--- Log opened Tue Jun 15 00:00:38 2021 02:43 < dergoegge> i wrote that function. the only place we use the function we request 100k blocks, i think we implemented this so we dont have to seek for each individual block. 02:44 < dergoegge> i think there is also a function that reads a single block 02:45 < dergoegge> https://github.com/mit-dci/utreexo/blob/2faac6f654ebea7f581f6bd21689e4d271c6a71c/bridgenode/rev.go#L227 03:58 -!- stevenroose [~steven@2001:19f0:6801:83a:5157:a229:22ca:bdf9] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.4 - https://znc.in] 03:58 -!- stevenroose [~steven@2001:19f0:6801:83a:5b0:2160:99b2:6c0e] has joined #utreexo 07:05 < adiabat> Ah OK - I'll change it to read a bit less I think. because 100K blocks will be too much for mainnet (100GB) and makes quitting slow 07:05 < adiabat> maybe some smaller number that is still big enough to not waste too much time with file opening / closing 08:25 < dergoegge> It reads 128MB at max. So it wont read 100k full blocks at a time. 08:26 < dergoegge> If 128MB is only 100 blocks then the function only returns those 100 blocks 11:54 -!- rjected [~rjected@2001:470:69fc:105::949] has quit [Quit: Client limit exceeded: 10000] 15:49 -!- pigeons_ is now known as pigeons --- Log closed Wed Jun 16 00:00:39 2021