
--- Log opened Sun Nov 20 00:00:30 2016
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archels_looking for videos04:23
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kanzure"The idea of changing the physics of the universe occurs several places in sci fi. E.g. the Heechee Saga has the Heechee hide themselves behond the event horizon of a black hole after they discover that some civilization appears to have made changes to the universe in order to trigger a big crunch followed by a new big bang with physics more to thir own liking."05:54
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kanzure"Some of these are near stars that will burn for much longer than our sun, some for as much as 100 trillion years (Adams, 2008, p. 39)."06:06
kanzureuhh what? nick's thesis ( https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxuYmVja3N0ZWFkfGd4OjExNDBjZTcwNjMxMzRmZGE ) around page 81 something,06:15
kanzure"How valuable is existential risk reduction in comparison with speeding up development? For similar reasons, it is plausible that existential risk reduction is more important, in itself, than speeding up development. As we saw in the above section, it is not unrealistic to consider scenarios in which humanity reduces existential risk by one in a million, and this results in an additional 10,00...06:15
kanzure...0 expected years of civilization. In contrast, the amount that we could realistically speed up humanity's technological and moral progress in this period is much more modest, probably measured in decades at best. Because of this, it's plausible that existential risk reduction is more important than speeding up development, provided we ignore ripple effects from speeding up development, a q...06:15
streetydo they specify what those changes are?06:15
kanzure...ualification I'll return to below."06:15
JayDuggerI think that "changing physics through advanced technology" first appeared in SF from Lem's Imaginary Magintude or his Microworlds, but I've now read either one recently.06:18
JayDuggerIt's certainly not original to Liu.06:19
abetuskLem also mentioned it in his masters voice06:19
JayDuggerOh, good catch. Do you remember what part?06:20
-!- wrldpc1 [~ben@p352135-ipngn200606kyoto.kyoto.ocn.ne.jp] has quit [Quit: wrldpc1]06:20
abetuskit was near the end.  There was some theory that aliens were changing the laws of physics in such a way as to keep pace with our changing technology?  I can't remember the specifics but I took it as Lem's way of saying "fuck you" to something or other06:21
JayDuggerHeh, heh.06:21
JayDuggerNear the end is good enough. I'll check in a day or two.06:21
kanzurei have no idea where his assumption about slow technology development comes from06:24
abetuskYeah, I might have gotten that wrong.  It's been a while since I read it.  Just a quick glance shows some theories about setting up structures that would survive a crunch or changing laws of physics (I think) to still send the 'signal' that the book is concerned with, but I can't find the specific thing I thought I had read.... http://www.omegalib.com/read/db2c27c21f24c2df46845f5099361f0f.html?ext=html06:38
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kanzure"If we live in a Small Universe, we'll have the best shot, since we may be the only ones who can do this. A consequence of this is that if we're uncertain what kind of universe we live in, if our goal is to maximize the probability of an infinitely good outcome (to say nothing of how infinitely good it is), it would be best to act as if we do not live in a Big Universe."07:06
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kanzure"I can, however, make some general remarks about how we might be most likely to create an infinitely valuable outcome when we otherwise would not have had one. In order for some person's action to make an outcome infinitely better, three very strange things have to be true: (i) it is possible for the person to create an infinite amount of value, (ii) no one else has already done anything whi...07:10
kanzure...ch ensures that there will be an infinite amount of value (of the same order), and (iii) no one else will ever do anything that ensures that there will be an infinite amount of value of the same order (provided the person doesn't take the action)."07:10
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kanzure"A backward pass through a CNN using a generative model of its activations" https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.02767 https://twitter.com/Miles_Brundage/status/79725936598001254407:59
kanzure"Deep learning with segregated dendrites" https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.00161 https://twitter.com/wake_sleep/status/793194984409276418 ("... it is unclear whether deep learning could occur in the real brain. Here, we show that deep learning can be achieved by moving away from point neuron models and towards multi-compartment neurons")08:00
kanzure"Improving photosynthesis and crop productivity by accelerating recovery from photoprotection" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6314/857 https://twitter.com/srikosuri/status/79942160604072755208:02
kanzure"Crop leaves in full sunlight dissipate damaging excess absorbed light energy as heat. When sunlit leaves are shaded by clouds or other leaves, this protective dissipation continues for many minutes and reduces photosynthesis. Calculations have shown that this could cost field crops up to 20% of their potential yield. Here, we describe the bioengineering of an accelerated response to natural s...08:02
kanzure...hading events in Nicotiana (tobacco), resulting in increased leaf carbon dioxide uptake and plant dry matter productivity by about 15% in fluctuating light. Because the photoprotective mechanism that has been altered is common to all flowering plants and crops, the findings provide proof of concept for a route to obtaining a sustainable increase in productivity for food crops and a much-needed...08:02
kanzure... yield jump."08:02
kanzure"Learning to reinforcement learn" https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.0576308:04
kanzure( https://twitter.com/DeepMindAI/status/799678002615517186 )08:05
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vicarionwhy aren't plants already tuned to make full use of photosynthetic energy? they've been under selective pressure to do so for a very long time10:05
vicarionalso, another thought - if the cost of manufacturing drops much faster than the cost of transport, it would make more sense for people to live near the origin of raw materials, would it not?10:07
kanzureevolutionary genetic landscape stuff prevents things from happening all the time10:08
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kanzurehttp://2015.igem.org/files/poster/Tuebingen.pdf "we caged Cre recombinase with two light activatable Dronpa proteins[1,2]"10:22
kanzure[2] Optical control of protein activity by fluorescent protein domains.10:22
anachronickhey kanzure10:22
kanzure[1]  Structural basis for reversible  photoswitching in Dronpa10:22
kanzure"Optical control of protein activity by fluorescent protein domains" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3702057/10:29
kanzure"Fusion of mutant Dronpa domains to both termini of an enzyme domain creates a fluorescent light-inducible protein that is inactive in the dark but can be activated by light."10:29
kanzure"A general method for regulating protein stability with light" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3906921/10:30
-!- antennas_ [~antennast@a85-138-159-68.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:30
kanzure"Posttranslational regulation of protein abundance in cells is a powerful tool for studying protein function. We here describe a novel genetically encoded protein domain that is degraded upon exposure to non-toxic blue light. We demonstrate that fusion proteins containing this domain are rapidly degraded in cultured cells and in zebrafish upon illumination."10:30
kanzureantennas_: hi.11:02
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fenn"can the EmDrive produce enough thrust for terrestrial applications?12:11
fennA. The second generation engines will be capable of producing a specific thrust of 30kN/kW. Thus for 1 kilowatt (typical of the power in a microwave oven) a static thrust of 3 tonnes can be obtained, which is enough to support a large car."12:11
chris_99were NASA going to test one in space?12:13
chris_99or is that what the new paper is about12:13
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TMAvicarion: see wikipedia RuBisCO and photorespiration13:22
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kanzure"Restoring conscious arousal during focal limbic seizures with deep brain stimulation" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2694137916:27
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kanzure.wik galantamine16:37
yoleaux"Galantamine (Nivalin, Razadyne, Razadyne ER, Reminyl, Lycoremine) is used for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease and various other memory impairments, in particular those of vascular origin." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galantamine16:37
ebowdenDoes it do useful things other than inhibit AChE?16:40
kanzurelucid dreaming stuff, but yeah mostly acetylcholinesterase inhibitation16:41
ebowdenWould the lucid dreaming be related to AChE inhibition?16:41
ebowdenI think there are better tolerated AchE inhibitors.16:42
ebowdenIt does some other things.16:43
ebowden"Galantamine is a potent allosteric potentiating ligand of human nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) ?4?2, ?7/5-HT3, ?3?4, and ?6?4 in certain areas of the brain..."16:43
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kanzurehuperzine too16:45
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kanzure"Mysteries of pedunculopontine nucleus physiology: Towards a deeper understanding of arousal and neuropsychiatric disorders" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4608880/17:04
kanzure"Pedunculopontine arousal system physiology - Implications for insomnia" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4608886/17:04
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kanzureyashgaroth: bioviva is in seattle?17:15
yashgarothparrish lives on bainbridge island, they don't have facilities or anything that I'm aware of17:15
-!- Aurelius`zzz is now known as Aurelius17:15
kanzure.wik klotho17:16
yoleaux"Disambiguation: Klotho" -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klotho17:16
kanzure.wik klotho (biology)17:16
yoleaux"Klotho is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the KL gene." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klotho_(biology)17:16
AureliusI'm in Seattle now17:16
yashgarothI wish they had more biotech, I'd be back in an instant17:17
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Aureliusyashgaroth : I'm enjoying it. Sami just found a job17:18
yashgarothwell there's plenty of jobs there in everything but biotech if you're thinking of moving17:19
Aureliustechnically we're in Redmond17:19
Aureliuswe live on the lake17:19
Aurelius*the edge of17:19
yashgarothoh you're like living there already huh17:19
kanzureis bioviva in seattle?17:19
yashgarothin the sense that the head of bioviva lives in a suburb of seattle, yeah17:20
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yashgarothshe's in europe/uk quite a lot, including right now apparently17:22
kanzurewhere did she want the biology stuff to happen though?17:22
yashgarothoh there's been a few candidates, south america, fucking kazakhstan, last I heard she wanted to get a group of UK grad students/slave laborers to do it in england17:23
kanzurekazakhstan would be good, you could steal a copy of scihub for me17:24
kanzure( https://vk.com/sci_hub )17:24
yashgarothidk I've never lived more than 50 miles from an ocean, but I don't think it was that seriously considered17:25
yashgarothif it was in the US, Seattle would've been the choice, but who knows17:25
AureliusMy mom is considering trying the gdf-11 dosing17:25
kanzuresomeone was looking for gdf-11 volunteers. was that you?17:25
AureliusNo, but I know people who might be interested17:25
Aureliusthat was probably Steve Perry, no?17:26
Aureliusor w/e his name was17:26
kanzurenah it was you, i just checked17:26
Aureliuswait, what? I think I was asking who had tried it on themselves17:26
AureliusI'm not trying to run a study or anything17:26
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kanzurewelp, i knew you were related somehow, i just got all the details wrong. great...17:27
Aurelius:P I'm mostly just curious seems it seems to have some efficacy and it's reasonably cheap.17:28
AureliusOh, I introduced you to Alfred, who wanted to try doing it to himself.17:28
AureliusSo he can stay pretty longer.17:28
yashgarothwhere is gdf-11 cheap?17:29
Aureliushttps://www.peprotech.com/en-US/Pages/Product/Recombinant_Human_GDF-11/120-11 it's 80 bucks for 5ug, but I seem to remember he was using nanograms at a time?17:30
yashgarothshit if they're serious I can make it for way cheaper than that17:31
Aureliusyashgaroth : I dunno, I could introduce you to Alfred on fb17:31
yashgarothsure, I mean if 5ug is an effective dose then try out peprotech, but that's absurdly expensive and an extremely low dose for a biologic17:32
Aureliusthe dose is actually....17:33
Aureliuslike 2 ng/month or something17:33
AureliusYou've read all of the research Steve Perry did right?17:34
yashgarothnope, I'll look into it17:34
yashgarothok I don't trust some dude shooting up with it and posting a trip report when most studies are 0.1-1 mg/kg per week (even accounting for 8x higher metabolism in mice generally), especially with a prep that's probably dirty, misfolded, and full of endotoxin17:37
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Aureliusyashgaroth : he followed up with a bunch of volunteers, iunno17:38
yashgarothok time for me to break into the market and sell this stuff for $100/mg and still make a massive profit apparently17:38
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kanzureyashgaroth: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/gdf11-steve-perry/17:40
kanzureincluding the hilarious "i am h. pylori" rant (super rare)17:41
yashgaroth"its molecular structure is conserved across all vertebrate species.  Which proves how important it is to life" ugh17:42
yashgarothwell according to this guy it's a fucking panacea at nanogram doses, I'm sure he is totally unbiased17:44
yashgaroth"CEO at GDF11 Rejuvenation, Inc" oh17:45
Aureliushe started the company after the self dosing btw17:46
yashgarothoh I'm sure he did17:46
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ebowdenWhy would people want to take GDF-11?18:03
Aureliusebowden : anti-aging effects, supposedly18:04
yashgarothpapers from harvard and some other places have identified it as (one of the, possible) mediators of the "young blood" effect where blood from young mice causes old mice to behave in tests as less aged18:04
ebowdenThis looks like it suppresses neurogenesis.18:05
yoleauxHippocampal neurogenesis and ageing. - PubMed - NCBI18:07
ebowdenUnsurprisingly, neurogenesis declines with ageing.18:09
ebowdenI do wonder if GDF-11 would make some aspects of ageing, such as the decline in neurogenesis, worse.18:12
yashgarothoh wow the amazon vendor he suggests buying it from has the 6xHis tag and the thrombin cleavage site sequence still attached to the protein18:14
yashgarothwait it's just the whole precursor protein, minus half of the actual supposedly functional mature peptide?18:17
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streetyFor the GDF-11 thing is he claiming you start with a set amount on reaching adulthood and steadily loose it? No production, vanishingly small degradation/loss?18:49
yashgarothI don't know what that guy's claiming since he's apparently never been within 50 feet of a biologist, but the argument seems to be that as production and levels of GDF11 decline with age18:50
yashgarothhalf-life of GDF-11 in blood is probably on the order of minutes, so you're not starting adulthood with a set amount of it, it's being produced constantly18:51
yashgarotherr, ignore that "as" near the end of my first statement18:54
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kanzureyashgaroth: i think you should email him so that he doesn't waste his time, if he is wrong18:56
yashgarothI mean GDF11 may possibly be functional, but not at the doses and protein quality he's using; seems like he's already wasted a few years of his time on it tbh18:57
yashgarothI'll see about posting on that thread but it's gonna be a long post and my natural reaction to seeing this kind of shit is to just drink18:58
kanzurewell, think of it this way, maybe you write more hilarious emails when drunk :)18:59
yashgarotheither way the longecity thread seems more active, and I have my doubts he'll read the email and go "oh that's a good point, time to close up shop" when I imagine 90% of the people interested in it are getting their info from the forum19:00
yashgarothespecially when the guy has a third-grader's understanding of biology19:00
yashgaroththis is like rob rhinehart going "oh I can disrupt food" and almost kills himself due to forgetting that sulfur is a necessary nutrient, then nerds go out and chug mold-filled bottles of soylent, writ small19:01
yashgarothfuck this is why I don't go on longecity19:02
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streetyyeah, it seems a bizarre rationale for picking a dose19:02
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yashgarothhe had symptoms consistent with a reaction to bacterial contaminants, so he dropped the dose until he got a nice placebo effect19:03
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kanzure.wik la machine (production company)19:18
yoleaux"La Machine is a French production company based in Nantes, France, which is famous for La Princesse, a 50-foot mechanical spider constructed in Nantes, France." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Machine_(production_company)19:18
kanzurehere is the contraption in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxajilZcgTo&t=1m50s19:19
ebowdenkanzure, if there were ever an anti-ageing formulation it would probably have to target a variety of different pathways.19:20
kanzureyes i would imagine it would have to remove most pathways because they are dumb and broken :)19:20
ebowdenWell, they're doing their thing just fine.19:21
kanzurehuh? but it's all broken. and aging and stuff. we don't want that.19:22
MMMalignA carbonic anhydrase inhibitor would do ~19:22
ebowdenThey never had to keep you alive for that long.19:22
MMMalignLike ellagic acid. Works for wrinkles, too https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2011334719:23
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kanzure"Mitochondrial proteomic profiling reveals increased carbonic anhydrase II in aging and neurodegeneration" http://www.aging-us.com/article/NcuE5Js5Rp7A5ywEM/text19:25
kanzure"... We show C.elegans exposed to carbonic anhydrase II have a dose related shorter lifespan suggesting that high CAII levels are in themselves life limiting. We show for the first time that the mitochondrial content of brain and skeletal tissue are exposed to significantly higher levels of active carbonic anhydrases as early as in middle-age."19:25
kanzureyes so we should remove that....19:26
MMMalignstart eating pomegranates like your life depended on it19:27
kanzurefenn: http://n55.dk/MANUALS/MICRO_DWELLINGS/micro_dwellings.html19:37
kanzuremumble mumble, something about non-2419:56
* kanzure pokes fenn19:57
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fennhuh what20:34
fennekinoid looks like crap20:36
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kanzureMMMalign was maybe going to mumble to you about non-24 things20:44
* kanzure sleeps20:44
fennif it's "take melatonin at noon" i've heard it20:44
kanzureno i mean mutual mumbling, not unidirectional mumbling.20:45
kanzurehmph https://github.com/opentimestamps/opentimestamps-client/pull/2320:47
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