--- Log opened Wed Jul 28 00:00:22 2021 10:50 -!- r-ush [~quassel@2405:201:301b:900d:ec48:cf2b:cb4:6f52] has joined #utreexo 14:23 -!- r-ush [~quassel@2405:201:301b:900d:ec48:cf2b:cb4:6f52] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 15:39 < dergoegge> i just rediscovered that the rev files in core hold the coins from all inputs of a block even the ones that are created within the same block. 15:40 < dergoegge> so we cant really serve from the rev files or we serve way to much 15:40 < dergoegge> kcalvinalvin: is this different in btcd? 16:02 < kcalvinalvin> dergoegge btcd only stores the stxos for the block 16:03 < kcalvinalvin> Oh nvm you mean the same block spends 16:03 < kcalvinalvin> I believe it does yeah 16:20 < dergoegge> then we should probably store the coins/udata right with the proofs, more redundant data but faster serving. 16:24 < kcalvinalvin> oh hmmm 16:25 < kcalvinalvin> Would it be a lot faster? Probably could calculate if the tradeoff is worth it 16:27 < dergoegge> i am pretty sure thats way faster than 1. deserializing 2. figuring out which coins to send 3. re-serialize --- Log closed Thu Jul 29 00:00:22 2021