
--- Log opened Tue Jun 07 00:00:22 2016
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kanzureso it looks like murgen did not make its own probes. doing probe work seems like it could be useful even if it's a single piezo at first.05:14
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kanzure"The attention schema theory: a mechanistic account of subjective awareness" http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00500/full06:20
kanzureseems familiar06:22
kanzureoh same author was referenced in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010745/ this is why it seems familiar.06:23
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kanzure"This is not a place of honor" http://www.wipp.energy.gov/picsprog/articles/wipp%20exhibit%20message%20to%2012,000%20a_d.htm06:32
kanzurethey should use statues of humans grabbing their stomachs and puking, and depictions of hair loss and tumors06:35
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kanzure"Another thing not mentioned is to design the container so that anyone who plans to excavate will think they have hit rock bottom... like Pharoahs' tombs or a multi-level pirate cache."06:37
kanzure"Or even better, put something horrible and poisonous twenty feet down. It might be better to obviously poison a couple people if they start digging this up. That would be easily understood and eventually avoided."06:38
kanzure( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11851871 )06:38
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fenn_they should bury the waste inside a fast reactor07:20
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kanzureplz look at ultrasound imaging things from yesteday at some point07:29
JayDuggerMay I make "The Daemon from Neckbeard Island" joke now?07:45
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nmz787_ihow is the code monkeying this morning?09:20
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chris_99nmz787_i, just having a look through my pdfs to see if i can find the one re. harddisks and MFM microscopy09:57
kanzure"in my opinion the bottleneck in DNA synth is chemistry not engineering. Photo liable nucleotides mean you can dispense with the piezoelectric print head and use a projector system instead. but unless you can find somewhere to buy them or you can synthesise them easily yourself I'd say the chemical difficulty involved wouldn't justify the effort."10:12
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chris_99nmz787_i, 'Data Reconstruction from a Hard Disk Drive using Magnetic Force Microscopy' not sure if that was the one i was originally thinking of though10:20
FourFirekanzure, what is known of the neural structures which react to music?10:24
FourFireI vaguely recall reading somewhere that current theories are pattern recognition looping over itself10:25
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kanzureFourFire: current neuroscience believes that the human brain reacts to music using a homunculus that screams in agony every time you listen to music10:50
kanzurethese screams interfere with brain waves to produce reactions in the motor system10:50
cluckjthat is the best explanation I have heard about neuroscience in a long, long time10:51
FourFirekanzure, huh, so that's why it feels like dying whenever my brain get's caugt by some piece of "Art"10:51
kanzurethat's more accurately called confusion10:52
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TMAspeaking of neural structures -- current deep learning neural networks are based on visual cortex topology (IIRC) is the connectome in other brain areas (say those relevant to speech) known in enough detail to be amenable to a similar topology pilfering?11:03
maakuTMA: visual cortex is not recurrent11:06
maakuTMA: CNNs are basically analogues to the visual or auditory cortex11:07
maakuTMA: RNNs (an active area of deep learning research) are much more general11:07
maakuwhether it maps to how our brains happen to be structured I don't know; I don't think that's relevant :P11:08
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xentrac_well, certainly our brains are recurrent.  whether they're similar to "RNNs" is a different question12:16
xentrac_on the subway I saw an ad for some new cellphone with a 13-megapixel camera12:17
paskyi want cellphone which makes sharp pictures, not hi-res pictures12:18
xentrac_a little back-of-the-envelope math suggests that the pixel pitch on its sensor can't be much coarser than 3μm, which means that it's an adequate 85× microscope by itself (like http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-09/uoc--bht091008.php)12:19
xentrac_with a fairly simple lens (focusing from a sample at 1mm to a focal plane sensor at 4mm, say) you should be able to get 300×12:20
xentrac_perhaps more excitingly, if you can get rolling-shutter photos out of the chip at reasonably low latency, you should be able to get low-latency submicron positioning feedback for manipulators, eliminating the necessity for enormous stiffness to get micron-level positioning12:22
xentrac_presumably Applied Materials and the like are already doing this kind of thing?  Or better?12:23
paskymaaku: I think CNN as an analogue to auditory cortex is stretching it12:23
paskyor auditory cortex architecture is surprising12:23
paskybut i think you can't have too lateral convolutions there12:23
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nmz787_ikanzure: so my FIB-operator buddy thinks the metalenses are not just diffraction, or maybe not even diffraction at all... but he thinks it may have something to do with reflection... where the nanofins act as small waveguides themselves. or act as small reflectors... almost like how a fresnel lense works13:14
kanzurewhat happened to refraction13:14
nmz787_iat the same time, he said I'm free to try fabbing some prototypes whenever I want13:14
nmz787_irefraction is for media-change mostly... slightly different than reflection or diffraction13:15
nmz787_ibut if the fins are transporting photons, then they'd seem to be acting as refractors13:15
nmz787_iI kind of think it might be all of the above, working in tandem13:15
nmz787_ia first-try at my buddy's place would be to make the fins in silicon, then drop some hot plastic on that to take a casting13:16
xentrac_diffraction, refraction, and reflection aren't really different phenomena; they blend into each other at the edges13:16
nmz787_ithe fins in that case would be impressions in clear plastic, so they'd still be a different media (air vs plastic) and would be much much shorter13:16
nmz787_ixentrac_: yeah, which is why I'm thinking these metalenses are some combo effect of them all13:17
nmz787_ithat said, I feel like if that is right, then making a rigged-up version might yield similar but less efficient results13:17
nmz787_iwhich could still be super interesting, since we have high brightness lasers available for cheap13:18
xentrac_what are the cheap high-brightness lasers?13:19
nmz787_ijust the stuff at the dollar-stores or gas/petrol stations13:19
xentrac_oh, barcode scanners?13:20
xentrac_or laser pointers?13:20
nmz787_inot a huge spot, so overall low power, but for that spot size they're much brighter than common flashlights and other light sources one might use for viewing things through lenses13:20
xentrac_I think I am lacking cultural context here13:21
nmz787_ilaser pointers13:21
nmz787_ihere (red) laser pointers are like $1 each13:21
xentrac_(I mean you could argue that refraction and reflection exist in geometrical optics, while diffraction doesn't, but the way that refraction and reflection happen in physical materials is through wave mechanics)13:21
xentrac_1mW red laser pointers?13:21
xentrac_I think they cost about the same here13:21
nmz787_iok then, similar enough culture of cheap silicon13:22
xentrac_or indium gallium arsenide, as the case may be13:22
xentrac_apparently silicon's bandgap is ill-suited to making LEDs13:22
xentrac_so do you mean the 1mW ones?  because I thought you meant more when you said "high brightness"13:23
chris_99heh i'm just looking on ebay at green lasers which can light matches etc. they all seem to be classed as 1mW, that's surely not right13:37
nmz787_ixentrac_: I just meant the $1 variety in general... that they're brighter than comparably priced flashlights or other lights of similar size (and price)13:46
nmz787_ialso in terms of things you would see with a microscope lens, if that was the metalens at hand.... a laser should be many times brighter than an average microscope light source... at least that's my gut feeling13:47
xentrac_I'm not sure they are brighter; I think you can probably get 100mW white flashlight LEDs for about US$1 that have comparable efficiency to semiconductor lasers13:47
nmz787_iyeah but they mW/cm^2 may be lower13:48
xentrac_maybe, yaeh13:48
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xentrac_but maybe not13:48
xentrac_you could probably make a super bright light source by tiling the area underneath your microscope slide with white LEDs on a monster heatsink13:48
xentrac_the advantage that the lasers have is that they're more monochromatic and have very low divergence, but I'm not sure those are advantages in this context13:49
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nmz787_inah i was just letting my head-thoughts out13:57
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fenn"Tempted to try this [ultrasound] with an array of X5R capacitors. I’ve had them squeak at me many times when a regulator goes unstable."16:01
kanzuresince murgen wasn't doing any work with probes it seems reasonable to move forward, right16:05
fenna single board design with just electronic commodity components could be really cheap16:12
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xentrac_fenn: X5R capacitors are the same thing as PZT piezoelectric actuators, right?16:33
xentrac_well, I mean they're a subset16:35
fennapparently X5R is just a classification for temperature range and stability with temperature range16:40
fenn"All class 2 ceramic capacitors using ferroelectric ceramics exhibit piezoelectricity"16:41
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fenn"Class 2 capacitors are made of ferroelectric materials such as barium titanate (BaTiO16:45
fenn3) and suitable additives such as aluminium silicate, magnesium silicate and aluminium oxide."16:45
fennPZT is lead zirconate titanate16:45
xentrac_I had the impression that the particular classifications of ceramic capacitors corresponded to different dielectrics, even though they talk about the performance features of the capacitor and not its composition16:46
fennyes most circuit designers don't care what it's made from16:46
xentrac_and I thought that X5R was PZT16:46
xentrac_but I could be wrong16:46
fenni don't know16:46
xentrac_neither do I16:46
xentrac_we are unified in our ignorance16:47
xentrac_in other news16:47
fennthey would have to be non-ROHS capacitors because of the lead17:01
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nmz787_ikanzure: my guess is anyone or their mom can buy a probe... and no one but FDA-cartel can buy the main device17:12
nmz787_iso I'd venture to say aim for a device that can drive/receive from any probe (software upgrades/DSP dependent), and worry about making probes next17:13
nmz787_ifrom what I remember, there are like 4 or 5 different probes that an owner might want17:13
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kanzureprobe price?18:06
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kanzureiirc probes were somewhat stupidly expensive18:24
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fenni think the raw piezo element was like $5019:09
fennwonder how many "standards" there are with this many different probe types: http://www.providianmedical.com/ultrasound-probes/?utm_content=Ultrasound%20Probes19:14
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kanzurethe 2d array probes are definitely not $5019:47
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