--- Log opened Fri Jun 05 00:00:41 2020 02:11 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:21 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has joined #utreexo 09:16 < adiabat> ok will switch & merge #135 13:29 < adiabat> rjected: maybe I'm not on the right branch or something but when I try to import github.com/rjected/btcd/blockchain stuff it won't compile 13:29 < adiabat> I guess because all the code in rjected/btcd still refers to itself as btcsuite/btcd 13:47 < adiabat> I did this in a bunch of folders: 13:47 < adiabat> grep -RiIl 'btcsuite\/btcutil' | xargs sed -i 's/btcsuite\/btcutil/rjected\/btcutil/g' 13:47 < adiabat> as well as with btcd, and got it to compile. Not sure if there's a cleaner way but that works 15:37 < rjected> there may be a cleaner way 15:37 < rjected> let me try something 15:55 < rjected> actually nah 15:55 < rjected> was trying to see if I could go modules magic my way out 16:06 < rjected> trying again, let me see if this works 16:19 < rjected> also why btcutil? that hasn't changed at all, just btcd 16:20 < rjected> ohhh oof 16:21 < rjected> oh wait no 16:22 < rjected> yeah ok so we don't actually have to change the import paths at all if we add a go.mod to utreexo 16:22 < rjected> let me push to my fork 16:25 < ja> rjected: i think adiabat is on go 1.11 though 16:26 < rjected> I thought 1.11 had modules? 16:26 < rjected> or does it not 16:27 < rjected> anything pre-1.11 though would be unfortunate though 16:27 < ja> it was gradually introduced over a few versions 16:27 < ja> maybe we can get adiabat to upgrade, i dunno 16:28 < ja> maybe it works with 1.11 already 16:34 < rjected> It says in https://blog.golang.org/using-go-modules that "As of Go 1.11, the go command enables the use of modules when the current directory or any parent directory has a go.mod" so RIP 16:34 < rjected> more importantly "Inside $GOPATH/src, for compatibility, the go command still runs in the old GOPATH mode, even if a go.mod is found" 16:35 < rjected> so yeah this part will not work 16:36 < rjected> In that case, grep | xargs sed works, adiabat if btcd builds under the find/replace then feel free to commit changes 16:37 < rjected> just make sure that the btcutil imports in btcd and utreexo are not rjected/btcutil because that's an entirely separate repo and I haven't forked it yet so 17:02 < adiabat> the find / replace is kindof annoying so I can try the go.mod thing 17:02 < adiabat> I needed to do btcutils because they call each other a lot 17:04 < adiabat> I'd get things like: 17:04 < adiabat> cannot use pubKey (type *"github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcec".PublicKey) as type *"github.com/rjected/btcd/btcec".PublicKey 17:07 < adiabat> which is the version that auto-connects to google... I should update to the one right before that 17:23 < adiabat> which is I guess 1.12 17:24 < adiabat> yeah I added some "ppa" but that didn't work, could download go-1.12 but wasn't sure where it went 17:24 < adiabat> now trying to install go1.12.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz 17:24 < adiabat> maybe I should upgrade the whole linux thing to 20.04... but I know that would break everything 18:43 < rjected> I just upgraded to 20.04 and it didn't break _everything_ but yeah it broke a lot of things 18:48 < rjected> https://github.com/Rjected/utreexo/commit/34d7ecc662323f619c180e109f44596339612d54 18:50 < rjected> whoops wait need to make an amend 18:51 < rjected> https://github.com/Rjected/utreexo/commit/5870a 18:52 < rjected> It's a hash so I guess you can truncate most of it and they can still identify the commit 18:52 < rjected> It has a green check so yep 19:12 < ja> adiabat: there is a ppa for newer go builds if you use ubuntu 19:13 < ja> always worked for me: https://launchpad.net/~longsleep/+archive/ubuntu/golang-backports but of course, it is just some random guy... 20:20 < adiabat> ja: yeah I tried that, then apt install golang-1.12 which did something, but it probably put the compiler somewhere else 20:20 < adiabat> anyway I have go 1.12.17 now 20:20 < adiabat> pretty sure that one doesn't phone home to google when you try to compile 20:36 < ja> adiabat: you can see where it is with something like 'dpkg -L golang-1.12-go'. probably in /usr/lib/go-1.12/bin/go --- Log closed Sat Jun 06 00:00:42 2020