--- Log opened Thu Aug 03 00:00:19 2023 09:40 < Davidson> Calvin and I were discussing how to bring a special proof of non-existance to utreexo if I know where an utxo is located in a block. 09:40 < Davidson> If I know the UTXO position, assuming I know the leaf range of a block (i.e: the first leaf in this block is leaf x) I can work out this UTXO's position within the accumulator 09:41 < Davidson> Here are some examples of how it would go https://pastebin.com/neBaK7jh 09:42 < Davidson> With the postion, I ask an oracle for the proof. The oracle responds with either a valid proof for the leaf OR a the path that would be the proof, IF this UTXO existed. 09:42 < Davidson> And to prove that the leafs aren't my UTXO, it'll provide the actual preimages for it. The problem is if we move up like in block 4, then we have no way to know whether 4 would actually be in this path. The oracle could just take any random path in this subtree and lie claim the UTXO isn't there. This is fixed by committing to the leaf position in the leaf hash. When he sends 04 I know this leaf 09:43 < Davidson> was moved up many times, therefore, other leafs in this subtree are gone. 16:23 -!- achow101 [~achow101@user/achow101] has quit [Quit: Bye] 16:23 -!- achow101 [~achow101@user/achow101] has joined #utreexo 16:26 -!- achow101 [~achow101@user/achow101] has quit [Client Quit] 16:26 -!- achow101 [~achow101@user/achow101] has joined #utreexo --- Log closed Fri Aug 04 00:00:19 2023