--- Log opened Tue Apr 12 00:00:52 2022 05:54 < kcalvinalvin> adiabat_ would you like to schedule a call sometime this week or should we just move it to next week? 05:54 < kcalvinalvin> I did have a call yesterday with dergoegge fwiw 08:12 < adiabat_> could talk wednesday or thursday morning 08:12 < adiabat_> also could tell people about the whild world of miami bitcoin :) 13:35 -!- dunxen [~dunxen@gateway/tor-sasl/dunxen] has joined #utreexo 20:58 < adiabat_> kcalvinalvin: do you have a way to get TTL data with utreexod? Otherwise I need to fix/rewrite block parsing code in utreexoserver 20:58 < adiabat_> which never *really* worked but sort of worked some of the time 23:41 < kcalvinalvin> Yeah the ttl stuff is still there 23:41 < kcalvinalvin> Except that it's stored in the database 23:42 < kcalvinalvin> https://github.com/utreexo/utreexod/blob/main/blockchain/indexers/ttlindex.go 23:42 < kcalvinalvin> I can change that to be a flatfile if you want --- Log closed Wed Apr 13 00:00:53 2022