--- Day changed Fri Jun 16 2017
00:05 -!- Giszmo [~leo@ip-7-233.219.201.nextelmovil.cl] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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02:50 < luke-jr> you know you're up too late when you don't remember what the bug you were trying to fix was. ._.
02:59 -!- LeMiner [LeMiner@unaffiliated/leminer] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
03:01 < wumpus> cfields: thanks, pushed 0.14.2 signed sigs
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04:05 -!- cryptapus_afk [~cryptapus@unaffiliated/cryptapus] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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04:51 < jonasschnelli> cfields: with be49a294a240ec81a901af1aaabbba2172d38dc1 I get only a single lock report... haven't looked at your code thourgh
04:51 < jonasschnelli> *though
04:56 -!- BashCo [~BashCo@unaffiliated/bashco] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
04:57 -!- JackH [~laptop@79-73-189-176.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
05:02 < jonasschnelli> wumpus: the pollBalanceThread is mainly responsible for UI freezes...
05:02 < jonasschnelli> If I disable that poll thread,.. stuff runs much better
05:05 -!- arubi [~ese168@gateway/tor-sasl/ese168] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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05:23 < jonasschnelli> ryanofsky: I'll give it a test (polling but keeping the cache)
05:24 -!- cryptapus_afk [~cryptapus@unaffiliated/cryptapus] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
05:24 < jonasschnelli> ryanofsky: But what I don't understand is why we would/should do a TRY_LOCK on cs_main every 250ms
05:25 < jonasschnelli> cfields: nighly gitian build crashes on OSX (not tested on WIN/LINUX): https://0bin.net/paste/8-QKc7g9psBmYIGJ#msAwcpNd1CtU4KdEObG7tN4PK0XiIAbiELdwUtJLzui
05:25 -!- Char0n [~Char0n@unaffiliated/char0n] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
05:57 -!- Chris_Stewart_5 [~chris@unaffiliated/chris-stewart-5/x-3612383] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
06:04 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver2@guyver2.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: :)]
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06:29 < jonasschnelli> sipa: you said CCoinsViewDB::Upgrade() can be cancelled (and continued) any time. Is that correct?
06:30 < jonasschnelli> Adding a check for ShutdownRequested() and break the while (and write the possible batch) would make sense then?
06:32 -!- laurentmt [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Quit: laurentmt]
06:33 < michagogo> Will have 0.14.2 signed up shortly
06:33 < michagogo> Doing a bit of VM maintenance
06:33 < michagogo> Speaking of which: does anyone know what the status is of Gitian in Xenial?
06:34 < michagogo> ISTR that for some reason we can't actually compile on Xenial and so the guest needs to remain Trusty, but can the Gitian (LXC) *host* be Xenial?
06:36 < jonasschnelli> michagogo: Xenial should work fine IMO
06:41 < sipa> jonasschnelli: i guess!
06:42 < jonasschnelli> sipa: Seems to work here...
06:42 < jonasschnelli> sipa: Can you tell me again how I can calculate the progress in that pcursor while loop?
06:43 < sipa> i'll make a commit later
06:43 < sipa> thanks for doing thid
06:44 -!- BashCo [~BashCo@unaffiliated/bashco] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
06:45 < jonasschnelli> okay. thanks
06:52 < wumpus> jonasschnelli: interesting! I hadn't expected that, it should only update the balance if the TRY_ succeeds not freeze on the lock update
06:53 < jonasschnelli> I don't know why currently but I know that its much faster with that PR
06:53 < jonasschnelli> At least on OSX
06:53 < jonasschnelli> Would be nice if someone could profile it on Linux / Win.
06:54 < wumpus> but the try_lock on cs_main should not *itself* cause freezes
06:54 < wumpus> if it runs the poll, and the lock is not available, the whole point would be that it doesn't spend time
06:54 < wumpus> if that's not how it works it seems the whole TRY_ concept is broken
06:55 < jonasschnelli> but what if the TRY_LOCK can acquire the lock every 250 ms and do the calculation...
06:55 < wumpus> it should only do the computation if the balance is dirty, right?
06:56 < wumpus> so in by far most cases if it gets the lock, it immediately is supposed to notice the balance is not dirty, so doesn't recompute it
06:56 < jonasschnelli> I tested three options, 1) master, 2) only atomic caches with polling, 3) like 2 but polling replaced with signal
06:56 < wumpus> if only needs to be recomputed if something changed
06:56 < jonasschnelli> wumpus: so, yes. It should only lock when the balances are dirty
06:57 < jonasschnelli> But in my test, I sent 20 txes, so the balance was always dirty afterwards
06:57 < jonasschnelli> I don't know why its much slower with the TRY_LOCK
06:57 < wumpus> right
06:57 < jonasschnelli> I guess it must be the QTimer / TryLock overhead?!
06:57 < wumpus> well yes if it gets a transaction every 250ms, sure
06:58 < ryanofsky> i'd think TRY_LOCK only when balances were dirty would give best of both worlds
06:58 < jonasschnelli> I manually sent the tx... ~every 0.5s
06:58 < wumpus> but GUI freezes happen anso to people that don't have anythign in their wallet
06:58 < wumpus> on the first sync
06:58 < jonasschnelli> ryanofsky: I though as well,.. but look at my profile results,.. they tell a different story
06:58 < wumpus> so it can't be just something with transactions, though there's clearly something with transactions too...
06:58 < ryanofsky> oh ok, i didn't see that listed as one your three tests
06:59 < jonasschnelli> Look here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10251#issuecomment-309021160
06:59 < jonasschnelli> Master with only the atomic caches result in still 33% of the execution time in that poll function
06:59 < wumpus> ok
07:00 < jonasschnelli> While I can't find any call in my profiler running pure (all commits) of 10251
07:00 < wumpus> 33% of the time for something that gets called 4 times per second?
07:00 < wumpus> is that a very large wallet?
07:00 < jonasschnelli> *any call that related to the balance update
07:00 < jonasschnelli> wumpus: not really large,.. I only did generate 1100
07:00 < jonasschnelli> depends what "large" is
07:00 < wumpus> it's interesting that the balance computation is so slow
07:00 < wumpus> well if so, that's already large, it seems
07:00 < jonasschnelli> I guess we loop 6 times over the complete mapWallet
07:01 < wumpus> oh wow
07:01 < jonasschnelli> for all balance types...
07:02 < wumpus> ok, yes then I understand why things are so slow, though I still don't understand why it recomputes also the times the balance was not updated
07:03 < wumpus> it's as if the wallet is always dirty, even though only once in 0.5s a transaction arrives
07:03 < jonasschnelli> I'm not sure if it recomputes then...
07:03 < wumpus> because in principle, this should result in the same load: with the 0.25s poll, it should compute every time after a transaction comes it
07:03 < jonasschnelli> But when it does,.. it seems to take much longer.. don't know why. Maybe because of the QTimer internals
07:04 < wumpus> with the per-transaction notification, it also does
07:04 < wumpus> what if the transaction rate is higher though, e.g. with 10 transactions per second the polling shoudl be faster
07:04 < jonasschnelli> Yes. Indeed.
07:04 < jonasschnelli> The signal should filter that out... min 250ms delta or something
07:05 < wumpus> the fixed polling is also to reduce the maximum amount of work done
07:05 < jonasschnelli> yes.. indeed.
07:05 < wumpus> yes, it could, though if done not carefully it means the data is always one update behind
07:05 < wumpus> (e.g. if you would naively do "process this update only if the last was >250ms ago")
07:05 < jonasschnelli> Could it be the QTimer overhead?
07:05 < wumpus> no, I don't believe that
07:05 < wumpus> not at a 4Hz frequency
07:06 < wumpus> if you remove the code from the handler but keep the timer, it'd probably be the same
07:06 -!- ProfMac [43c671dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
07:07 < jonasschnelli> I guess we should then try to continue to measure the atomic cache commit on top of master (with the TRY_LOCK polling).
07:07 < jonasschnelli> This is already much faster (I don't have numbers though)
07:07 < jonasschnelli> s/is/feels/
07:08 < wumpus> I'm really surprised by the result at least...
07:08 < jonasschnelli> What could be that we falsely always set fForceCheckBalanceChanged
07:08 < jonasschnelli> Could also be OSX only... who knows
07:08 < jonasschnelli> But since we also have a windows issue...
07:08 < jonasschnelli> I doubt it's OSX only
07:09 < wumpus> btw: what is the advantage of having a dirty flag per kind of balance - won't every update to the wallet invalidate *all* of them?
07:09 < wumpus> or are there changes that, say, only invalidate the immutable balance
07:10 * jonasschnelli looking at the code again
07:10 < ProfMac> I feel like this is the secret password to join a club: a60d7c8dde9b77e7ff547976ce37db1fe98c71833003465befe650d6bc102b6b bitcoin-0.14.1-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
07:10 < wumpus> ProfMac: congrats!
07:10 < wumpus> so you got it to work, awesome
07:11 < ProfMac> I said bad things & stomped my foot a time or two.
07:11 < jonasschnelli> ProfMac: nice one!
07:11 < ryanofsky> i think dirty flag doesn't really make sense for qt, but it does make sense for rpc
07:11 < wumpus> so the balance computations loop over all transactions?
07:11 < wumpus> which is always done 6 times
07:11 < jonasschnelli> wumpus: because each balance type has its own routine to calculate, we probably should have caches/dirty-flags per routine
07:12 < jonasschnelli> wumpus: that's the root source!
07:12 < wumpus> I wonder if it'd make sense to roll it into one routine, that computes all 6 balalnces in one pass
07:12 < jonasschnelli> wumpus: +100
07:12 < wumpus> it would be more cache friendly at least
07:12 < jonasschnelli> I guess that was a "organic growing" issue... we added one type after another over tim,e
07:12 < wumpus> the added overhead of, in that loop over every transaction, adding up one more number is probably neglible
07:13 < jonasschnelli> indeed
07:13 < wumpus> while LOCKing the wallet six times and iterating over its contents six times is probably bad
07:13 < wumpus> in any case it's good that your PR already brings improvements
07:13 < wumpus> then we should probably merge it
07:13 < jonasschnelli> But now it comes...
07:13 -!- goatpig [5a5c653a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
07:13 < jonasschnelli> We call GetDepthInMainChain for each mapWallet tx
07:14 < jonasschnelli> Which does mapBlockIndex.find(hashBlock);
07:14 < jonasschnelli> I tried multiple times to cache the height... but seems to be relatively difficult to do it right
07:14 < wumpus> that would also be reduced with factor 6 if it were to be done in one go
07:14 < jonasschnelli> Yes.
07:15 < jonasschnelli> That would be related to 10251 but with a bigger ramification
07:15 < wumpus> I mean *ideally* the wallet would compute balance incremementally
07:15 < jonasschnelli> I think the pure atomic caches is a first step... even if we then can throw away all down to a sigle cache
07:16 < jonasschnelli> wumpus: Yes.
07:16 < jonasschnelli> It should keep basepoints at certain height/states
07:16 < wumpus> but if we had to do a pass over the entire wallet it's by far best to do it only once
07:16 < wumpus> right, it's extremely complex to get right, which is why it was never done
07:16 < jonasschnelli> Indeed, ... and we should probably do in – as most things – in a background thread (GUI wise)
07:17 < jonasschnelli> If the node coms where in a background thread, nobody would tackle this
07:17 < wumpus> e.g. there are so many small things that can change how a transaction is counted
07:17 < wumpus> right, if the computation was not in the GUI thread, it'd be much less bad
07:17 < wumpus> there would be some unnoticable lag
07:17 < ryanofsky> if you get rid of the dirty flag and compute balance with each transactions that effectively would move computation to a background thread. still might lock up gui because of holding cs_main though
07:17 < wumpus> instead of the thing hanging and complaining
07:18 < wumpus> ryanofsky: but that'd be crazy, it'd make receiving transactions quadratic
07:18 < wumpus> ryanofsky: if every transactions received causes a scan over the entire wallet
07:18 < wumpus> ryanofsky: that's why the dirty flag exists
07:19 < jonasschnelli> Balances should only be calculated if the user wants them
07:19 < ryanofsky> yes, what i meant above by dirty flag makes sense for rpc but not gui
07:19 -!- regina909_ [~regina909@mail.theroyalbank.com.gh] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
07:19 < jonasschnelli> In the GUI, thats a bit different
07:19 < wumpus> ryanofsky: right now it makes sense for the GUI too, as it's only polled 4 times per second
07:19 < wumpus> ryanofsky: so it's naturally rate limited
07:19 < wumpus> ryanofsky: if you get 400 transactions per second, it still only computes 4 times per second
07:19 -!- regina909_ [~regina909@mail.theroyalbank.com.gh] has left #bitcoin-core-dev ["Closing Window"]
07:19 < ryanofsky> for gui users who are creating more than 4 transactions per second i guess
07:20 < jonasschnelli> Modern GUI frameworks often poll/call updates when the according element is visible
07:20 < wumpus> or "receiving"
07:20 < wumpus> this happens during initial sync
07:20 < wumpus> if you have a full wallet
07:20 -!- pandabull [~pandabull@2603:3005:715:c400:208d:864c:c09a:30d9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
07:20 < ryanofsky> oh, that's true. dirty flag makes sense there too
07:20 < wumpus> people always ignore initial sync for some reason, while that is the most common source of hangs, after initial sync the GUI is pretty ok
07:20 < ryanofsky> anyway to be clear i'm not suggesting getting rid of dirty flag
07:21 < wumpus> (initial sync or: more often, catching up after not running the node for a few days)
07:21 < ryanofsky> i'm just saying one way to move balance computation to "background thread" instead of gui thread is to compute it on tx notifications in cases where that makes sense
07:22 < wumpus> sure
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07:50 < cfields> jonasschnelli: the lock report is printed when threads destruct. So, mostly at shutdown
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07:50 < jonasschnelli> ah.. okay.. then my fault
07:50 < jonasschnelli> cfields: have you seen the crash on OSX in current master over gitian
07:51 < jonasschnelli> It must be one of the last 10 commits
07:51 < jonasschnelli> could it be: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/cb24c8539d1098d1a61605b452ecfa11a693320d
07:51 < cfields> jonasschnelli: no, i haven't rebased my osx work in maybe ~1week, though
07:51 < cfields> I'll fire one up now
07:52 < jonasschnelli> The crash only happens when build via gitian
07:52 < jonasschnelli> local builds are fine...
07:52 < cfields> jonasschnelli: could also be the crc32 thing
07:52 < jonasschnelli> But nighly build from 15th works
07:52 < cfields> interesting
07:52 < jonasschnelli> Most be the last 10 commits
07:52 < cfields> jonasschnelli: you have binaries handy?
07:52 < jonasschnelli> yes...
07:52 < jonasschnelli> see: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/10611
07:53 < jonasschnelli> use my builders build 176 vs 175
07:53 < cfields> perfect, thanks
07:53 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver2@guyver2.xs4all.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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07:53 < cfields> argh, i never added the osx debug symbols, did i?
07:54 -!- BashCo [~BashCo@unaffiliated/bashco] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
07:54 < jonasschnelli> I guess no...
07:55 < cfields> :(
07:55 * cfields adds it to the list
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08:07 < cfields> jonasschnelli / sipa: https://0bin.net/paste/+O0wEWXmLDshuG97#oQTOyc4av4get3wvsrwRNwbKaTO7ODBrTotk5nbXcf3
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09:02 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery opened pull request #10612: The young person's guide to the test_framework (master...templatefunctionaltest) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10612
09:04 < Victorsueca> anybody else having issues when cross-compiling 0.14.2 for windows in ubuntu 14?
09:06 < Victorsueca> I'm getting this thing on a machine that used to compile properly until now https://0bin.net/paste/q13F+WfsGqY4fkcW#4UXO33FPpzPvu7zb-Omj6zz8tHPGiAOH18/E5ti0xNO
09:06 < gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/4 | Export/Import wallet in a human readable, future-proof format · Issue #4 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
09:07 < sipa> Victorsueca: "issues" is pretty vague
09:07 < Victorsueca> sipa: yeah, more specifically with miniupnpc apparently
09:07 < Victorsueca> see the 0bin
09:07 < sipa> oh, sorry i missed the link
09:17 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver2@guyver2.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: :)]
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09:30 < spudowiar> o/ jnewbery
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10:02 < cfields> jonasschnelli: ok, i think i have the crash worked out. I've taken the opportunity to learn more about asm
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10:09 < sipa> cfields: my condolences
10:10 < cfields> sipa: heh. my mistake for not diving in decades ago
10:15 < cfields> sipa: clang is nice enough to use ebx for its stack canary, which cpuid clobbers. I'm trying to understand the PIC/ebx interaction fully before PRing something
10:16 < cfields> (context: rdrand detection)
10:16 < sipa> cfields: huh?
10:16 < sipa> my PR avoids clobbering ebx...
10:17 < cfields> more context: #10611
10:17 < gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/10611 | Gitian build (current master) crashes on OSX · Issue #10611 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
10:17 < cfields> sipa: my understanding is that the instruction still clobbers it, the compiler just isn't aware of that
10:17 < sipa> it does not clobber it
10:18 < sipa> the cpuid instruction clobbers it, but the whole asm block does not
10:18 < sipa> it moves the old value to a temp register first, and restores it
10:19 < cfields> grr, i was looking at my hacked up local source. I see that now, thanks.
10:19 < sipa> can you show me objdump -dC libbitcoin_util_a-random.o ?
10:20 < cfields> yea, sec, let me revert
10:20 < cfields> please don't tell the problem/solution though, I'd like to work it out
10:21 < sipa> i don't expect to learn anything interesting - just want to see if the clang compiler isn't doing something unexpected
10:22 < cfields> https://pastebin.com/raw/tS1TUPe0
10:24 < sipa> oooh!
10:25 * sipa sees it
10:26 < cfields> just tell me how deep i'm going to have to dive? :)
10:27 < sipa> hint: we'll need different asm code for 32bit and 64bit
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10:33 < cfields> full canary address doesn't get restored via mov?
10:34 < sipa> indeed
10:35 < sipa> see why?
10:36 < cfields> vaguely. I'm so green I'm having trouble distinguishing values from addresses. Investigating.
10:38 -!- griswaalt [~griswaalt@ip5f5bd0d9.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
10:39 < wumpus> oh, so the compiler isn't being told correctly what registers are being clobbered?
10:40 < sipa> wumpus: if you tell the compiler yoi clobber ebx, it will complain saying that it needs ebx for PIC
10:40 < sipa> and fail to compile
10:40 < sipa> so the code there manually saves and restores ebx
10:41 < sipa> i believe that is fixed in a later gcc
10:41 < cfields> gcc5
10:41 < cfields> i suppose it needs to be movq/rbx for 64bit instead?
10:41 < sipa> indeed
10:41 < wumpus> that seems kind of stupid, now you need to write the code in mind with the knowledge what every compiler might use for special things
10:41 < sipa> wumpus: indeed :(
10:41 < sipa> cfields: tmp needs to be a 64-bit int on 64-bit systems
10:42 < cfields> sipa: i've seen lots of rantings about gcc's x86 pic handling in the past, i'm beginning to understand the hatred now
10:42 < wumpus> (I suspect the cookie in ebx is not part of any official ABI convention, at least)
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10:43 < cfields> well if you list ebx as a clobber, it sticks the cookie somewhere else. So my "fix" was totally accidental and wrong (and would ofc break on x86 pic).
10:44 < sipa> cfields: oh you're able to list ebx as a clobber?
10:44 < sipa> and it compiles?
10:44 < wumpus> in its defense, handling PIC on x86 32 bit is a nightmare
10:44 < sipa> in that case, we should probably do that on x86_64
10:44 < wumpus> modern architectures, and even less modern ones, have been designed with PIC in mind, but x86 never was
10:45 < cfields> sipa: yea
10:46 < sipa> you want to write a pr?
10:47 < cfields> sipa: sure, will be a while though. Still reading/experimenting/learning
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10:50 < sipa> cfields: the issue is that the 32-bit ebx register and the 64-bit rbx register occupy the same space
10:50 -!- timothy [~tredaelli@redhat/timothy] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
10:51 < sipa> ebx is just a "view" of the lower 32 bits of rbx
10:52 < cfields> that makes sense
10:52 < sipa> and the "b" constraint can either mean ebx or rbx, depending on the size of the variable
10:53 < sipa> there are 8-bit and 16-bit views too
10:55 < cfields> so the compiler adapts the mov to the register size?
10:55 < sipa> yup
10:55 < sipa> the assembler, rather
10:55 < cfields> ok, got it
10:55 < cfields> thanks for the 101 :)
10:56 -!- Gnof [~Gnof@CPE00fc8d7da303-CM00fc8d7da300.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
11:07 < cfields> sipa: https://pastebin.com/raw/68f8cKHd ?
11:13 < cfields> mm, apparently that's broken since cpuid overwrites eax
11:15 < sipa> you can list eax as an input/outpit register
11:16 < sipa> but i think just listing all 4 as outputs is easier
11:16 < cfields> right, so:https://pastebin.com/BhBAHeFK
11:16 < cfields> ok
11:16 < cfields> will just do that. PRing. thanks again.
11:29 -!- SopaXorzTaker [~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:34 < Victorsueca> sipa: had to go for a while, any news on my issue? need extra debug info?
11:37 < sipa> Victorsueca: i have no clue
11:39 < achow101> Victorsueca: are you using WSL?
11:40 < Victorsueca> achow101: yes, it has been working until now
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11:40 < achow101> IIRC it wasn't working for the past few months
11:40 < achow101> (at least not on my machines)
11:40 < ProfMac> I successfully did a gitian build on 0.14.1. It took days to grok the web pages, and about 7 hours to execute. I have placed some shell scripts at https://github.com/a-mcintosh/gitian-bitcoin-shell-scripts and these scripts capture the workflow mentioned at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/gitian-building.md#create-a-new-virtualbox-vm
11:41 -!- Evel-Knievel [~Evel-Knie@d5152f744.static.telenet.be] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
11:41 < jonasschnelli> 7h?!
11:42 < jonasschnelli> DId you pass in -j2 or -j4?
11:43 < Victorsueca> the last version i've built succefully on my WSL was 0.14.1, now I'm on the same machine and it won't do the depends for 0.14.2
11:43 < achow101> Victorsueca: try https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/10269#issuecomment-307293086
11:43 < ProfMac> lol. At this point I'm so fatigued, I don't even know my own name. It does seem pretty slow. Have a look at the scripts and see if you spot any trouble.
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11:43 < sipa> ProfMac: machine without hardware virtualization?
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11:44 < achow101> ProfMac: perhaps try using kvm instead of lxc? it will need to run on hardware and not in a vm though
11:46 < Victorsueca> achow101: that seems to work \o/
11:46 < Victorsueca> thanks
11:46 < ProfMac> Probably just not configured correctly. One of the scripts creates the virtualbox, so that can be corrected. 5.7 GiB RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00 GHz x 2 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 2.0 TB online.
11:47 < ProfMac> what kind of build times to others have? My impression was that it build the entire Trusty system from source during the process.
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11:48 < ProfMac> I don't know how to peek inside gitian-builder/target-trusty-amd64
11:50 < jonasschnelli> ProfMac: my build times are at bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch
11:51 < ProfMac> Could I just make a new Trusty VM and do the build there? If I restore a "bare" snapshot before each build, what do I give up?
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11:54 < ProfMac> jonasschnelli, thanks, but I get a 403 forbidden when I drop that into an address bar.
11:54 < jonasschnelli> https://bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch
11:54 < jonasschnelli> Oh.. the SSL forwarder seems broken
11:55 < ProfMac> I'm at the page. Nice homage to Matrix, unless like me you still see pink after a night at the CRT.
11:56 -!- Giszmo [~leo@ip-16-226-107-190.nextelmovil.cl] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
11:59 < ProfMac> Oh my. 21 minutes vs 7 hours. LOL.
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12:02 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theuni opened pull request #10614: random: fix crash on some 64bit platforms (master...fix-osx-crash) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10614
12:02 < cfields> jonasschnelli: ^^
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12:09 < sipa> cfields: also, for reusable code (if we want to use hw sha instruction or something, you can use "xchg %1, %%ebx" instead of mov, and get the real ebx out
12:09 < cfields> sipa: heh, i meant to ask about that. that's what gcc does internally
12:09 < sipa> not suggesting to do that here, but it's hardly harder to write a generic "cpuid number -> give me a tuple of 4 uint32_t" function
12:13 < cfields> sipa: you mean just drop the special case and always stash b?
12:13 < sipa> cfields: i think your PR is fine
12:14 < sipa> but maybe later if we ever have multiple things to query cpuid for
12:14 < cfields> sipa: well i'm pretty sure I whined about it not being generic in your original PR :p
12:15 < jonasschnelli> cfields: nice. Just started a build: https://bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch/build/181
12:15 < cfields> sipa: heh, yea: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10377#pullrequestreview-37172453
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12:35 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/c2ab38bdd57a...7a74f88a26cf
12:35 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master cc0ed26 Pavel Janík: Supress struct/class mismatch warnings introduced in #10284.
12:35 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7a74f88 Pieter Wuille: Merge #10598: Supress struct/class mismatch warnings introduced in #10284...
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12:36 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa closed pull request #10598: Supress struct/class mismatch warnings introduced in #10284 (master...20170615_FeeCalculation_structclass) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10598
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12:50 < sipa> cfields: we're using gcc 4.8 for win and linux builds, which i think has a sufficiently mature LTO implementation; any opinion on using it in release builds?
12:51 < sipa> i don't know the status of LTO in clang
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12:52 < cfields> sipa: my main concern is that we could see a discrepancy between release binaries and what devs run
12:52 < sipa> cfields: why?
12:52 < cfields> as even with gcc7, linking still takes a long time. I don't think we could enable it by default, it'd have to be in gitian
12:53 < sipa> it does take less memory too
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12:53 < sipa> maybe a generic "optimized build" available from configure and one that isn't, and gitian uses optimized
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12:53 < cfields> (not opposed, just considering the downsides)
12:53 < sipa> it's a good point to bring up
12:54 < sipa> i like that it categorically removes the concern about whether code needs to go in a header or not :)
12:54 < cfields> sipa: yea, that sounds reasonable
12:54 < cfields> heh
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12:55 < cfields> speaking of which, i worked on pre-compiled headers a few days ago. Shaved roughly ~30% off of build time
12:55 < cfields> sipa: another one of the big benefits is that our deps can be lto'd as well. I suspect static lto'd qt would be a big win for filesize
12:55 < cfields> but again, that makes linking take forever
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12:57 * cfields kicks off an lto'd qt build out of curiosity
12:59 < TD-Linux> cfields, https://git.xiph.org/?p=opus.git;a=blob;f=celt/x86/x86cpu.c;h=080eb25e413d9e6587a419933d85ea9a6243b46e;hb=HEAD#l61
13:00 < jonasschnelli> TD-Linux: hah. Always research first how other did it. ;)
13:02 < jonasschnelli> *others
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13:03 < cfields> heh, yep
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13:09 < luke-jr> has anyone benchmarked LTO vs normal?
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13:24 < luke-jr> jonasschnelli: please add sources for companies you add to https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Segwit_support
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13:53 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] luke-jr opened pull request #10615: RPC: Allow rpcauth configs to specify a 4th parameter naming a specific wallet (master...multiwallet_rpc) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10615
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15:03 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/7a74f88a26cf...d76e84a21416
15:03 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 131a8ce practicalswift: Make clang-format use C++11 features (e.g. A> instead of A >)
15:03 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d76e84a Pieter Wuille: Merge #10602: Make clang-format use C++11 features (e.g. A> instead of A >)...
15:04 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa closed pull request #10602: Make clang-format use C++11 features (e.g. A> instead of A >) (master...clang-format-cpp11) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10602
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15:42 < midnightmagic> eek why is there only two of us signing the windows signed executables :-P
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16:04 < cfields> sipa: I'm confused about https://github.com/bitcoin-core/leveldb/commit/196962ff01c39b4705d8117df5c3f8c205349950
16:05 < cfields> how does that manage to link? there's no definition that returns zero
16:05 < sipa> cfields: the implementation is in posix_sse.c
16:05 < sipa> which apparently gets linked in
16:06 < cfields> sipa: ah, that's our problem then. leveldb's build doesn't link that in
16:06 < cfields> ...but that would mean windows is broken upstream
16:06 < sipa> windows does not _exist_ upstream
16:06 < cfields> oooooh :)
16:07 < cfields> hehe, got it. will fix.
16:08 < cfields> i see. so we patched up their build discovery stuff at one point, but stopped when we migrated it into our build
16:08 < sipa> right, and we don't run the tests for the windows build
16:09 < cfields> got it, thanks
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16:37 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/d76e84a21416...de8db47b7ff3
16:37 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f2fb132 practicalswift: Net: Fix resource leak in ReadBinaryFile(...)...
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16:37 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master de8db47 Pieter Wuille: Merge #10587: Net: Fix resource leak in ReadBinaryFile(...)...
16:37 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa closed pull request #10587: Net: Fix resource leak in ReadBinaryFile(...) (master...fopen-not-followed-by-fclose-in-all-states-of-the-universe) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10587
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17:24 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] gmaxwell opened pull request #10618: Remove confusing MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE. (master...size_b_gone) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10618
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17:38 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/de8db47b7ff3...cafe24f039e1
17:38 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9af207c Cory Fields: random: fix crash on some 64bit platforms...
17:38 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master cafe24f Pieter Wuille: Merge #10614: random: fix crash on some 64bit platforms...
17:38 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa closed pull request #10614: random: fix crash on some 64bit platforms (master...fix-osx-crash) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10614
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