--- Log opened Sat Nov 14 00:00:16 2020 00:21 -!- cltrbreak_MAD2 [~ctrlbreak@] has joined #c-lightning 00:25 -!- ctrlbreak_MAD [~ctrlbreak@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:04 -!- rh0nj [~rh0nj@] has joined #c-lightning 02:05 -!- kexkey [~kexkey@static-198-54-132-91.cust.tzulo.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 02:12 -!- vasild [~vd@gateway/tor-sasl/vasild] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:54 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:55 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has joined #c-lightning 03:11 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-zzgbwiizjmpgirfq] has left #c-lightning [] 03:11 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-zzgbwiizjmpgirfq] has joined #c-lightning 03:33 -!- DeanGuss [~dean@gateway/tor-sasl/deanguss] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:34 -!- DeanGuss [~dean@gateway/tor-sasl/deanguss] has joined #c-lightning 03:57 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:57 -!- cryptosoap [~cryptosoa@gateway/tor-sasl/cryptosoap] has joined #c-lightning 04:27 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has joined #c-lightning 04:28 -!- vasild [~vd@gateway/tor-sasl/vasild] has joined #c-lightning 05:34 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: shesek, blockstream_bot 05:35 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-lsntjcdlexygkbwj] has joined #c-lightning 05:37 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Jackielove4u 05:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Jackielove4u 08:20 -!- DeanWeen [~dean@gateway/tor-sasl/deanguss] has joined #c-lightning 08:22 -!- DeanGuss [~dean@gateway/tor-sasl/deanguss] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:00 -!- liberliver [~Thunderbi@] has joined #c-lightning 09:18 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:20 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has joined #c-lightning 10:06 -!- cltrbreak_MAD2 is now known as ctrlbreak 10:46 -!- queip [~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:27 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-lsntjcdlexygkbwj] has left #c-lightning [] 11:28 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-lsntjcdlexygkbwj] has joined #c-lightning 13:14 -!- liberliver [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:41 -!- mrostecki [~mrostecki@gateway/tor-sasl/mrostecki] has joined #c-lightning 14:08 -!- vasild_ [~vd@gateway/tor-sasl/vasild] has joined #c-lightning 14:11 -!- vasild [~vd@gateway/tor-sasl/vasild] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:11 -!- vasild_ is now known as vasild 14:38 -!- kristapsk [~KK@gateway/tor-sasl/kristapsk] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:40 -!- az0re [~az0re@gateway/tor-sasl/az0re] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:05 -!- mrostecki [~mrostecki@gateway/tor-sasl/mrostecki] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:06 -!- mrostecki [~mrostecki@gateway/tor-sasl/mrostecki] has joined #c-lightning 15:56 -!- az0re [~az0re@gateway/tor-sasl/az0re] has joined #c-lightning 16:00 -!- az0re [~az0re@gateway/tor-sasl/az0re] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:04 -!- az0re [~az0re@gateway/tor-sasl/az0re] has joined #c-lightning 17:21 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:38 -!- zmnscpxj_ [~zmnscpxj@gateway/tor-sasl/zmnscpxj] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:38 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has joined #c-lightning 17:40 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:41 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has joined #c-lightning 18:00 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:13 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has joined #c-lightning 18:15 -!- shesek [~shesek@unaffiliated/shesek] has joined #c-lightning 19:10 -!- mryandao [~mryandao@gateway/tor-sasl/mryandao] has joined #c-lightning 19:11 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:11 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:11 -!- k3tan [~pi@gateway/tor-sasl/k3tan] has joined #c-lightning 19:12 -!- jb55 [~jb55@gateway/tor-sasl/jb55] has joined #c-lightning 19:13 -!- Victorsueca [~Victorsue@unaffiliated/victorsueca] has joined #c-lightning 19:41 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 19:43 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-lsntjcdlexygkbwj] has left #c-lightning [] 19:43 -!- blockstream_bot [blockstrea@gateway/shell/sameroom/x-lsntjcdlexygkbwj] has joined #c-lightning 19:53 -!- belcher_ [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has joined #c-lightning 19:57 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:53 -!- az0re [~az0re@gateway/tor-sasl/az0re] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:03 -!- kristapsk [~KK@gateway/tor-sasl/kristapsk] has joined #c-lightning 21:36 -!- az0re [~az0re@gateway/tor-sasl/az0re] has joined #c-lightning 21:58 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:58 -!- ghost43 [~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer] has joined #c-lightning 22:17 -!- kristapsk [~KK@gateway/tor-sasl/kristapsk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:18 -!- kristapsk [~KK@gateway/tor-sasl/kristapsk] has joined #c-lightning 22:34 -!- kristapsk_ [~KK@gateway/tor-sasl/kristapsk] has joined #c-lightning 22:34 -!- kristapsk [~KK@gateway/tor-sasl/kristapsk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:22 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] --- Log closed Sun Nov 15 00:00:17 2020