--- Log opened Wed Mar 31 00:00:12 2021 07:04 -!- nick_freeman [~nick_free@port-92-194-196-98.dynamic.as20676.net] has joined #utreexo 07:05 < nick_freeman> hi guys! 07:07 < nick_freeman> in utreexo a light client could buy its inclusion proofs from a bridge node by adding an output for the bridge to its TX such that the bridge has an incentive to add the missing inclusion proofs and broadcast the TX 07:09 < nick_freeman> is that right? 07:10 < nick_freeman> the issue is that a fair price for the inclusion proofs is probably too low to justify a onchain UTXO 07:21 -!- Guest49704 is now known as pigeons 08:06 -!- nick_freeman [~nick_free@port-92-194-196-98.dynamic.as20676.net] has quit [] 09:00 < adiabat_> nick_freeman: maybe in theory but I don't think paying for proofs is practical 09:00 < adiabat_> there's paying for your own proofs for your own UTXOs for everyone else to verify, which could make sense 09:01 < adiabat_> but then there's all the people who don't use utreexo at all and maybe never will, and they don't have proofs or care about them, so will never pay 09:01 < adiabat_> and if you're running a utreexo node, you need proofs for all *those* transaction inputs 09:02 < adiabat_> and there's way more of those, and they're anonymous and nobody's paying 09:03 < adiabat_> I guess it's technically a soft fork if you say: "all new transactions need utreexo proofs" and then maybe you could outsource / pay for your proofs 09:04 < adiabat_> but a new soft fork in bitcoin which makes bitcoin transactions cost more..? Good luck getting that in... 09:05 < adiabat_> so our focus is making the proofs smaller / faster / cheaper, so it's easy to run a bridge node on a regular computer 09:05 < adiabat_> it's relies a little bit on altriusm but same as current archive nodes serving old blocks, and there seem to be plenty of those 10:18 -!- rjected [~weechat-h@natp-128-119-202-19.wireless.umass.edu] has joined #utreexo 12:02 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:03 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has joined #utreexo --- Log closed Thu Apr 01 00:00:13 2021