
--- Log opened Fri Jun 10 00:00:25 2016
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JayDuggerdelinquentme, Zyvex in DFW or Austin, I think.04:01
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kanzurexampalt: greetings09:01
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xampaltwhats up09:08
maakuZyvex is in Richardson09:13
kanzureyeah i guess i could go raid them sometime09:16
kanzurei don't have any good graffiti artists though09:17
-!- Gurkenglas [Gurkenglas@dslb-178-000-182-226.178.000.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:18
maakuThey haven't been doing anything interesting for years..09:30
kanzureand meanwile merkle is busy trying to make "voting" work; we're doomed.09:42
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winsenanybody home?09:58
kanzurenot since the moon landing10:01
haroldso nobody was ever home huh10:03
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winsenharold: you're funny10:56
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archelsyay, Age of Em is here11:42
archelsyeah, reading will take a chunk out of productive time. but this one might be worth it11:44
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archelsFrontiers just posted an article with "grid" typoed as "gird" in the abstract. c'mon guys11:56
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maakudo we know anyone working in zyvex?12:34
maakuabout 10 years ago they were doing some really cool stuff -- they had a pathway to MNT by 3d printing silicon12:34
maakuit's a pathway that could be reasonably diy too12:34
maakubut I haven't heard anything since the 'productive nanosystems' report12:35
kanzurerussell hanson seems to know their mems person, russell sometimes shows up in here, we could harass him for a contact12:35
kanzurealso more generally there's like a million and one connections between zyvex and the transhumanism community, so a more general intro can be had if you would like one, like through max more or whatever.12:39
maakucool, good to know.12:41
maakuit's off-hand curiousity at the moment, but I do suspect there's useful info to be had12:41
maaku(what have they learned the last 9 years?)12:42
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kanzure"Bucking pneumatic linear actuators inspired by muscle" (whitesides stuff) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/admt.201600055/abstract14:12
kanzure"A new class of soft pneumatic structures (vacuum-actuated muscle-inspired pneumatic structures) is described that combines actuation by negative pressure (vacuum), with cooperative buckling of beams fabricated in a slab of elastomer, to achieve motion"14:12
kanzure"Designer nanoscale DNA assemblies programmed from the top down" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2016/05/25/science.aaf4388.abstract14:15
kanzure"We report a general, top-down strategy to design nearly arbitrary DNA architectures autonomously based only on target shape. Objects are represented as closed surfaces rendered as polyhedral networks of parallel DNA duplexes, which enables complete DNA scaffold routing with a spanning tree algorithm. The asymmetric polymerase chain reaction was applied to produce stable, monodisperse assemblies with custom scaffold length and sequence ...14:15
kanzure... that are verified structurally in 3D to be high fidelity using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy."14:15
kanzure"Design of structurally distinct proteins using strategies inspired by evolution" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/352/6286/68714:19
kanzure".. developed a computational method called SEWING that designs proteins using pieces of existing structures (see the Perspective by Netzer and Fleishman). The new proteins can contain structural features such as pockets or grooves that are required for function"14:19
kanzureseems to use rosetta14:20
kanzure"Currently, the researchers are using SEWING to create proteins that can bind to several other proteins at a time"14:20
kanzure.wik nicotinamide riboside14:21
yoleaux"Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a pyridine-nucleoside form of vitamin B3 that functions as a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD+. NR has been a recent focus of life extension research after David Sinclair published a study in 2013 showing NAD+ levels decrease with age in mice." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinamide_riboside14:21
kanzure"Bioresorbable silicon electronics for transient spatiotemporal mapping of electrical activity from the cerebral cortex" http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmat4624.html14:23
kanzure"Conversion of human fibroblasts into functional cardiomyocytes by small molecules" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2016/04/27/science.aaf150214:29
kanzure"chemically reprogrammed human heart cell" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yyHjhOpn2014:30
kanzureer, reprogrammed skin cell, rather14:30
kanzure"Mbps experimental acoustic through-tissue communications: MEAT-COMMS" http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05269v114:32
kanzure"... using the tremendous bandwidth available in commercial medical ultrasound transducers. While long-range ocean acoustic experiments have been at rates of under 100kbps, typically on the order of 1- 10kbps, data rates in excess of 120Mb/s have been achieved over cm-scale distances in ultrasonic testbeds [19]. This paper describes experimental transmission of digital communication signals through samples of real pork tissue and beef ...14:32
kanzure... liver, achieving data rates of 20-30Mbps, demonstrating the possibility of real-time video-rate data transmission through tissue for inbody ultrasonic communications with implanted medical devices."14:32
-!- CuriousCat_ is now known as CuriousCat14:33
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kanzuremaaku: ah shit... we should write a parody of eliezer's "coherent extrapolated volition" but instead about "coherent extrapolated mutual compatibility consensus". what makes this a good idea is that it blurs the line between whether it's really a parody or whether it's a good idea.15:14
kanzureby "good idea" i mean waste of time (i actually expect half the community to not be capable of processing multiple levels of parody that deep, and the other half to assume it's some sort of political statement)15:17
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kanzurerussell hanson gave a recent presentation about his brain backups project in istanbul, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Brain%20Backups%20-%20Next%20generation%20brain%20hacking,%20security%20and%20interfaces%20-%20Russell%20Hanson%20-%202016-05-21.pdf15:30
kanzurepage 11 is pretty funny because he's leaving out all the massive mammalian brains that are way bigger than ours15:32
kanzurehe's calling his contrast agent "aptamaker" (the apatamers + gold nanoparticle thing, see backlog from waybackwhen)15:33
kanzure"phoenix nanotom s/m"15:37
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kanzure"Gold-core nanoparticles for non-invasive tracking of neuroreceptor distributions" http://www.russellhanson.com/web/Cosyne-2013-Abstract-FINAL.pdf15:44
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kanzurehuh. russell was the one who initiated outreach to me originally. and it was in 2008. hm.15:47
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kanzurehuh i'm really bad at follow-up.15:51
kanzuremaaku: my "oh, simply calculate which things you haven't told which people, based on similar tags in similar conversations" thing has not been working. any advice on how to fix this? i have >5 megabytes of plaintext yaml about every conversation ever, but i am still having trouble correctly and thoroughly equalizing ideaflow.15:55
fennyou eventually need to actually do a calculation15:56
kanzureat one point i had some shitty k-means stuff, does that count?15:56
kanzurestarting to think maybe the answer is "no". not enough to do classification. what does optimal idea-flow-equalization look like (and is that the right metric?).15:57
-!- CuriousCat [~CuriousCa@unaffiliated/wye-naught/x-8734122] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:59
kanzurethe effect that would be good to target would be things like "not forgetting to tell certain people about certain things, because telling them sooner rather than later would save them multiple years of effort"16:05
kanzureand things like "out of the set of people that have indicated they would like to be told about these 200 topics, please correctly route updates and collaborations in a somewhat synchronized batched manner"16:06
kanzurefalse positives are okay, and false negatives are probably less okay16:07
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kanzuresupposedly more details about elon's mars colonial transporter https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/4ngyeh/elon_musk_provides_new_details_on_his_mind/19:11
kanzure"Essentially what we’re saying is we’re establishing a cargo route to Mars. It’s a regular cargo route. You can count on it. It’s going happen every 26 months. Like a train leaving the station. And if scientists around the world know that they can count on that, and it’s going to be inexpensive, relatively speaking compared to anything in the past, then they will plan accordingly and come up with a lot of great experiments."19:14
kanzureokay they lied about "more details"19:21
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