--- Log opened Sat Dec 10 00:00:34 2016 00:09 -!- mountaingoat [~mountaing@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/mountaingoat] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:21 -!- ManfredMacx [~hyperion@93-139-87-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 00:22 -!- LeMiner2 [LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 00:22 -!- metric_ [~metric@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 00:23 -!- LeMiner [LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:23 -!- LeMiner2 is now known as LeMiner 00:23 -!- metric [~metric@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:23 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:24 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 00:27 -!- mountaingoat [~mountaing@unaffiliated/mountaingoat] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 00:54 -!- LeMiner [LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:54 -!- meZee [~SwedFTP@unaffiliated/swedftp] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:59 -!- meZee [SwedFTP@unaffiliated/swedftp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:02 -!- edvorg [~edvorg@host-46-50-214-114.bbcustomer.zsttk.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:02 -!- venzen_ [~venzen@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:05 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: throughnothing, venzen, TD-Linux, legogris 01:11 -!- Netsplit over, joins: legogris, TD-Linux, throughnothing 01:11 -!- wtfova [~xn@S010600fc8dc5b4a3.mh.shawcable.net] has quit [Quit: .] 01:15 -!- LeMiner [LeMiner@unaffiliated/leminer] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:22 -!- LeMiner2 [~LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:22 -!- priidu [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:32 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: throughnothing, TD-Linux, LeMiner2, LeMiner, legogris 01:33 -!- LeMiner [~LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:33 -!- Netsplit over, joins: legogris, TD-Linux, throughnothing 01:33 -!- LeMiner2 [LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:34 -!- LeMiner [~LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:34 -!- LeMiner2 is now known as LeMiner 01:41 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:43 -!- priidu [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:49 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zpwmektafdqgtcbc] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:51 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 01:54 -!- dnaleor [~dnaleor@78-23-74-78.access.telenet.be] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:54 -!- LeMiner2 [~LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 01:56 -!- LeMiner [LeMiner@5ED1AFBF.cm-7-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:56 -!- LeMiner2 is now known as LeMiner 02:04 -!- ThomasV [~ThomasV@unaffiliated/thomasv] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 02:15 -!- PERSIAN [~PERSIAN@mtrlpq4709w-lp130-05-76-64-85-166.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 02:18 -!- rusty2 [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 02:18 -!- binaryFate [~binaryFat@2607:ff48:aa81:800::a15f:1] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:21 -!- binaryFate [~binaryFat@2607:ff48:aa81:800::a15f:1] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 02:24 -!- rusty2 [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 02:25 -!- blkdb [~blkdb@2a01:4f8:140:1407::2] has quit [Write error: Broken pipe] 02:25 -!- blkdb [~blkdb@2a01:4f8:140:1407::2] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 02:33 -!- JackH [~laptop@79-73-186-159.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 02:56 -!- ThomasV [~ThomasV@unaffiliated/thomasv] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:24 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc1-cmbg20-2-0-cust188.5-4.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:26 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc1-cmbg20-2-0-cust188.5-4.cable.virginm.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 03:29 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:29 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 03:30 -!- Pr0t3us [~Pr0t3us@unaffiliated/pr0t3us] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:34 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:40 -!- binaryFate [~binaryFat@2607:ff48:aa81:800::a15f:1] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 03:41 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:44 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 03:45 -!- binaryFate [~binaryFat@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 03:45 -!- Pr0t3us [~Pr0t3us@unaffiliated/pr0t3us] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 03:54 -!- edvorg [~edvorg@host-46-50-214-114.bbcustomer.zsttk.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:56 -!- edvorg [~edvorg@host-46-50-214-114.bbcustomer.zsttk.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 04:03 -!- Ylbam [uid99779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lapxbnkgeuyjwoqi] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 04:03 -!- Pr0t3us [~Pr0t3us@unaffiliated/pr0t3us] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:05 -!- wasi [~wasi@gateway/tor-sasl/wasi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:05 -!- arubi [~ese168@gateway/tor-sasl/ese168] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:06 -!- arubi [~ese168@gateway/tor-sasl/ese168] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 04:35 -!- devylon [~devylon@HSI-KBW-095-208-024-121.hsi5.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 04:38 -!- Dmoret73 [~Dmoret73@adsl-64-237-233-122.prtc.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 04:38 -!- Dmoret73 [~Dmoret73@adsl-64-237-233-122.prtc.net] has quit [Client Quit] 04:45 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver2@guyver2.xs4all.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 04:51 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: mryandao, nephyrin`, wizkid057, bsm1175321, starsoccer, qpm, petertodd, Chris_Stewart_5, moli, morcos 04:51 -!- ThomasV [~ThomasV@unaffiliated/thomasv] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 04:52 -!- Netsplit over, joins: wizkid057, qpm, Chris_Stewart_5, moli, bsm1175321, starsoccer, morcos, mryandao, petertodd, nephyrin` 04:53 -!- qpm [~qpm@unaffiliated/midnightmagic/bot/qpm] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 04:59 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 05:08 -!- xissburg [~xissburg@unaffiliated/xissburg] has quit [Quit: ZZZzzz...] 05:13 -!- Chris_Stewart_5 [~Chris_Ste@unaffiliated/chris-stewart-5/x-3612383] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 05:17 -!- binaryFate [~binaryFat@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:19 -!- binaryFate [~binaryFat@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 05:25 -!- xissburg [~xissburg@unaffiliated/xissburg] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 05:31 -!- sdfgdsfg [~sdfgsdfg@unaffiliated/sdfgsdfg] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 05:44 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 05:52 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has quit [Quit: irc] 05:54 -!- priidu [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 05:55 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 06:02 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:07 -!- pro [~pro@unaffiliated/pro] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:12 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:13 -!- priidu [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 06:14 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 06:14 -!- qpm [~qpm@unaffiliated/midnightmagic/bot/qpm] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:25 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:25 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Changing host] 06:25 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:34 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:41 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:41 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Changing host] 06:41 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 06:44 -!- wasi [~wasi@gateway/tor-sasl/wasi] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:25 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:27 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 07:29 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:30 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:42 -!- BCBot_ [~BCBot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:43 -!- BCBot [~BCBot@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:43 -!- Samdney [~Samdney@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:47 -!- ManfredMacx [~hyperion@93-139-87-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:49 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:50 -!- karovoid [~anonymous@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:51 -!- karovoid [~anonymous@] has left #bitcoin-wizards [] 07:51 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:52 -!- pedrovian [~pedrovian@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:57 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 07:58 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:06 -!- sdfgdsfg [~sdfgsdfg@unaffiliated/sdfgsdfg] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:12 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:13 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:13 -!- Samdney [~Samdney@] has quit [Quit: Verlassend] 08:15 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:15 -!- Burrito [~Burrito@unaffiliated/burrito] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:15 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:23 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:24 -!- NewLiberty [~NewLibert@2602:306:b8e0:8160:7835:8f37:4d28:5de8] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 08:24 -!- Topogetcyrpto [~Topogetcy@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:25 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:26 -!- Sosumi [~Leon@bl10-113-190.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:35 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:37 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 08:44 -!- Topogetcyrpto_ [~Topogetcy@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 08:45 -!- Topogetcyrpto [~Topogetcy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:45 -!- Topogetcyrpto_ is now known as Topogetcyrpto 08:50 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:56 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:04 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:06 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:17 -!- laurentmt [~Thunderbi@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:17 -!- laurentmt [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:18 -!- Giszmo [~leo@pc-40-227-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:21 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:23 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 09:26 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:28 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:29 -!- ThomasV [~ThomasV@unaffiliated/thomasv] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:34 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:34 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:35 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:39 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:40 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:40 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Changing host] 09:40 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:41 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:41 -!- edvorg [~edvorg@host-46-50-214-114.bbcustomer.zsttk.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:50 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:51 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:53 -!- Topogetcyrpto_ [~Topogetcy@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:54 -!- Topogetcyrpto [~Topogetcy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:54 -!- Topogetcyrpto_ is now known as Topogetcyrpto 09:55 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 09:57 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:14 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:15 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:25 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:26 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 10:29 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:30 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:44 -!- alferz [~alferz@c-73-151-159-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:44 -!- alferz [~alferz@c-73-151-159-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Changing host] 10:44 -!- alferz [~alferz@unaffiliated/alfer] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:44 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:44 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:45 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:46 -!- Topogetcyrpto_ [~Topogetcy@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 10:49 -!- Topogetcyrpto [~Topogetcy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:49 -!- Topogetcyrpto_ is now known as Topogetcyrpto 10:53 -!- alferz [~alferz@unaffiliated/alfer] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:59 -!- laurentmt [~Thunderbi@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 11:22 -!- laurentmt [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Quit: laurentmt] 11:33 -!- sdfgdsfg [~sdfgsdfg@unaffiliated/sdfgsdfg] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 11:40 -!- Giszmo [~leo@pc-40-227-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:41 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc1-cmbg20-2-0-cust188.5-4.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: e4xit] 11:45 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 11:46 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc1-cmbg20-2-0-cust188.5-4.cable.virginm.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 11:47 -!- laurentmt [~Thunderbi@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 12:01 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has quit [Quit: irc] 12:03 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 12:05 -!- sdfgdsfg [~sdfgsdfg@unaffiliated/sdfgsdfg] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:08 -!- laurentmt [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Quit: laurentmt] 12:09 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has quit [Quit: irc] 12:17 -!- Guyver2 [~Guyver2@guyver2.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: :)] 12:18 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zpwmektafdqgtcbc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:24 -!- Emcy_ [~MC@unaffiliated/mc1984] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:24 -!- Dizzle [~Dizzle@2605:6000:1019:4099:6c72:22d6:a7da:2c2e] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 12:31 -!- Emcy [~MC@unaffiliated/mc1984] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 12:38 -!- Dizzle [~Dizzle@2605:6000:1019:4099:6c72:22d6:a7da:2c2e] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:39 -!- Dizzle [~Dizzle@2605:6000:1019:4099:6c72:22d6:a7da:2c2e] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 12:47 -!- MoALTz_ is now known as MoALTz 13:47 -!- Ylbam [uid99779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lapxbnkgeuyjwoqi] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:57 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:00 -!- WungFu [~WungFu@unaffiliated/wungfu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 14:08 -!- WungFu [~WungFu@unaffiliated/wungfu] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:33 -!- Ylbam [uid99779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wnxnfixptutlktqt] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 14:35 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 14:53 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has quit [Quit: irc] 14:59 -!- AaronvanW [~ewout@unaffiliated/aaronvanw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:59 -!- airbreather [~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:16 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zmlnvnnfexpgkwxy] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 15:24 -!- forrestv [forrestv@unaffiliated/forrestv] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 15:24 -!- brg444 [~bergealex@qubcpq1531w-lp130-02-65-92-226-222.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 15:28 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:42 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:54 < nicolagreco> can someone explain p2sh with an example? 15:58 < kanzure> nicolagreco: https://github.com/petertodd/python-bitcoinlib/blob/2e4d51a482a4331d91de9bae2ab7be56229e664a/examples/spend-p2sh-txout.py 15:58 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:11 -!- adiabat [~adiabat@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:19 < nicolagreco> thanks kanzure it makes sense 16:19 < nicolagreco> I have a question though, miners must verify that the script and the input must evaluate correctly, right? 16:20 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:20 -!- P4Titan [~user@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:22 < P4Titan> adiabat: Hi, this is Damian 16:23 < P4Titan> I have general q's, should I pm? 16:25 -!- alferz [~alferz@unaffiliated/alfer] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:29 -!- pedrovian [~pedrovian@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:30 -!- dgenr8 [~dgenr8@unaffiliated/dgenr8] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:30 -!- pedrovian [~pedrovian@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:35 -!- JackH [~laptop@79-73-186-159.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:36 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:40 -!- c0rw1n [~c0rw1n@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:40 -!- brg444 [~bergealex@qubcpq1531w-lp130-02-65-92-226-222.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: brg444] 16:40 -!- c0rw1n [~c0rw1n@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:49 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:49 -!- alpalp [~allen@cpe-24-27-58-209.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Changing host] 16:49 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 16:53 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 17:07 -!- Ylbam [uid99779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wnxnfixptutlktqt] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:08 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 17:18 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zmlnvnnfexpgkwxy] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:37 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:38 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 17:50 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:51 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 17:53 -!- Madars [~null@unaffiliated/madars] has quit [Quit: reconnect] 17:54 -!- Burrito [~Burrito@unaffiliated/burrito] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:55 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:11 -!- sausage_factory [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 18:12 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:13 -!- iddo [~idddo@hyena.cs.cornell.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:15 -!- iddo [~idddo@hyena.cs.cornell.edu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:16 -!- airbreather [~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:19 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dcetaxzrbzaorpej] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:25 -!- airbreather [~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:26 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:26 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:38 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:41 -!- anon616 [~nobody@ec2-52-207-226-93.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:42 -!- anon616 [~nobody@ec2-52-207-226-93.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:43 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:44 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:1c61:3f1b:2032:3a07] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 18:48 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:1c61:3f1b:2032:3a07] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 19:00 -!- airbreather [~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 19:06 -!- nikivi [~nikivi@dhcp-077-250-172-150.chello.nl] has quit [Quit: irc] 19:11 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:13 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 19:14 -!- hashtag [~hashtagg_@cpe-174-97-254-80.ma.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:23 -!- dnaleor [~dnaleor@78-23-74-78.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:42 -!- P4Titan [~user@] has left #bitcoin-wizards ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"] 19:42 -!- P4Titan [~user@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 19:42 < P4Titan> adiabat: hello? 19:46 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 19:55 -!- alpalp [~allen@unaffiliated/alpalp] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:58 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:58 -!- ipwn [~ipwn@bl18-232-89.dsl.telepac.pt] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 19:59 -!- ipwn [~ipwn@bl18-232-89.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:00 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:02 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:07 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:17 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:23 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:27 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:27 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:1100:9cf:478f:2333] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:29 -!- CubicEar_ [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:4850:d02a:138d:4f10] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:31 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:1100:9cf:478f:2333] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:34 -!- cyphase [~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:36 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:38 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:39 -!- cyphase [~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 20:44 -!- cyphase [~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:45 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:50 -!- windsok [~windsok@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 20:56 -!- windsok [~windsok@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 21:00 -!- legogris [~legogris@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:00 -!- kankles [~kankles@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 21:00 -!- legogris [~legogris@] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 21:18 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dcetaxzrbzaorpej] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 21:32 -!- pro [~pro@unaffiliated/pro] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:34 -!- CubicEar_ [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:4850:d02a:138d:4f10] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:35 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:4850:d02a:138d:4f10] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 21:36 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ynmdtarlevundxke] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 21:36 -!- P4Titan [~user@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:37 -!- [7] [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21:37 -!- TheSeven [~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 21:39 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@2002:329f:7e15:0:4850:d02a:138d:4f10] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:39 -!- CubicEarth [~cubiceart@c-50-159-126-21.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 22:49 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:51 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:01 -!- jcorgan [~jcorgan@unaffiliated/jcorgan] has quit [Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in] 23:11 -!- ThomasV [~ThomasV@unaffiliated/thomasv] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:17 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:19 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:27 -!- Sosumi [~Leon@bl10-113-190.dsl.telepac.pt] has quit [Quit: Bye] 23:29 -!- MoALTz_ [~no@77-254-9-16.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:30 -!- ThomasV [~ThomasV@unaffiliated/thomasv] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:32 -!- MoALTz [~no@77-254-9-16.adsl.inetia.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:36 -!- priidu [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:37 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:38 -!- jcorgan [~jcorgan@unaffiliated/jcorgan] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:39 -!- Alopex [~bitcoin@cyber.dealing.ninja] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:48 -!- blackwraith [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has joined #bitcoin-wizards 23:48 -!- CrazyLoaf [uid67551@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ynmdtarlevundxke] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:50 -!- priidu [~priidu@unaffiliated/priidu] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] --- Log closed Sun Dec 11 00:00:35 2016