--- Log opened Mon Apr 06 00:00:45 2020 00:37 < kcalvinalvin> I've been thinking that the bridgenode doesn't have to keep the entire proofs on disk 00:38 < kcalvinalvin> Proof generation is fairly quick so you can probably just serve them on request and have a cache 00:38 < kcalvinalvin> Though I guess initially you'll have plenty of CSNs wanting all the proofs 08:54 < adiabat> kcalvinalvin: keep the forest in ram only? you could... but seems risky, as if you crash or lose power you lose the forest 10:06 -!- RubenSomsen_ is now known as RubenSomsen 10:25 < ysangkok> caching doesn't necessarily mean only in ram... 11:00 < adiabat> sure, but in this case I guess the idea is to not keep things on disk... 11:00 < adiabat> you could store only roots, and then ask another bridge node for the rest of the data 11:01 < adiabat> in that way, "nobody" would need to keep anything on disk, and as long as you don't have everyone turn off at the same time it's OK :) 11:02 < adiabat> initially I'm not too worried about bridge node storage / i/o / bandwidth etc, and focusing on the CSNs, but there are certainly ways to improve the bridge nodes as well --- Log closed Tue Apr 07 00:00:45 2020