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@kanzure"And interesting question is what would happen if we mixed a short oligo say AAA and add TDT and P3O8H5. Could TDT add a phosphate with out an attached ribose. Could we modify it so it does? Could we get 5'-AAA-3'-PO4H2? If that works add an exonucliase and you've just converted about a 1/3 of A nucleotides to ones with 'dirty' ends."05:35
@kanzure"Using coq's evaluation mechanisms in anger" http://gallium.inria.fr/blog/coq-eval/05:44
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@kanzurewe should do our own version07:02
@kanzure"Proponents of the effort, named ‘Human Genome Project-write’ (HGP-write), wrote in the journal Science that $100 million from a range of funding sources would help get their vision off the ground. The team is led by synthetic biologist Jef Boeke, at New York University, genome scientist George Church, at Harvard Medical School in Boston, and Andrew Hessel, a futurist at the commercial design studio Autodesk Research in San Rafael, ...07:02
@kanzure... California."07:02
@kanzurenmz787: if you are at toorcamp then you should consider finding substack since he's hanging out there.07:07
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JayDuggermaaku, what software have you tried (and found wanting) for mind maps?07:49
JayDuggerarchels, you might get what you want with filtering on node attributes in Freeplane.07:50
JayDuggerOr org-mode, which kind of works, at least for me.07:50
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FourFireJayDugger, you can always try draw.io08:33
JayDuggerFourFire, that's true, but I distrust such services. If they go away, then I lose at least the time I spent learning their particular quirks (which might not amount to much) and at most I lose all the work I created with them.08:35
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FourFireCan't you just mirror the... ah, backend.08:41
* FourFire is the dumb when it comes to webapps08:41
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archelsJayDugger: maybe what is needed in mindmapping software is less focus on the insistence of making things semantic08:53
archelsjust let me draw freestyle shapes and give them colours and stuff without having to be sure that everything is within the proverbial lines08:54
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JayDuggerIf that meets your needs, great. I'd like more, but I'm not sure how to get it sans the "making things semantic" and solving the " cyclical or non-hierarchical cross dependencies to be adequately documented" approaches, which both have their own problems: time-expense and poor support.09:25
archelswhat do you mean by dependencies exactly09:27
archelsdependencies between the concept nodes?09:27
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* ybit_ previously was paid to build mindmapping software10:03
JayDuggerI can't speak for maaku. I imagine he meant TODOs with multiple prerequisites that don't nicely fit an ordered hierarchy.10:10
JayDuggerI don't use mindmaps for project management, but to organize records. I might have a template for a way to do something that reasonably belongs in multiple places in the graph or outline.10:12
JayDuggerVery few outliners or mind map software allow a node to have multiple parents. I tried two, (Leo and Freemind) and didn't much like either one.10:13
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archelsah, right. yeah, hierarchical TODOs are essential, right now my solution is just indented lists in plaintext10:34
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@kanzurehuh i finally figured out how to use arxiv, http://arxiv.org/list/cs.Ai/0801 http://arxiv.org/list/cs.Ai/080211:32
@kanzurelike http://arxiv.org/list/q-bio.NC/1605?show=900011:36
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure11:38
kanzure"Atomic scale nanoelectronics for quantum neuromorphic devices: comparing different materials"  http://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.01884v111:38
kanzure"The Dorsal Striatum and the Dynamics of the Consensus Connectomes in the Frontal Lobe of the Human Brain" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.01441v111:39
kanzure"It is a natural idea to describe the k-frequently appearing edges in these graphs: the edges that are present between the same two vertices in at least k out of the n graphs. ... In the present work we are focusing on the frontal lobe of the brain, and we report here a similarly surprising dynamical property of the consensus connectomes when k is gradually changed from k=n to k=1: the connections between the nodes of the frontal lobe ...11:39
kanzure... are seemingly emanating from those nodes that were connected to sub-cortical structures of the dorsal striatum: the caudate nucleus, and the putamen. We hypothesize that this dynamic behavior copies the axonal fiber development of the frontal lobe."11:39
kanzure"Physical limits to magnetogenetics11:41
kanzure"Physical limits to magnetogenetics" http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.0135911:41
kanzurei think we saw that one before re: "ferritin can't do that in cells, yo"11:41
kanzure"A possible link between pyriproxyfen and microcephaly" http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.0383411:45
kanzure"The Zika virus is the primary suspect in the large increase in microcephaly cases in 2015-6 in Brazil, however its role is unconfirmed despite individual cases of viral infections found in neural tissue. Here we consider the alternative that the insecticide pyriproxyfen, used in Brazilian drinking water for mosquito control, may actually be the cause. Pyriproxifen is an analog of juvenile hormone, which corresponds in mammals to ...11:46
kanzure... regulatory molecules including retinoic acid, a vitamin A metabolite, with which it has cross-reactivity and whose application during development causes microcephaly. Methoprene, another juvenile hormone analog approved as an insecticide has metabolites that bind to the retinoid X receptor, and causes developmental disorders in mammals. Isotretinoin is another example of a retinoid causing microcephaly in human babies via activation ...11:46
kanzure... of the retinoid X receptor. Moreover, tests of pyriproxyfen by the manufacturer, Sumitomo, widely quoted as giving no evidence for developmental toxicity, actually found some evidence for such an effect, including low brain mass and arhinencephaly--incomplete formation of the anterior cerebral hemispheres--in rat pups."11:46
kanzurewell that's not quite hydrocephaly. hrm.11:47
kanzure"A mutation in the PI3K-AKT pathway is believed to be the primary cause of brain proliferation and ultimately the root cause of megalencephaly. This mutation has produced a classification of brain overdevelopment that consists of two syndromes including, megalencephaly-capillary malformation (MCAP) and megalencephaly-polydactyly-polymicrogyria-hydrocephalus (MPPH).[2]"11:53
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Aurelius_Work2kanzure : know anyone in the Redmond/Seattle area looking for a Java dev who doesn't (yet) have much js experience?13:46
kanzurenot really.13:49
Aurelius_Work2Ah, well. Thanks.13:50
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delinquentmeOK so whos moved / rotates CNTs under the influence of AFM / Probe microscopy ?14:36
delinquentmeindividual CNTs14:36
kanzureprobably freitas's collaborators14:37
kanzurein russia14:37
delinquentmewhy does my mind attach " RJ" to that last name14:39
kanzurebecause you're dyslexic14:39
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kanzure"My apologies I've said something stupid. That should be P3O10H5 not P3O8H5."17:48
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