--- Log opened Fri Mar 15 00:00:16 2019 00:54 < Madcapslaugh_> hello 01:50 < m-schmoock> ctrlbreak: :D thanks. good to be useful 01:51 < m-schmoock> maybe we will meet someday at some meetup, ill get back to the pint. 02:07 < m-schmoock> so long, this is my pub node 02a2c53bc475cb92e4ab2f38a5bca56df695034ce90ad78c2f47c05911e3f79e41 if you want to do some decent LN routings ;) 02:34 < m-schmoock> cdecker: what do you think about having msat 'capacity_total', 'capacity_in' and 'capacity_out' within the 'getinfo' output? Would kinda help to see inbalance in in vs out channels 02:34 < m-schmoock> because thats not useful for routing 03:06 -!- spinza [~spin@] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught up with me...] 03:21 -!- spinza [~spin@] has joined #c-lightning 03:35 -!- khs9ne [~guido@unaffiliated/mn3monic] has joined #c-lightning 05:42 -!- Victor_sueca [~Victorsue@unaffiliated/victorsueca] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:42 -!- Victorsueca [~Victorsue@unaffiliated/victorsueca] has joined #c-lightning 05:45 -!- Alterego123 [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has joined #c-lightning 05:49 -!- Alterego123 [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:49 -!- Alterego_ [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has joined #c-lightning 05:49 -!- Alterego_ [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:50 -!- Alterego123 [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has joined #c-lightning 05:50 -!- Alterego123 [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:51 -!- Alterego123 [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has joined #c-lightning 05:53 -!- Victorsueca [~Victorsue@unaffiliated/victorsueca] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:53 -!- Alterego123 [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:53 -!- Alterego_ [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has joined #c-lightning 05:59 -!- Alterego_ [Alterego12@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/alterego123] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:00 -!- spinza [~spin@] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught up with me...] 07:00 -!- Victorsueca [~Victorsue@unaffiliated/victorsueca] has joined #c-lightning 07:26 < t0mix> ☆゚.*・。゚shall our nodes be connected 07:28 -!- spinza [~spin@] has joined #c-lightning 07:31 < molz> m-schmoock, can't connect to your node if it doesn't have an IP :P 07:32 < t0mix> molz, pub key should be sufficient. 07:32 < t0mix> I have connected 07:52 < molz> oh yeah? 07:55 < molz> i see 08:33 -!- spaced0ut [~spaced0ut@unaffiliated/spaced0ut] has joined #c-lightning 09:15 < m-schmoock> yes, if your gossid knows my pubkey it also knows my pub ip 09:17 < molz> lnd nodes can't connect without IP:port, i guess we'll get there but not yet 09:17 < molz> same with eclair too 09:22 < m-schmoock> cdecker: test_setchannelfee_restart is indeed flaky. Do you know the reason? The code 'seems' clear, connect, fund, disconnect, re-connect, wait for all to see all channels, route... why is it missing the route from time to time? 09:23 < m-schmoock> does it need some generate_block or some wait_for magic? 09:32 -!- khs9ne [~guido@unaffiliated/mn3monic] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:41 <@cdecker> Might be due to a reconnect not being completed 09:48 < m-schmoock> how can the test be instructed to wait for a reconnection completion? 10:01 < m-schmoock> is there a reason why 'getinfo' reports "msatoshi_fees_collected" and "fees_collected_msat" ? 10:05 < molz> getinfo gets longer than my screen and cumbersome 10:05 < molz> i mean 'listpeers' 11:54 -!- kexkey [~kexkey@] has joined #c-lightning 12:18 -!- ctrlbreak [~ctrlbreak@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:19 -!- ctrlbreak [~ctrlbreak@] has joined #c-lightning 14:43 -!- spaced0ut [~spaced0ut@unaffiliated/spaced0ut] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:22 -!- spinza [~spin@] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught up with me...] 15:45 -!- spinza [~spin@] has joined #c-lightning 19:05 < ctrlbreak> oh oh... spaghetios! m-schmoock : Upon trying to fund a channel to you... my node is detonating in glorious fashion! 19:06 < ctrlbreak> +202.947177647 lightningd(10851):BROKEN: FATAL SIGNAL 11 (version v0.7.0-21-ge843e13) 19:06 < ctrlbreak> +202.947261096 lightningd(10851):BROKEN: backtrace: common/daemon.c:45 (crashdump) 0x43b481 19:06 < ctrlbreak> +202.947293891 lightningd(10851):BROKEN: backtrace: (null):0 ((null)) 0x7f5a375c64af 19:06 < ctrlbreak> +202.947314137 lightningd(10851):BROKEN: backtrace: wallet/wallet.c:330 (wallet_select) 0x465264 19:06 < ctrlbreak> +202.947334323 lightningd(10851):BROKEN: backtrace: wallet/wallet.c:364 (wallet_select_coins) 0x465444 19:06 < ctrlbreak> +202.947359489 lightningd(10851):BROKEN: backtrace: common/wallet_tx.c:90 (wtx_select_utxos) 0x4456e5 19:06 < ctrlbreak> +202.947380485 lightningd(10851):BROKEN: backtrace: lightningd/opening_control.c:895 (json_fund_channel) 0x420608 19:06 < ctrlbreak> womp womp... 19:09 < ctrlbreak> Ummm... anyone shed any light on this? 19:09 < ctrlbreak> "txid": "496e407815f819e01be7ca112c514b989cc533706e5eefb1a9771322a5fb7e50", 19:09 < ctrlbreak> "output": 0, 19:09 < ctrlbreak> "value": 4481, 19:09 < ctrlbreak> "amount_msat": "4481000msat", 19:09 < ctrlbreak> "address": "bc1q2a96fr9tnjmvj5chccrjngpuhxyw28c3fs8tc9", 19:09 < ctrlbreak> "status": "unconfirmed" 19:09 < ctrlbreak> Yet: 19:09 < ctrlbreak> https://blockstream.info/tx/496e407815f819e01be7ca112c514b989cc533706e5eefb1a9771322a5fb7e50 19:10 < ctrlbreak> anyway... I'm not rocking the boat while having a drinkypoo ... so I'll check back in the morning. Cheers :-) 19:35 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 20:31 -!- m-schmoock [~will@schmoock.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:14 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 21:21 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 22:04 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 23:41 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning --- Log closed Sat Mar 16 00:00:17 2019