--- Log opened Mon Dec 20 00:00:06 2021 08:12 < adiabat> hey -- following up convo on the call - 08:12 -!- rjected [~rjected@2001:470:69fc:105::949] has joined #utreexo 08:12 < adiabat> maybe what we really need is just a bigger autometed testing setup for the accumulator library 08:13 < adiabat> something that imports the accumulator, and adds / removes / proves / etc, and can also cache, have ttls, things like that 08:14 < adiabat> so that all accumulator, caching, reorg, ttl, batching, and so on code can work 08:15 < adiabat> without necessarily using that much btcd code... 08:15 < adiabat> like maybe structure it so that either accumulator/ gets bigger 08:16 < adiabat> or there's a package above accumulator that's basically doing a lot of the stuff we're doing for bitcoin, but that doesn't explicitly talk about bitcoin 08:16 < adiabat> will post on github discussions maybe 10:32 < kcalvinalvin> > something that imports the accumulator, and adds / removes / proves / etc, and can also cache, have ttls, things like that 10:32 < kcalvinalvin> Parts of this functionality is present in utreexod. They're located in github.com/utreexo/utreexod/blob/main/blockchain/indexers/indexers_test.go 10:35 < kcalvinalvin> > or there's a package above accumulator that's basically doing a lot of the stuff we're doing for bitcoin, but that doesn't explicitly talk about bitcoin 10:35 < kcalvinalvin> Right. I'm leaning towards keeping this functionality in utreexod but am open to discussions 10:35 < kcalvinalvin> Github discussions would be good --- Log closed Tue Dec 21 00:00:07 2021