--- Day changed Wed May 19 2021 00:54 -!- ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has quit [Killed (grumble (My fellow staff so-called 'friends' are about to hand over account data to a non-staff member. If you care about your data, drop your NickServ account NOW before that happens.))] 00:54 -!- ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 00:54 -!- ServerMode/#bitcoin-core-pr-reviews [+o ChanServ] by services. 01:33 -!- awesome_doge1 [~Thunderbi@2001-b011-4010-10b7-8da7-774a-e29b-dee9.dynamic-ip6.hinet.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 01:47 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 01:56 -!- ghost43_ [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 01:57 -!- murch [~murch@gateway/tor-sasl/murch] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:57 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:58 -!- murch [~murch@gateway/tor-sasl/murch] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 02:17 -!- fanquake [sid369002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nplxqxzlyfszlmte] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:17 -!- mol [~mol@unaffiliated/molly] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 02:18 -!- glozow [sid453516@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tqgjxiqlyfqmmnyn] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:22 -!- mol_ [~mol@unaffiliated/molly] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 02:36 -!- glozow [sid453516@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-byottckztnbdyowf] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 02:40 -!- fanquake [sid369002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ptwvieaixxrwieks] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 03:16 -!- lukaz [~greenluka@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 03:18 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:20 -!- Bettie6Nolan [~Bettie6No@static.] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 03:30 -!- Bettie6Nolan [~Bettie6No@static.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:37 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 04:10 -!- awesome_doge1 [~Thunderbi@2001-b011-4010-10b7-8da7-774a-e29b-dee9.dynamic-ip6.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 05:32 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:38 -!- illest101 [uid109953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bslkrssxztaiztoi] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 05:40 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 06:11 -!- m2020_ [rm@4691.irradiated.haggis.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:31 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:33 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 07:02 -!- m2020_ [rm@4691.irradiated.haggis.org] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 07:21 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:23 -!- naaos [b08842f1@fre83-h02-176-136-66-241.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 07:23 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 07:36 -!- jadi [~jadi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:07 < dunxen> Hmm. So this will be moving off freenode at some stage too I suppose. 08:11 < jonatack> fine with me, freenode has been blocking my vpn since at least 2015 08:12 < jonatack> (apart from a few of its servers that are really far away :p) 08:15 < dunxen> Yeah I've struggled with some being blocked too :( 08:15 < dunxen> here's to new beginnings then lol :) 08:16 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has quit [Quit: jb55] 08:16 < michaelfolkson> I think it is going to be discussed at the Core dev meeting tomorrow. As long as we don't play musical chairs with IRC networks I don't really care 08:23 < michaelfolkson> (Haven't been following the drama though) 08:32 -!- prayank [~Prayank@2402:8100:2069:c58:f181:b7b0:dc03:2af9] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 08:45 -!- dunxen [dunxenx0fo@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-nqgmhvcbeslndkso] has left #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews ["User left"] 08:58 -!- AnthonyRonning [905bdce2@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:02 -!- ivanacostarubio [~ivan@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:04 -!- AnthonyRonning [905bdce2@] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 09:10 -!- lightlike [~lightlike@p200300c7ef14fe0050894dd70f39d803.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:11 -!- sbowrin [4c585057@cpe-76-88-80-87.san.res.rr.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:15 < prayank> https://gist.github.com/joepie91/df80d8d36cd9d1bde46ba018af497409 09:20 -!- achow101 [~achow101@unaffiliated/achow101] has quit [Quit: Bye] 09:20 -!- achow101 [~achow101@unaffiliated/achow101] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:22 -!- achow101 [~achow101@unaffiliated/achow101] has quit [Client Quit] 09:22 -!- achow101 [~achow101@unaffiliated/achow101] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:22 -!- mol_ [~mol@unaffiliated/molly] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:23 -!- cec17 [aedb8cd8@216.sub-174-219-140.myvzw.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:25 -!- mol [~mol@unaffiliated/molly] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:31 -!- brunog [bbb72f44@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:33 -!- rubikputer [~rubikpute@unaffiliated/rubikputer] has left #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews ["Leaving"] 09:46 < glozow> we're still here for today 09:47 < glozow> don't know about the future 09:47 < michaelfolkson> Not moving in the next 10 minutes? 09:47 < michaelfolkson> There's still time 09:47 < michaelfolkson> :) 09:51 -!- sipa [~pw@gateway/tor-sasl/sipa1024] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:51 < ivanacostarubio> :) 09:52 < lightlike> maybe we should avoid reusing irc channels altogether :) 09:52 < gwillen> the libera.chat servers are under heavy load right now, and not doing great, so probably best not to move things off quite yet 09:54 < sipa> apparently i was not here 09:55 < michaelfolkson> lightlike: Lol. No reuse of channels, no reuse of nicks. Blindfolded musical chairs 09:55 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:55 -!- dunxen [dunxen@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/dunxen] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:56 -!- azorcode [c9d0f02e@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:56 -!- marqusat [marqusat@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/marqusat] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:56 < prayank> XMPP>IRC 09:56 -!- jasan [~j@n.bublina.eu.org] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:58 -!- dariusp [49fce2af@c-73-252-226-175.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:58 < emzy> I disagree. 09:59 -!- AnthonyRonning [905bdce2@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 09:59 -!- dkf [58a6b2e4@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:00 < glozow> #startmeeting 10:00 < glozow> Welcome to PR Review Club everybody!!! 10:00 < jnewbery> hello! 10:00 < marqusat> hi 10:00 < dunxen> hello! 10:00 < jasan> hi! 10:00 < michaelfolkson> woop woop 10:00 < lightlike> hi 10:00 < emzy> hi 10:00 < michaelfolkson> hi 10:00 < prayank> hi 10:00 < glozow> Today we're looking at a wallet PR again, #18418: Increase OUTPUT_GROUP_MAX_ENTRIES to 100 10:00 < murch> Hi 10:00 < ivanacostarubio> Hello 10:00 < fjahr> hi 10:00 < glozow> Notes in the usual place: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pulls/18418 10:00 < lukaz> Hi 10:00 < dariusp> hi 10:00 < AnthonyRonning> hello 10:01 < glozow> oo wonderful! we have fjahr and murch :) helloooo 10:01 -!- cec17 [aedb8cd8@216.sub-174-219-140.myvzw.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 10:01 -!- pglazman [~pglazman@c-73-71-224-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:01 < b10c> hi 10:01 < glozow> Did anyone get a chance to review the PR? y/n 10:01 < jnewbery> y 10:01 < lukaz> y 10:01 -!- larryruane___ [uid473749@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-btxmxxglneeaovnp] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:01 < dariusp> y 10:01 < marqusat> y 10:01 < michaelfolkson> y 10:01 < jasan> n 10:01 < emzy> n 10:01 < willcl_ark> hi 10:01 < AnthonyRonning> n 10:01 < larryruane___> hi ... y 10:01 < lightlike> y 10:01 -!- cec [aedb8cd8@216.sub-174-219-140.myvzw.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:01 < prayank> y 10:01 < fjahr> n :) (as in reading the notes. sorry, I didn't have time to prepare at all) 10:02 < ivanacostarubio> n 10:02 -!- sugarjig [d81eb682@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:02 < murch> y 10:02 < b10c> n 10:02 < murch> glozow: That was the PR, not the notes? 10:02 < glozow> For those who did review, what was your approach? Did anybody try the tips from the notes or fjahr's debugging doc? 10:02 < glozow> murch: yes, the PR 10:02 -!- cls [49d77f9f@c-73-215-127-159.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:03 < jasan> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18418 is the correct URL 10:03 -!- hernanmarino [~hernanmar@OL121-235.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:03 < glozow> oops, my bad. yes. that's the link to the pr 10:03 < lukaz> I've never done this before and the guide to debugging bitcoin core was so helpful 10:03 < glozow> notes are here: https://bitcoincore.reviews/18418 10:04 < michaelfolkson> I followed some of your hints glozow. I've seen fjar's excellent doc before 10:04 < glozow> okie, let's start light. Can anyone tell me what the `avoid_reuse` wallet flag and `-avoidpartialspends` wallet option do? 10:04 < michaelfolkson> *fjahr 10:04 < fjahr> It needs some cleaning up, please ping me if you have feedback on the debugging doc, PRs welcome :D 10:04 < glozow> lukaz: that's awesome! 10:04 < prayank> avoid_reuse: avoid spending utxo associated with an address that was already used in a transaction earlier 10:05 < prayank> avoidpartialspends: create groups of utxos and order them by address 10:05 < lukaz> `avoid_reuse`: exclude utxos with previous scriptPubKey 10:05 < lukaz> partialspends use GroupOutputs instead of individual UTXOs. (Group UTXOs by scriptPubKey) 10:06 < glozow> prayank: lukaz: good answers. what's the purpose of doing these two things? 10:06 < lightlike> avoid = forbid or more in the sense "we'll try our best not to reuse but will if necessary"? 10:06 < lukaz> Privacy mostly 10:06 < glozow> we always do coin selection on `OutputGroups` - if we're not doing `avoidpartialspends` we just give each UTXO its own group 10:06 < glozow> (just to clarify) 10:06 < lukaz> glozow: right. 10:07 < prayank> glozow: Purpose: Improve Privacy 10:07 -!- daniel_marquez [~daniel_ma@2603:3020:1c83:1800:2c5e:9a1b:57a4:a4ec] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:07 < glozow> great! and if you have `-avoidpartialspends` turned off, does that mean coin selection will 10:07 < glozow> definitely not try to group outputs by spk? 10:08 < murch> lightl 10:08 < glozow> lightlike: i believe it's "forbid" 10:08 -!- svav [5245568f@82-69-86-143.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:08 < prayank> tbh coin selection can do weird things so I am not sure :) 10:08 < murch> lightlike: It will literally never use UTXOs with a previously reused scriptPubKey when avoid_reuse is on 10:08 -!- erik37 [b5bf00cb@181-191-0-203.uplinkx.com.br] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:09 < lukaz> If it's off, then as you said every UTXO gets its own group 10:09 < murch> You could of course still spend them manually via coin control or raw transactions 10:09 < michaelfolkson> murch: So it will fail to construct a transaction? 10:09 < glozow> not too weird. if you have `-avoidpartialspends` off, coin selection might try both and pick the cheaper one 10:09 < murch> michaelfolkson: If there are no other funds, I think it would 10:10 < michaelfolkson> murch: And it will relay that back to the user? Try turning avoid_reuse off? 10:10 < glozow> Let's try a motivating example for the PR. Today (with `OUTPUT_GROUP_MAX_ENTRIES` = 10), if you have `avoid_reuse` and `avoidpartialspends` and a group of 15 UTXOs to the same scriptPubKey, what happens if you spend 10 of them but not the other 5 in a transaction? 10:10 < fjahr> michaelfolkson: yeah, otherwise privacy is at stake, so that seems to be the right UX 10:11 -!- mol [~mol@unaffiliated/molly] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:11 < murch> michaelfolkson: Presumably there would be an "insufficient funds" message, I don't know whether the avoided reused addresses get mentioned. Would doubt it 10:11 -!- brunog [bbb72f44@] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 10:12 < glozow> yeah. reused coins don't get returned by `AvailableCoins`, but we don't know until later that those coins aren't enough to cover the payment 10:12 < michaelfolkson> glozow: That's fine? The limit is 10 before this PR? 10:12 < fjahr> you also have this reflected in you balances, so it should not come at too much of a surprise 10:12 < glozow> michaelfolkson: what do you mean? 10:13 < glozow> oh let me clarify the question 10:13 < lightlike> I think the 5 coins will never be used again in avoid_reuse mode. 10:13 -!- mol_ [~mol@unaffiliated/molly] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:13 < michaelfolkson> glozow: I don't understand your question, sorry :) 10:13 < glozow> the transaction spending the 10 UTXOs will be fine, yes. but what happens to the other 5 UTXOs? 10:13 < glozow> lightlike: yes! 10:14 < glozow> the address will be marked dirty 10:14 < lightlike> will the 5 coins be reflected in the balance? 10:14 < glozow> not if you, say, `getbalance(avoid_reuse=True)` 10:14 < lukaz> if (!allow_used_addresses && IsSpentKey(wtxid, i)) will filter out the other 5 10:15 < prayank> any way to check dirty addresses in a wallet? 10:15 < jnewbery> ... but you can override that and spend the dirty coins by setting avoid_reuse = false in the rpc call 10:15 < dariusp> Would it make sense in this situation to try to pick the most valuable coins in the group? So that you minimize the value of the dirty coins 10:15 < glozow> or `listunspent(avoid_reuse=True)` 10:15 < glozow> lukaz: yes! 10:15 < prayank> glowzow: Thanks 10:15 < glozow> dariusp: i suppose, but i believe we construct the groups randomly 10:16 < glozow> jnewbery: ye, the `WALLET_FLAG_AVOID_REUSE` flag makes the wallet mark destinations "dirty" after they've been 10:16 < glozow> used already. and you pass in `avoid_reuse` on a per-call basis i believe 10:17 < glozow> Notice that setting `avoid_reuse` automatically turns on `avoidpartialspends`. Why do we want that? 10:17 < fjahr> dariusp: I think I thought about something like that before but it also has privacy implications 10:18 < glozow> (what would happen in this situation with the 15 UTXOs if we didn't avoid partial spends but did `avoid_reuse`?) 10:18 < dariusp> @jnewberry because otherwise we would automatically be creating dirty addresses if we only spent some UTXOs with the same spk 10:18 < murch> Because we'd otherwise mark all other UTXOs in the group as dirty whenever we pick as single 10:18 < lukaz> If addresses are to be used only once, then we should use all UTXOs 10:18 < glozow> murch: jup 10:19 < murch> :s/as single/a single one/ 10:19 -!- effexzi [uid474242@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pjpsnyzrvxvtsvhm] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:19 < glozow> lukaz: yeah! and the idea of this PR is "hey, might not be enough to sweep all of them" 10:19 < glozow> 10 might not be enough* 10:20 -!- sugarjig [d81eb682@] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 10:20 < michaelfolkson> glozow: So in this example we'd have 100 inputs and 2 outputs? 10:20 < michaelfolkson> (in question 3) 10:20 < lukaz> glozow: ahh thanks for the explanation. Things are coming together 10:20 < glozow> michaelfolkson: we're not there yet, but we can move on to this question 10:20 < michaelfolkson> glozow: Oh sorry 10:20 < glozow> If your wallet has 101 UTXOs of 0.01 BTC each, all sent to the same scriptPubKey, and tries to 10:20 < glozow> send a payment of 0.005 BTC, avoiding partial spends and partial groups, how many inputs will the 10:20 < glozow> resulting transaction have? 10:21 < glozow> (btw this is with PR#18418) 10:21 < prayank> michaelfolkson: 100 inputs 2 outputs with 2 exceptions. 10:21 < marqusat> 100 10:21 < prayank> Exceptions: 10:21 < prayank> A. If custom change address is used (any address that was not created with `getrawchangeaddress` RPC in the same wallet), replacement tx will have 101 inputs 10:21 < prayank> B. If custom change address is used with label (address that was created with `getrawchangeaddress` and label was set with `setlabel` RPC), replacement tx will have 101 inputs 10:22 < glozow> marqusat: how did you arrive at the answer 100? :) 10:22 < michaelfolkson> prayank: Cool, missed the exceptions 10:23 < marqusat> glozow: we want to avoid_partial_spends and max output group is 100 10:23 < prayank> Only valid if RBF is used and custom change address 10:23 < lightlike> in that case we'd have two output groups, one with 100utxos and one with 1 utxos. Does the coin selection algorithm always choose the bigger output group if both output groups would be viable for the tx? 10:24 < glozow> marqusat: right! 10:24 < glozow> and lightlike has the other part of the explanation 10:24 < murch> glozow: 10, because my wallet doesn't have #18418 yet 10:25 < glozow> if the group with 100 is enough to cover the transaction, we'll probably only use that one 10:25 < fjahr> ligthlike: yes, full groups are preferred 10:25 < glozow> murch: i said with #18418 10:25 < murch> lightlike: Yes, it avoids partial groups when possible 10:25 < glozow> ooo right! if the group with 100 is enough, we'll _definitely_ just return that one 10:25 < lukaz> Yes. I believe include_partial_groups controls that 10:25 < glozow> thanks fjahr and murch 10:26 < fjahr> :) 10:26 < glozow> this might be a good time to ask the question: what's the difference between partial spends and partial groups? 10:26 < glozow> they sound very similar i got them confused for so long :'( 10:26 -!- cec [aedb8cd8@216.sub-174-219-140.myvzw.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 10:27 < michaelfolkson> Part spending a UTXO versus spending a subset of UTXOs in a group? 10:27 < murch> glozow: I think that a partial group refers to a group that isn't full in the presence of full groups. I.e. if you had 105 UTXOs, the group with 5 would be a partial group since a full group exists 10:28 < lukaz> a partial group is an OutputGroup with less than `OUTPUT_GROUP_MAX_ENTRIES`. A partial spend is when only some UTXOs from a spk are used to fund a tx 10:28 < lightlike> wouldn't this example be a partial spend then, even with avoid_partialspends set? 10:29 < glozow> murch: lukaz: ya! so in initial coin selection attempts when we're excluding partial groups, we'll only include the group with 100. if we had a group of just 2, though (not 102), we wouldn't consider that a partial group 10:29 < murch> lightlike: Yes, but with a mitigated privacy impact, now it's only two transactions that would have the same address used rather than 105 10:29 < murch> lukaz: It's only a partial group if a full group exists 10:29 < glozow> lightlike: right, so i assume that's why fjahr has updated the helpstring to say "Group outputs by address, selecting many (possibly all) or none" 10:30 < lukaz> murch: ahh, yes, I see that in the code 10:30 < lukaz> murch: `groups_per_spk.size() > 1` 10:30 < fjahr> yepp 10:31 < murch> lukaz: exactly 10:31 < lightlike> murch: but the naming is certainly confusing if avoid_reuse is a strict no-go for reusing, and avoid_partialspends just means "we'll try our best" 10:31 < glozow> link to code we're discussing: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/e6fe1c37d0a2f8037996dd80619d6c23ec028729/src/wallet/wallet.cpp#L4240 10:31 -!- khdalm [959319e6@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:31 < murch> lightlike: Granted 10:31 < glozow> lightlike: hm i agree 10:31 < lukaz> glozow: sorry I'll send links instead of snippets from now on 10:32 < glozow> lukaz: no worries! :) thanks for citing code! 10:32 < glozow> alrighty, let's discuss a small disadvantage of increasing the output group limit 10:33 < glozow> let's look at this test: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/d4c409cf09d02d3978b590ebdc55ff50f9938d3e/test/functional/wallet_avoidreuse.py#L317-L346 10:33 < glozow> which essentially tests the scenario we were just talking about, with 101 UTXOs to an address 10:33 < glozow> did anyone poke around for the fee amount paid by this transaction? 10:34 < prayank> I think you have mentioned it in review 10:34 < prayank> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18418/commits/8f073076b102b77897e5a025ae555baae3d1f671#r632989577 10:34 < michaelfolkson> glozow: I wasn't sure whether you meant before it changed to 100 or after it changed to 100 10:34 < michaelfolkson> 0.5 BTC suggested the test before fjahr made the change (I think) 10:35 < glozow> prayank: yeah. can get the answer by doing the exercise or reading the review comments, either way i don't mind 10:35 < lukaz> Not sure if I did it right, but I got 0.0013 BTC 10:35 < glozow> wasn't sure how helpful it was to put exercises in the review notes 10:36 < glozow> lukaz: i got the same thing! :D 0.00136966 BTC. 10:36 < michaelfolkson> It should be 0.005 BTC quoted in the question and not 0.5 BTC right? 10:36 < lukaz> glozow: It helped me quite a bit 10:36 < glozow> michaelfolkson: 0.5 is the amount sent in the test 10:36 < glozow> 0.005 is in the exercise i suppose 10:36 < michaelfolkson> prayank: Good practice to do debugging exercises rather than copying glozow :) 10:37 < glozow> lukaz: okay whew, i'm glad it wasn't total garbage 😅 10:37 < prayank> michaelfolkson: lol 10:37 < glozow> uhoh, flashbacks to grade school 10:38 < glozow> Ok so can we summarize: What are the advantages, disadvantages, and potential risks to users of increasing 10:38 < glozow> `OUTPUT_GROUP_MAX_ENTRIES`? 10:38 < marqusat> +better forward privacy -higher tx fee 10:39 < murch> marqusat: but you'll have to spend the fees for the inputs eventually anyway 10:39 < lukaz> -perhaps 10 is easier to debug than 100 but this is very minor 10:39 < murch> So, I'd say yes, if this output group happened to get picked at a high feereate 10:39 < glozow> marqusat: great! i like to think of it as higher short-term fees 10:40 < murch> if the transaction happened to get built at a really low feerate, it might be a fortunate consolidatory outcome 10:40 < glozow> yeah. if you're at a high-ish feerate because you want to make a transaction now, you'll pay more in fees for those UTXOs. it might also cost more to fee-bump 10:40 < marqusat> murch: yep though fees will be likely going up with increased adoption 10:40 < fjahr> To me, it's not really a downside, just how bitcoin works, unless people really don't know what they are doing :) 10:40 < murch> Well, just last week we had a few days of 2 sat/vB going thru ;) 10:41 < michaelfolkson> You would want to turn it off (or back to 10) in a high fee environment. But an informed user could change the code to do that 10:41 < glozow> but money-wise, you might win because you won't have a situation where you're throwing away UTXOs from the combination of `avoid_reuse` and `-avoidpartialspends`? 10:41 < murch> michaelfolkson: better yet, you'd just avoid that group at high fees 10:41 < jnewbery> murch: am I right in saying that it's advantageous to branch and bound to have more UTXOs rather than fewer, since it'll be more likely to find a solution that results in no change? 10:41 < murch> yes 10:42 < lukaz> That's why we are increasing it I believe 10:42 < lukaz> Not only that, but one of the reasons 10:42 < dariusp> yeah, if you're concerned enough about privacy to not want to use a dirty UTXO, wouldn't you rather just spend it? So by that logic it seems like you'd rather not have any limit? 10:42 < murch> Especially if the UTXOs have a variance of values 10:42 < glozow> oh hm, so having more `OutputGroup`s to pick from might give us more BnB solutions? 10:43 -!- khdalm [959319e6@] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 10:43 < glozow> dariusp: yeah, i had that thought too! basically we want it to be high enough so that we'd sweep everything in most cases right? 10:43 < lukaz> Oh so maybe this will give less solutions with branch and bound? Because this will cause less `OutputGroups` to be generated 10:43 < murch> The restriction of a barrel of UTXOs only being permitted to be spent as a group definitely restricts the combination space for viable input sets 10:43 < murch> But, I think that the whole scenario is extremely unlikely anyway 10:43 < michaelfolkson> Trade-offs, trade-offs everywhere gif 10:44 < glozow> right, we'd have fewer `OutputGroup`s and higher total amounts in each one 10:44 < glozow> sooooo what if your whole wallet was UTXOs to 1 address? 10:44 < murch> If you use avoid_reuse/avoid_partial_spend, you'd hopefully not be getting dozens of UTXO to the same address 10:44 < glozow> i guess maybe you'd wait for a really low fee, turn it on, and make a payment? 10:45 < lightlike> in some cases like public donation addresses it's hard to avoid 10:45 < murch> glozow: Spend it all in a low feerate transaction and split it into some well-distributed different amounts on multiple addresses 10:45 < glozow> murch: makes sense to me 10:46 < murch> lightlike: If you have a donation address, that should perhaps be a separate wallet, or then avoid_reuse simply prevents the intermingling of funds until you manually sweep the donations 10:46 < dariusp> @murch why would you want to pre-emptively split it into different addresses? 10:47 < glozow> So back to dariusp's point on "why have a limit at all?" What `OUTPUT_GROUP_MAX_ENTRIES` would be too high? What do you think of 100, specifically? 10:47 < fjahr> dariusp: It give better options to the branch and bound algorithm to find inputs that exactly match the output 10:47 < glozow> dariusp: i supppose in those cases, it's ambiguous if you're consolidating them to yourself or you're grouping them to make a payment to someone else, so it's fine to split? 10:47 < murch> dariusp: because you could do that in advance at low fees, consolidate all your UTXOs in a single group into say three pieces, and when you later want to spend at high fees, you only need to use one of the three 10:48 < michaelfolkson> glozow: Intuitively it seems high. 100 inputs seems *large*. We wanted more than 10 and 100 was the next order of magnitude? 10:48 < glozow> oh oops pre-emptively split, ignore what i said haha 10:48 < dariusp> murch hmm, maybe im missing something but wouldn't you end up creating more change outputs in total (unless you got really lucky) 10:49 < murch> dariusp: Ah, because we still don't want to reveal our full balance every time we do a transaction 10:49 -!- jeremyrubin [~jr@024-176-247-182.res.spectrum.com] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:49 < dariusp> murch ah okay. It's almost like a pseudo coinjoin? lol 10:49 < glozow> michaelfolkson: idk. we saw earlier that you could maybe pay 0.0013BTC in fees on a tx. would that be acceptable to a user who has opted in to `-avoidpartialspends`? 10:49 < murch> Also, if you only have a single UTXO, when you spend from it, all of your funds are in flight and you can only make child transactions depending on this unconfirmed tx 10:50 * michaelfolkson shrugs 10:51 < michaelfolkson> glozow: Don't know 10:51 < murch> dariusp: Yeah, you could even use a native and a wrapped segwit address among the ones you pay, so chainalysis thinks its different wallets. 10:51 < dariusp> very interesting 10:52 < michaelfolkson> 50 instead of 100? :) 10:52 < michaelfolkson> Shedpaint 10:53 < murch> glozow: It's a bit arbitrary. 42 might have been enough as well. Maybe 200 wouldn't be too bad. I'd firmly support 100 as being better than 10, tho 10:53 < glozow> murch: what evidence do we have that 10 isn't enough? 10:53 < dariusp> glozow i guess then the question around picking 100 specifically depends on who bitcoind is being built for? Someone who was super concerned with privacy or fees should probably be doing things more manually? 10:53 -!- raj_ [~raj@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 10:54 < emzy> 42 sounds like a valid answer ;) 10:54 < murch> glozow: I have none. We have almost zero user data on Bitcoin Core usage. 10:54 < glozow> right, i don't think there's a way for users to be using `-avoidpartialspends` unintentionally 10:54 < michaelfolkson> Where has 42 come from? 10:54 < michaelfolkson> Or is that a joke? RNG? 10:54 < lightlike> Are utxos with a negative effective feerate also included in the tx if they belong to the same output group, meaning that the absolute cost of the tx is higher compared to by simply dropping them? 10:55 < jasan> michaelfolkson: Hitchhickers Guide To The Galaxy 10:55 < prayank> dariusp: Manually? Use coincontrol? 10:55 < fjahr> dariusp: yeah, doing everything manually is always the last resort for people who want full control. This option give a more conveninet option that is at least helpful to most people with reused addresses and privacy concerns. 10:55 < emzy> michaelfolkson: murch said that 42 might bee enough. 10:55 < dariusp> prayank yeah i think so 10:55 < murch> lightlike: Excellent question, they are not getting included for BnB, but are getting included for Knapsack currently 10:56 < michaelfolkson> For the ultra privacy conscious there are privacy wallets Wasabi, Joinmarket, Samourai 10:56 < glozow> lightlike: good question. https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/326db920e24736581d0eb2ce555771c57101dc1b/src/wallet/wallet.cpp#L4233 if we want positive_only we don't put them in groups 10:56 < glozow> er, it's filtered on the per-UTXO level in `GroupOutputs` 10:56 < glozow> i wonder if we could just... use the size of the largest group? o.O 10:57 < glozow> er, the number of UTXOs attributed to a spk 10:57 < dariusp> glozow would that be the same as not having a limit? 10:57 < glozow> dariusp: oh true, yeah 😅 10:58 < prayank> michaelfolkson: That would support the arguments some people make "Core devs do not care about privacy" 10:58 < michaelfolkson> No limit is a DoS vector right? 10:58 < lightlike> glozow: but your link refers to the "separate_coins" section not, the actual grouping one 10:58 < glozow> why would it be a DoS vector...? 10:58 < murch> michaelfolkson: It's a footgun 10:59 < glozow> lightlike: oops sorry! i'm bad with links today. it's below: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/326db920e24736581d0eb2ce555771c57101dc1b/src/wallet/wallet.cpp#L4292 10:59 -!- azorcode [c9d0f02e@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:59 < michaelfolkson> prayank: When there are trade-offs it isn't as simple as saying anyone doesn't care. What you gain some place you lose some other place. And users have different preferences on how to manage that trade-off 10:59 < lightlike> ah right, thanks :) 10:59 < murch> Imagine someone running a wallet off of a single address and then being like "I wonder what avoid_partial_spends" does 11:00 < michaelfolkson> I was just thinking too big transactions with thousands of inputs but I think that is prevented elsewhere 11:00 < michaelfolkson> (was covered in a PR review club a while ago I think) 11:00 < murch> Right now they might end up spending 100 inputs at 150 sat/vB, make that a thousand though, it really starts to hurt 11:00 < glozow> i think here it's not that black and white. a user could say `-avoidpartialspends=True, -maxtxfee=0.001BTC` if they want to hedge against a huge fee. and they can always create transactions and view them first without broadcasting ofc 11:00 < prayank> michaelfolkson: I understand there are tradeoffs involved but I would prefer to improve privacy in core irrespective of other wallets. 11:01 -!- daniel_marquez [~daniel_ma@2603:3020:1c83:1800:2c5e:9a1b:57a4:a4ec] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:01 < michaelfolkson> prayank: You might. But another user might prefer to minimize transaction fees 11:01 < michaelfolkson> prayank: Neither preference is wrong 11:01 < murch> michaelfolkson: You can do something like 1450+ p2wpkh inputs in a standard tx 11:01 -!- daniel_marquez [~daniel_ma@2603:3020:1c83:1800:2c5e:9a1b:57a4:a4ec] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 11:02 < larryruane___> high-level question: the Core wallet has lots of great engineering, but is it used much is real life? If not, let me guess: we care about improving the Core wallet because many wallet implementors use it as a model? (at least we hope they do) 11:02 < glozow> oh oops this discussion was getting so 🔥 i lost track of time. we've hit our 1 hour! 11:02 < glozow> #endmeeting 11:02 < michaelfolkson> Boo :) 11:02 < dariusp> this is maybe a bit of a tangent, but if we are concerned with users being surprised with large fees due to large groups, would it make sense to have the wallet balance show the effective value? 11:02 < glozow> i like this discussion though 11:02 < michaelfolkson> Thanks glozow! 11:02 < marqusat> thank you! 11:02 < larryruane___> thanks glozow 11:02 < AnthonyRonning> Thank you glozow! I was just a fly on the wall but enjoyed following convo 11:02 < jnewbery> thanks glozow! Great discussion 11:02 < glozow> privacy vs fees + what's acceptable for a user? 11:02 < lightlike> thank you glozow! 11:02 < fjahr> Thanks glozow! 11:03 < dariusp> Thanks glozow! again, super informative and interesting session 11:03 < jonatack> Thanks glozow! 11:03 < jasan> Thank you! 11:03 < emzy> Thanks glozow and fjahr 11:03 < svav> Thanks glozow 11:03 < murch> Thanks! 11:03 < prayank> Thanks everyone 11:03 < b10c> Thanks glozow! 11:03 -!- cls [49d77f9f@c-73-215-127-159.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 11:03 < dariusp> yeah, thanks fjar for the developer docs 11:03 < dariusp> fjahr* 11:03 < glozow> this doc 👉 https://github.com/fjahr/debugging_bitcoin 👈 11:03 -!- dunxen [dunxen@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/dunxen] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:03 < jnewbery> Next week, b10c is going to tell us all about USDT! 11:04 < b10c> right! next week we'll will be looking at User-level, Statically Defined Tracing for Bitcoin Core 11:04 < b10c> aka USDT 11:04 < murch> lol, I must admit you had me puzzled in the first half of that 11:04 < michaelfolkson> Not Tether 11:04 < b10c> static tracepoints that we can attach to via the Linux kernel to increase our observabillity of bitcoind during runtime 11:04 < glozow> there's a video too 👀 https://youtu.be/6aPSCDAiqVI 11:04 < b10c> I'll open the PR tomorrow, in the meanwhile there is https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20981 11:05 < sipa> ah, confusion abbreviations are the best 11:05 < sipa> i love my BCH codes 11:05 < b10c> when BSV codes? 11:05 < michaelfolkson> glozow: 2 videos and 3 transcripts of fjahr debugging goodness 11:05 -!- dkf [58a6b2e4@] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 11:05 -!- daniel_marquez [~daniel_ma@2603:3020:1c83:1800:2c5e:9a1b:57a4:a4ec] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:06 * fjahr blushes 11:06 -!- erik37 [b5bf00cb@181-191-0-203.uplinkx.com.br] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 11:06 < jonatack> Meeting log is up at https://bitcoincore.reviews/18418#meeting-log 🍰 11:07 < michaelfolkson> Avoided the hot pink. A strategic woop woop 11:07 -!- AnthonyRonning [905bdce2@] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 11:07 < murch> dariusp: I have still yet to see a rebuttal on the "who in their right mind would use avoid_partial_spend and heavily reuse addresses at the same time. 11:07 < glozow> thanks jonatack! 11:07 < murch> Although lightlike made a good point earlier about dontations to the same wallet. 11:08 < jonatack> glozow: you're killing it as usual! 11:08 < glozow> yeah :/ although maybe they should use btcpayserver or something that will generate fresh addresses every time 11:08 < jonatack> (er, i mean that in a good way :p) 11:08 * glozow blushes 11:09 < fjahr> I used to think of this mainly targeted at people with legacy donation funds, before they learned that addr reuse is bad 11:09 < jonatack> yes! btcpay is so useful for this 11:09 < fjahr> But I guess it still happens today, a new service just launced that uses addr reuse to get around KYC as far as I understand 11:09 < murch> fjahr: Oh, yeah, do you have more thoughts on who this affects or how the feature came about in the first place? 11:10 < murch> fjahr: That sounds weird 11:10 < fjahr> murch: no, it came about before I was active on core, I guess kalle is the right person to ask 11:11 < sipa> what exactly is the dos risk with setting this limit to infinity (apologies if this was discussed in the meeting; if so, just tell me to read the logs) 11:11 < glozow> sipa: afaik there is no dos risk 11:12 < glozow> just footgun for users 11:12 < achow101> sipa: the limit exists to avoid blowing all the funds on fees 11:12 < fjahr> it does but they are well known with a good reputation, just ran into some issues with regulations and shifted to this. I don't want to make advertisement here though, can send you a link. 11:13 < sipa> achow101: hmm, i don't see how that has anything to do with input count 11:13 < sipa> achow101: shouldn't it be an amount limit then? 11:13 < achow101> more input = more fees, also consider that we spend dust outputs 11:13 < murch> it allows uneconomic inputs in some cases 11:13 -!- naaos [b08842f1@fre83-h02-176-136-66-241.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 11:14 < michaelfolkson> larryruane__: I think it is an interesting question. Before process separation it needs to be functional as many Core users are presumably using it. After process separation either a reference wallet implementation or a competitor to other wallets on the market? 11:15 < achow101> avoidpartialspends was introduced in #12257, so you can find more context there 11:15 < sipa> michaelfolkson: this has nothing to do with process separation 11:15 < michaelfolkson> sipa: In response to larryruane__ question? 11:16 < sipa> yes 11:17 < michaelfolkson> Hmm I thought one of the advantages of process separation was being able to run different GUIs and different wallets with say the Core full node? 11:17 < sipa> process separation is not a well-defined interface (at least not in the forseeable future) that other software projects can use 11:17 < sipa> it's just separating processes 11:18 < michaelfolkson> You'll know better than me but just a question of timeline? 11:18 < michaelfolkson> I would have thought a lot of full node users would be using the Core wallet today 11:19 < michaelfolkson> But based on no data. There was a survey that achow101 did, don't know if anything interesting came out of that 11:19 < jonatack> larryruane___: istm the core wallet is mostly aimed at individual users, and that increasing hardware wallet integration may be a driver of more core wallet use 11:19 < sipa> if you want to use another wallet, just connect it to an existihg full node; you can do that already 11:19 < sipa> the p2p protocol is designed for that 11:19 < jonatack> michaelfolkson: the results of that survey aren't yet published, spoke to shira yesterday 11:20 < achow101> I haven't had much time to process the results of the survey 11:20 < michaelfolkson> sipa: But hardware wallets need HWI? Other wallets don't need anything? 11:20 < michaelfolkson> TIL 11:20 < sipa> michaelfolkson: hardware wallets are a terrible name; they're not wallets, they are signing devices 11:20 < achow101> but my cursory review of it is that many people run full nodes, but don't necessarily use the core wallet 11:21 < sipa> "usihg a hardware wallet" means "replacing the signing aspect of an actual wallet with another device" 11:21 < achow101> since there are other wallets that can run core for you (e.g. wasabi, specter), things like electrum personal server, or just actual electrum servers themselves 11:21 < sipa> ideally the choice of hardware wallet or not, and how, is orthogonal to the choice of what wallet you use 11:22 < jonatack> yes ^ 11:22 < michaelfolkson> Oh interesting. I thought connecting a different wallet to a Core node without say Electrum Personal Server needed process separation. I can see how that is muddled thinking 11:23 < sipa> no, process separation just means that wallet/gui/node of bitcoin core can become separate processes 11:24 < michaelfolkson> So process separation will allow different GUIs to connect to Core full node (that currently isn't possible). But wallets connecting to a Core full node is already possible 11:24 < sipa> michaelfolkson: maybe in the long term 11:24 -!- raj_ [~raj@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:24 < michaelfolkson> Ok cool, thanks 11:24 < sipa> but the goal for now is really just separating the bitcoin core gui from the rest 11:24 -!- raj_ [~raj@] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 11:24 < sipa> not providing a stable interface that could be used by other software 11:28 -!- raj_ [~raj@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:28 -!- svav [5245568f@82-69-86-143.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 11:32 -!- daniel_marquez [~daniel_ma@2603:3020:1c83:1800:2c5e:9a1b:57a4:a4ec] has joined #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews 11:32 -!- prayank [~Prayank@2402:8100:2069:c58:f181:b7b0:dc03:2af9] has left #bitcoin-core-pr-reviews [] 11:36 < jonatack> review club on multiprocess hosted by ryanofsky last summer: https://bitcoincore.reviews/19160 11:39 -!- dariusp [49fce2af@c-73-252-226-175.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: 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