
--- Log opened Sun Apr 03 00:00:03 2016
--- Day changed Sun Apr 03 2016
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fluffyponynonaTure: those are more #bitcoin-dev questions00:16
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Luke-JrnonaTure: not possible00:21
Luke-Jryou can't verify block X until you process block X-100:22
Luke-Jrgoing all the way back00:22
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nonaTureLuke-Jr: obviously you would need to trust some blockhash... whether it is the genesis one or some other handpicked00:29
Luke-JrnonaTure: not merely trust, you need the UTXO state as of that block00:29
Luke-Jrthe only way to get that today, is to process all the blocks leading up to it00:30
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nonaTureIMO not really if you use PoW as a security mechanism. would be very expensive to create a series of fake blocks00:31
nonaTure... starting with any blockhash you trust00:32
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rhettis burst the only proof of space coin?00:45
rhettbrahm cohen gave a talk seemingly in favor of proof of space about a year ago00:45
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nonaTurerhett: what is proof of space?01:28
nonaTureI really like proof of storage01:28
rhettnonaTure: i think i mean proof of storage01:28
rhettdo you know of any coins doing that?01:28
nonaTurerhett: check out siacoin - they also had a talk at the MIT bitcoin expo. pretty neat01:29
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nonaTurebitcoin should also think about a slow change of the PoX01:30
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rhettit would be such a mess for bitcon to ever change away from PoW01:31
rhettbitfury just spent $100M on a datacenter01:31
nonaTurewhere? in china?01:32
rhettGeorgia, the country01:33
nonaTureinteresting. cheap nuclear power?01:33
rhetti don’t know01:34
nonaTureswitching the PoW seems unlikely but adding additional PoX should be considered01:35
rhettwhat exactly is PoX?01:36
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nonaTureproof of X, like work or storage02:22
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bsm117532A Prunable Blockchain Consensus Protocol Based on Non-Interactive Proofs of Past States Retrievability07:11
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kanzure"As the growth of the blockchain is not bounded" what?07:17
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JackHthe blockchain growth is not bounded, you know that07:45
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justanotheruserJackH: of course it is08:01
justanotheruserUnless you found a way to find sha256 preimages08:02
TD-Linuxit depends on if you parse "growth of the blockchain" as "blockchain size" or "rate of change of blockchain size"08:06
JackHI just think its worded weird08:07
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fluffyponyJackH: I agree, the phrasing is a little unintuitive08:51
fluffyponybecause of course it's not bounded in terms of its maximum size, but it is bounded in terms of its rate-of-growth08:51
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CryptoAiWe’re currently looking for developers with experience in algorithmic trading. We are CryptoAi, a machine learning centered systematic hedge fund start-up interested in modeling crypto currency markets  For more information on the position please view our recruitment doc11:18
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midnightmagicso not the place for that dude11:32
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kanzurehe's been spamming that for a few days now, time for a ban or something11:59
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--- Log closed Mon Apr 04 00:00:19 2016

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