--- Log opened Fri Sep 20 00:00:17 2019 00:25 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 01:05 -!- ghost43_ [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has joined #c-lightning 01:08 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:08 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:19 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:20 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:20 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 01:21 -!- ghost43_ [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:25 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 01:28 -!- justanotheruser [justanothe@gateway/vpn/nordvpn/justanotheruser] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 01:30 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 01:31 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:35 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has joined #c-lightning 01:35 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has joined #c-lightning 01:36 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has joined #c-lightning 01:41 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 01:46 -!- justanotheruser [~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has joined #c-lightning 01:50 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 02:04 -!- vincenzopalazzo [~vincenzop@] has joined #c-lightning 02:19 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 02:21 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 02:22 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 02:23 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 02:39 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 02:41 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 02:42 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 02:45 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 03:04 < willcl_ark> does lightning communication use a fixed message structre like bitcoin's https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Common_structures I am trying to work out if there is any way I can determine how much data I should look to recieve on a socket 03:25 -!- vincenzopalazzo [~vincenzop@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:12 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has left #c-lightning [] 05:12 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has joined #c-lightning 05:46 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 05:48 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 05:49 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:52 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 05:52 -!- ghost43_ [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has joined #c-lightning 05:52 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:55 -!- michaelfolkson [~textual@2a00:23c5:be04:e501:7438:dc60:b6b4:db83] has joined #c-lightning 06:36 -!- rafalcpp_ is now known as rafalcpp 06:38 -!- Amperture [~amp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:53 -!- michaelfolkson [~textual@2a00:23c5:be04:e501:7438:dc60:b6b4:db83] has quit [Quit: Sleep mode] 06:55 < darosior> Hi willcl_ark you are looking for https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc 06:56 < willcl_ark> darosior: thanks i found it actually! but it seems that even the length is encrypted from the man in the middle like me 07:05 < willcl_ark> what exactly does this mean in the logs? "lightning_channeld ... Failed hdr decrypt with rn=10" 07:30 -!- michaelfolkson [~textual@2a00:23c5:be04:e501:7438:dc60:b6b4:db83] has joined #c-lightning 07:34 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 07:35 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 07:35 -!- michaelfolkson [~textual@2a00:23c5:be04:e501:7438:dc60:b6b4:db83] has quit [Client Quit] 07:35 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 07:37 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 07:40 -!- justanotheruser [~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 07:42 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 07:45 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:52 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 07:57 -!- justanotheruser [justanothe@gateway/vpn/nordvpn/justanotheruser] has joined #c-lightning 07:59 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 08:01 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:01 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 08:08 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 09:20 -!- rh0nj [~rh0nj@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:23 -!- rh0nj [~rh0nj@] has joined #c-lightning 09:31 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:46 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 09:52 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:56 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 10:00 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:15 <@cdecker> That usually means that the message was not correctly encrypted or it has been tampered with 10:18 <@cdecker> rn=10 refers to the message counter used to generate the encryption/decryption stream for each message (this one being the 11th message we attempted to decrypt with that key) 10:20 <@cdecker> (notice that frame size and message are counted as two distinct encryption/decryption cycles, so you are likely looking at the frame length of the 5th message really) 10:23 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 10:40 -!- reallll [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has joined #c-lightning 10:43 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:02 -!- reallll is now known as belcher 11:28 -!- achow101 [~achow101@unaffiliated/achow101] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.2+deb1+xenial2 - https://znc.in] 11:28 -!- berndj [~berndj@azna.co.za] has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in] 11:29 -!- achow101 [~achow101@unaffiliated/achow101] has joined #c-lightning 11:29 -!- berndj [~berndj@azna.co.za] has joined #c-lightning 11:39 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:40 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 11:40 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:40 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 11:51 -!- spaced0ut [~spaced0ut@unaffiliated/spaced0ut] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:55 -!- spaced0ut [~spaced0ut@unaffiliated/spaced0ut] has joined #c-lightning 12:00 -!- cubancorona [~cubancoro@pool-72-77-31-161.pitbpa.ftas.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:06 -!- cubancorona [~cubancoro@pool-72-77-31-161.pitbpa.ftas.verizon.net] has joined #c-lightning 12:17 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:18 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 12:35 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:41 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 13:02 -!- cubancorona [~cubancoro@pool-72-77-31-161.pitbpa.ftas.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:03 -!- cubancorona [~cubancoro@pool-72-77-31-161.pitbpa.ftas.verizon.net] has joined #c-lightning 13:40 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has left #c-lightning [] 13:41 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has joined #c-lightning 13:58 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has left #c-lightning [] 13:58 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has joined #c-lightning 14:56 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:01 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has joined #c-lightning 15:03 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:04 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:04 -!- ghost43_ [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:09 -!- Victorsueca [~Victorsue@unaffiliated/victorsueca] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:09 -!- Victor_sueca [~Victorsue@unaffiliated/victorsueca] has joined #c-lightning 15:14 -!- afk11 [~afk11@gateway/tor-sasl/afk11] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:14 -!- mdunnio [~mdunnio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:17 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has joined #c-lightning 15:17 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has joined #c-lightning 15:17 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has joined #c-lightning 15:20 -!- afk11 [~afk11@gateway/tor-sasl/afk11] has joined #c-lightning 15:54 -!- justanotheruser [justanothe@gateway/vpn/nordvpn/justanotheruser] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:16 -!- justanotheruser [~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has joined #c-lightning 16:29 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:31 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 16:31 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:33 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 17:32 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:32 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 17:33 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:37 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 18:18 -!- cubancorona [~cubancoro@pool-72-77-31-161.pitbpa.ftas.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:34 -!- cubancorona [~cubancoro@pool-72-77-31-161.pitbpa.ftas.verizon.net] has joined #c-lightning 18:36 -!- cubancorona [~cubancoro@pool-72-77-31-161.pitbpa.ftas.verizon.net] has quit [Client Quit] 22:14 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has left #c-lightning [] 22:14 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-icdpzigfnkmughei] has joined #c-lightning 22:21 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 22:21 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 22:21 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 22:29 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning 23:28 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 23:29 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #c-lightning 23:30 -!- rafalcpp_ [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 23:30 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has joined #c-lightning --- Log closed Sat Sep 21 00:00:17 2019