--- Day changed Mon Aug 29 2016 00:11 < waxwing> luke-jr: i can't remember if we made negative fees impossible or not, but 0 fees or 1 satoshi happens a fair amount, no problems there. 00:11 < luke-jr> waxwing: I mean I do orderbook and bid 1 satoshi lower than the cheapest :p 00:12 < waxwing> the current default Taker algorithm involves random choice weighted by fee (using an exp. dist.) so you will get a lot that way 00:12 < waxwing> luke-jr: yes i understood that, but it's academic compared with 0 or 1 sat 00:13 < waxwing> i'm hoping we'll switch to "random choice less than a user-defined max X" as it will get better mixing of counterparties 00:14 < waxwing> choosing with a certain degree of price insensitivity is really important i think (why i always use -P when i can, so i just choose anything reasonable looking and avoid the "bottom" of the orderbook, where you would be lurking :) 00:15 < waxwing> but to answer your question directly, this is a market, that's fine, the only "gentleman's agreement" element to this is please don't DOS us by writing bots that are infinitely querying other bots or something :) 00:21 -!- coins123 [~coins123@unaffiliated/coins123] has joined #joinmarket 00:46 -!- coins123_ [~coins123@ip-244-225.sn1.clouditalia.com] has joined #joinmarket 00:46 -!- coins123_ [~coins123@ip-244-225.sn1.clouditalia.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:49 -!- coins123 [~coins123@unaffiliated/coins123] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:50 -!- coins123 [~coins123@unaffiliated/coins123] has joined #joinmarket 01:54 -!- rdymac [uid31665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hwjbncybfvfzufea] has joined #joinmarket 02:55 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has joined #joinmarket 03:13 < belcher> successfully installed the libsecp256k1 binding(!) 03:14 < belcher> turns out i needed to upgrade my os 03:20 < nkuttler> i just had to upgrade that too. it was already installed though 03:38 < waxwing> belcher: upgrade OS from what to what? need to know if there are OS versions it doesn't work on and why 03:39 < belcher> xubuntu 13.0 to 16.0 03:40 < belcher> i think in 13.0 setuptools didnt go above a certain version 03:40 < waxwing> there were two mentions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/joinmarket/comments/4x7jqp/who_is_not_using_the_secp256k1_binding/ one for "old Centos" (unfortunately he didn't answer follow up), one for "synology diskstation" which i don't even know what that is :) 03:40 < waxwing> belcher: setuptools, hmm yes i maybe remember a similar issue with ubuntu 12.04 LTS, not sure though. 03:43 < belcher> btw could you run gpg --fingerprint laan 03:43 < belcher> check whether its Key fingerprint = 01EA 5486 DE18 A882 D4C2 6845 90C8 019E 36C2 E964 03:43 < waxwing> i'll probably try that again, think i still have a 1204 image somewhere. or maybe not. 03:43 < belcher> it's wladimir's release signing key 03:45 < waxwing> i don't have that one here, best i could do is fetch it 03:46 < belcher> iv checked with a few other methods, doesnt hurt to check once more 03:46 < belcher> its on this reddit post, as well as on bitcointalk 03:46 < belcher> and ofc bitcoin.org 03:51 < waxwing> belcher: "this reddit post" ? 03:52 < belcher> theres a reddit post where the new key and fingerprint is posted 03:53 < waxwing> typo "bitcon.org" doesn't resolve, missed opportunity there :) 03:55 < waxwing> belcher: what would be the command to compare a public key *.asc with what's on my keyring already? if that makes any sense 03:55 < waxwing> i guess just dump the latter to file and then compare bytewise 03:55 < belcher> hmm 03:56 < belcher> you could run gpg without arguments 03:56 < belcher> then paste in the key, then ctrl+d, and it outputs some details of that key 03:57 -!- ratoder [~ratoder@static.] has joined #joinmarket 03:58 < belcher> it doesnt seem to output anything for comparing though, like a fingerprint 03:58 < belcher> just a short id that can be easily bruteforced.. 03:59 < waxwing> just --export on the key, then compare it seems to work ok. 03:59 < waxwing> or .. not sure now. 04:00 < belcher> ideally you'd just compare fingerprints 04:00 < waxwing> right 04:00 < waxwing> seems "--export" doesn't just export the public key, which makes sense 04:01 < waxwing> :q 04:01 < waxwing> heh sorry 04:01 < waxwing> so yeah i confirm the fingerprint fwiw 04:01 < waxwing> Key fingerprint = 01EA 5486 DE18 A882 D4C2 6845 90C8 019E 36C2 E964 04:07 < waxwing> belcher: ^ 04:07 < belcher> ty 04:07 < waxwing> i always forget to ping 04:31 < waxwing> i'll start editing the readme and other instructions in the 0.2 branch 04:31 < waxwing> adlai: ping 04:32 < waxwing> adlai: if you get a chance to update let me know, want to re-run that expt 04:43 < belcher> someone already mentioned it before, this new generatetoaddress rpc from 0.13 could be a way to properly write the tests for bitcoin-qt integration 04:49 < waxwing> belcher: yes, i vaguely remember that problem, sounds good. btw do you have any time to do any testing/reviewing? 04:50 < belcher> today yes 04:50 < waxwing> if not, it's OK, i'll just plough on. i'll try t get the installation cleared up, there are a few things to clean up. 04:50 < waxwing> first i'll get rid of the libnacl directory and put it in requirements.txt 04:50 < belcher> i havent even tried 0.2 yet so ill give it a go now 04:50 < waxwing> then also secp256k1 in the same, although have to address windows-specific name (no wheel yet) 04:51 < waxwing> so even if not yet a package, can still bundle up into "pip install -r requirements.txt" as one step instead of a few hopefully. 04:52 < waxwing> i'm also of a mind to move out the customised yield generators into a subdirectory or different repo, i think it's way too ambitious to be trying to support multiple 04:52 < waxwing> although not i created a YG base class already to move towards avoiding code dup 04:53 < belcher> ok 04:54 < waxwing> uncertainty there is i'm not sure which to keep as default, i had convinced myself that getting rid of mixdepth is highly desirable, as evidenced by tests you get a lot less reannouncement using the new yg-pe.py version, but it's really hard to fix on decisions like that, since it heavily affects a YG's "marketability" if they end up with only one price and coins broadly spread across depths. 04:55 < waxwing> i guess that's not really the thing to focus on right now. too many things to decide... 04:56 < belcher> so you're worried about announcements because it allows the 156 spy to know which makers to query again 04:57 < belcher> but if the spy already knows the utxo <-> maker mapping, they know who to query against when they see utxos being spent 04:58 < waxwing> right, *if* they already know, no problem. but that's our goal right, to reduce that knowledge set. 04:59 < belcher> the reannouncing helps the spy update their knowledge, it doesnt affect them getting it in the first place 04:59 < belcher> the first time the spy starts up, it can query every single maker 05:00 < waxwing> well so to keep 100% knowledge, they have to keep getting it "right" at each transaction. 05:01 < waxwing> it's really tricky, he doesn't know the taker's utxos, but if he can isolate that set by knowing all the others, he's ok. it seems clear to me that if some of the other utxos are not in his database, it's at least more likely that he has to cast a wider net. 05:01 < waxwing> and that wider casting will only really be needed if he doesn't see clearly from the pit who all the participants were. 05:02 < waxwing> the exact details will vary tremendously, but don't you agree that it will be harder for him, the less people reannounce? 05:02 < belcher> what does "cast a wider net" mean ? query more/all makers? 05:02 < waxwing> yeah 05:03 < belcher> i think the only way a 156 spy can ever work is if they query all the makers, so deanonymize all coinjoins 05:04 < waxwing> surely it's not a binary thing, they can get subsets, they don't always need 100% visibility of utxos owned 05:04 < belcher> okay, subsets 05:05 < belcher> yes, ok so its still useful to the spy to deanonymize only 50% of coinjoins 05:05 < belcher> ok then yes 05:05 < waxwing> certainly. but if our goal is to remove any possibility of spying on individual joins, we certainly haven't achieved it :) 05:05 < belcher> so if the spy doesnt know the entire utxo <-> maker mapping, then the reannoucement will help them 05:06 < waxwing> i don't think anyone's going to get that far in bitcoin, e.g. coinshuffle won't change anything (go up to the signing stage and you have the full set of utxos, since you have to sign them in plaintext) 05:08 < waxwing> although i was thinking about that earlier, if (as i presume is possible) coinshuffle can mix the inputs as well as the outputs, it does make the job harder because even though you know the full set you don't assign them to entities 05:09 < waxwing> i was a bit confused about that, the first paper just talked about mixing the output addresses, and treating the inputs as a given (an input to the protocol) 05:11 < belcher> i dont know then 05:11 < belcher> theres a tradeoff between privacy and maker's profits then 05:12 < waxwing> yup, i believe so. which is why i'm not sure what to do. 05:13 < waxwing> i said something along those lines in the blog: "The tension we're trying to address is that the Makers are trying to maximize their marketability (e.g. offering a variety of different cost rates for different utxos), while at the same time preserving privacy, but if we are more aggressively "privacy preserving" like this, it makes the whole system much more viable ... slight tragedy of the commons effect." 05:14 < belcher> if only there was a way for takers to check whether makers are doing this 05:14 < waxwing> yes, that was another though. 05:14 < waxwing> sophisticated algos that can check Maker behaviour .. it at some point becomes turtles all the way down :) 05:15 < waxwing> like the other amusing thought that requiring commitments via utxos means you can check which utxos were used for that purpose, meaning that you want to snoop on the snooper's utxos 05:15 < waxwing> so maybe we can get chainalysis to analyse elliptic's spying activity lol 05:16 < waxwing> and then they will use coinnjoins to source their commitments, and ... 05:17 -!- fluffypony [~fluffypon@unaffiliated/fluffypony] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:29 < waxwing> yeah, pushed a version without local libnacl and requirements in requirements.txt, will work nicely with a virtualenv and then a pip install -r requirements.txt. added a requirements-windows.txt version because secp256k1-transient there. 05:30 < waxwing> i guess a lot of people will still need to do the local libsodium build tho', never got round to working out why apt-get install libsodium-dev doesn't work in many (most?) cases 05:30 < belcher> worked for me 05:31 < waxwing> ok, that's good. we dont' seem to get complaints about it much. 05:35 -!- Giszmo [~leo@pc-40-227-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #joinmarket 05:46 < belcher> waxwing so right now 0.2.0 is configured to only connect to CGAN ? 05:47 < waxwing> belcher: we've been testing on cgan and rizon and freenode, rizon has hostmask but not Tor, freenode has neither 05:47 < waxwing> adlai set up a miniircd instance on a HS yesterday, seemed to work 05:47 < belcher> miniircd lol, unreal ircd is not very hard to set up 05:47 < waxwing> but i've been asking for weeks to find a Tor serving IRC server, none have been found, OFTC recently stopped allowing it. 05:48 < belcher> i was just reading configure.py and the default joinmarket.cfg only seems to have CGAN 05:48 < belcher> should i add rizon and freenode myself ? 05:48 < waxwing> everyone tells me there's tons of them but i can't seem to find any 05:48 < waxwing> yes for testing please do 05:49 < waxwing> adlai's is at az4jkp3ko2snghk4.onion/6667 if you want to try another Tor connection 05:50 < waxwing> seems to be up, but i don't know if he updated the bots, they were all running off the same directory, which caused a problem with the blacklist which i fixed in a commit yesterday 05:50 < waxwing> looks like his bots are on the other servers too, so you might get problems with that, unless he's already updated. 05:51 < waxwing> i've done a few tumbler runs by now and we've had quite a lot of txs, nkuttler has been serving faucet txs off it 05:52 < waxwing> ok regtest passes with the new requirements approach (just sanity checking picking up libnacl and secp) 05:56 < belcher> i need to sync a testnet full node, so might be a while 05:56 < waxwing> yeah that's quite something nowadays; i did it in the end, but there's always blockr right 05:57 < belcher> oh yes, blockr 05:57 < belcher> are people mostly using that/ 05:57 < waxwing> i think so. there was some obscure reason i wanted a node, so i did it on vps box. 05:57 < belcher> wow 925823 blocks 05:57 < waxwing> but i'm using blockr for my takers. 05:58 < waxwing> maybe it was because blockr isn't perfectly reliable, a bit suboptimal for makers but maybe it's fine. i would just do that. 05:58 < waxwing> testnet is big enough to be annoying. 05:58 < nkuttler> for the last few days i couldn't use jm for the faucet, not enough liquidity 05:59 < waxwing> right. there might be more now, but i'm waiting for adlai to confirm update (he was running out of same dir, you might remember the issue nkuttler ) 05:59 < waxwing> damn my /obtest/ is down again 06:01 < belcher> wow libsecp256k1 is crazy fast 06:02 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has joined #joinmarket 06:02 < belcher> then again this is only testnet, my mainnet maker has 2000 addresses in each internal branch 06:02 < waxwing> ok back up https://joinmarket.me/obtest/ 06:03 < waxwing> 2000? slacker :) 06:05 < belcher> i mustve put my price slightly higher than the rest 06:08 < waxwing> which yg belcher ? 06:08 < belcher> mixdepth 06:09 < waxwing> ok 06:09 < waxwing> i just remembered i think i "silently" disallowed absoffer in yg-pe, must remember to fix that 06:12 < belcher> are you saying it wouldnt offer liquidity for low bitcoin amounts ? 06:13 < waxwing> belcher: no i just mean the new yg-pe.py, i forced it to do reloffer, it's nothing just a detail i forgot to fix up (i think abs gets interpreted incorrectly as rel) 06:14 < waxwing> it's only different in (a) inherits from a base YG (they all should now) and (b)different algo for selecting mixdepth to avoid reannouncement where possible 06:14 < waxwing> different from -basic i meant 06:17 < belcher> ok 06:23 -!- lnostdal [~lnostdal@227-181-11.connect.netcom.no] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:30 < waxwing> belcher: do you remember what setuptools version your old OS had? 06:30 < waxwing> must have been < 3.3 if i'm reading it right 06:30 < belcher> i dont remember 06:33 -!- lnostdal [~lnostdal@227-181-11.connect.netcom.no] has joined #joinmarket 06:33 -!- lnostdal [~lnostdal@227-181-11.connect.netcom.no] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:35 < waxwing> belcher: oh sorry re: above, totally crossed wires, when you said "higher price" you were talking about real/mainnet, i thought you were talking about tests. doh :) 06:35 < belcher> hah 06:42 < waxwing> btw TIL if you clone the repo and try to run regtest you have to first do `cd miniircd; git submodule update` 06:56 -!- lnostdal [~lnostdal@227-181-11.connect.netcom.no] has joined #joinmarket 08:12 -!- Giszmo [~leo@pc-40-227-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:20 < waxwing> https://news.bitcoin.com/shufflepuff-interview-daniel-krawisz/ 08:21 < waxwing> it's nice and all that he gives his opinion on joinmarket, but i can't help being somewhat annoyed that nobody ever bothers to ask us anything 08:21 < waxwing> like that jamie redman guy that wrote a long article about how joinmarket was being used for the shapeshift funds when it patently wasn't. 08:22 < waxwing> oh same journalist. not surprising i guess. 08:29 -!- Giszmo [~leo@pc-40-227-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #joinmarket 08:37 < waxwing> updated apparently, vaguely remember reading it before: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/575 09:01 -!- fluffypony [~fluffypon@coreteam.getmonero.org] has joined #joinmarket 09:01 -!- fluffypony [~fluffypon@coreteam.getmonero.org] has quit [Changing host] 09:01 -!- fluffypony [~fluffypon@unaffiliated/fluffypony] has joined #joinmarket 09:16 < belcher> reading 09:16 -!- fluffypony [~fluffypon@unaffiliated/fluffypony] has quit [Quit: peace out, A town] 09:18 -!- fluffypony [~fluffypon@unaffiliated/fluffypony] has joined #joinmarket 09:19 < belcher> so far it seems like shufflepuff is based on coinjoin 09:19 < waxwing> https://github.com/BUSEC/TumbleBit 09:19 < waxwing> oh that. shufflepuff is krawisz' coinshuffle implementation 09:20 < belcher> ok 09:21 < waxwing> 800 inputs -> 800 outputs, using fair-exchange protocols. looks rather cool, author is in -wizards atm 09:22 < belcher> yep 09:24 < belcher> still reading the paper but do they require all 800 to be together in one place and time ? 09:26 < belcher> so far it looks similar to coinswap or chaum tokens 09:26 < waxwing> tumbler is a centralised server, just no control over funds, and not able to link payments 09:27 < belcher> yes, so chaum tokens would still allow the centralized issuer to disappear 09:27 < waxwing> you can see the server code in the repo 09:30 < waxwing> huh, this paper is not a 10 minute read unfortunately :) 09:35 < belcher> not finished the paper yet, but they require identical amounts 09:36 < belcher> each payer and payee sent and received 1btc 09:37 < waxwing> yes i believe so. but i think part of the claim is that you can achieve very large numbers of outputs because it's not restricted to 1 tx. nevertheless it is ofc still an important issue. 09:37 < belcher> so in practice they'd do it with equal denominations 09:37 < belcher> like how monero has fixed size denominations 09:37 < waxwing> yes like the 800 in their real example. 09:41 < belcher> page 13 seems to have the routine and maths presented as a sequence 09:42 < belcher> needless to say, they didnt use 800 bitcoins in their example transaction tumbling :) 09:43 < belcher> hold on these are p2pkh not p2sh addresses 09:43 < belcher> im sure their paper said they use 2of2 multisig 09:57 < waxwing> i think the 2 of 2 are about the off-chain payment channels stuff, which are used to guarantee the trustless, what i've gleaned so far 10:10 < waxwing> man, this is some *serious* crypto shenanigans 10:12 < waxwing> heh, a blinding of an RSA encryption of a symmetric key of an encryption of an ECDSA signature. and that's the simple part :) 10:16 < waxwing> T gives the puzzle to B, who blinds it and gives it to A, then A and T do a fair exchange of the bitcoins for the puzzle solution. 10:16 < belcher> is "fair exchange" a technical crypto term ? 10:17 < waxwing> A gives the blinded solution to B, who unblinds and checks 10:17 < waxwing> it's a kind of interactive protocol to trustlessly exchange 10:17 < belcher> ok 10:17 < waxwing> i've never studied it actually but will look into it after this maybe. they seem to be using a special type 10:17 < waxwing> that's one reason i asked about ref 32, because that's the one they're using apparently 10:19 < waxwing> subclass of MPC is what i always understood it as, maybe it's not a good characterization 10:20 < waxwing> if you took that as a solved issue, a black box, this protocol seems fiendishly clever I must say :) 10:21 < waxwing> they cf it with gmaxwell's ZKCP in the paper here and there 10:24 < belcher> looks like CGAN network had a netsplit 11:09 < belcher> waxwing could you pastebin the MESSAGING section of your joinmarket.cfg 11:09 < belcher> the bits which connect to many servers 11:10 -!- mode/#joinmarket [+v JM-IRCRelay] by ChanServ 11:11 < waxwing> sure 11:11 < belcher> or just pm me 11:12 < waxwing> that's what i have for makers right now, i've also run some to the HS 11:12 < belcher> ty 11:35 <+JM-IRCRelay> [RedAcor] Hai 11:41 < belcher> hey guys RedAcor is saying dont create so many clones since he's getting warnings about it on his server 11:41 < belcher> i know probably nobody here gets that problem 11:42 < belcher> not sure how to reach most joinmarket users except by setting an alert which seems overkill 11:45 -!- shinobimonkey [~vagabond@99-107-146-153.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #joinmarket 11:51 -!- instagibbs [~instagibb@pool-100-15-118-244.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #joinmarket 12:01 -!- gielbier [~giel____@k14057.upc-k.chello.nl] has joined #joinmarket 12:03 -!- giel___ [~giel____@k14057.upc-k.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:15 -!- gielbier [~giel____@k14057.upc-k.chello.nl] has quit [Changing host] 12:15 -!- gielbier [~giel____@unaffiliated/gielbier] has joined #joinmarket 12:48 < waxwing> adlai: ping 12:57 < waxwing> https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket/wiki/Sourcing-commitments-for-joins 12:57 < opal> _o< h >o_ 13:03 < waxwing> oh i also made this one earlier, will deprecate the old ones once the switch is done: https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket/wiki/Installing-the-libsecp256k1-binding 13:16 -!- shotwild [~shotwild@] has joined #joinmarket 13:33 < adlai> waxwing: sorry for dragging my feet, i'll fix the bots tonight 13:33 * adlai got a surprise visit from his new landlord tonight! luckily they seem like good people, and seem to think the same of me 13:34 < waxwing> adlai: np, it's more about stopping them than restarting :) 13:34 < waxwing> not that i'm trying to do txs right now, but .. well, you get it 13:41 * adlai kills all but one, so it's possible to run tests now 13:48 < waxwing> adlai: thanks, i'll be on it tomorrow (although my need isn't really pressing, but it may help others) 14:02 -!- junka [~junka@unaffiliated/junka] has joined #joinmarket 14:03 -!- junka [~junka@unaffiliated/junka] has quit [Quit: junka] 14:11 -!- megaddin [aladdin@gateway/shell/fnordserver.eu/x-dbnmtfyufjyuhpto] has joined #joinmarket 15:03 -!- scooch [45faf186@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #joinmarket 15:03 -!- proslogion [~proslogio@] has joined #joinmarket 15:04 < belcher> waxwing iv found some notes from the first time i was looking for a tor + clear ircd 15:04 < belcher> quakenet apparently allow(ed) connections from a tor exit node 15:04 < belcher> this place http://www.darkscience.net/wiki/faq/ has an onion 15:04 < waxwing> ok, i was asking last few weeks if someone else could hook it up. 15:04 < waxwing> i did try OFTC myself but they've banned Tor 15:04 < waxwing> kind of ironic really 15:05 < belcher> what do you mean by "hook it up" ? 15:05 < belcher> like find all the details 15:05 < waxwing> yes, and sanity check it works 15:05 < waxwing> that darkscience link looks promising 15:06 < waxwing> oh "as of 2011" oh well, maybe :) 15:06 < scooch> anyone have any experience syncing the block chain on a raspberry pi? 15:06 < belcher> not me 15:06 < scooch> tried to move it over and run it on my pi 3, but ive spent about a week now trying to let it process and reindex, takes forever 15:07 < scooch> thought this would be a fun little project, dedicate the pi to run bitcoin core and a yeidlgen.. but this is slowly becoming futile 15:08 < scooch> well any idea when syncing through bitcoin core... bitcoin-qt.. if I'm using a USB external, is it CPU limited or disk rate limited 15:10 < waxwing> scooch: i guess you could ask in #bitcoin, from what little i know, it makes sense that it might be too much, maybe disk, not sure. 15:11 < waxwing> darksci3bfoka7tw.onion does not seem to work (web or irc), but then that's obviously old 15:11 < proslogion> yeah, we still use Tor :) 15:12 < scooch> hehe, I think yall are talking about the next step.. saw a reddit post on running the core through tor, which will be a project for a later date 15:12 < belcher> core through tor and clearnet at the same time is good 15:13 < belcher> core exclusively through tor isnt that useful, unless your local government has banned bitcoin 15:23 < belcher> waxwing darkscience seems to work for me 15:25 < belcher> though iv got an odd feeling they are two different networks, they have a different motd 15:25 < waxwing> darksci3bfoka7tw.onion ? which port? 15:25 < belcher> 6697 15:25 < belcher> ssl enabled 15:25 < belcher> but 15:25 < waxwing> yeah i got booted. oh maybe i didn't click ssl 15:26 < belcher> it looks like the clearnet and onion are totally different irc networks with the same name 15:26 < belcher> /server -ssl irc.darkscience.net 6697 15:27 < waxwing> yeah it works, i should have guessed, it connected and then booted immediately before 15:27 < waxwing> might run some bots there tomorrow, if anyone wants to join. but yeah if clearnet is different that's annoying. 15:29 < belcher> seems so, just tried again 15:29 < belcher> clearnet darkscience and tor darkscience are not linked 15:32 < belcher> problems with monero? https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/5071ox/psa_monero_is_easy_to_deanonymize_in_a_handful_of/ 15:33 < belcher> coming from the fixed denominations apparently 15:40 < belcher> waxwing quakenet over tor exit node confirmed works 15:41 < waxwing> belcher: cool we can test it tomorrow maybe? 15:42 < belcher> yep 15:42 < belcher> ill just register a channel now 15:45 < belcher> quakenet doesnt have irc over ssl 15:54 < belcher> -Q- Sorry, but new password is too long (maximum length 10 chars) 16:01 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:30 -!- mkarrer [~mkarrer@159.red-83-47-122.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit [] 16:50 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has joined #joinmarket 16:57 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:12 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has joined #joinmarket 17:21 -!- scooch [45faf186@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:31 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:41 -!- shinobimonkey [~vagabond@99-107-146-153.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:43 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has joined #joinmarket 18:20 -!- proslogion [~proslogio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:49 -!- Giszmo [~leo@pc-40-227-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 18:51 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 19:02 -!- grubles [~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles] has joined #joinmarket 19:24 -!- shinobimonkey [~vagabond@99-107-146-153.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #joinmarket