaps...14:16
kanzurebut the variation between monkey brain and human brain is quite limited.14:16
kanzurei dunno how old the breed is14:17
streetysure, there are limits on how great the differences can be. Probably still quite significant though14:18
kanzure.title http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016643280600122714:24
yoleauxIncreased volume and neuronal number of the basolateral nuclear group of the amygdaloid body in aggressive dogs14:24
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kanzure.title http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1740-8261.2001.tb00960.x/abstract14:47
kanzure.title http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF0219286914:56
yoleauxFallacies of progression in theories of brain-size evolution - Springer14:56
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nmz787abetusk: I am etching with laser CNC etcher, in order to prove concept for microfluidics (and also to scratch my itch for quicker PCB turnaround time)14:58
kanzurei am pretty sure nobodby has been checking comparative neuroanatomy of dog brain cells.... otherwise i would expect relevant results to be easier to find.15:00
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abetusknmz787, I see.  Well, considering you're basically doing a raster scan, I'm not sure gbl2ngc is so appropriate but it might work if finessed properly16:04
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kanzure"CRISPR "doesn't do editing, it does what I call vandalism" - george19:42
kanzureweird, "george church street art" doesn't return any positive hits on google image search :|19:44
kanzurethis will have to do as an alternative in the mean time https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/The_Pirate_Bay_in_Makarska%2C_Croatia.jpg19:45
maakukanzure we should find a transhumanist Street art movement19:59
kanzuredon't be alarmed if your likeness starts spontaneously showing up on strange streets in brazil or something20:01
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nmz787abetusk: why would I want to raster though? I don't need to20:35
nmz787abetusk: depending on the type of photoresist, i might need to invert things, which could require rastering I guess20:43
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maakuI was thinking some thing more abstract. Mix of tech influence and the concept of "transcend"21:14
maakuA cypherpunk banksy21:16
kanzuremaaku: http://dpi.studioxx.org/sites/dpi.1.sxx.kommun-it.org/files/dpi22_diybio-revolution-poster.jpg21:16
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maakuLove it21:41
nmz787 abetusk so I guess the resist i currently have is (if still good) a harded-on-exposure type, so yeah I would need to invert and raster21:52
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