--- Day changed Fri Dec 06 2019 07:05 < adiabat> kcalvinalvnn: yup forgot 2 prinfs in a different file argh 07:05 < adiabat> will push the version that works 07:10 < adiabat> ok pushed, yeah now it gets to block 200K in about a minute 07:12 < adiabat> and the log file is like a megabyte. 07:12 < adiabat> There are definitely speedups / improvements left, but not 1000X ones like removing printfs :) 09:03 < adiabat> yeah I got just under an hour for all of testnet buildproof (to block 1513500) 09:04 < adiabat> proofdb folder for testnet is 5.4GB 09:05 < adiabat> so a bunch less than the block data wich is 21GB. I thought it was worse than that, not sure if that's just a testnet thing