--- Day changed Sat Jun 04 2016
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03:03 * sipa just learned how to rebase a branch that has merges
03:03 < sipa> (where the merges have merge conflicts)
03:24 -!- mrpocoyo [~renlord@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
03:41 < btcdrak> sipa: what dark magic is this?
03:42 < sipa> first use git rebase -i -p
03:43 < btcdrak> TIL: -p
03:45 < sipa> that will complain whenever the merge commit is to be merged, as it has merge conflicts
03:45 < sipa> (and rebase -p can't deal with reapplying merge resolution)
03:45 < sipa> then use git checkout -p
03:46 < sipa> wait, first use git add -P, to mark all merge conflicts as resolved (you're lying, they aren't)
03:47 < sipa> and then use git checkout -p , which applies all changes between the current tree and the tree after that commit
03:47 < sipa> sorry, git add -A
03:47 < sipa> grr
03:49 < sipa> that git checkout -p will show you all the differences between the current tree (which includes the <<< === >>> markers from conflicts you haven't actually resolved) and the result of the original merge commit
03:50 < sipa> which you all accept
03:50 < sipa> except the changes that are due to changes made earlier in history
03:51 < sipa> as you don't want those reset to the original
03:54 -!- afk11 [~afk11@unaffiliated/afk11] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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06:26 < NicolasDorier> sipa: are you here ? I noticed strange incoherence between the BIP and CMPTBLK implementation, I'm wondering if I've not missed something
06:27 < NicolasDorier> I've added some comment during my review, but either I'm completely misunderstanding something or the BIP and implementation is completely off
06:27 < phantomcircuit> NicolasDorier, something something dont ask to ask
06:27 < phantomcircuit> :P
06:28 < NicolasDorier> what does it mean ? :p
06:29 < NicolasDorier> so basically my problem is
06:29 < NicolasDorier> SENDCMPCT should have a boolean which indicate in which mode the peer want to receive new blocks
06:29 -!- Chris_Stewart_5 [~Chris_Ste@unaffiliated/chris-stewart-5/x-3612383] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
06:29 < NicolasDorier> either with INV or with CMPCT BLK
06:30 < sipa> indeed, and a version number
06:30 < NicolasDorier> problem is, in the PR, this boolean is used to indicate whether the sender provide or not CMPCTBLK
06:30 < NicolasDorier> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8068/files#diff-7ec3c68a81efff79b6ca22ac1f1eabbaR4915
06:30 < NicolasDorier> oups
06:30 < NicolasDorier> no
06:31 < NicolasDorier> this
06:31 < NicolasDorier> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8068/files#diff-7ec3c68a81efff79b6ca22ac1f1eabbaR4846
06:33 < sipa> NicolasDorier: i think you're right
06:34 < NicolasDorier> sipa: I guess the spec changed after the code was released for example: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8068/files#diff-7ec3c68a81efff79b6ca22ac1f1eabbaR4920
06:34 < NicolasDorier> the intention was to use the bool to activate or deactivate CMPCT
06:34 < NicolasDorier> as far as I understand
06:35 < NicolasDorier> I can work on fixing it, but I heard you are working on the PR right now sipa ?
06:35 < sipa> i think fProvidesHeaderAndIDs should just be set to true in response to SENDCMPCT
06:35 < NicolasDorier> mmh it is not the same semantic
06:36 < NicolasDorier> SENDCMPCT tell you about the want of the remote node
06:36 < NicolasDorier> not about his capabilities
06:36 < sipa> both
06:36 < NicolasDorier> well, you can already use the version in the handshake for it
06:36 < sipa> no, you can't
06:36 < sipa> nVersion >= 70014 does not imply you support compact blocks
06:37 < NicolasDorier> ? why ? because of pruned nodes ?
06:37 < sipa> because we don't want everyone in the network to be forced to implement this
06:38 < sipa> maybe 70015 introduces another features that is easy to implement
06:38 < NicolasDorier> in such case maybe a service BIT can be useful
06:38 < sipa> service bits are expensive
06:38 < sipa> we only have 48
06:38 < sipa> sorry, 56
06:39 < sipa> BIP130 also does not use a service bit
06:39 < NicolasDorier> is it a problem ? if we run out of them we can release a new protocol version with more bits
06:39 < sipa> maybe :)
06:39 < sipa> but there is a lot of infrastructure
06:40 < sipa> that uses it
06:40 < NicolasDorier> understood, are you working on it ? I can refactor things a bit and fix the terminology to match the bip
06:41 < NicolasDorier> also https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8068/files#diff-7ec3c68a81efff79b6ca22ac1f1eabbaR4920 is completely out of purpose
06:41 < NicolasDorier> and duplicated on https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8068/files#diff-7ec3c68a81efff79b6ca22ac1f1eabbaR5504
06:41 < sipa> BlueMatt commented on the suggestion to use a service bit here: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2016-May/012630.html
06:41 < sipa> yes, i commented on the duplication
06:42 < sipa> you also commented on some of the refcounting... the refcounting is gone in my branch (https://github.com/sipa/bitcoin/commits/compactblocks)
06:43 < NicolasDorier> ok I'll continue my review on your branch instead
06:44 < sipa> i think the two assignments to preferheadersandids and providesheadersandids just need to be swapped
06:46 < NicolasDorier> it is also a bit confusing: I fail to understand if preferHeadersAndIds means that we use the "high bandwidth (without inv)" or the "low bandwidth" one
06:46 < sipa> that's exactly what it means
06:47 < NicolasDorier> it can also mean that it does not support CMPCTBLK at all
06:47 < sipa> no, that's providesheadersandids
06:47 < NicolasDorier> an enum with 3 values would be easier imhi
06:47 < sipa> providesheadersandids is something that affects our request logic
06:47 < sipa> preferheadersandids is something that affects our send logic
06:49 < NicolasDorier> sipa: on send logic we have 3 cases, legacy, high bandwidth and low bandwidth. PreferHeadersAndIds is a boolean
06:50 < NicolasDorier> oh
06:50 < NicolasDorier> oh no I get it
06:50 < NicolasDorier> because low bandwidth still use INV, it is not different from legacy
06:51 < NicolasDorier> ok, thanks... continuing my review I think it is clearer now
06:51 < sipa> indeed; the difference is that the peer will respond with a getdata MSG_COMPCT_BLOCK rather than MSG_COMPCT_BLOCK
06:51 < sipa> eh
06:51 < sipa> rather than MSG_BLOCK
06:52 < sipa> but that's not our worry
06:52 < NicolasDorier> yes make sense thanks!
07:01 * MarcoFalke looks at travis merge commit hash 4222221c0000... and wonders about the odds
07:01 < sipa> MarcoFalke: i have considered grinding commit hashes in segwit to be consecutive numbers :p
07:01 < GitHub189> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/8c1e49ba13a8...d46b8b50fc3e
07:01 < GitHub189> bitcoin/master e39dc69 instagibbs: comment nit: miners don't vote
07:01 < GitHub189> bitcoin/master d46b8b5 Jonas Schnelli: Merge #8143: comment nit: miners don't vote...
07:02 < MarcoFalke> You should do it after the rebase :P
07:02 < GitHub195> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli closed pull request #8143: comment nit: miners don't vote (master...notavote) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8143
07:08 < MarcoFalke> sipa: Could you push a `git commit --allow-empty` or something to have at least one travis result for https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7749#issuecomment-223558640 ?
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07:13 -!- fengling [~fengling@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
07:24 * MarcoFalke wonders what happens if someone merges https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7510 via the GitHub GUI. (The pull conflicts with master but GitHub shows no conflicts... o0 )
07:26 -!- Chris_Stewart_5 [~Chris_Ste@unaffiliated/chris-stewart-5/x-3612383] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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07:33 < sipa> MarcoFalke: dragons
07:34 < MarcoFalke> GitHub unicorn
07:34 -!- AaronvanW [~ewout@unaffiliated/aaronvanw] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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07:36 < MarcoFalke> They have figured out AI that can solve conflicts for you
07:39 < sipa> we should invent a programming language in which every sequence of ascii characters is a valid program
07:40 < sipa> no more merge conflicts
07:40 < sipa> the result may however not be code you want to run
07:40 < sipa> <<< should mean "format disk"
07:41 < btcdrak> babies speak that but they forget it when they grow up so cant teach the adults
08:00 -!- Giszmo [~leo@pc-122-14-46-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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