--- Log opened Tue May 07 00:00:48 2024 00:10 -!- Zenton [~user@user/zenton] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:15 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 00:22 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 00:48 -!- vyHamii [~vyHamii@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 00:51 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 00:54 -!- abubakarsadiq [uid602234@id-602234.hampstead.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 00:58 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:02 -!- Zenton [~user@user/zenton] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:12 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver@77-174-98-73.fixed.kpn.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:21 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:23 -!- Chris_Stewart_5 [~Chris_Ste@static-198-54-135-149.cust.tzulo.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:26 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:32 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:36 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:41 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:45 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 01:53 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:58 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:58 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:00 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] vasild closed pull request #22563: addrman: treat Tor/I2P/CJDNS as a single group (master...addrman_per_group_bucketing) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22563 02:05 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:10 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 02:22 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver@77-174-98-73.fixed.kpn.net] has left #bitcoin-core-dev [Closing Window] 02:24 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:25 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:31 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:39 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:43 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:44 -!- lbia [~lbia@user/lbia] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:48 -!- r3rer3 [~r3rer3@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:54 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:56 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:58 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:01 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:13 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 03:17 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:22 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 03:28 -!- Guest21 [~Guest17@2001:e68:6990:200:a908:330c:4162:2058] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 03:28 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:28 -!- Guest21 [~Guest17@2001:e68:6990:200:a908:330c:4162:2058] has quit [Client Quit] 03:42 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 03:48 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 03:49 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 03:54 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:54 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:00 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:05 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:12 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:15 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:19 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 04:29 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:41 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:46 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:00 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 05:05 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 05:33 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 05:34 -!- VonNaturAustreVe [~ne0h_@2804:14c:65d7:8ea5:bcce:7523:4eae:2bdb] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 05:34 -!- VonNaturAustreVe [~ne0h_@user/vonnaturaustreve] has changed host 05:39 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:40 -!- bitdex [~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex] has quit [Quit: = ""] 05:50 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 06:21 -!- luke-jr [~luke-jr@user/luke-jr] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:21 -!- luke-jr [~luke-jr@user/luke-jr] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 06:50 -!- brunoerg_ [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 06:52 -!- adil [~Thunderbi@2402:d000:8134:2169:80ed:29f7:1a7e:ecea] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 06:53 -!- adil [~Thunderbi@2402:d000:8134:2169:80ed:29f7:1a7e:ecea] has quit [Client Quit] 06:53 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:d8fa:9fb7:a7cc:7cc9] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 07:08 -!- mailman [~mailman@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 07:09 -!- mailman [~mailman@] has quit [Client Quit] 07:12 -!- mailman [~mailman@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 07:13 -!- mailman [~mailman@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:20 -!- Chris_Stewart_5 [~Chris_Ste@static-198-54-135-149.cust.tzulo.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 07:22 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 07:58 < vasild> When I visit the topmost commit at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/ef09f535b7b540d997f8c2bfa67b3386711bc8b4 there is a message "This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository." which is strange. Surely that commit belongs to the master branch. I think it was not shown before. 07:59 < sipa> vasild: i see that message all the time, and have no clue what it means 08:01 < vasild> well, the intention is to warn if one opens a commit that does not belong to any branch. E.g. that commit may only be in an unmerged pull request. I think before people were fooled that some change existed in https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/ this way 08:04 < vasild> looks like a (new?) bug in github to show that message for commits that actually belong to the master branch 08:08 < _aj_> vasild: i don't see any reports of it, perhaps worth filing one at https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/categories/general ? 08:09 < vasild> is this the place to submit github bugs? let me try some other repositories... 08:10 < sipa> i'm pretty sure i have seen that behavior since forever 08:11 < sipa> though i've never investigated whether it's just confusing, or a bug 08:12 < instagibbs> on the actual branch seems new? but who knows 08:13 < sipa> maybe it's just an out of date cache? 08:13 < _aj_> i've only ever noticed it occurring in places i expect, so seems new to me too, but *shrug* 08:15 < vasild> here no https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/commit/a3136faade21a9cfb7ab89b0db1ecb6c68f6504b, here yes: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/8d8cb45756cb7e6fda17013b8347be3a11b29610 08:29 < vasild> reported here https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/122781 08:30 < sipa> vasild: that example works for me... 08:30 < sipa> https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/8d8cb45756cb7e6fda17013b8347be3a11b29610 doesn't have the banner, and lists " 08:30 < sipa> master" below 08:31 < _aj_> vim no longer has the banner for me, did earlier 08:31 < vasild> :-/ I will post a screen shot then and more examples... 08:38 -!- pablomartin [~pablomart@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 08:39 < vasild> updated https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/122781 with screenshots 08:41 -!- preimage [~halosghos@user/halosghost] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 08:45 -!- jarthur [~jarthur@user/jarthur] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:25 -!- zeropoint [~alex@45-28-139-114.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:27 -!- the_mariner1 [~Thunderbi@191-247-13-74.3g.claro.net.br] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:31 -!- the_mariner1 [~Thunderbi@191-247-13-74.3g.claro.net.br] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:31 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:bdb6:6a15:77cb:a8fa] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 09:31 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:389:7102:861:f52c:bde8:ca7a:e630] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:38 -!- pablomartin [~pablomart@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:46 -!- the_mariner1 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:49 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:389:7102:861:f52c:bde8:ca7a:e630] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 09:49 -!- the_mariner1 is now known as the_mariner 09:54 -!- the_mariner1 [~Thunderbi@191-247-13-74.3g.claro.net.br] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:55 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:56 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:389:7102:861:8ccf:1399:51a2:3345] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:58 -!- the_mariner1 [~Thunderbi@191-247-13-74.3g.claro.net.br] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 09:59 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 10:19 -!- bugs_ [~bugs@user/bugs/x-5128603] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 10:51 -!- brunoerg_ [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:52 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 10:57 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:02 -!- hel [el@libera/staff/el] has quit [Quit: ""] 11:07 -!- hel [el@libera/staff/el] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 11:10 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 11:14 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/ef09f535b7b5...8efd03ad0472 11:14 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master dddd40b MarcoFalke: scripted-diff: Add IWYU pragma keep to bitcoin-config.h includes 11:14 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa09451 MarcoFalke: Add lint check for bitcoin-config.h include IWYU pragma 11:14 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8efd03a Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#29494: build: Assume HAVE_CONFIG_H, Add IWYU pragma ... 11:14 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #29494: build: Assume HAVE_CONFIG_H, Add IWYU pragma keep to bitcoin-config.h includes (master...2402-iwyu-bitcoin-config-) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29494 11:15 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:16 -!- hernanmarino [~hernanmar@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 11:33 -!- hernanmarino [~hernanmar@] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2 - https://znc.in] 11:35 -!- hernanmarino [~hernanmar@2800:2130:2840:cc3::b8d3] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 11:43 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:389:7102:861:8ccf:1399:51a2:3345] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:44 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 11:44 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 11:48 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:49 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:49 -!- Wronsk [~Wronsk@cust-west-par-46-193-0-235.cust.wifirst.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 12:07 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 12:11 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 12:31 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 12:34 -!- Wronsk [~Wronsk@cust-west-par-46-193-0-235.cust.wifirst.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:49 -!- VonNaturAustreVe [~ne0h_@user/vonnaturaustreve] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:34 -!- preimage [~halosghos@user/halosghost] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.2] 13:34 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/8efd03ad0472...4e56df8f915b 13:34 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fb9f150 willcl-ark: gui: fix misleading signmessage error with segwit 13:34 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4e56df8 merge-script: Merge bitcoin-core/gui#819: Fix misleading signmessage error with segwit 13:35 < bitcoin-git> [gui] hebasto merged pull request #819: Fix misleading signmessage error with segwit (master...signmessage-error-fix) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/819 13:49 -!- ___nick___ [~quassel@cpc68290-cdif17-2-0-cust24.5-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 13:51 -!- ___nick___ [~quassel@cpc68290-cdif17-2-0-cust24.5-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Client Quit] 13:53 -!- ___nick___ [~quassel@cpc68290-cdif17-2-0-cust24.5-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 13:55 -!- ___nick___ [~quassel@cpc68290-cdif17-2-0-cust24.5-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Client Quit] 13:57 -!- ___nick___ [~quassel@cpc68290-cdif17-2-0-cust24.5-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 14:31 -!- ___nick___ [~quassel@cpc68290-cdif17-2-0-cust24.5-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:31 -!- mudsip [~mudsip@user/mudsip] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 14:32 -!- mudsip [~mudsip@user/mudsip] has quit [Client Quit] 14:40 -!- pablomartin [~pablomart@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 14:52 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:71f6:3ea5:dfcb:c32d] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:59 -!- abubakarsadiq [uid602234@id-602234.hampstead.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:21 -!- bugs_ [~bugs@user/bugs/x-5128603] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:23 -!- pablomartin [~pablomart@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 15:32 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] stickies-v opened pull request #30058: Encapsulate warnings in generalized node::Warnings and remove globals (master...2024-04/move-warnings-node) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30058 15:56 -!- yonson [~yonson@2600:8801:e800:28::1962] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:58 -!- yonson [~yonson@ip70-181-225-218.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 16:41 -!- Chris_Stewart_5 [~Chris_Ste@static-198-54-135-149.cust.tzulo.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:37 -!- pablomartin [~pablomart@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 18:13 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 18:19 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:47 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 18:52 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:58 -!- zeropoint [~alex@45-28-139-114.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:00 -!- upekkha [~Advanced@2a01:4f8:1c0c:49df::1] has quit [] 19:00 -!- upekkha [~Advanced@2a01:4f8:1c0c:49df::1] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 19:13 -!- jarthur_ [~jarthur@user/jarthur] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 19:15 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:15 -!- jarthur [~jarthur@user/jarthur] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:15 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:5019:7ec:296c:3ee6] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 19:20 -!- the_mariner [~Thunderbi@2804:29b8:518d:a89:5019:7ec:296c:3ee6] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:20 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 19:25 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:53 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 19:59 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 20:22 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 20:26 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 20:27 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 20:40 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 20:55 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/4e56df8f915b...09d3ad2861a0 20:55 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4b9f49d willcl-ark: doc: fix broken relative md links 20:55 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 09d3ad2 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30025: doc: fix broken relative md links 20:55 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30025: doc: fix broken relative md links (master...fix-links) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30025 20:56 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/09d3ad2861a0...74f517b4411d 20:56 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fab179d MarcoFalke: ci: Exclude feature_init for now in valgrind task 20:56 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 74f517b merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30054: ci: Exclude feature_init for now in valgrind ... 20:56 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30054: ci: Exclude feature_init for now in valgrind task (master...2405-ci-val-init) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30054 21:00 -!- tdb3 [~tdb3@ip74-208-205-30.pbiaas.com] has quit [] 21:00 -!- tdb3 [~tdb3@ip74-208-205-30.pbiaas.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 21:01 -!- cmirror [~cmirror@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:01 -!- cmirror [~cmirror@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 21:06 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] luke-jr opened pull request #30059: Add option dbfilesize to control LevelDB target ("max") file size (master...dbfilesize_param) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30059 21:07 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:34 -!- freesprung5126 [~freesprun@user/freesprung] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 21:37 -!- freesprung5126 [~freesprun@user/freesprung] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 21:41 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 22:07 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:09 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 22:45 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:58 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 23:03 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 23:11 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 23:14 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 23:16 -!- upekkha [~Advanced@2a01:4f8:1c0c:49df::1] has quit [] 23:21 -!- upekkha [~Advanced@2a01:4f8:1c0c:49df::1] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 23:24 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:25 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 23:35 -!- jarthur_ [~jarthur@user/jarthur] has quit [Quit: jarthur_] 23:40 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 23:46 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:8782:84bd:b91c:53c1:cc1b:8faa] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] --- Log closed Wed May 08 00:00:11 2024