--- Log opened Sun Feb 13 00:00:58 2022 05:12 -!- Bikram [~Bikram@] has joined #utreexo 05:13 -!- Bikram [~Bikram@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:39 -!- rjected [~rjected@2001:470:69fc:105::949] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:52 -!- rjected [~rjected@2001:470:69fc:105::949] has joined #utreexo 21:51 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: dergoegge, FelixWeis 21:52 -!- FelixWeis [sid154231@2a03:5180:f:4::2:5a77] has joined #utreexo 21:52 -!- dergoegge [sid453889@2a03:5180:f:2::6:ed01] has joined #utreexo 21:55 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: stevenroose 21:55 -!- Netsplit over, joins: stevenroose 22:31 < kcalvinalvin> Heads up. I'll be having a call 30mins before the actual call with Bikram to see how he can start contributing to the project 22:32 < kcalvinalvin> It'll happen in meet.jit.si/utreexo. You guys are free to join if you have pointers that you can share 22:32 < kcalvinalvin> Hmm I should've asked if Bikram signed up for summer of bitcoin. 23:34 < ashishkr> Hey @kcalvinalvin! May I know when are you guys having the call? 23:36 < kcalvinalvin> Hey ashishkr. Do you mean the utreexo project call? 23:36 < kcalvinalvin> Or are you also looking for pointers to get started? 23:38 < ashishkr> I'm looking for pointers to get started. 23:39 < ashishkr> Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. 23:39 < ashishkr> I'm Ashish, just another aspirant for Summer of Bitcoin. I was exploring the different projects to start contributing, but haven't selected anyone yet. I feel maybe I should start with utreexo. It looks like a growing project to me. 23:41 < kcalvinalvin> Oh hey! Nice to meet you. So we have a project call at every Monday at 15:00UTC at meet.jit.si/utreexo. This is where we talk about what we did the past week and share findings/discuss next steps. 23:41 < kcalvinalvin> Can you message me personally or email me at calvin@kcalvinalvin.info to set up a 1-1 call to help you get started? 23:43 < ashishkr> Sure, thanks. 23:43 < kcalvinalvin> Utreexo is definitely more researchy project at the moment. There are implementations but there's still more stuff to figure out before we can propose BIPs and whatnot 23:44 < ashishkr> Okay! 23:45 < kcalvinalvin> Yeah let's setup a call and I can talk you through :) --- Log closed Mon Feb 14 00:00:59 2022