--- Log opened Wed May 08 00:00:12 2024 --- Day changed Wed May 08 2024 00:00 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 00:03 -!- vasild [~vd@user/vasild] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:03 -!- vasild [~vd@user/vasild] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 00:04 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 00:23 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 00:30 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 00:38 -!- vasild [~vd@user/vasild] has quit [Quit: leaving] 00:39 -!- vasild [~vd@user/vasild] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 00:59 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 01:05 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:25 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 01:30 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:44 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 01:49 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:01 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 02:06 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:19 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 02:35 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:05 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 03:05 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:15 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:43 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 03:49 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 04:02 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 04:07 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 04:21 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 04:25 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 04:33 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 06:17 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 09:42 -!- msc_ [~msc@user/msc] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 09:57 -!- msc_ [~msc@user/msc] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:02 -!- msc_ [~msc@user/msc] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 10:05 -!- msc_ [~msc@user/msc] has quit [Client Quit] 10:06 -!- msc_ [~msc@user/msc] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 10:31 -!- msc_ [~msc@user/msc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:31 -!- msc [~msc@user/msc] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 13:42 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:58 -!- msc [~msc@user/msc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:12 -!- msc [~msc@user/msc] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 15:42 -!- msc [~msc@user/msc] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:33 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:958e:2164:feed:9194] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 16:38 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:958e:2164:feed:9194] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:53 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:958e:2164:feed:9194] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 16:59 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:958e:2164:feed:9194] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:07 -!- pablomartin [~pablomart@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:20 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:958e:2164:feed:9194] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 18:04 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:18 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:958e:2164:feed:9194] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:19 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 22:21 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:22 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 22:56 -!- msc [~msc@user/msc] has joined #bitcoin-core-builds 23:02 -!- koolazer [~koo@user/koolazer] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] --- Log closed Thu May 09 00:00:50 2024