--- Log opened Fri Aug 13 00:00:37 2021 04:06 < kcalvinalvin> Working on a pet project and got this 04:06 < kcalvinalvin> [I] calvin@calvins-MacBook-Pro ~/f/g/g/s/g/goodhangul (master)> go build 04:06 < kcalvinalvin> go: cannot find main module, but found .git/config in /Users/calvin/forfun/goodhangul/go/src/github.com/goodhangul 04:06 < kcalvinalvin> to create a module there, run: 04:06 < kcalvinalvin> go mod init 04:07 < kcalvinalvin> looks like go requires modules now 07:19 < dergoegge> > I think I'm just gonna re-implement things by just adding a bool field in polNode 07:19 < dergoegge> i think the simplest to change this would be to use a special "remember" polNode 07:19 < dergoegge> so instead of `n.niece[0] = n` you do `n.niece[0] = rememberNode` 07:24 < adiabat> I agree that having a global "rememberNode" is a smaller change 07:25 < adiabat> if the whole... point to yourself thing is weird & annoying 07:25 < adiabat> adding a bool to every node is actually a significant size increase, I think 8 bytes for all nodes 20:07 < kcalvinalvin> well, I have a working branch with a bool field and it's pretty simple 20:07 < kcalvinalvin> And global variables... eh 21:25 < kcalvinalvin> PR 288 is ready for reviews --- Log closed Sat Aug 14 00:00:38 2021