--- Day changed Tue Dec 03 2019 05:41 < adiabat> hey - sorry just saw this in morning 05:41 < adiabat> I'm heading to work now & it's snowing a lot so could be late... hmm maybe I should just do the call from here... 05:42 < adiabat> but then I'd have to rush to work in the snow or be late for the next thing... so... can do the call but probably 9:15 ish 05:51 < kcalvinalvnn> ok I'm fine with either 06:09 < adiabat> ok online now 06:10 < kcalvinalvnn> one sec 22:55 -!- sdfhioasdf [01e838e9@] has joined #utreexo 22:55 -!- sdfhioasdf [01e838e9@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]