
--- Log opened Sat Jul 02 00:00:46 2016
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Paul-_scuze me12:38
Paul-_hi all12:38
kanzuregreets from california12:45
Paul-_so.. my uni is gonna throw out some broken PCR units. I'm pretty handy with electronics so I'm hoping I can get my hands on them and get me a working one12:48
Paul-_and everything to experiment with it is quite easily obtainable12:49
Paul-_the only thing I'm not so sure on is where to order primers12:50
Paul-_invitrogen etc only accept orders from institutes and companies12:50
kanzurethere are many places to order primers12:51
kanzureIDT might be a good place12:51
kanzureyou can also just ask a professor if he can ship to your place12:51
Paul-_I'm not even sure where oligos/primers fall legally, but since I'm not gonna make hypervirulent ebola I'm less concerned with that12:51
yashgarothor genscript12:52
kanzurewhere are you? there might be someone in your area that we know.12:52
Paul-_in the NL12:52
kanzurethat's highly inconvenient12:52
Paul-_ah, why is that?12:52
yashgarothgenetically modified organisms are heavily regulated in the EU12:54
Paul-_yeah I know12:54
Paul-_I'm not that interested in gmos12:54
Paul-_I do that in the lab all day12:54
yashgarothwell you'd know more about local regs then...if you're in/near amsterdam, I'd recommend dropping by the Waag society, I'm sure they can help you out12:55
Paul-_I see12:55
Paul-_no, I'm not sure how this is regulated12:55
Paul-_I've seen crispr/cas9 kits that everyone can just order12:56
yashgarothyeah don't worry those are pretty useless12:56
Paul-_I know, I used it myself once12:56
Paul-_well not the kits12:56
Paul-_it's a nice system but recombineering is a pain in the ass12:57
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yashgarothoh you don't have to tell me12:57
yashgarothstill, pieter van boheemen is the only person I know in NL involved in DIYbio, I'm sure he'd be happy to answer any questions12:58
Paul-_I suppose PCR would be the biggest enabling step if you'd want to make gmos12:58
yashgarothall I know of EU regs is that they're fairly illogical, so I can't guarantee that you or the government will really know what's allowed12:59
kanzureyashgaroth: hanging out with HGP person. he wants to focus on synthetic viruses.12:59
Paul-_haha fair enough12:59
yashgarothwhat like a series of 400,000 viruses that sequentially invade an empty nucleus to get you a full genome13:00
Paul-_I thought it would be fun to try some redundant forensic dna comparison stuff13:00
Paul-_sequencing isn't that hard to get done I believe, so it would also be useful for species identification13:01
yashgarothsequencing is more of a pain than the usual DNA fingerprinting, but not too painful13:02
kanzureno the virus stuff is unrelated to synthesis13:04
kanzureother than using synthesis to make novel viruses, that is13:04
kanzurehe did a 33kb virus recently for dog cancer reasons, but 33 kb the long/old way13:04
yashgarothI am now almost an expert on AAV bullshit, other viruses not so much; what's he trying to do with them aside from giving cancer to dogs13:07
Paul-_yeah but if I want to know which orchid something is dna fingerprinting is useless but it's probably already barcoded13:08
yashgarothtrue, but then you're getting into denaturing acrylamide gels rather than delicious agarose13:09
Paul-_barcoding primers I can get tho, if I ask naturalis they'll happily give me some of their 16s or folmer13:09
kanzurei guess i should go to this http://2016.oshwa.org/ does anyone have suggestions for what to speak about http://2016.oshwa.org/speak/ (it's in portland, so i would have to meet jrayhawk or something)13:09
kanzureyashgaroth: well he wants disposable one-shot "epi pens" for viral gene therapy including synthesis on the same device13:10
Paul-_does anyone have experience with eurofins?13:10
yashgarothdoes the epipen include a multi-week course of immunosuppressants? I'm not even going to touch the synthesis part13:11
kanzurewho cares about immune response pfft13:12
kanzurejust sell only to immuno-compromised individuals!13:12
Paul-_I think I still have a gram of dexamethasone laying around if you want to wipe out all immune functions :p13:13
yashgarothif you're at the point where you can synthesize an entire functioning virus in some fucking tube, and not in a large biomanufacturing facility, I'm pretty sure you're dreaming anyway, in which case why not go to mars13:14
kanzurehe says he has been building a synthetic virus manufacturing line13:17
kanzurenot quite a single tube at the moment but he has the semiconductor industry working on the minituriazation for some reason13:17
yashgarothit's a nice idea but I worry he'll spend too much time trying to fit it into a tube, and by 'too much time' I mean literally any time at all13:19
kanzureit wont be him in particular13:20
kanzureit's not a short-term project13:20
kanzurehis idea of short-term is https://groups.google.com/group/enzymaticsynthesis13:21
yashgarothoh good13:21
kanzurei should pay you to do some validation work on the nicking enzyme stuff13:22
kanzurehas bioviva emploded yet by any chance?13:22
kanzureimploded, sorry13:28
yashgaroththat implies there was something to 'plode in the first place13:29
yashgarothoh you were just correcting your earlier statement, not confirming13:29
xentracdo you know Liz?13:30
kanzurexentrac: we have infiltrators kinda and i think i might be investing maybe13:31
kanzureand also we know their biologist13:31
kanzure23andme for dogs https://embarkvet.com/13:34
kanzurenmz787: other than using flowing water to push dna into a small container to make it curl up, what are some good ways to avoid long dna breaking up under its own tension/stress? this turns out to be a problem with electronically-controlled polymerase production of dna...13:36
kanzurejrayhawk: will you be going to that portland open hardware event thing?13:39
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kanzurelolz ran into the creator of second life14:36
kanzurei forgot that california isn't completely awful14:36
kanzurewhat was the audio recording device that maaku was looking at recently?14:40
kanzuregecko something? geckowave? wristband something something14:40
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kanzurehmm http://kaptureaudio.com/ was not the right one14:54
kanzureembryo vitrification works, apparently15:02
kanzurehmm and fahy shows up as first google scholar result15:03
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kanzurethey did a second campaign apparently: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/draco-may-be-a-cure-for-all-viral-infections#/15:07
kanzureoh.. i guess not.15:07
kanzureoh i see. they used the same page again. that's lame.15:07
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streetywhy develop these DRACOs against 15 different viruses and not include any that could be advanced to human clinical trials? It seems strange to now go back multiple steps to target a new virus that needs to be optimized again.15:25
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fenn.title https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01B79K0ZW/15:34
yoleaux500 Service Unavailable Error15:34
fenn"Weefun 8GB Digital Voice Recorder Wristband & MP3 Music Player, USB Rechargeable"15:34
fennor maybe the pebble core15:34
kanzurewe should coerce maaku into doing a writeup of which exact machine learning thing he wants for voice recording and transcription15:34
kanzureor, in particular, his design recommendation for such a monstrosity15:35
jrayhawkkanzure: Maybe! I think I'll wait to see what the presentations a like before committing unless you want logistical help.15:49
kanzureright, well, it's a good opportunity to shame me into visiting15:50
jrayhawkI think we can provide you a mattress at this house, which will be a bit closer to downtown than e.g. nmz787's house.15:51
kanzurean entire mattress golly15:51
jrayhawkAnd food.15:51
kanzurei was about to make a snide remark about the high life, but food would be nice, so... hm.15:52
fenni can provide beer concentrate in a metallized plastic pouch15:52
kanzuremake it adderall concentrate and you have a deal15:53
jrayhawkYou'd also get to meet the Beeminder folks, who are obsessive productivity theorists and would probably take an interest in you15:53
kanzureall i can tell them is "i recommend massive quantities of brain damage and pokemon"15:53
jrayhawk"also: amphetamines"15:53
kanzureoh right15:53
kanzure"cofounded a company called Acheron to began tinkering with combining synthetic biology with bioremediation methods for nuclear waste environmental engineering"16:03
kanzure"After helping write some of the bioprinting code for Organovo’s organ printers, I transitioned to research in synthetic virology. We successfully created synthetic viruses, from digital text files, that kill bacteria. Currently I work on integrating aspects of synthetic virology, extremophile biology, and DNA nanotechnology. While working on Acheron and with Autodesk, I am pursuing a PhD in Biophysics at the University of California ...16:03
kanzure... Berkeley and the Arkin Laboratory on Martian Ecopoiesis"16:03
kanzure"Designed optical systems for spatial light modulation using deformable mirro"16:05
kanzure"Towards a Synthetic Biology Approach to Asteroid ISRU and Planetary Protection"16:06
kanzure"Potential Applications for Bioelectrochemical Systems for Space Exploration"16:06
kanzure"MEMS spatial light modulators for controlled optical transmission through nearly opaque materials"16:06
kanzure"A Microfluidic Microgravity Microbial System For Synthetic Biology Unit Tests and Satellite Missions"16:07
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kanzure"Beyond Berlin has signed an official Material Transfer Agreement with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to received biological materials. A scientist [ask for name] at LBL has spent his career searching for rare extremophiles such as the radiation absorbing C. sphaerospermum and has been kind enough to send us our first samples for testing."16:10
kanzure(cladosporium sphaerospermum)16:13
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streetyradiation absorbing? https://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Cladosporium_sphaerospermum#The_use_of_ionizing_radiation.16:15
kanzure"In light of recent accidents on nuclear power plants, particularly the one on Chernobyl power plant in 1986, it has been discovered that C. sphaerospermum can withstand high levels of radiation and use it to its advantage. Production of melanin by the fungus is linked to its ability to colonize areas of high radioactive contamination [16]. Moreover, in presence of radiation, C. sphaerospermum can thrive on high nutrient media as well as ...16:18
kanzure... on the minimal nutrition media. Studies conducted with samples from Chernobyl indicate that change in electronic properties of melanin induces fungal proliferation [16]. After exposure to radiation the electronic structure of melanin changes."16:18
kanzure"They also demonstrated that the ability of melanin to transfer electrons in the NADH oxidation/reduction reaction increased 4-fold [16]. The stable free radicals in melanin can interact with high-energy electrons that can damage fungal DNA. The interaction of the free radicals created by gamma radiation with the stable radicals in melanin protects DNA from radiation damage because the free radicals are prevented from entering the cell ...16:18
kanzure... since melatonin is localized to the cell wall and extracellular space [16]. Moreover, the melanised fungal cells that were exposed to radiation levels 500 fold higher than background level grew considerably faster than nonmelanised fungus or the cells that received background level of radiation. Additional studies about the effects of radiation on C. sphaerospermum show directional growth of the fungus toward the source of radiation ...16:18
kanzure... [18]. Thus, it is possible that C. sphaerospermum, facilitated by melanin, can capture ionizing radiation and use it for metabolic energy [16]."16:18
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kanzuremade in space will be here in a few days16:25
kanzureoh it was genehacker that mentioned them16:27
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jrayhawki would guess bkero also has a room in Beaverton to offer you, and also likes interesting hardware16:53
bkeroI'm in Portland16:54
bkeroand I do have a guest room16:54
jrayhawkOh, possibly even better!16:54
bkerodepends on when16:54
jrayhawkhttp://2016.oshwa.org/ early october16:54
jrayhawkfor kanzure16:54
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bkerothat is definitely a possibility, yes16:54
kanzurei appreciate the recommendations but i would probably just get a hotel somewhere, and if i drag fenn along then i would probably put him with jrayhawk because he can then physically verify the jrayhawk vs srayhawk conspiracy16:55
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-OQNwcKKS817:30
yoleauxOne Punch Man - Saitama's OK Face - YouTube17:30
kanzurenot sure why everyone is upset about someone telling stephen hawking "i am right next to you and could kill you". it was probably just bad phrasing; maybe it's someone that goes around does mercy killings for paralyzed folks.17:31
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jrayhawkin context, it sounds more cluster-b "if i can't have you, nobody can" good/optimal/valuable/existent/internalized and externalized/bad/suboptimal/worthless/non-existent dichotomization17:38
kanzurebitsummit conference in tokyo at the moment (indie video game development things)17:39
kanzureheh theranos people17:51
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streetykanzure: always seeing the best in people.18:13
kanzurewell someone has to give him a mercy killing at some point, damn18:17
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kanzureface phenotype prediction from genome (from human longevity inc) https://www.ted.com/talks/riccardo_sabatini_how_to_read_the_genome_and_build_a_human_being/transcript?language=en18:18
streetyor restore function18:18
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kanzurejuul: who is alicia j?19:25
kanzure"with the goal of compressing the biological design-build-test-learn cycle by at least 10 times in both time and cost while at the same time increasing the complexity of systems that are created"19:26
kanzure"Biosynthesis of amphetamine analogs in plants" http://www.cell.com/trends/plant-science/abstract/S1360-1385(12)00056-819:32
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kanzure"Farming amphetamines: Khat (Catha edulis Forsk.) a traditional plant with mild stimulating psychoactive and medicinal properties" http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-9276-9_920:26
kanzure"Khat (Catha edulis Forsk., Celastraceae) is a flowering perennial shrub with a long history of use and cultivation in East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Young khat leaves are traditionally chewed in social gatherings to attain special states of mind, aimed especially at awakeness and enhanced mind focus. Since khat chewing contains amphetamine-like molecules and reportedly causes addiction among users it is banned in most countries, ...20:26
kanzure... but it is part of social life and legal in some countries. The main pharmacoactive compounds present in khat leaves are the phenylpropylamino alkaloids (S)-cathinone and (S)-cathine."20:26
kanzure"L-Phenylalanine serves as a key biosynthetic precursor of phenylpropylalkaloids. Phenylalanine is converted by a series of not yet fully characterized reactions involving chain-shortening to benzaldehyde, then ligation to decarboxylated pyruvate, oxidation and incorporation of an amino group to yield (S)-cathinone, the most active compound accumulating in young leaves. (S)-Cathinone is subsequently reduced to (S)-cathine, the main ...20:26
kanzure... compound accumulated in mature leaves, but pharmacologically less active than (S)-cathinone. The pharmacological prospects of khat uses and some personal experiences of one of the authors in khat chewing are described here."20:26
kanzure.wik khat20:27
yoleaux"Catha edulis (khat, qat) is a flowering plant native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Among communities from these areas, khat chewing has a history as a social custom dating back thousands of years." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khat20:27
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kanzure.title https://cuusoo.com/projects/4965321:23
yoleauxThe Mechanoids mark-1A Scouter is a fully articulating model comes with two twin guns/ pistoles and is able to fold into a square. Also 4 shootable rockets and the ability to bend into many poses. | Let's create together21:23
kanzure.wik kuratas21:23
yoleaux"Kuratas is a rideable and user-operated robot built by the Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry. Billed as "the world's first giant boarding robot", the Kuratas was unveiled when the website was opened in 2012. It was demonstrated at Wonder Festival." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuratas21:23
kanzure"In June 2015, MegaBots challenged Suidobashi Heavy Industry to its first robot duel confronting Kuratas versus their Mark II.[3]"21:23
kanzure"As of 25 April 2013, Kuratas has a price tag of US$1,353,500 (¥134,555,495, or €1,040,976).[6]"21:23
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