--- Day changed Wed Jan 22 2020 06:13 < adiabat> shoot 06:13 < adiabat> weird, OK I need to run more tests on it 07:04 < adiabat> ok fixed the hang, it was dumb 07:04 < adiabat> if it's still slow though that's not good; it shouldn't be... 07:05 < adiabat> the bug that was causing the hang also was preventing any parallel hashing... but that seems unlikely to be the slowdown, it's always i/o based... 08:47 < kcalvinalvin> adiabat How would you store the polNode nieces? 08:57 < kcalvinalvin> ok just store 0 for nil nicese 16:24 < adiabat> kcalvinalvin: not sure what you mean 16:24 < adiabat> every polNode is someone's niece 16:24 < adiabat> (except the top ones. But that's almost none of them) 16:25 < adiabat> if you're serializing / putting a pollard partial tree on disk... yeah it's tricky. I don't have a great way to do it 16:26 < adiabat> I have *a* way to do it, which is used for the proofBlocks 16:27 < adiabat> (f *Forest) ProveBlock() and (bp *BlockProof) Reconstruct() 16:28 < adiabat> they serialize and deserialize sparse forests. But there's probably a better way to do it. 16:28 < adiabat> and also it seems OK for flush to disk and then restore to ram, but it's not something where you can keep it on disk and seek around and modify things. That would be better. 16:29 < adiabat> I'm sure there's a way to do it. Would just have to play around with it for a while... hm.. 23:58 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: stevenroose