--- Day changed Sun Aug 27 2017 00:45 -!- Emcy_ [~MC@unaffiliated/emcy] has joined #lnd 00:48 -!- Emcy [~MC@unaffiliated/emcy] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:18 -!- johynpapin [4ef8bc4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #lnd 03:45 -!- MaxSan [~one@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:15 -!- MaxSan [~one@] has joined #lnd 05:42 < molz> https://blog.bitrefill.com/lightning-payments-on-testnet-for-bitrefill-b3edac845654 05:50 -!- MaxSan [~one@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 06:08 -!- MaxSan [~one@] has joined #lnd 08:03 -!- deusexbeer [~deusexbee@079-170-137-119-dynamic-pool-adsl.wbt.ru] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:05 -!- deusexbeer [~deusexbee@093-092-179-157-dynamic-pool-adsl.wbt.ru] has joined #lnd 08:53 -!- PaulCapestany [~PaulCapes@ip72-209-228-52.dc.dc.cox.net] has quit [Quit: .] 08:56 -!- PaulCapestany [~PaulCapes@ip72-209-228-52.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #lnd 10:50 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] johynpapin opened pull request #269: Backup (master...backup) https://git.io/v5svS 12:13 -!- chjj [~chjj@unaffiliated/chjj] has joined #lnd 12:15 -!- MaxSan [~one@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:30 < roasbeef> Sangaman is gone but, the current default wallet impl supporst importing keys, but it isn't yet exposed 12:33 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has joined #lnd 12:47 -!- ddustin [6b4dd656@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #lnd 12:55 -!- swarmic [~robert@rrcs-24-73-227-36.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #lnd 12:55 -!- ddustin [6b4dd656@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:56 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@mobile-166-137-179-029.mycingular.net] has joined #lnd 12:58 -!- chjj [~chjj@unaffiliated/chjj] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:00 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@mobile-166-137-179-029.mycingular.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 13:02 -!- MaxSan [~one@] has joined #lnd 13:14 -!- chjj [~chjj@unaffiliated/chjj] has joined #lnd 13:48 < roasbeef> cdecker: ahh didn't realize those links were ephemeral, do you still have ths logs? thanks! 13:49 < swarmic> anyone here that can help with path issues on install on Ubuntu 16.04? 13:50 < roasbeef> swarmic: what issue are you having? 13:50 < swarmic> script can't find btcd.... robert@byodi:~$ btcd --testnet --txindex --rpcuser=kek --rpcpass=kek 13:50 < swarmic> No command 'btcd' found, did you mean: 13:50 < swarmic> Command 'etcd' from package 'etcd' (universe) 13:50 < swarmic> Command 'btpd' from package 'btpd' (universe) 13:50 < swarmic> Command 'bcd' from package 'bsdgames' (universe) 13:50 < swarmic> btcd: command not found 13:52 < swarmic> I also ran the command from the btcd folder too ... Replacing existing vendor dependencies 13:52 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd$ go install . ./cmd/... 13:52 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd$ 13:52 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd$ btcd --testnet --txind 13:54 < swarmic> Do I need to have the bitcoin core wallet set up for Seg Wit before lightning network? 13:55 < swarmic> I'm a total noob with GO too, so maybe there is some flaw in what I did with it. 14:02 < swarmic> Here's the code I used to install btcd from github 14:02 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~$ git clone https://github.com/roasbeef/btcd $GOPATH/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd 14:02 < swarmic> Cloning into '/home/robert/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd'... 14:02 < swarmic> remote: Counting objects: 19021, done. 14:02 < swarmic> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. 14:02 < swarmic> remote: Total 19021 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 19018 14:02 < swarmic> Receiving objects: 100% (19021/19021), 27.36 MiB | 3.14 MiB/s, done. 14:02 < swarmic> Resolving deltas: 100% (13764/13764), done. 14:02 < swarmic> Checking connectivity... done. 14:02 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd 14:02 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd$ glide install 14:03 < swarmic> [INFO] Downloading dependencies. Please wait... 14:03 < swarmic> [INFO] --> Found desired version locally github.com/aead/siphash e404fcfc888570cadd1610538e2dbc89f66af814! 14:03 < swarmic> [INFO] etc. etc. 14:04 < swarmic> [INFO] --> Exporting golang.org/x/crypto 14:04 < swarmic> [INFO] Replacing existing vendor dependencies 14:04 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd$ go install . ./cmd/... 14:04 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd$ 14:04 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~/go_workspace/src/github.com/roasbeef/btcd$ btcd --testnet --txindex --rpcuser=kek --rpcpass=kek 14:04 < swarmic> No command 'btcd' found, did you mean: 14:06 -!- chjj [~chjj@unaffiliated/chjj] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:07 < roasbeef> swarmic: do echo $GOPATH, what do you have it set to? 14:07 < roasbeef> you'll need to add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH 14:08 < roasbeef> swarmic: nope lnd itself has a fully contained wallet which knows how to use the new segwit features and also how to handle all the scripts+tnxs we use within LN 14:08 < swarmic> /home/robert/go_workspace 14:08 < swarmic> do I need to add "src" to the path? I remember adding that to the directory after the initial setup for some reason 14:09 < swarmic> not sure how to "you'll need to add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH" 14:10 < swarmic> So far the install has gone really well and I don't consider myself a developer. You have made it remarkably easy for so early in the project. 14:14 < swarmic> I figured out the path problem, got a different error(s) 14:14 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin 14:14 < swarmic> robert@byodi:~$ btcd --testnet --txindex --rpcuser=kek --rpcpass=kek 14:14 < swarmic> Error creating a default config file: open /home/robert/sample-btcd.conf: no such file or directory 14:14 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.548 [WRN] BTCD: open /home/robert/.btcd/btcd.conf: no such file or directory 14:14 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.549 [INF] BTCD: Version 0.12.0-beta 14:14 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.550 [INF] BTCD: Loading block database from '/home/robert/.btcd/data/testnet/blocks_ffldb' 14:14 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.565 [INF] BTCD: Block database loaded 14:14 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.568 [WRN] SRVR: Can't listen on :18333: listen tcp4 :18333: bind: address already in use 14:14 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.569 [WRN] SRVR: Can't listen on :18333: listen tcp6 :18333: bind: address already in use 14:14 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.569 [ERR] BTCD: Unable to start server on [:18333]: no valid listen address 14:15 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.569 [INF] BTCD: Gracefully shutting down the database... 14:15 < swarmic> 2017-08-27 17:13:40.570 [INF] BTCD: Shutdown complete 14:17 < swarmic> There is a .btcd folder in robert directory. It has 2 folders (data and logs) but no conf file. Do I have to add one manually like when setting up bitcoind? 14:21 < swarmic> I found the sample-btcd.conf it is looking for in my go_workspace/src_github.com/roasbeef/btcd folder so I don't have the PATH configured correctly (looks like) 14:22 < roasbeef> swarmic: a conf file itself isn't required 14:22 < stevenroose> swarmic: if there is no ~/.btcd/btcd.conf it uses the default settings 14:22 < roasbeef> seems like you have something else that's using port 18333? 14:22 < stevenroose> oh, you're here :) 14:23 < stevenroose> I guess he has bitcoin core running in testnet as well 14:24 < roasbeef> you can do --nolisten for btcd to get around that 14:26 -!- danner [182cb5b0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #lnd 14:26 -!- danner [182cb5b0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:39 < swarmic> Yes, I had bitcoin testnet running. Shut it down and btcd is running. 14:50 < molz> swarmic, btcd can use port 18334 15:01 -!- chjj [~chjj@unaffiliated/chjj] has joined #lnd 15:30 -!- mnkk___ [~mnk4@ip5f5ae92a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:30 -!- mnkk___ [~mnk4@ip5f5ae92a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #lnd 15:35 -!- mnkk___ [~mnk4@ip5f5ae92a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:35 -!- mnkk [~mnk4@ip5f5ae92a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #lnd 15:42 -!- mnkk___ [~mnk4@ip5f5ae92a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #lnd 15:42 -!- mnkk [~mnk4@ip5f5ae92a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:42 -!- mnkk___ [~mnk4@ip5f5ae92a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:51 < swarmic> molz re using port 18334 ... Do I do that using the examples in sample-btcd.conf? I'm guessing I leave the ; Use testnet. 15:51 < swarmic> ; testnet=1 settings commented out and add a line listen=18334, correct? And then I'd be able to run btcd and bitcoind, correct? I just posted about this project on the Bitcoin Orlando Meetup site trying to get a coding group together. 15:52 < molz> swarmic, i don't have to set the port in btcd.conf, it connects to 18334 by itself 15:56 < swarmic> molz I was having problems getting LND to start btcd so I shut down my running bitcoind and it corrected. Doesn't Bitcoind testnet run on 18333? I'll try starting bitcoind again while btcd is running just to see what happens. 15:57 < molz> yes bitcoin testnet runs on 18332, 18333 by default, but i think it can also use 18334 15:57 < swarmic> molz - no go. Got robert@byodi:~/.bitcoin$ bitcoind 15:57 < swarmic> Error: Unable to bind to on this computer. Bitcoin Core is probably already running. 15:57 < swarmic> Error: Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this. 15:57 < roasbeef> swarmic: you just need to start btcd using --nolisten 15:58 < roasbeef> then it won't try to bind to the port 15:59 < roasbeef> or just change the listening port of one of them 15:59 < swarmic> roasbeef. Ok, I'm not understanding what btcd is doing and thought it needed to listen. 16:00 < roasbeef> well depends, if you're doing the initial sync, then you won't need to listen as you'll just be making outbound connections to sync the chain 16:02 < swarmic> Different topic. I'm using Starbucks as my office so am I likely going to be able to create a URI? 16:22 < molz> swarmic, oh.. you work for Starbucks? 16:23 < swarmic> molz, no ... just use their space :-) But since they are a public wifi spot I'm just thinking ahead if I will be able to use or give out a URI and have both sending and receiving into channels. 16:24 < molz> oh man.. you got me excited for a second there .. lol 16:24 < molz> you should make a demo and talk to them 16:25 < swarmic> Well, I'm on a first-name basis and like family but as in most mega corps the local manager has little influence :-). I did buy alot of gift cards with Bitcoin through gyft.com though. 16:29 < roasbeef> swarmic: URI? you mean advertise a publicly reachable IP address? 16:31 < swarmic> Yes, this is what I get from ifconfig ... wlp1s0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 20:16:d8:76:a2:56 16:31 < swarmic> inet addr: Bcast: Mask: 16:31 < swarmic> inet6 addr: fe80::af62:308b:b042:6592/64 Scope:Link. Is that something you could reach? 16:35 < roasbeef> gotcha well both the v4 and v6 addresses there are private IP addresses, so you won't be reachable unless you find out the public IP address reachable to your router and also open up port 9735 16:36 < roasbeef> so first you'll need to find out what the ip address of your gateway actually is, after than you can set the --externalip=X.X.X.X flag with that address, and finally configure the router to port forward to port 9735 16:36 < roasbeef> with that other lightning nodes will be able to connect to yours 16:46 < swarmic> Crap. I don't have access to the router. Sounds like I'll have to break down and get a VPS huh. 16:49 < roasbeef> well you can still run a node as it'll establish outbound connections 16:49 < roasbeef> or could use an ssh tunnel to proxy traffic from some other publicly reachable addr 16:51 < swarmic> But I'm hoping to set up payment channels among my customers. The plan is that many of them will be both customers and earners at the same time. If I could get them setup easily as channels then the payments could go to them and be distributed aseasily as if it came to me to be distributed to them. 16:52 < swarmic> Here is another tunnel I've used (I don't think it is ssh though) https://ngrok.com/. I'm not sure if it will work here 16:53 < swarmic> But that would work with most people who have Internet at their home but don't get a static IP. Ngrok works around a potential IP change 16:56 < swarmic> I was also kind of hoping to get a coders meeting going to learn this as a group and a public place like Starbucks works well for that. 16:56 < swarmic> Can't have everything I guess :-) 17:06 < thorie> how do I use lnd after I started the daemon? is there a gui? 17:08 < roasbeef> thorie: gui will be released soon, for now you ca use the command line to interact with it 17:08 < roasbeef> swarmic: very cool! 17:08 < thorie> cool, any docs on how to use the command line? 17:09 < roasbeef> thorie: 'lncli -h' 17:09 < thorie> perfect 17:09 < roasbeef> and http://api.lightning.community/?shell# 17:10 -!- mode/#lnd [+o roasbeef] by ChanServ 17:10 -!- roasbeef changed the topic of #lnd to: lnd - the Lightning Network Daemon (http://lightning.network/) - v0.3-alpha is the latest release - https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd - Go 1.9 is the recommended version - https://faucet.lightning.community/ 17:11 < thorie> anyone bored want to try to open a payment channel with me? 17:11 <@roasbeef> thorie: lehdoit 17:12 -!- roasbeef changed the topic of #lnd to: lnd - the Lightning Network Daemon (http://lightning.network/) - v0.3-alpha is the latest release - https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd - Go 1.9 is the recommended version - https://faucet.lightning.community/ - http://dev.lightning.community/ 17:14 < thorie> i ran `lncli newaddress p2wkh` and it's thinking really hard ... 17:16 <@roasbeef> thorie: has it finished syncing? 17:16 <@roasbeef> well btcd+lnd 17:17 < thorie> "blocks": 591837 ... "currentheight": 608177, 17:17 < thorie> looks like i have some more to go 17:18 < thorie> some of my peers say: "currentheight": 1180298, -- wut? 17:19 <@roasbeef> yeh testnet is massive 17:19 <@roasbeef> you're node hasn't finished syncing yet 17:19 < thorie> oh okay 17:23 < molz> 0.0 time to update Go too? ... 17:26 <@roasbeef> 1.9 is pretty dope: https://golang.org/doc/go1.9 17:26 <@roasbeef> parallel compliation is a big win 17:26 <@roasbeef> gonna udpate travis to slide over an use it inna bit 17:45 -!- johynpapin [4ef8bc4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:55 < swarmic> A question about how channels work ... If I an say 5 other people are all in a payment channel can any one of us increase our share? Example, say each originally posted .1 BTC but then in a couple weeks could I add another .1 to whatever my balance is? 17:56 <@roasbeef> swarmic: current channels are only 2-party 17:56 <@roasbeef> ah, but yes that's possible to add or remove funds from a channel 17:57 <@roasbeef> it isn't yet implemented yet, but we know how to do it, in a manner that doesn't force us to shutdown operation of the channel 17:57 <@roasbeef> thinking of it as an atomic way to close+open a channel 17:58 <@roasbeef> during that phase, funds can either be added or removed. so you can add additional funds to the channel, or possible make an on-chain payment, or maybe you wanna send some fee revenue you've accumulated to an on-chain outputs 17:58 < swarmic> ok, thanks, roasbeef. But they use multisigs tight? So probably will be able to have more than two parties eventually (I would think) since multisigs do, or not? 17:59 <@roasbeef> swarmic: yep, but it complicates the protocol 18:00 <@roasbeef> it's a cool area of research, a few folks are working on it, some proposed potential solutions with diff tradeoffs 18:02 < swarmic> Along a similar line, I could have multiple channels going at the same time to each of those five people right? That could be done with the existing protocl, correct? 18:03 < swarmic> One chain to each of the five. 18:03 <@roasbeef> swarmic: yep, if that was your desired topology 18:03 < swarmic> Yeah, this is going to work nicely. 18:05 < swarmic> How does eclair fit into this? I've got Bitcoind, btcd and LND installed. Do I also need Eclair? 18:05 <@roasbeef> swarmic: eclair is another LN node implementation 18:06 < swarmic> ahhh 18:18 -!- dabura667 [~dabura667@p98110-ipngnfx01marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #lnd 18:25 -!- swarmic [~robert@rrcs-24-73-227-36.se.biz.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 18:49 < Emcy_> you can update your channel commitment without an on chain tx? 18:53 <@roasbeef> sure, do a state transition 18:53 <@roasbeef> (as in update the commitment state: modify balances, add htlcs, etc) 19:17 -!- Alina-malina [~Alina-mal@unaffiliated/alina-malina] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 20:16 -!- aakselrod [~aakselrod@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/aakselrod] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:18 -!- MaxSan [~one@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:31 -!- aakselrod [~aakselrod@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/aakselrod] has joined #lnd 20:46 -!- xulF [040ff533@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #lnd 20:47 < thorie> made an address! 20:47 < thorie> 20:47 $ lncli newaddress p2wkh 20:47 < thorie> { "address": "tb1qlpvahn47uaqafluldrwk7h2d7kuht5lqf58px6" 20:47 < thorie> } 20:50 < xulF> thorie: you're using eclair ? 20:50 < thorie> nope, im using lncli 20:51 < thorie> i tried eclair but couldn't get it installed 20:54 < xulF> you tried this? https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd 20:54 < thorie> yes 20:54 < thorie> lnd is running :) 20:55 < xulF> can you see some kind of network map? 20:55 < xulF> or just the node in front of you 20:55 < thorie> right now, i can't see anything 20:55 < thorie> 20:52 $ lncli connect 024dce91967c4077e5379e15f21a79d49dfcfbcf8a30abae8e300aff1ce8a61b64@ 20:55 < thorie> [lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = chain backend is still syncing, server not active yet 20:56 < thorie> it will probably take me days to sync testnet 20:58 < thorie> let me try eclair again while im waiting 20:58 < thorie> im trying everything :) 20:59 < xulF> did you get an error before 21:00 < thorie> before? everything is the first time for me 21:01 < xulF> I have to try to run both of them too 21:01 <@roasbeef> thorie: you can use `lncli getinfo` to check on the sync process, but you also don't neccersily need lnd to be running while btcd's sync is going in the background 21:01 <@roasbeef> with `lncli describegraph --render` you can generate an svg rendering of your network channel view 21:03 < thorie> my blockheight has been stuck for the last 4 hours 21:03 < thorie> 591837 21:03 < xulF> I imagine I'd try to use bitcoin core with lnd, or would that make things more complicated to get started? 21:03 < thorie> would it be compatible? 21:04 <@roasbeef> yep working on that, pretty close 21:04 < thorie> 21:04 $ lncli describegraph --render 21:04 < thorie> error opening rendered graph image: Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console 21:04 < thorie> [lncli] exit status 1 21:05 <@roasbeef> you'll need grapihz installed, but your graph would be empty, as you haven't finished syncing yet 21:06 < thorie> i don't know why btcd seems to have stopped downloading blocks, and all i see are messages about "CHAN: Adding orphan block ... with parent ..." 21:06 <@roasbeef> did you run out of disk space? 21:06 < thorie> nope, still 586GB free 21:07 < thorie> maybe the testnet peers i have are bad 21:07 <@roasbeef> nah, do you still see forward progress in the chain? 21:08 < thorie> how do i see forward progress? 21:08 <@roasbeef> in the logs, every 10 seconds it should print how many blocks have been processed 21:08 < thorie> nope, zero forward progress... just more "Adding orphan block" 21:09 <@roasbeef> if you scroll back in the logs, what's before the first instance of the prefix of that log message? 21:10 < thorie> my logs didn't go back far enough 21:10 < thorie> let me restart it with more history 21:10 <@roasbeef> there're rotated logs 21:10 <@roasbeef> don't restart 21:10 <@roasbeef> yet 21:10 < thorie> ok 21:11 <@roasbeef> have you checked the rotated logs as well? they're gziped, in the sme directory 21:12 < thorie> found it 21:12 < thorie> https://pastebin.com/M9vGR8uh 21:13 <@roasbeef> hmmm, leveldb corruption? 21:13 < thorie> should i wipe my .btcd folder and try again? 21:14 <@roasbeef> possibly the peer gave you a bad block? 21:14 <@roasbeef> no 21:14 < thorie> yeah i was thinking bad peer 21:14 <@roasbeef> well that block itself is valid, just a single transaction, pre segwit activation 21:16 <@roasbeef> can you copy data/mainnet/blocks_ffldb/metadata/LOG and LOG.old 21:16 < thorie> mainnet not testnet? 21:17 <@roasbeef> err yet testnet 21:21 <@roasbeef> after doing that, if you restart do you get forward progress? 21:25 < thorie> copy LOG and LOG.old... ? or move them ? 21:25 < thorie> 21:25:18.088063 table@build retrying N·254 21:25 < thorie> 21:25:23.941278 table@build error I·107326 "read /home/thorie/.btcd/data/testnet/blocks_ffldb/metadata/010649.ldb: input/output error" 21:26 <@roasbeef> copy em 21:26 <@roasbeef> so you can throw in a paste somewhere 21:26 < xulF> I'm guessing that's just to have a copy of the log? it wouldn't affect a result in a restart of btcd right 21:27 <@roasbeef> yeh just to see what happened with leveldb, can see there above it ran into an issue of somesort 21:28 < thorie> i've restarted a few times already 21:28 < thorie> maybe i can delete 010649.ldb ? 21:29 < xulF> if thorie were running out of memory space could it be an issue 21:29 <@roasbeef> wouldn't hurt, can you make a paste of those logs somewhere? 21:29 < xulF> because I know it's a VPS 21:30 <@roasbeef> nah that wasn't it, something happend with leveldb, assuming if he had 58GB+ free still, then he had sufficeint memory as well 21:30 <@roasbeef> also when go runs out of memory it panics 21:30 < thorie> 21:30:45.801073 table@build error I·107329 "read /home/thorie/.btcd/data/testnet/blocks_ffldb/metadata/010649.ldb: input/output error" 21:31 < thorie> 21:30:45.801140 table@build retrying N·7 21:31 < thorie> it's doing this again... are you sure i can't just delete that file? 21:33 < xulF> thorie: paste the logs 21:34 <@roasbeef> there's a deeper issue within leveldb, unfortunately, you may need to start you node's sync again. if we get those logs though, we can invesitgate what happend internally within goleveldb 21:34 < xulF> he's trying to find the lower level reasoning 21:34 < thorie> https://pastebin.com/4QwxFJw9 21:35 < thorie> the top half is the tail of LOG and the bottom-half is where im running btcd 21:35 < thorie> and it does N-1, N-2, ... all the way to N-254 21:38 < xulF> will lnd install on osx 21:41 <@roasbeef> thorie: if possible, can you paste the entire log? more context will help 21:43 < thorie> https://pastebin.com/u5m7pVV5 21:43 < thorie> really long log ^ 21:46 < thorie> and even longer LOG.old file: http://for-bitcoin.com/LOG.old.gz 21:49 -!- xulF [040ff533@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #lnd ["ttyl"] 21:50 < thorie> i think i know what's wrong 21:50 < thorie> https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/1483 21:50 < thorie> [478491.462453] blk_update_request: critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 1289134888 21:50 < thorie> [478491.462456] Buffer I/O error on dev sdb1, logical block 161141605, async page read 21:50 < thorie> im getting I/O errors on sdb1 21:51 < thorie> bad hardware LOL 21:52 <@roasbeef> >_< 21:52 <@roasbeef> kek 21:52 < thorie> my SSD drive isn't even that old 21:56 -!- xUlF [040ff533@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #lnd 22:11 -!- Alina-malina [~Alina-mal@] has joined #lnd 22:15 < thorie> trying on a different drive 22:24 -!- Alina-malina [~Alina-mal@] has quit [Changing host] 22:24 -!- Alina-malina [~Alina-mal@unaffiliated/alina-malina] has joined #lnd 23:07 < xUlF> thorie: whats the progress 23:32 < thorie> xUlF: downloaded up to 2015-011-19... still a lot more test blocks to go 23:33 < thorie> probably will take another day or two 23:36 < xUlF> for 12 gigs I can't believe its so slow