--- Log opened Mon Nov 15 00:00:34 2021 01:00 < kcalvinalvin> hmm a bunch of people got kicked out from the channel 01:00 < kcalvinalvin> https://gnusha.org/utreexo/2021-11-12.log 06:33 < adiabat> I think utreexoclient/server is a good way to test new things as it's much less code / simpler / no db 07:01 < kcalvinalvin> I'm on jitsit 07:03 < kcalvinalvin> niklas said he couldn't join today 07:03 < kcalvinalvin> Not sure if I'm the only one available? 07:07 < kcalvinalvin> Ok I seem to be the only one 07:08 < kcalvinalvin> I'll stick around for a bit longer and leave jitsi 07:13 < kcalvinalvin> adiabat: > I think utreexoclient/server is a good way to test new things as it's much less code / simpler / no db 07:13 < kcalvinalvin> tbh I could argue that the utcd code is much more straightforward than the cmd/ code 07:14 < kcalvinalvin> Like remember how it was hard to get summer of bitcoin guys and the dci students to successfully run cmd? 07:14 < kcalvinalvin> utcd it's all packed into one so it'd actually be easier to get started with 07:15 < kcalvinalvin> Also all the utreexo relevant data isn't stored in the database so there's that 07:16 < kcalvinalvin> But my bigger complaint is it's sorta hard to maintain all these different things 07:16 < kcalvinalvin> It makes sense to me to focus more on utcd because that's what people would actually use 08:17 -!- devrandom [~devrandom@2001:470:69fc:105::d4d] has joined #utreexo 08:17 < devrandom> test 22:30 < kcalvinalvin> Ok nevermind I think undo is working correctly 22:31 < kcalvinalvin> it was flatfiles that I wrote that was erroring out 22:31 -!- rjected [~rjected@2001:470:69fc:105::949] has joined #utreexo 22:31 -!- ksedgwic [~ksedgwicm@2001:470:69fc:105::ce1] has joined #utreexo 22:31 < kcalvinalvin> Sorry false alarm. Good news is that I should be able to get to the proof compaction thing very soon :) 23:36 -!- kallewoof [~quassel@user/kallewoof] has joined #utreexo --- Log closed Tue Nov 16 00:00:34 2021