--- Log opened Sun Jul 14 00:00:52 2024 00:31 -!- TracaChang [~TracaChan@gateway/tor-sasl/tracachang] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 00:50 -!- tppellegrino [~tppellegr@user/tppellegrino44] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:04 -!- jon_atack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:15 -!- kouloumos [sid539228@id-539228.tinside.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 01:16 -!- kouloumos [sid539228@id-539228.tinside.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:28 -!- eragmus_ [sid136308@id-136308.tinside.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 01:28 -!- eragmus_ [sid136308@id-136308.tinside.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 01:34 -!- setavenger [sid621464@id-621464.helmsley.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 01:34 -!- setavenger [sid621464@id-621464.helmsley.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:03 -!- hardtotell [~hardtotel@user/hardtotell] has quit [Server closed connection] 02:04 -!- hardtotell [~hardtotel@user/hardtotell] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:33 -!- runnerelektrode_ [sid517941@id-517941.helmsley.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 02:33 -!- runnerelektrode_ [sid517941@id-517941.helmsley.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:40 -!- adil [~Thunderbi@2402:d000:8134:31b7:e0b1:7202:4608:afb] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 02:48 -!- tarotfied [~tarotfied@user/tarotfied] has changed host 03:01 -!- adil [~Thunderbi@2402:d000:8134:31b7:e0b1:7202:4608:afb] has quit [Quit: adil] 03:28 -!- oneeyedalien [~oneeyedal@user/oneeyedalien] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 03:58 -!- LarryRuane [sid473749@id-473749.uxbridge.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 03:58 -!- LarryRuane [sid473749@id-473749.uxbridge.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:04 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:09 -!- ajonas [sid385278@id-385278.helmsley.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 04:09 -!- ajonas [sid385278@2a03:5180:f:1::5:e0fe] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:12 -!- chris132 [sid465460@id-465460.helmsley.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 04:12 -!- chris132 [sid465460@id-465460.helmsley.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:38 -!- josie [~josibake@suhail.uberspace.de] has quit [Server closed connection] 04:39 -!- josie [~josibake@suhail.uberspace.de] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 04:44 -!- oneeyedalien [~oneeyedal@user/oneeyedalien] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:08 < bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/c4d45b695ef2...ff100bb549f2 05:08 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master bbde6ff Sebastian Falbesoner: add node interface method for getting maximum mempool size 05:08 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4a028cf Sebastian Falbesoner: gui: show maximum mempool size in information window 05:08 < bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master ff100bb Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui#825: Show maximum mempool size in information window 05:08 < bitcoin-git> [gui] hebasto merged pull request #825: Show maximum mempool size in information window (master...gui_show_maxmempoolsize) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/825 05:17 -!- glozow [sid453516@user/glozow] has quit [Server closed connection] 05:17 -!- glozow [sid453516@user/glozow] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 06:11 -!- fanquake [sid369002@user/fanquake] has quit [Server closed connection] 06:12 -!- fanquake [sid369002@user/fanquake] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 06:18 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver@77-174-98-73.fixed.kpn.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 06:42 -!- aureleoules [~aureleoul@82-64-162-213.subs.proxad.net] has quit [Server closed connection] 06:43 -!- aureleoules [~aureleoul@82-64-162-213.subs.proxad.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 07:00 -!- arik__ [sid402902@id-402902.lymington.irccloud.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 07:00 -!- arik__ [sid402902@id-402902.lymington.irccloud.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 07:18 -!- furszy [~furszy@user/furszy] has quit [Server closed connection] 07:19 -!- furszy [~furszy@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 07:51 -!- Guest44 [~textual@2a02:810d:13c0:3dec:7c7e:6a3f:ca82:a947] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 07:55 -!- Guest44 [~textual@2a02:810d:13c0:3dec:7c7e:6a3f:ca82:a947] has quit [Client Quit] 08:08 -!- furszy [~furszy@user/furszy] has changed host 08:27 -!- andrewtoth_ [~andrewtot@gateway/tor-sasl/andrewtoth] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 08:37 -!- adil [~Thunderbi@2402:d000:8134:31b7:e0b1:7202:4608:afb] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 08:41 -!- adil [~Thunderbi@2402:d000:8134:31b7:e0b1:7202:4608:afb] has quit [Client Quit] 09:10 -!- andrewtoth_ [~andrewtot@gateway/tor-sasl/andrewtoth] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:30 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver@77-174-98-73.fixed.kpn.net] has left #bitcoin-core-dev [Closing Window] 09:32 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@104-182-134-253.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 09:55 -!- angusp 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[~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 12:09 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:18 -!- oneeyedalien [~oneeyedal@user/oneeyedalien] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:19 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:30 -!- Lightsword [~Lightswor@user/lightsword] has quit [Server closed connection] 12:30 -!- Lightsword [~Lightswor@user/lightsword] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 12:32 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 12:36 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:40 -!- Guest44 [~textual@2a02:810d:13c0:3dec:7c7e:6a3f:ca82:a947] has quit [Quit: Guest44] 12:56 -!- cm [~chaz@user/cm] has quit [Server closed connection] 12:56 -!- cm [~chaz@user/cm] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 13:54 -!- tppellegrino [~tppellegr@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 13:56 -!- tppellegrino [~tppellegr@user/tppellegrino44] has changed host 13:56 < tppellegrino> achow101 is there a better channel for this topic? 13:58 < achow101> tppellegrino: i'm not aware of any general altcoin dev channels. however your question is off topic for here. 13:58 < achow101> you may want to try other places like bitcointalk which have dedicated altcoin sections 14:07 < tppellegrino> Alright. Bitcointalk did recommend me to go here. I'll try one more post. See if anyone's interested, then I'll move on.... 14:07 < tppellegrino> Bitcoin21x: For people who missed the Bitcoin Craze: New peer-to-peer based anonymous digital currency designed to go from $.0001 in 2024 to $2,000,000 in 2025- 21x the rate of bitcoin. 14:07 < tppellegrino> Sample Description: “Exactly like BitCoin but people don’t have to wait 21 years for it to increase in value: 21x the block release, halving and difficulty adjustment rates means hashing power will aggregate exponentially while limited supplies won’t deter collectors and mining pools.” 14:07 < tppellegrino> Plan is to market Bitcoin21x to mining pools and news organizations and popularize Bitcoin21x through free publicity, by capitalizing bitcoin’s popularity with a similar name and statistical likelihood of rapid growth, increasing in scarcity at 21x the rate of Bitcoin, to reach Bitcoin's 2140 scarcity in only 6 years. 14:07 < tppellegrino> Bitcoin21x high potential vertical: similarities to Bitcoin itself will leverage free publicity mechanisms, self-driving consumer interest,profitability awareness, pre-existing eagerness to gain an early position, collector sentiment and the enormous pre-established Bitcoin mining network in order to build its own market momentum, which rapidly 14:07 < tppellegrino> attract the largest mining pools in turn rapidly increasing the Bitcoin21x price. 14:07 < tppellegrino> Who wants in? 14:24 -!- mudsip [~mudsip@user/mudsip] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 14:48 -!- TracaChang [~TracaChan@gateway/tor-sasl/tracachang] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:57 -!- tppellegrino [~tppellegr@user/tppellegrino44] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:06 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 16:38 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:03 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 17:03 -!- mode/#bitcoin-core-dev [+o gribble] by ChanServ 17:16 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:47 -!- virtu [~virtu@user/virtu] has quit [Server closed connection] 17:48 -!- virtu [~virtu@vmd108895.contaboserver.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 17:50 -!- tppellegrino [~tppellegr@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 17:52 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 17:52 -!- mode/#bitcoin-core-dev [+o gribble] by ChanServ 18:15 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:53 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 18:53 -!- mode/#bitcoin-core-dev [+o gribble] by ChanServ 19:15 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:37 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@] has quit [Server closed connection] 19:38 -!- brunoerg [~brunoerg@2804:14c:3bfb:37:d800:fc29:2698:bd3f] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 19:48 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 19:48 -!- mode/#bitcoin-core-dev [+o gribble] by ChanServ 19:51 < achow101> tppellegrino: you have already been warned once, do not post about your altcoin here again 20:14 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:31 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:37 -!- gribble [~gribble@bitcoin/bot/gribble] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 20:37 -!- mode/#bitcoin-core-dev [+o gribble] by ChanServ 20:46 -!- jrayhawk [~jrayhawk@user/jrayhawk] has quit [Server closed connection] 20:46 -!- jrayhawk [~jrayhawk@user/jrayhawk] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 20:58 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 21:01 -!- cmirror [~cmirror@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:01 -!- cmirror [~cmirror@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 21:05 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:31 -!- Guest44 [~textual@2a02:810d:13c0:3dec:7c7e:6a3f:ca82:a947] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 21:49 -!- Guest44 [~textual@2a02:810d:13c0:3dec:7c7e:6a3f:ca82:a947] has quit [Quit: Guest44] 21:52 -!- mudsip [~mudsip@user/mudsip] has quit [] 22:00 -!- mcey_ [~emcy@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:01 -!- mcey_ [~emcy@] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 22:38 -!- Guest44 [~textual@host-88-217-174-126.customer.m-online.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 23:06 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev 23:10 -!- kevkevin [~kevkevin@2600:1700:b30:47c0:c078:6cad:bf31:c294] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:57 -!- TracaChang [~TracaChan@gateway/tor-sasl/tracachang] has joined #bitcoin-core-dev --- Log closed Mon Jul 15 00:00:53 2024