
--- Log opened Sat Jun 04 00:00:20 2016
fenn"Adding heat energy makes it more likely that electrons will shake loose from their current states and fall down into lower states. Heating a glow in the dark toy will make it appear brighter, but the glow will fade way faster."00:03
fennthat's all i know00:03
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kanzure(KIC 8462852 stuff)04:47
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kanzure"Metalenses at visible wavelengths: Diffraction-limited focusing and subwavelength resolution imaging" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/352/6290/119006:22
kanzure"TumbleBit: An untrusted tumbler for bitcoin-compatible anonymous payments" http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/TumbleBit:%20An%20untrusted%20tumbler%20for%20bitcoin-compatible%20anonymous%20payments%20-%202016.pdf06:27
kanzure"Antikernel: A decentralized secure hardware-software operating system architecture" http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/550.pdf06:45
kanzureabove seems to be authored by azonenberg06:45
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maakukanzure: the metalensing could potentially provide optical capabilities to in-situ MEMS devices09:08
* kanzure checks against http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/optics/09:14
kanzureinteresting that google scholar hasn't indexed that yet.  shouldn't they re-index each of the authors if they notice a new publication?09:17
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ybitfenn: what is that?10:16
ybiti see, http://www.deepstuff.org/metalens-works-visible-spectrum-sees-smaller-wavelength-light/10:17
fenni couldn't easily access the original article so i read a pop science thing instead10:18
fenn"we’re producing a lot more data than the storage industry is producing devices for" what the hell is that supposed to mean10:20
kanzure"we are deleting things", probably10:39
nmz787_imaaku: that paper about 'metalenses' just seem to be diffractive optics, no?10:50
nmz787_ifenn: what original article? the one on sciencemag?10:51
kanzurei think you mean refractive10:52
nmz787_ino, i mean diffractive10:53
nmz787_iif this is just a diffractive lense, then I see the 'hard' part being software to generate the CAD model that will have the lensing effect you want10:54
nmz787_ifab would be something like LIGA i guess10:54
nmz787_iI am thinking that their use of TiO would make for a nice mirror like surface10:54
nmz787_iso non-weird color effects added into your transformation (lensing)10:55
nmz787_ii.e. I imagine TiO to be silvery like a mirror10:55
nmz787_ithe sciencemag article doesnt seem to show a full image of the metalense with the nanostructures in view10:57
nmz787_ithe supplement has one that looks like at least 50% complete: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/suppl/2016/06/01/352.6290.1190.DC1/Khorasaninejad-SM.pdf10:57
kanzureuse http://www.seas.harvard.edu/capasso/wp-content/uploads/publications/sciencejune3-2016.pdf10:57
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nmz787_i/me this 3D print has been going for almost 24 hours, with probably 8-12 more to go...11:01
nmz787_i/me I chose too high-quality settings11:01
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nmz787_ikanzure: nice, that paper gives the two equations it looks like, in the first page11:15
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nmz787_ioh, it was TiO2, which is mirrory, not TiO11:16
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kanzure.title https://groups.google.com/d/msg/diybio/FXaT-MjJQYI/l9yQbvw3BAAJ12:16
yoleauxGoogle Groups12:16
kanzure"A hypothetical protocol for DIYBIO DNA synthesis"12:16
kanzure"C2c2 is a single-component programmable RNA-guided RNA-targeting CRISPR effector" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2016/06/01/science.aaf5573"12:27
kanzureer, i mean http://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2016/06/01/science.aaf557312:31
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doclhttps://azizonomics.com/2016/05/30/automation-space-colonization-the-post-transactional-economy/ .title13:02
yoleauxAutomation, Space Colonization & The Post-Transactional Economy – azizonomics13:02
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kanzuredocl: disappointed with the author, he doesn't seem to propose any funding vehicles. pfft.13:05
kanzurehe could have, at minimum, proposed using venture capital13:05
docleder's reply, basically that's too conservative because it doesn't account for self-upgrading systems13:06
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doclkanzure: well, at least he came up with some language to describe it to a vc: "essentially, a very extreme kind of full-stack real estate development"13:12
kanzureaka "breaking the commodity derivatives markets"13:13
doclfrom eder: "In reality you need more than one robot, but not more than 5 or so, and a stock of spare parts. If one robot breaks, the other robots swap parts to repair it. As long as you can keep the set running until you start producing new replacement parts, you are good to go."13:13
kanzureno i'm pretty sure he has not figured out the entire set of bootstrapping components13:14
kanzureafaik freitas hadn't either13:14
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doclwhat do you think he's missing?13:25
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docl.title https://medium.com/made-in-space/how-we-want-to-turn-asteroids-into-spacecraft-e95d3214d78713:34
yoleauxHow We Want to Turn Asteroids Into Spacecraft — Made In Space — Medium13:34
doclMade In Space is getting funding to investigate something suspiciously similar to a replicator, albeit slightly less ambitious. the idea is to deliver the machinery needed to produce a giant mechanical catapult + control mechanisms from asteroid materials.13:37
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maaku"The lens can resolve nanoscale features separated by distances smaller than the wavelength of light"16:00
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kanzuremaaku: does nasa have any open-source space navigation telemetry library things?17:35
kanzureor public domain, at least. i don't care.17:35
maakuThis? https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit_docs/C/info/intrdctn.html17:40
kanzureunclear whether "SPICE" (seriously nasa? what about the other SPICE) is the thing.17:40
kanzureshouldn't there be something about mass, dynamics, thrust, and trajectory?17:41
kanzureand orbits17:41
kanzure"Evolutionary Mission Trajectory Generator " http://opensource.gsfc.nasa.gov/projects/emtg/EMTGv8.zip17:44
kanzure//all data is public domain except for VASIMR and Xenon Hall thruster models which are kept in a separate sourcefile and are NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED17:45
kanzureGMAT_interface.cpp:if ((missionbodies_unique[index_body_visited].central_body_name != "Sun") && (missionbodies_unique[index_body_visited].central_body_name != "Mercury") && (missionbodies_unique17:47
kanzure".OrbitSpiceKernelName = {" seems that you were right17:47
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kanzure"The genome project-write" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2016/06/03/science.aaf685018:04
kanzurei sede church, hessel, carlson, kuiken (ugh), etc.18:05
kanzure"The primary goal of HGP-write is to reduce the costs of engineering and testing large (0.1 to 100 billion base pairs) genomes in cell lines by over 1000-fold within 10 years. This will include whole-genome engineering of human cell lines and other organisms of agricultural and public health significance, or those needed to interpret human biological functions—i.e., gene regulation, genetic diseases, and evolutionary processes.18:05
kanzure"This goal is necessarily ambitious, since building a human genome at today’s prices would cost more than HGP-read (9) (see fig. S1). However, an expectation of HGP-write will be to catalyze a sharp price drop as new technology development occurs apace with advancement of the project, as with the cost of DNA sequencing in HGP-read. Small viral (10) and bacterial (11) genomes synthesized from scratch and organisms with recoded genomes ...18:06
kanzure... (12) derived from large-scale genome editing (13) have demonstrated the feasibility and utility of synthetic genomes. By focusing on building the 3 Gb of human DNA, HGP-write would push current conceptual and technical limits by orders of magnitude and deliver important scientific advances."18:06
kanzure"and Sc2.0 (which is synthesizing a heavily edited yeast genome) "18:06
kanzure"Total Synthesis of a Functional Designer Eukaryotic Chromosome" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/344/6179/55 (2014)18:07
kanzure"constructing specific chromosomes—e.g., chromosome 21"18:09
kanzure$100 million budget18:10
kanzure.. which is enough to cover an inkjet dna synthesizer a few times over.18:10
kanzure"The train has left the station, however. HGP-write has detailed plans and an umbrella institute, the Center of Excellence for Engineering Biology, which will oversee the project. California-based software company Autodesk has committed $250,000. Next steps include organizing working groups of scientists, and raising more money. Kelley said they will look for funding from public and private sources."18:11
kanzurehmm drew endy is against this. wtf.18:11
kanzure"HGP-write will start by synthesizing 1 percent of the human genome and inserting those strings into human cells growing in labs, said Boeke. Its leaders are confident it will drive down the cost of synthesizing long strings of DNA into complete genomes — now 10 base pairs for $1 — by 1,000-fold within a decade, so that synthesizing a 10,000-letter-long strand of DNA will cost $1."18:11
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kanzureautodesk money is obviously thanks to hessel... hrm.18:12
kanzureautodesk seems like a reasonable backer for george church to pick18:12
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kanzurejune 8th event in NY with adam marblestone ("director of scientific architecting" in boyden's synthetic neurobiology group) https://www.media.mit.edu/events/2016/06/08/adam-marblestone-wearable-tech-digital-health-nyc-201618:18
kanzure"He will discuss the “Neurotechnology Roadmap” that he developed with Professor Ed Boyden, and previously presented at a White House BRAIN initiative conference."18:19
kanzurebioviva seems to be moving to fiji18:21
kanzurepmetzger is asking me why he should go to meet/hear marblestone give a talk... i thought the reasons would be obvious.18:40
maakukanzure: https://www.macfound.org/press/press-releases/new-macarthur-competition-award-100-million-help-solve-critical-social-problem/18:52
maakuSENS should get on that18:52
maakukanzure: SPICE is used for translating between reference frames, which is itself a complex and interesting problem at interplanetary scales18:54
kanzuresomeone was recently complaining that sens foundation has switched to too much of a cancer focus18:54
kanzureundoubtedly the reason for focusing on cancer is probably because that's how to get grant dollars18:54
maakui don't know if there is a general library for encoding telemetry data itself, jcorgan might know18:54
maakuthey seem to have a whatever-the-hell-wil-get-us-money focus18:55
maakusee also https://www.macfound.org/press/press-releases/new-macarthur-competition-award-100-million-help-solve-critical-social-problem/18:55
maakuno unrelated18:55
kanzureyeah we have lots of stuff in the backlogs about DRACOs18:56
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maakuI reference only to point out it is a SENS Research Foundation project.18:57
maakuNot that related to life exentsion though...18:57
kanzureiirc it was mostly venturecommunism in here who was talking about DRACOs and he has some sort of (nebulous?) connection to sens foundation maybe18:57
maakuI have a low probability for macfound giving SENS that grant, but objectively they should and de Grey should get on that18:58
kanzurei can't believe we lost parahsailin, bleh18:58
kanzureand if NIH isn't going to fund "human genome synthesis project" then where are they going to find their $3 billion18:59
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maakuparahsailin quit or just isn't around?19:07
kanzurechannel was ultimately not making biology progress quickly enough, so he left19:09
kanzurealso i think he got abducted by google19:10
nmz787_i.title https://gist.github.com/nmz787/83a826ca4d40011262e7382b46c2257019:14
yoleauxdiffractive lens nanopillar outlines via openCV · GitHub19:14
yoleauxImgur: The most awesome images on the Internet19:14
maakuthat is disappointing, but what can you do19:17
nmz787_inow to reverse this https://gist.github.com/jblake/160932cc4cd5b6f9e5a4 and output .str files for loading into the FIB... or alternatively turn it into g-code for the bluray laser etcher (which is not yet ready here)19:17
yoleauxConvert FEI .str format rasters to PGM images. · GitHub19:17
kanzurein pythonland i think you can use imagemagick for image drawing instead of opencv19:17
kanzureor PIL things19:18
nmz787_iwell there's really only about 6 lines, 8 including imports, that are related to opencv... so someone else should easily be able to swap those out19:19
kanzureusing opencv for image editing is unfortunate because it's a rather large dependency too19:19
nmz787_imeh, 19MB by my count here19:20
nmz787_ifor the wheel19:20
nmz787_iit runs in like a second19:20
nmz787_i(not verified)19:20
nmz787_i0.11 seconds19:23
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nmz787_ii guess that isn't counting numpy, which ranges from 3MB to 14MB depedning on OS reqs19:27
kanzureit has been a good few weeks for privacy in bitcoin land:19:27
kanzuretumblebit http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/TumbleBit:%20An%20untrusted%20tumbler%20for%20bitcoin-compatible%20anonymous%20payments%20-%202016.pdf19:27
kanzurechaumian ecash for bitcoin (before tumblebit paper) http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/Blindly%20signed%20contracts:%20Anonymous%20on-blockchain%20and%20off-blockchain%20bitcoin%20transactions%20-%202016.pdf19:27
kanzurecoinshuffle++ http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/P2P%20mixing%20and%20unlinkable%20p2p%20transactions%20-%20Scalable%20strong%20anonymity%20without%20external%20routers%20-%20coinshuffle++%20-%202016.pdf19:27
kanzurezero knowledge contingent payments without script http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/Efficient%20zero%20knowledge%20contingent%20payments%20in%20cryptocurrencies%20without%20scripts%20-%202016.pdf19:27
kanzurejoinmarket economic analysis http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/Join%20me%20on%20a%20market%20for%20anonymity%20-%20joinmarket%20-%202016.pdf19:27
kanzurewitness encryption http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/Extractable%20witness%20encryption%20and%20timed-release%20encryption%20from%20bitcoin%20-%202016.pdf19:27
kanzureaddress clustering http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/The%20unreasonable%20effectiveness%20of%20address%20clustering%20-%202016.pdf19:28
kanzuremostly those are recent.19:33
kanzureoh wrong window for that last message. ouch.19:33
kanzuremaaku: if someone wrote up a response to that anti-kernel paper (from today's backlog) and introduced shared memory, speculative execution, modern cache coherency and caching things, and paxos stuff, would that be something materially helpful to things you are doing, or would that be a misfire? inquiring minds want to know whether that would be timewasting.19:35
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kanzurehttp://www.pellinglab.net/re-purposed-46/ "In Re-Purposed 46, Modulevsky and Pelling present preserved, lab-grown specimens of apples containing human cells. This work represents a ‘physical biohack’ in which apples have been re-purposed as a supporting matrix for living, artificial human tissues. The samples were created without the use of genetic engineering, instead relying on standard cell culture techniques practiced worldwide. ...19:52
kanzure... Here, Modulevsky and Pelling highlight the ability to create living, functional, biological composites that do not naturally exist in nature without resorting to the manipulation of DNA."19:52
kanzure"Apple Derived Cellulose Scaffolds for 3D Mammalian Cell Culture" http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0097835 (2014)19:52
kanzurenmz787_i: ryan hammond in baltimore is doing a spectrometer project, perhaps you should intervene19:52
nmz787_ikanzure: link/mail?19:53
kanzure"Animal evolution during domestication: the domesticated fox as a model" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2763232/ (from the toronto biohacking group peer review thingy)19:53
kanzure" On Saturday Amsterdam has a workshop guided by Maja Smrekar, Spela Petric, Mary Tsang, and Byron Rich on extracting and deploying your own hormones,"19:54
kanzure"Oakland continues with their evolved bacterial sunscreen project, Seattle will be having a workshop where you can build a SpikerBox to monitor the action potential of neurons" hehe spikerbox is still around, that's good.19:54
kanzurenmz787_i: just from steve stowell's summary.19:54
kanzurejuul: are there any public links about the evolved bacterial sunscreen stuff?19:56
nmz787_ieh, I've found most people don't want to think about using a high-quality analog front end... they are looking for good-enough and not-UV so I guess I don't have much to say19:56
kanzurewell in general it seems like a good idea to not encourage people to resign themselves to mere mediocrity19:57
fennjust take mediocrity and turbocharge it!19:58
nmz787_idoubled the height and width of the drawing area: http://imgur.com/k7P5OQE19:59
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nmz787_iadjusting parameters now to the 2mm diameter for the metalens overall... and the 0.725mm focal length20:23
nmz787_inot sure if the pillars are supposed to be touching or if that is a code bug20:24
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maakukanzure: I will review the antikernel paper and get back to you on that21:34
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xentrac_fenn: oh, if that heating-a-glow-in-the-dark-toy thing is correct, it definitely isn't what I saw22:36
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