
--- Log opened Fri Jun 03 00:00:19 2016
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rkinqlmxouqjlrdt] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]00:01
nmz787_iwell so far this M3D printer has been easier than the last 3D printer I used00:13
xentrac_I got hold of a piece of Dyneema yarn today for the first time.  It's quite a remarkable material.00:16
xentrac_I calculated its specific energy capacity as a spring; it's like 60 kJ/kg, which is way outside the range of normal springs and capacitors, getting up into the range of batteries00:22
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xentrac_(probably not actually useful in battery-like applications because of high creep)00:22
xentrac_(I'm using the properties measured by ARL for it; I haven't done my own measurements yet)00:24
xentrac_nmz787_i: I'd probably use OpenSCAD, even though Blender is more powerful00:30
xentrac_also I think some slicers have a "print many" option nowadays00:30
fenncan't you jsut use a different refrigerant for dewar cryonics storage? like r34 or whatever they're using these days00:40
fennto raise the boiling point to near whatever temperature is optimal00:40
fennyou can use an oxygen concentrator"00:41
fennto remove nitrogen from the gas stream with an adsorbing medium like synthetic zeolite00:42
fenni get the impression gases are actually pretty cheap to make on industrial scales, but there are lots of middlemen and the markups becomes unreasonable for purchasing small quantities or e.g. argon00:43
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fenni'm pretty sure i could design a solar powered refrigerator that keeps one end at whatever temperature you want00:50
fennand i'm not a refrigerator designer00:50
fennso the cost of long term cryo storage could be reduced to capital and refrigerator maintenance00:51
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fenni have a big spool of what i think is dyneema fishing line from dealextreme, it's sort of greenish black braid and feels soft like embroidery thread01:06
fennmaterials with high specific strength are good candidates for flywheel energy storage01:14
fenn"Flywheel energy storage systems using mechanical bearings can lose 20% to 50% of their energy in two hours. Much of the friction responsible for this energy loss results from the flywheel changing orientation due to the rotation of the earth ... This can be avoided by aligning the flywheel's axis of rotation parallel to that of the earth's axis of rotation."01:25
fenni wonder how much friction is left after aligning it correctly01:26
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fenn.wik compulsator01:37
yoleaux"A compensated pulsed alternator, also known by the portmanteau compulsator, is a form of power supply." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsator01:37
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kanzureit's too bad that "royalty-backed obligations" are based on patents and intellectual property03:13
kanzureoops i mean "research-backed obligations"03:14
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kanzureif delay can be tolerated in payback period with high risk, then i think a bunch of super high-yield bonds could be made that represent economic dividends from endless piles of emulations doing "jobs".03:17
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TMAkanzure: due to globalized economy you can probably find a jurisdiction, where the patents are not enforceable and issue the bonds there03:18
TMAkanzure: oh, sorry, it is the other way round -- the underlying is the patent/IP; I thought that the securitization method is patented/covered by IP in the USA03:20
kanzureyes the trouble with "patents are the underlying" is that assumptions about high friction to copy things is just.. wrong.03:32
kanzureand because it requires DRM for any emulation scenario (which seems fairly broken)03:34
kanzureer nevermind that's not true. restrictive licensing is not "DRM".03:41
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kanzure"not-quite-human" emulation tech would probably be pervasive public utility that more than pays back whatever investments, probably don't even need taxation or indentured servitude for human emulations if you are using the giant emulation colony/cluster design. wouldn't be IP-backed, instead merely contract law (or you could sign exclusive deals with particular folks to get uploaded eventually, and make that the financially relevant ...03:49
kanzure... asset rather than intellectual property or hopeless attempts at keeping 'research' and 'ideas' totally private)03:49
kanzure(in particular it is those people's resources and their cooperation that are important to the 'colony' proposal.   the fact that they would copy themselves around faster than an STD around a college campus should be, mostly, irrelevant since nobody should be dumb enough to split their funding every time they make a copy of their own emulation.)03:50
kanzure((well at least 50% splitting. i'm sure <x% finance splitting doesn't matter and doesn't bleed anyone dry.))03:51
TMA(a) exponential decay is quite fast even for "reasonable" splits (b) I do not think there is value in an uploaded ordinary person per se -- even less so, if the uploaded person is in any sense "free"04:16
TMA"90% of everything is crap" principle. An uploaded da Vinci might be valuable asset, his uploaded illiterate contemporary less so (maybe few of them might satisfy someone's curiosity)04:24
kanzureso, i think that's actually broken in a number of ways. ordinary folks getting uploaded is valuable because it's cheaper than healthcare and food costs in the long run, so at minimum there's that.04:41
kanzureregarding your insistence on slavery, i don't think that's necessary either. it's the same as like "you're free to go out to sea with no infrastructure, no funding, and no taxation, sure, but have fun". additionally, not-quite-human emulations will probably be valuable anyway and maybe even pay for all the human-specific junk.04:42
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TMAkanzure: slavery is not necessary -- it is just profitable.04:58
TMANQH emulations will be even more valuable, if there was no parasitic human emulation bundled04:59
TMAIf you can make $100 from a NQHE, why waste anything on HE? either HE has to have more value per resources utilized than NQHE or it makes no economic sense05:01
TMAof course, there will be research HE and conservation HE, like there are traditional unprofitable breeds of cattle/... still maintained.05:03
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kanzure"... the Cybathlon, the first ever cyborg Olympics, coming to a stadium in Zurich in October 2016. In these games, the competitors will use advanced technologies to compensate for ... paralysis [or] limb amputation. ... ... During the obstacle course for amputees with powered arm prosthetics, the pilots must slice loaves of bread and open jars of jam, ordinary breakfast rituals that become exasperating when attempted one-handed. ..." --"06:01
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maakufenn: i would have guess 'compulsator' was using a pulsar as a flywheel09:04
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nmz787_i.title http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1597997/#files10:50
yoleauxCentrifugal Clutch by JML31347 - Thingiverse10:50
nmz787_ipretty cool10:50
nmz787_iOP didn't answer if he printed it and whether it worked10:50
nmz787_ithere is a cool category for learning stuff though http://www.thingiverse.com/explore/newest/learning/page:110:50
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fennand so human self-domestication proceeded at an astounding rate11:04
xentrac_fenn: yeah, greenish braid that feels soft and waxy like embroidery thread is what I have too11:11
xentrac_fenn: I think the cost of liquid gases is largely due to safety measures and losses in shipping and storage11:12
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nmz787_ifenn: xentrac_ I was thinking I could also use some regex to find all the X,Y in the STL file, then apply offsets to them and concatenate the results to a single output file11:24
nmz787_iI feel like that might work11:24
kanzurenmz787_i, you should show fenn the electroporator plans11:30
nmz787_iumm, I wonder if it is an open list11:32
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nmz787_ifenn: ^11:33
nmz787_ifenn: see attachment at bottom: http://cibolo.us/pipermail/open_electroporator/2016-June/000071.html11:34
fenndon't really feel like downloading openoffice11:43
fenni get the general idea though11:43
fennis there still a hackerspace in austin? i keep getting google calendar emails from ATXhackerspace11:44
kanzureme too, i don't know how to stop that11:45
fenni'm not sure why an electroporator needs to be connected to a computer in the first place11:48
nmz787_ifenn: programmability11:49
kanzureprotocol variations i think11:49
nmz787_iyeah, that ^11:49
nmz787_ifenn: also integration with automation11:49
fennare there multiple pulses?11:49
nmz787_iso the design calls for multiple pulsers which effectively blend short pulses into longer ones on the output11:50
nmz787_ithat way you can stretch pulses11:50
nmz787_iyou could also do a train of such pulses11:50
nmz787_iI am not sure if standard electroporators do a single pulse or a short train11:51
fennwow the tritechresearch cloning gun is so ugly: http://www.tritechresearch.com/shop/items/CG-1.JPG11:51
nmz787_iit is something easily looked up i'm sure11:51
nmz787_iwell looks like a soap dispenser to me, sortof11:51
nmz787_ipush the top down to pump it11:52
kanzurepretty sure that's a dildo11:52
nmz787_ior something for the colon11:53
xentrac_nmz787_i: reading and writing STL files is very easy, so yes, you can do that, although I don't think you need regexps11:53
fennreading the bio-rad specs and not understanding: "0.05–10 ms in 0.05 ms increments, 10–100 ms pulse in 1 ms increments, 1–10 pulses, 0.1–10 sec interval11:54
fenn500–3,000 V: 0.05–5 ms in 0.05 ms increments, 1–2 pulses, 5 sec minimum interval"11:54
fennif you can have 10 100ms long "pulses" separated by 0.1s isn't that just a 1s pulse?11:55
fennand what the hell does that mean?11:55
nmz787_imakes sense to me11:56
fennoh maybe it's a 2s long square wave11:56
xentrac_that sounds like a 50% duty cycle to me11:56
nmz787_iadjust the single-pulse in increments of 0.05ms when it is max 10ms single-pulse... then that adjust value changes if you are in the max 100ms pulse range... delay pulsing by 0.1 to 10 secs11:57
fennjeez the bio-rad one is $7k11:59
fennwell at least they give a price12:00
kanzurejohn is saying $2k for all design and prototyping and testing work, and $250/kit target range12:01
nmz787_ieven used on ebay ranges from $50 to $2k12:05
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caterni def. enjoyed the time i went to HOPE14:00
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chris_99does anyone know with phosphorescent glow in the dark paint, if you could prematurely stop it emitting light out of interest14:34
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nmz787_iwill snowden actually be there, in NYC? or telecast?16:34
kanzureprobably telecast17:10
fenn.tell chris_99 you can quench phosphrescence with strong infrared light or heat17:16
yoleauxfenn: I'll pass your message to chris_99.17:16
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xentrac_fenn: how does this quenching phosphorescence with strong infrared work?  I mean I have seen someone doing it with a laser pointer20:56
xentrac_but what I don't understand is how it works in practice20:56
xentrac_however, it doesn't *quench* it, if it's the phenomenon I saw; it just delays it20:57
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